Tweak - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Random Octonauts Incorporate Quotes of things I've said

I apologize for not getting to one of the asks/questions yet, I'm struggling to think of proper quotes ^^;


Kwazii: Gateboss, Gaskeep, Girllight

Dashi: Close...


Dashi: If you keep this up I will chase you with a fake head on a stick


Peso: Please stop trying to bandage the door knob

Peso: It's not going to fix anything, you're just making it worse-


Barnacles: Ok, it was a mutral Assassination Attempt!



Tweak: *is playing Red Dead Redemption*

Dashi: What are you doing on this guy's farm?

Tweak: I'm invading his cows


Barnacles: Yes, I've been set on fire before

Barnacles: No, I did not enjoy it


Shellington: Yes, I exist

Shellington: I don't know why

Shellington: But I exist, and I am your problem now


I apologize for how short/bad this one is ^^;

Schools been picking up a bit and I'm struggling with motivation

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3 years ago

Tweak x Kwazii incorrect quotes? I love your blog btw!

Thank you so much ^^

(I [still] haven't seen Ring of Fire, so I'm going to swing blindly at the wind and hope I did something)

Now that I'm reading over all I've written, this is 99% chaos


Tweak: I'm going to need a human skull, but you can't ask why

Kwazii: Aye, as long as you don't ask where I got them

Kwazii: *pulls out 3 well preserved human skulls*

Tweak: ò - ó

Tweak, grabbing one: This one, thanks


Kwazii, standing over a volcano: WE EITHER DIE FREE, OR DIE TRYING!!!

Tweak, right next to him: ARE THOSE REALLY THE ONLY CHOICES!?


Tweak: Does anyone here know a good vendor of brass knuckles? Profesional quality preferred

Barnacles: You say, the MOST concerning things sometimes...

Kwazii: Here

*hands Tweak high quality brass knuckles*

Tweak: Thanks!

Barnacles, in shock: ',:|


Tweak: Why are you on fire?

Kwazii: No clue, but I'm vibing


Tweak: We vegatarians love the environment!

Kwazii: How can you say you love the environment, when yOU KEEP EATING ALL OF THE PLANTS-


Kwazii: You know, it's nice to be wanted ^^

*sirens sound in the distance*

Tweak, running into the room: NOT BY THE LAW-


Tweak: Did you get the eggs?

Kwazii: I found something even better!

Tweak: Kwazii-

Kwazii: *holds up a chicken*

Kwazii: Her name is Pecky! Like Becky, but Peck!

Vegamals: *collective face palm*


Kwazii: I'm in love with you

Tweak, covered in baking powder: We called off the prank war less than an hour ago??

Kwazii: Yeah I know

Tweak: o _ o

Tweak: Ah, ok, got it. Cool. Very cool. Nice. Yes. Um.... coolcoolcool-

Kwazii: >:)


Kwazii: What are your three (3) best qualities?

Tweak: Smart, soft hair, and I can easily bench press you


Tweak: What are your three (3) best qualities?

Kwazii: Fast, cunning, and being a beacon of chaos 24/7


Tweak: Screwdriver-

Kwazii: Screwdriver

Tweak: Wrench-

Kwazii: Wrench

Tweak: Lazer pointer-

Kwazii: Lazer poi...

Kwazii: Wait-

Tweak: *turns on the lazer pointer and points it to a nearby wall*

Kwazii: RED DOT-


Kwazii, trying to flirt: So... what would you do if you were in bed with me?

Tweak: Is your bed comfortable

Kwazii: Yes...?

Tweak: I'd sleep.


Kwazii running towards Tweak: CATCH ME!!

Tweak, who's working on the gups: What-

Kwazii: *crashes into Tweak and lands both of them in the water*


Tweak: Is something burning?

Kwazii: Just my love for you

Tweak, looking behind Kwazii: Nope, that palm tree is on fire


Tweak: I owe you one

Kwazii: 7pm, under the stars. It's a date >:)


Requests are still open ^^

I'm also working on the rules and general stuff for asks/request + introduction

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3 years ago

Might I request baranacles x kwazii headcanons If they havent been done yet?

Sure thing!!

Also: I'm happy to do requests of characters I've done before!! Same for any headcanons and/or scenarios ^^

[I apologize if some quotes repeat for different characters, some work for several ^^;]

** = tw for that quote

Pink boarder = NSFW

Cw/Tw for mention of drugs in one quote and implied NSFW (minor/small amount)


Barnacles walking into the kitchen and seeing all of their pineapples* peeled: Kwazii, what in the ever loving H-E-L-L?

Kwazii, drinking water as he didn't spend hours peeling pineapples: Morning! :3


Kwazii: Alright, I'm going to pick up the wedding cake

Barnacles: Perfect, while you do that I'll go talk to the ring bear

Kwazii: Ay-

Kwazii: Wait-

Kwazii: You mean ring bearER, right??

Barnacles: Ummm...

Orson and Ursa in the other room: OwO


Kwazii: So, I heard you like cats?

Barnacles: Why yes, I do!

Kwazii: *calmly twists their body in a way only cats can*

Barnacles, scared and shocked: *aggressively sounds octo alert*

Barnacles: Peso...


Barnacles: Danger never rests, we must remain vigilant

Kawaii: You haven't slept in almost a week please-


Kwazii and Barnacles during The Carrier Crab + Sea Urchin episode:

Barnacles: Well, this is getting both embarrassing and concerning...

Kwazii: GETTING? It's been since we answered the door!


Barnacles: Kwazii, isn't this a bit... too dangerous??

Kwazii: Captain, please! We've been in TONS of unexpected and dangerous predicaments before! And we've always managed to get away without a scratch!

Barnacles: ...

Kwazii: Sometimes. Sometimes we get away without a scratch...

Barnacles: ',:/

Kwazii: ...

Kwazii: Ok, once... and the gup crashed on the way back...


Kwazii: Here's a fun fact! There's a company that turns dead bodies into ocean reefs!



Kwazii and Barnacles on an Island with a volcano

Barnacles: It's very hot on this island, and there are no signs of wild life either...

Kwazii: I know! It's so hot that the mountain over there is smoking and melting!

Barnacles looking up at the "mountain:: *sees smoke and lava*

Barnacles: I don't know how you manage this-

Kwazii: Manage what?

Barnacles, already sounding an octo alert: That's a volcano Kwazii...


Kwazii: Pardon the disturbance Captain-

Barnacles: You're laying on my desk-


Barnacles: You got arrested for stealing a parrot?

Kawaii: It looked like Pete...


Barnacles, swimming out of a deep hole: Hello Kwazii

Kwazii, in shock: You died?? Your oxygen ran out!!! I SAW YOU DIE-

Barnacles, calm as ever: Death is an illusion, now let's get back to the gup, my air tank is almost empty...



Barnacles: What are amphetamines again?

Kwazii: Drugs that can go on land and water

Barnacles: No...


Kwazii when they first joined the Octonauts: While I don't know much about you, I'm confident that you put yourself in danger a lot more than you should...

Barnacles: I...

Tweak from the other room: YOU'RE CORRECT!!


Barnacles: I'm about to do something stupid...

Kwazii: Me?


Barnacles: *cracks his knuckles*

Kwazii: Hey, check this out!

Kwazii: *folds*

Barnacles: Wha-


Kwazii: The mouth of a jellyfish is also an anus

Barnacles: WHERE do you keep getting these facts?

Kawaii: Shellington :)


*I asked ppl for a random fruit and one said Pineapple

Sorry for this taking so long ^^ Schools been beating my ass lol

Requests are still open ^^

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3 years ago

Incorrect Octonauts Quotes but everyone is getting hurt in some way (nothing serious)

(+ note at the end)


Barnacles: Alright, explain how this happened again?

Professor Inkling, who is tangled in his own tentacles: I challenge Kwazii while he was on cat nip-


Peso: Good morning Twe...

Peso: Um, Tweak?

Tweak, whose arm is stuck in a gup: Oh, mornin' Peso!


Kwazii: *backflips off a wall and into an Octoshoot*

Barnacles, who is walking near the end of the shoot: Something is telling me that something bad is about to happen...

Kwazii: *exists the shoot at full speed and crashes into Barnacles*

Barnacles, who is now on the floor: Ah, that's what it was...


Dashi: *is taking pictures with flash on*

Dashi turning the camera towards her: I wonder...

*blinds herself while taking a picture*


Shellington: *trips over nothing in front of Kwazii*

Kwazii taking advantage of the situation: Can't stop falling for me Shellington?

Shellington, confused: Wha-


Vegimals: *doing their little cooking thing*

Vegi-Bot: *chaotic beeping*

Tunip in Vegimalese: Oh no-

The kitchen: *explodes*


Peso examining a patient: Ok, almost done

Kwazii walking in: Oh hey Peso! I was wondering if-

The patient: *freaks out at Kwazii*

Kwazii: *freaks out back*

Peso: o _ o


I want to apologize for being so inactive for a while + not getting to asks as quickly as I should. Some (pretty bad) things happened, and I deleted all social media from my phone in a panic. I'll be trying to crank out a lot more content now (I'm on break from school)

Also, sorry for this being so short/dull lol

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3 years ago

Can we get some Peso x Kwazii quotes from your High school/College AU :)


I'm surprised someone remembered this AU ^^


Kwazii running through the halls: Hey! Peso!!

Peso, who's just trying to get to his next class: Uh, yes?

Kwazii: So, you wanna hang out after school? Maybe have a study session?

Peso: Oh, uh, sure!

*bells ring*

Peso: Shoot, I have to get to class, see you after school!

Kwazii: See ya Peso!

*Peso walks away*

Kwazii: ...

Kwazii: YAAA-

Teacher from the classroom they are near: KWAZII CAT!! Get to class!


Peso: *is studying for an anatomy test*

Kwazii: *is trying to study for a geography test*

Kwazii: So...

Peso: No, your bones can't bend like that Kwazii...


Tweak: So, how did you do on the History quiz?

Kwazii: I think I did pretty well!

Teacher: Kwazii, could you come here for a second

Kwazii: Sure! What seems to be the problem teach?

Teacher: Why are there several drawings of penguins, cats, and otters on this paper?

Kwazii: Umm......

Tweak: Ha, gay


Peso: Um... Kwazii??

Kwazii, completely blitzed out: Yes?

Peso: Can you not lay all over my textbooks?


Barnacles: Ok, so you seem to be struggling in this subject right now. Is there anything distracting you?

Kwazii, staring right at Peso: No-

Barnacles: Ah... OK then....


Dashi: Peso, you're struggling in this subject a bit. Do you know if anything is distracting you?

Peso, zoning out as Kwazii walks by: Um... Ah! No-

Dashi, who is already planning on setting them up on a date: Understood... ;)


Kwazii: Hey, do you think you can help me with this assignment?

Peso: Sure-

Peso: Why is it asked for my number?

Kwazii: Um, no reason... So! Number 3 is-


Peso: Alright, I've almost finished my project, I just need a prop.

Kwazii, a theater kid: What prop do you need?

Peso: Pirate gear, it's for a history project

Kwazii, vibrating with excitement: My time has come-


Peso: Hey, what are you drawing?

Kwazii trying to flirt: A map of your eyes, seeing that I keep getting lost in them

Peso: Aww...

Peso: *starts screaming in a flustered panic*


Shellington: So... have you managed to ask them out yet?

Kwazii and Peso: *shocked*

Kwazii trying to play it off: Ummm... who?

Peso, still confused and shocked: What???

Shellington: Ah, nevermind...


Peso: Kwazii, do you think you can help me with this final paper?

Kwazii: Sure! What do you need?

Peso: I'm writting about bones and joints, primarily the flexibility of them and how far that flexibility can go. I know you're pretty flexible, so do you think I can examine you a bit?

Kwazii, flustered: *verbal keyboard smash*

Kwazii: Ehem, um... Yes!


Sorry this is so short + all over the place ^^;

I'm still trying to get back into writing scenarios and such, which clearly is taking some time-

I'll probably write more info on the Highschool/College AU later tho :)

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2 years ago

Incorrect Octonauts Quotes but I've been gone for a while and am getting back into the swing of things using dumb things I've done/witnessed

Tw/Cw for swearing, flexibly but described weirdly, and a lot of capital letters at the end


Shellington: *info-dumbing about blobfish*

Random person: Um, actually, [incorrect information]

Shellington: You fucking, BITCH-


Kwazii: Hey, check this out

Kwazii: *bends bones in every direction possible*

Peso: That... no-

Barnacles: Good job son, now put your bones back


Dashi: So, can you fix this?

Tweak: Sure thing, here-

Tweak: *aggressively hits machine with a wrench until it works*

Tweak: New record


Barnacles: Alright, how many gear shifts does a car have?

Kwazii, zoned out: 120mph

Barnacles: No-


Professor Inkling: Can someone please explain what a "Himbo" is??

Dashi: *Points at Barnacles*

Dashi: That. That's a Himbo, but with extra brain cells

Barnacles: What...?


Tweak: *is crying in their room*

Tweak: You know what? Fuck this

*Pulls out a bunch of hair dye*

Tweak: Free therapy, screw men


Shellington: Therefore, seize the gay

Peso: Seize the gay?

Shellington: DAY! DAY! I MEANT DAY!!

Kwazii: Too late, SEIZE THE GAY!!!


Barnacles: Please put that down

Dashi holding Shellington on her shoulders: No


Kwazii: I MESSED UP!!






So I'm slowly coming back ^^;

I apologize for the long silence, I've been busy/stressed lol

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2 years ago

Incorrect Octonauts Quotes but everyone is neurodivergent because yes, it's canon

Please note i wrote all of this at school. I'm pretty much brain dead

Tw/Cw for general angst, mentions of overstimulation, etc


Barnacles: *is overstimulated*

Kwazii: *gently throws giant polar bear squishmallow at him*

Barnacles: E


One of Pesos siblings: My big brother told me you're really strong!! How strong are you?

Barnacles: Well-

Kwazii running at Barnacles full speed from behind: showtime

Kwazii: *jumps on Barnacles from behind, nearly knocking him to the ground*


Barnacles, confused: I, um, ye- yes...!


Dashi: Smile!

Everyone else: *smiles kind of normally*

Shellington and Barnacles: *does the "wait how to I smile" thing*


Shellington: *is aggressively talking about a sea creature out of sheer excitement*

Barnacles: *gives a random fact about said creature*

Shellington: :0


Barnacles pointing at Kwazii and Shellington: Friend

Kwazii pointing at Barnacles and Shellington: Friend

Shellington pointing at Barnacles and Kwazii: Friend

Dashi: What are they doing?

Tweak, who's used to this: No worries, it's just something they do


Peso: *zones out staring at a wall*

Kwazii: *joins*

Shellington: *joins*

Tweak: *joins*

Barnacles: *joins*

Dashi just walking by: Is it a good wall???


Shellington and Barnacles: *are mirroring stims*

Kwazii: Oh hey let me get in on that-


Tweak: *is hyperfocused on a project*

Dashi: Hey, I brought you some food

Tweak: Thanks

Tweak: *accidentally bites a screwdriver*



Dashi: I'm pretty sure that's not edible-

Tweak: I knew that


Not editing this because I'm insanely tired and stuff but want to get content out

I'll get to any requests I have in a bit, just trying to get back into it

Requests are still open :)

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2 years ago


You got it ^^

Tw/Cw for light swearing, mention of kidnapping in one quote, mentions of eating (KitKat)


Tweak: Hey, I made you this enhanced microscope, give it a try

Shellington: Sure!

Shellington: *put it to the lowest setting to test it out with some coral*

Tweak: So, how is it?

Shellington: *looks up in shock and looks around the room*

Shellington: I think I can see atoms now...


Shellington: Jings*, it's too dark to see anything

Tweak: I've got this

Tweak: *starts intensity vibrating and slowly glowing*

Shellington: W-

Shellington: wHAT????

Tweak: >:3


Tweak: You-

Tweak: You said I could trust you!! You said you were a gamer!

Shellington: Tweak, I only play puzzle, mystery, and mobile games

Tweak: *turns into shinji*


Shellington: Ok, I have an idea on how to solve this problem

Tweak, pulling out a large wrench: Whatcha got?

Shellington: ...

Shellington: Well for one not throwing wrenches at our problems


Tweak: Hey, I made you this bracelet to fidget with

Shellington, who doesn't really like things on their wrists: Oh, thanks!

*a few days later*

Kwazii: Wow, you're actually wearing a bracelet?

Shellington, who is very happily fidgeting with the bracelet: Y E S


Shellington: No, this isn't a mess. At least not a bad one. Do you know what I consider a mess?

Tweak: The Gup D after each crash or your lab?

Shellington: I- ok yes, but no-


Tweak: Shellington, please stop sleeping in weird places

Shellington, who was sleeping in a small box because he could: No, it's comfortable


Shellington looking up from their book: Ah, Tweak! Do you need anything?

Tweak: Yes

Tweak: *pulls out a KitKat and bites into it whole while keeping eye contact*


Shellington: suddenly I'm regretting all of my life choices...


Shellington: Ok, this is for science

Shellington: What is the opposite of Red? Is it green or blue??

Tweak, calm: I'd guess a mix of green and blue?

Shellington: So... Burple??

Tweak, confused: Wait... That's implying that you're mixing blue and purple?

Shellington: Would you rather have BLEEN? Or bloody GRUE???

Tweak: Before it was confusing, now I'm scared...

Dashi: But he's making a good point-


Shellington: No need to tell me about romance Tweak, I know the mating and life cycles of most every sea creature >:3


Kidnapper: I have your partner

Tweak confused: I...? Partner?

Kidnapper: Then who just called me a bunch of Scottish insults and spit in my face?

Tweak: Oh shit you have Shellington-


Tweak: So tell me why you try to lay on me every chance you get?

Shellington, who just enjoys cuddling: Yes


Shellington: So... you glow?? Why??

Tweak: No clue, but they don't make them like me anymore. I'm the last of my kind >:)

Shellington: I- I don't know how to respond to that


Shellington: I have pretty high standards you know-

Tweak: I live underwater and explore it

Shellington: you're meeting all of my standards-


Tweak: You're horrible...

Shellington, eating a KitKat sideways: Revenge


Shellington, who never went to sleep: Morning Tweak!

Tweak, who also never went to sleep: Morning Shellington

Dashi, who knows neither of them have slept: It's still Wednesday for you two


Tweak: I think we should kiss

Shellington, who's studying some bones: And I think these bones belong to an anglerfish


Tweak: I care about you a lot, and I would do anything (within reason) to make you happy

Shellington: I would be more than happy if you ate, stayed hydrated, got a reasonable amount of sleep, and just take care of yourself


Tweak: No u


*Jings: an exclamation of surprise (Scotland)

A bit of a longer one ^^

[Mention of blood past this point]

I'm not in school today because there was a blood drive at school yesterday and I gave blood. Totally not feeling it the day after-

[End of mention of blood]

Also, I have a tiktok! I'm a cosplayer and do a fair amount of stuff (and I have an Octonauts cosplay planned) here's the account: _.peach.bunni._

Requests still open :)

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2 years ago

Happy April 1st! Have some Octonauts stuff with April Fools

Headcanons - Incorrect Quotes


- Barnacles is the prime victim of Deez Nuts and other verbal jokes

- Barnacles doesn't REALLY participate, but one time he put salt in everyone's coffee/tea (minus Inkling) because Kwazii and Dashi convinced him. He even put it in HIS OWN DRINK because "it's only fair"

- Shellington would be victim of more harmless pranks, such as moving around or hiding books (but NEVER his comfort items)

- Doesn't play pranks unless Kwazii, Dashi, and Tweak are with/need help

- Kwazii would be playing dead/faking injuries/emergencies every other hour

- That or do random whoopee cushions everywhere

- Buckets of water above the door. He would forget they are there and get soaked

- Peso doesn't do too much, probably place stickers at random places

- Or put googly eyes on random objects because it's funny

- Dashi would change everyone's ring tones to meme song

- And would Rick Roll everyone by rigging the Octoalert

- Tweak would set up elaborate pranks to get multiple people at once

- They would 100% use those hand buzzers and shock pens

- Would rig some doorways to drop powder on people

- She would also (probably) work with Dashi to dress up the Vegamals in Among Us outfits

- Everyone THINKS Inkling wouldn't participate or know anything, but this old man is a MENACE

- Knows every trick in the book and how to prank everyone

- The Vegamals aren't too good with pranking people, they would just slightly oversalt something. Not even noticeable





Barnacles: So, how's everyone's day been?

Tweak, soaked: fun

Kwazii, covered in powder: very fun

Dashi taking photos of them: Yes, very fun


Peso placing googly eyes on a door: heehee

*two hours later*

Peso: *walking the halls*

Peso: *sees the door with googly eyes*

Peso: AAAAA-


Barnacles: Dashi! Sound the Octoalert!

Dashi, struggling not to laugh: Mmh- Got it Captain!

*presses button*


*music plays*

Everyone in the Octopod: *collective screaming*


Kwazii placing a bucket of water above a door: Aw yeah, this is going to be awesome

Shellington: *walks under the door*


Shellington: *gets a nice bucket to the head*


Tweak over the speakers: Everyone report to HQ asap!

Everyone: *confused and lowkey panicked*

Barnacles: What's happened? Why is the steering wheel activated?

Kawaii: Did you catch someone? Some THING?

Tweak: Dashi?

Dashi: On it *clicks button*

*steering wheels lowers to reveal Vegamals wearing among us costumes*

*among us music starts playing*


Have a great day everyone ^^

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2 years ago

Guess who's back after 15 years of radio silence? This person >:)

I'll be getting to requests soon, so in the mean time have some Incorrect Octonauts Quotes ^^

+ some random headcanons


Barnacles: So, explain how this works?

Tweak: Kwazii?

Kwazii: Yes?

Tweak: Please explain Pokémon to the Captain

Kwazii, who has the entire Pokémon Rap memorized: *deep inhale*


Peso: Ok, just, hold still for a moment...

Tweak: Got it.


Tweak: *starts vibrating due to too much energy + staying still*


Shellington: *doing the raptor arm thing*

Random person: Is... is he OK? Did he have a stroke or something?

Dashi, trying not to laugh: Na, they're just like that


Professor Inkling: I met Captain Barnacles while teaching a class on Marine Biology. How did you meet him?

Professor Natquik: I threw a snowball and it hit him dead in the face


Tweak: So yeah, that's how I chose my name. How about you?

Tracker: ...

Tracker: I like tracking things down...


Dashi: Ok, now you just have to stand still and balance! Balance is key when on a surfboard

Kwazii: Pff, easy!

Kwazii: *tail starts swaying due to focus and touches the water*

Kwazii: YAAAA- *falls in*


Peso: Here, have a sticker!

Kwazii: This is a cat sticker saying "purr-fect"...

Peso: Oh, sorry, I'll give you a new one-

Kwazii, aggressive sticking it on their hat: No I love it and I'll keep it forever



Shellington: Hold on, I think I have something for this...

Dashi: What is it?

Shellington: *pulls a giant box filled with lab equipment from his bag*


Dashi: How tf did that fit in that tiny bag...


* Credit to something @manilovewomen pointed out in a post they made about how Octonauts characters just pull things out of no where/pull things from bags that shouldn't fit ^^

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2 years ago

Incorrect Octonauts Quotes based on more dumb things I've said/done

Tw/Cw for swearing, mention of faking de♤th


Kwazii: There are no suitable homos

Tweak: Oh no! No suitable homos!!

Dashi: ...aren't all of us homos-


Peso: Sir, your potatoes are falling

Peso, panicked: SiR, yOuR pOtAtOs ArE fAlLiNg-


Shellington: Kwazii, should you be doing that?

Kwazii, prepared to bend in ways no person should: Don't doubt my spine


Professor Inkling: Back in my day, I wasn't blind


Peso, ready to almost snap: Sometimes you have to hit a 9 year old with a broom


Shellington, overstimulated and tired: mmh

Some child: O-O

Shellington, still overstimulated and tired: Who is your owner??

Pearl: Shell what the fu-


Barnacles: Yes, she got abducted

Dashi: Wh-

Barnacles: Adopted, I meant adopted

Dashi: how did you mix up adopted and abducted-?




Barnacles after getting hurt again: Do I count as property damage??


Shellington: I can't speak that much straight


Professor Natquik: Please stop aggressively pointing that metal detector at me-

Tracker: *points metal detector more aggressively*


Barnacles: I wonder who else they have coming up...

Tracker, checked out: Tuba


Professor Natquik: That's it! I know what will get people to leave me alone!

Professor Natquik: Faking my death!!!


Kwazii: I think I broke a rib-

Peso: How?

Kwazii: Binder

Shellington shouting from across the room: UNLEASH THE HONKA BONGAS YOU DUMB BITCH, I love you

Peso: What they said but less aggressive


Bianca: Look at this tiny snake it has no teeth wait why is it doing that is it going to attack me it's going to attack isn't it but it's not going to hurt it doesn't have teeth but a lot of things don't have teeth and it hurts when it bites you like babies why the fuck-


Tweak: Motorcycle is bike on steroids


Yes, I say and do a lot of dumb things, and I still have more things I can use to write-

I'm trying to get into writing more characters, mainly those who aren't on the Octopod all the time. I only have access to Octonauts through YouTube so it's a bit difficult lol

Hope you all have a good day/night ^^ ♡

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2 years ago

hi!! could you do octonauts comforting headcannons? like you had a bad day or just feeling sad, how they would react. thank you!!!! 🥰🥰🥰

YESS!!!! It's been so long since I've written something in this format, let's go >:)

I also added some other characters ^^


Captain Barnacles

- Instant Dad Mode (said as if he's not in Dad Mode 99% of the time-)

- Doesn't always know what to do, but he tires his best

- Would ask what was wrong or if anything happened

- He honestly (almost) takes the most time out of anyone here to make sure you're ok [not that the others don't take time], this man is thorough

- He gives great bone crushing hugs, the type of hugs you'd never forget (in a good way)

- Gives the Dad Pep Talk (TM) to you (the good one, not the "What's 6 × 3" angry pep talk)



- Doesn't really know how to approach at first

- Ends up going in calm before going more energetic

- Always asks if your up to do anything to distract you from whatever may have happened

- Would 100% tell you stories about Calico Jack or some things they've done before joining the Octonauts

- Wraps their tail around your arm/hand/wrist in comfort (if you're ok with that)

- You have a high chance of getting softly tackles and purred on by Kwazii. As well as getting biscuits made on you



- I'm 90% sure he's the oldest (if not one of the middle-older) of like, 50- most are cousins but they are basically siblings in a Spanish family (- from a Spanish person)

- The first time he's a little nervous, but after that they find things that will work for you ^^

- Would build a pillow fort, no questions asked. They are the 2nd best in the Octopod when it comes to pillow forts

- Probably pulls out a sticker sheet and gives you some, ESPECIALLY if they have puns

- Movie night, you guys just vibe in a pillow fort watching some good movies with some snacks. Maybe the Vegimals will join you guys



- No hesitation, grabs your hand (or asks you to follow her if you don't like touch) and plans something fun to do

- One of the first questions out if their mouth is if you want/need to vent

- Hypes you up no matter what. Got in an argument? Get it, you stood firm and held your ground. Someone left you? You're going to get better, you're doing amazing now.

- She'll show you her photo album/vidoes, especially photos of funny moments she managed to capture

- They'd 100% pull out a box of horror movies that are so bad they are funny, and spend the night watching them with you



- It takes a bit for Tweak to fully notice, but when they do, it's game over

- Pillow Fort. You can't tell me that they aren't the best at making pillow forts

- Yes, they are working on something while you're talking (if you are OK with talking) but she is paying attention and holding on to every detail while planning on what to say

- After a while (especially if it's late) they will have their video game console ready to go with another controller ready for use (if you want to play)

- Probably plays some more chill and calming games, like Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, or Uno

- That or more high energy games, like Splatoon, Bioshock, or Overwatch (those games do a good job at taking your mind off of things)



- Gestures for you to give them your hand

- Guess what? You now own a very cool looking piece of coral

- After that they lead you to their lab and starts setting up a little blanket fort (different from a pillow fort)/nest for you guys to vibe in

- The Vegimals join after a little while and will just lay on you guys

- Shellington would read to you, no questions asked

- That, or set up a projector they have and watch some movies (probably Disney or Pixar, maybe a history movie or two)


Professor Inkling

- Looks at you for a bit to get a good read on you, similar to Shellington

- After a while he'll approach you and ask for you to follow him to the Library

- There, there's already tea and other things ready for you guys

- Doesn't pressure you to talk to him about anything, just grabs a book and starts reading (out loud if you ask)

- Give some of the BEST advice. He's pretty old, and is seen as a grandfather by anyone he works with. This dude has wisdom and knows how to give it to you in a nice manner



- Will either bake something for you, or get you to help them bake for others (and yourself, depends on what you like)

- You get to see the chaos unfold around you as flour rains down around you

- That, or they will take you to the Garden Pod to do some gardening with them (this normally ties in with baking/cooking tho, they need to get ingredients)

- I headcanon that they can purr, and they pur LOUD

- One would just climb on your back and start purring (probably Salepeño, Barrot, or Codish)



- Gives you their jacket, and no, they won't take no for am answer here

- Also makes you some hot coco/coffee/tea

- Lets you talk when you want to, it's your choice

- Likes to show you cool things they found to take your mind off of things

- At some point they'll break the (likely) silence with a flurry of encouragement and affection, "You're doing amazing", "I know things are rough, but you'll be able to pull through", "You should be proud of yourself, you're doing well" and other other things


Professor Natquik

- He knows. That's it. He knows

- Doesn't even question it that much, he kinda just... takes you???

- Think about the thing cat's do with their kittens, that

- Makes you a nice drink, sits you down, and just talks with you. You don't have to respond if you don't want to, he'll gladly ramble on about his work and support for you

- Tells some really funny stories (such as how he met Barnacles by hitting him in the face with a snowball) [headcanon]

- You'll probably end up falling asleep by mistake, but he's happy. Brings out a fluffy blanket and drapes it over you. Get some rest, you deserve it ^^



- Orson and Ursa are already on you asking questions, but they only want to cheer you up and help you feel better

- Bianca probably sends them off to play for a bit while she stays with you

- Instant hug (if you're ok with it), just as strong as Barnacles

- She gives amazing advice, and is always willing to help (and throw hands, just in case)

- Ursa and Orson come back after a while with little snow bunnies they made


Ranger Marsh

- Would ask what was wrong but walk away before you could answer

- Then he'd have a baby alligator in his arms and just hand it to you/put it on your lap

- Congratulations, you now have a therapy alligator

- He would also hand you a packet of crackers and some water. Don't think when you're dehydrated/hungry, there's a fair chance that your brain and body is being pissy. He's a walking Snickers ad in a way

- Also does the (good) Dad Pep Talk (TM) at the end


Calico Jack

- How they respond depends on where you are, so for this I'll just say your guys are in the Amazon-

- Congratulations, you are now in a Capybara cuddle pile with Calico Jack laughing (but in a nice way, like "aww, cuddle pile")

- He does the same thing as Kwazii, wraps their tail around your arm/hand/wrist (if you're ok with it) and does the purr

- Like Grandfather like Grandspawn

- Would 100% make a fake treasure hunt for you to take your mind off of things



- I don't know much about Panni, but I feel like he'd offer you a nice rock

- If you guys are outside he'd try to take you to a place with a good view and have a little picnic with you (that they TOTALLY didn't make last minute /s [he made it last minute] )

- Just vibes with you watching the sky and clouds. Also probably looked at the sun by mistakes at least once no I'm not projecting

- Will try to get you to talk about it, but will back off if you don't want to. He's glad to fill the silence with things he's done



Sorry for being gone for so long, exams are next week and my brain is ascending into the floor rn lol

Requests are still open ^^

Tags :
2 years ago

Captain Dashi of the Octoray headcanons?

Ooo, haven't heard of this one yes, this will be fun ^^ /pos


- Has pictures of their old team hanging EVERYWHERE

- As time goes on she'll add photos of her new crew

- I'm 100% sure that the kids/siblings of the Octopod Crew will be with Dashi on the Octoray when they are older (Including Koshi)

- So chaotic if the kids/siblings are there when older, mainly because she (likely) knew them and has embarrassed pictures of them (like Pinto faceplanting into Ice, Periwinkle getting scared by seaweed, etc.)

- She'd also hire some different crew from the kids when they're old enough, maybe have an extra medic with them just in case

- Members of the Octopod will always come to visit, even if retired. Same for the Octoray, they'll just drop by ^^

- Dashi gets sentimental every time they look at the pictures of her old team AND the new team. She'll get to watch them grow up and eventually hand off the Octoray to one of them, maybe even reassign them as a Captain of their own ship

- Everything is technology. EVERYTHING. Even more than on the Octopod. They demand it

- Tweak, Kwazii, and Shellington are the most likely to visit her. Barnacles will go every once and a while to check up on her, he'll bring Peso along too. The Vegimals and Inkling will visit at the same time every year or so depending

- Calls every single day between the Octopod and Octoray, same for game nights

- Some Vegimals will likely go with her

- The crew she hires before the kids comes and goes a lot, only like, 2 or 3 would stay until the end. Dashi is also VERRRRY selective about who they pick to be on her crew. I can see Pearl as one of the ones to come on and stay until retirement

- They have a special photo album that she keeps to herself. It's full of very special memories from the Octopod and Octoray, new and old team. It has their best and favorite memories

- In her eventually retirement, she'd hand the Octoray off to Koshi. Something is telling me Periwinkle would be her 2nd in command. Orson and Ursa would likely get sent to their own Octo-something. Pinto, I have no clue, that kid would be back and forth, freelancing and working on both ships T-T

- Still takes so many pictures, even more than when on the Octopod. They're now in control of where the ship goes, she can find all of the best spots to take pictures and help sea creatures


Heeheehoohoo, some light feels and sad depending on what mental state you're in >:)

Tags :
2 years ago


Sorry, accidentally vanished from this account for a few months lol, sorry about that. I've been a bit more active on my alts (pinned) lol.

Anyways, have some Incorrect Octonauts Quotes:


Barnacles: So... why?

Kwazii: Why not?

Barnacles: ...

Barnacles: Because it's dangerous...?

Kwazii: You act as if that has ever stopped me from doing ANYTHING


Dashi: Smile!

*camera flash*

Dashi: Alright, let's look...

The picture:

Kwazii has red eyes, Shellington, Peso, and Barnacles look ready to collapse, Tweak is somehow blurred, and Professor Inkling is an eldritch horror

Dashi: ... ok, maybe no more flash usage...


Kwazii: INCOMING!!!

Everyone: *panics*

Kwazii: Wait, false alarm, my bad!


Tweak: What if we put double turbo boosters on the Gup B...

Kwazii: YES!

Peso: No!

Barnacles: I'll take away both of your Gup privileges.


Shellington: I can't feel my mouth...

Peso: When was the last time you drank water??

Shellington: ...

Shellington: I'd... rather not answer that...


Barnacles: Wow, what a nice day! I bet nothing will go wrong!

Kwazii, Tweak, Dashi, and Shellington in the background:



Yeah... so, uh, yeah :)

I hope you enjoyed this very short thing, and I'll (hopefully) get to requests soon T___T

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1 year ago

Heyyy :D I just wanna quickly say I love your content!! It's amazing!! I was wondering if I could get some Peso x Shellington headcannons?

Thank you so much ^^


Sorry for the absence, I was in highschool, which I've GRADUATED FROM! Ignore that I graduated early June, I'm working on college stuff too.

So, I'm back to work here >:3


• At first, Peso thought Shellington was constantly in the med bay because of how accident prone he is

• Shellington mirrors Peso's stims, Peso mirrors Shellington's stims. They stim loop for HOURS

• Shellington would use "I want to learn first aid" as an excuse to spend more time with Peso without being hurt

• Alternatively, Peso would use "I want to learn more about this creature so I can provide better care" as an excuse to spend more time with Shellington with Shellington being hurt

• Dashi and Kwazii are the ones that ultimately got them together

• It was obvious to every that they were both pining after each other. Really obvious. Even Barnacles caught on. Do better.

• Catch these two info dumping at 3am, Peso half asleep and still talking while Shellington is vibrating in place waiting for their turn again

• Peso did Shellington's top surgery. It's canon, I was the bandage roll on the top shelf

• Shellington likes to bite, Peso preens (canon to their real life uhhhhh... alternates, animals, idk, o forgot the word)

• Shellington doesn't understand a single bit of Spanish. Peso always compliments him and says loving phrases in Spanish to them

• Family reunions are chaotic

• While Shellington has a small family, Peso's is big enough to fill a convention building with people still waiting outside

• Picture a baby penguin pointing at Shellington and saying, "Mama! Look at this weird penguin! He's got a lot of fuzzy feathers!" While Peso is trying not to laugh in the background

• Peso is the honorary 2nd father/older brother to the Vegimals now, I don't make the rules

• They have mini dates in the Gup E. Tweak has a strict "Don't let Shellington touch the wheel" with that gup


I'm back, expect a few posts today/in the next few days on both this account and my side accounts

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1 year ago

maybe some incorrect quotes of barnacles just being a dad?


Barnacles: Don't put that in your mouth.


Barnacles: There are some things beyond our understanding. We must accept them and learn from them. Because these moments of crisis are also potential moments of faith. A time, when we either come together or fall apart. Nature always has a way of balancing itself. The only question is, what part will we play?

Inkling: Did you just make that up?

Barnacles: No. I read it in a fortune cookie once.


Barnacles: A really long fortune cookie...


Tired Kwazii: CAPTAIN! This soup is flaccid!



Barnacles: I'm a firm believer in "if you're going to fail, you might as well fail spectacularly."


Barnacles: Can I have a private talk with you?

Peso: Okay, as long as it’s not about tampons because I just don’t understand them.


Barnacles: Tweak just said, "I have an appetite for destruction," and then they reached down and untied my shoe.

Barnacles: And I have no idea what to do about it. She's running around untying shoes.


Barnacles: Now then, what do you call disobeying the law?

The Squad: A hobby.

Barnacles: *crosses arms*

The Squad: That we do not engage in...

Kwazii, in the back: I do!


*In a horror movie situation*

Barnacles: I've got no service in my phone here. I'm going to check around for another phone.

Tweak: Shoot, my battery just died.... *pulls out a whole took kit out of nowhere*

Kwazii, kicking a hammer away: Sorry guys, I just broke my phone with a hammer.

Shellington: Guys, my phone is a book.


Barnacles: Stop setting things on fire because you're curious about what will happen. What will happen is fire.

Turnip, holding a lighter and flan: But what if something else happens just this one time.


Barnacles: I have a bad feeling about this...

Shellington: What do you mean?

Barnacles: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble?

Kwazii: No?

Dashi: That actually explains SO much.


Barnacles: Remember what I told you.

Tweak: Don’t be a cunt?

Barnacles: N O-


Dashi: What’s something you guys are better than Barnacles at?

Kwazii: Mario Kart.

Tweak: Yeah, video games.

Peso: Emotional vulnerability.


Inkling, watching Tweak and Kwazii panic : What's going on?

Barnacles: Tweak is having a midlife crisis, and Kwazii is just having a crisis.


Barnacles: What can therapy do for me that screaming in my gup for 30 minutes can’t?



Tags :
8 months ago

Guess who's back from the dead


Barnacles: So... explain to me what happened?

Kwazii, hat on fire: No...


Barnacles: Are you alright?

Peso: Short answer or long answer?

Barnacles, concerned: Short?

Peso: No.

Barnacles, very concerned: Long?

Peso: Nooooooo. Definitely not.


Shellington: Okay, but what if we went to dinner not as friends this time?

Kwazii: AS ENEMIES?!

Shellington: facepalm


Professor Inkling, reading a recipe: Beat three eggs?

Kwazii: It means in hand-to-hand combat.

Professor Inkling: Oh... erm...?

Vegimals, all of them: Get out.


Barnacles: Alright Shellington, Kwazii. Let's go over this one more time.

Barnacles: If something breaks?

Shellington: We try to fix it before Tweak gets home.

Barnacles: And if that doesn't work?

Kwazii: We blame Peso.

Peso: Seriously!?

Barnacles: No.


Tweak: My hands are cold.

Dashi: Here, let me hold them.

Tweak: My lips are cold too.

Dashi: covers Tweak's mouth with their hand


Dashi: Let’s not Kwazii this into a worse situation than it already is.

Kwazii: Did you just use my name as a verb?


Kwazii: This date is boring!

Shellington: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.

Kwazii: Then why did you invite me?

Shellington: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Shellington I'll do whatever I want!


Professor Inkling: Did you study for the marine biology test?

Kwazii: Of course I did! Listen: fish are remarkably well adapted to water. What’s more, they can swim.

Professor Inkling: sighs with exhaustion only achievable by an elderly man who has dealt with too much can achieve


Shellington: We should be partners.

Kwazii: You mean like, partners in crime?

Shellington: Yeah... that’s precisely what I meant.


Barnacles: Does everyone know their job for today?

Professor Inkling: Water the flowers.

Tweak: Vacuum the carpet.

Dashi: Wash the dishes.

Kwazii: Pretend to be a wolverine.

Barnacles: Close enough.



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7 months ago

Octonauts - A new Generation

Chapter 3

Stella’s temporary guardian

Tweak’s pov

All of the little ones have settled down in their room now. The Octonauts had spent the rest of the morning giving them a tour of the Octopod. Tweak proudly showed them all the new upgrades and extra rooms that have been added. Now the kids are unpacking their bags in the rooms she had added for the junior Octo-agents while they’re in training. Now she’s standing in the HQ with the Octonauts, discussing how the rest of the day should go. Peso was going on and on about important medical conditions of some of the kids, making sure Tunip pays close attention to all of the food allergies he’s mentioning. Tweak takes a peak out of the window into the wide, open ocean. The rest of the crew all have close relationships with at least one of the kids. Even Kwazii, who isn’t related to any of them, has formed a close relationship with Pinto. Tweak is the only one that doesn’t. Knowing that, she misses her home and her father even more.

“…Shellington with Periwinkle, Tweak with Stella and Kwazii and I will be with the twins. Understood?”, the captain’s naturally loud voice cuts through Tweak’s thoughts when her name is said. Everyone each says their form of agreement before going wherever it is they’re going. Not really knowing what to do, Tweak decides to go find Stella.

Arriving in the girls’ room, Tweak finds Dashi already helping out Koshi. “Do you need any help Stella?”, she asks. The fox lifts her head and looks her straight into her eyes. After a moment of her staring at Tweak, she finally replies: “Kind of. I need help re-folding my clothes.” Tweak walks over to her, kneels down and begins folding her clothes and putting them in her assigned wardrobe, a great silence upon the two of them. From the left side, Dashi and Koshi can be heard talking about mystery books. From the right side, Ursa can be heard telling the captain about everything she’s been up to in the North Pole. I should probably try and start a conversation with her. I’ll be her temporary guardian for a while after all.

“So what do ya like to do in your free time?”, the bunny asks. “Reading, writing, studying, helping my uncle with his work, watching the fresh snow fall, watching the sun set…”, Stella starts rambling on about the beautiful sights in the arctic. Wow, she seems really passionate about her home, Tweak thinks to herself. She can’t really blame her. There is no other place quite like home. After some small chat, Tweak starts noticing how Stella shoots a few glances at her every now and then. “Is there somethin’ wrong?”, she asks, “You have been givin’ me weird looks for a while now.” “I-It’s nothing. I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. It’s just that…I have never seen a green rabbit before”, Stella tries to explain. It takes a while for Tweak to process what the fox just said. No one else has ever questioned her strange colour before. Maybe they just didn’t want to be rude. This fox one the other hand, can’t hide her curiosity. Tweak grins at that thought. “Yeah, it’s an unusual colour indeed”, she says with a smile. She looks over to Stella, who seems to be shocked by her answer. This just made Tweak smile wider. She put away the last piece of clothing before getting up and ruffling the pup’s hair. Stella shrieks in response. Tweak is starting to like this pup already.

With Tweak’s suggestion in mind, the two girls make their way to the game pod. Only to find Kwazii and Orson already there, playing ping pong. “Maybe we could do something else”, Stella suggests, “We should get to know each other more anyway.” “Good idea”, Tweak says, trying to think of where they should go. Maybe I should take her to the launch bay. I could show her how to play my video games and then we could talk while playing, Tweak thinks to herself. Leading the way, Tweak shows Stella where her room is. “How come all the others get a proper room, while you have this open space in the launch bay?”, is naturally Stella’s first question. “Don’t get your ears in a twist. I want my room to be here. Wouldn’t have it any other way”, with that, Tweak takes a bite into a carrot that she pulled out of nowhere. The pup tilts her head in confusion as she lets Tweak’s words sink in. “Okay…”, she finally answers, her voice portraying confusion and concern. “C’mon, let me show ya how to play”, she said, making hand gestures towards her gaming console.

An hour of more small talk, gaming and solving riddles later, Tunip comes in to let the two know that lunch is ready. Tweak gets up from the bed, looking back to see if Stella’s following her. Instead, she sees the girl’s head tilting once again, as she observes Tunip. “Did I say something wrong?”, Tunip chirps confused. That’s when Tweak realized that, other than the Octonauts, no one else knew much about the Vegimals. Looking at the curiosity portrayed on Stella's face, Tweak starts laughing. “This here is Tunip. He’s what Shellington calls a Vegimal. He and his crew are the ones in charge of cookin’ our meals. He may not necessarily speak out language, but he can still understand us”, Tweak explains. Tunip chirps happily while waving at Stella. Stella returns the gesture. “C’mon, let’s go see what the Vegimals have cooked for us today”, Tweak says while heading towards an Octo-shoot.

Tweak observed Stella throughout the whole meal. Stella, just like Periwinkle, never spoke unless spoken to. They both gave awkward and shy vibes. It’s obvious to everyone that they aren’t the best at socializing. Tweak has learned quite a lot about Stella and has gotten quite fond of her. She now worries that Stella won’t be able to make friends her age at this rate.

After dessert, the kids are told to get to know each other more. Orson, Ursa, Squirt, Koshi and Pinto enthusiastically go down an Octo-shoot, leaving Periwinkle and Stella behind. “Go on Peri, it’ll do you good to make friends your age”, Shellington said, trying to motivate the young sea otter. Tweak opens her mouth in an effort to speak, before getting interrupted by the captain: “You should do the same Stella. It will certainly calm your uncle’s nerves to hear that you have made some friends. That is one of the reasons why your uncle brought you here, isn’t it?” The captain’s voice is much more softer than it usually is. It sounds soothing, calming and reassuring. It’s not often that Tweak has the opportunity to hear his voice like that. Stella sighs and joins Periwinkle on their quest to make new friends. Tweak can only hope that all goes well for them.

Other chapters

Tags :
5 months ago

Octonauts - A new Generation

Chapter 7


Barnacles’ pov

Missing humuhumunukunukuapua'a part 2

His alarm goes off. He jumps out of bed. He puts on his cold suit. He brushes his teeth. He goes through the Octo-shoot and into the HQ. This was his daily morning routine. Despite going to bed late, he still woke up early. While yawning, he walks to the hot cocoa machine and puts his cup in place. It has been years since Barnacles has had coffee. It took him quite a while to get used to having hot cocoa instead, but now he’s practically addicted to it. He remembers the first (and hopefully last) time the Octonauts and Octo-agents had completely run out of hot cocoa. No matter how hard he tried to hide his disappointment, he has a sneaking suspicion that it still showed.

As he takes a sip of his hot cocoa, Dashi hops out of the Octo-shoot, shortly followed by Tweak.

“Good morning ladies”, Barnacles says.

“Morning cap”, Tweak yawns as she walks towards the hot cocoa machine.

“Good morning captain Barnacles”, Dashi replies in a formal manner, as always.

“How did you sleep?”, he asks, knowing full well how Tweak will answer.

The rabbit groans as she stretches herself. “Could barely sleep, once again”, she answers annoyed.

“I slept fairly well, thanks for asking. How about you captain?”, Dashi returns the question.

“Oh, well…I also slept well”, Barnacles replies.

“You’re the worst at ly’ng”, Tweak remarks while chuckling, “I heard you ‘nd the others returning long past midnight."

“I see. Well, I hope we didn’t wake you up”, Barnacles says sheepishly, ashamed that he had been caught.

“Not at all, I was just about-a hop out of bed and play a li’l until sleep finally finds me”, Tweak resplies while laughing.

Barnacles peaks over to Dashi, who gave him a concerned look.

“With all due respect, perhaps you should stay in bed a little longer captain”, Dashi calmly says.

Barnacles loves her calm voice, but he is ashamed at how she’s more professional than he is.

“There is no need to worry about me Dashi, I’ll be fine. Besides, I need to continue the search for the missing humuhumu”, he says firmly.

Dashi’s concerned expression does not ease away. She opens her mouth to say something, but is interrupted by an ear screeching yell from the Octo-shoot.

“YYOOOWWWW!”, a ginger cat comes shooting out of the Octo-shoot, making a double front flip as he does so.

“Captain, I’m ready to continue the search!”, Kwazii exclaims, with a bit too much enthusiasm for someone who is supposed to be tired.

“I am ready as well”, Peso says while letting out a yawn.

“Are you sure?”, Barnacles asks with worry, “I can go on my own if you’re too tired-“

“Don’t worry captain!”, Kwazii yells.

“We’ll find Humpert and then come back to get some rest”, Peso calmly reassures.

“Alright”, Barnacles says, seeing the flames of determination in both Kwazii and Peso, “Let’s get going.”

The trio had been searching for Humpert for hours now. With each hour that passed, Peso grew more and more uneasy. Barnacles had observed the same behavior the day before, and was starting to get concerned about his crew mate. The whole crew had become a family, but of course, they all still have their own secrets, their own hidden past lives that might be revealed when the time comes to do so.

After another hour of searching for the humuhumu without any success, Barnaces decides that the trio should take a break and eat something. Peso, however, politely excuses himself and continues searching for the fish on his own. It took some persuading, but Barnacles ended up giving him perission to do so.

“What’s wrong with our lil’ matey?”, Kwazii asks as soon as the medic leaves the gup-A.

“I’m not sure”, Barnacles calmly responds.

“Should we ask him?”, Kwazii sugggests.

Barnacles thinks for a minute. He is concerned about the penguin, but if Peso is not ready to talk about it, then they shouldn’t push him to do so. On the other hand, maybe all it takes for Peso to finally open up is for them to ask him what’s going on. Either way, there’s no harm in asking him. As long as they do it politely.

“We’ll ask him about it when the time is right”, Barnacles confirms.

As soon as the duo finish eating, they continue with their search, while also keeping an eye out for Peso.

“I’m near a coral reef captain”, Peso’s voice explains through the radio.

“I see one up ahead on the left!”, Kwazii excitedly exclaims.

“We’re on our way Peso”, Barnacles’ tone was calm.

It didn’t take long for the duo to find the penguin. They continued their search for a few more hours. Peso was getting more and more impatient, making the others more and more concerned. Kwazii gives Barnacles a sad look. Barnacles nods shortly, signalizing that now is the right time.

“Are you alright me hearty?”, Kwazii calmly asks, with an unnaturally comforting voice for someone like him.

“Yeah”, Peso sheepishly answers.

“Peso, if you ever need to talk to anyone, we’re always here to listen”, Branacles says, making sure that his voice stays calm, comforting and reassuring.

Peso hesitates for a while, looking down at his feet while thinking about it.

“I’m just worried. Creatures that go missing…what if they have a severe injury?”, he slowly explains.

“Peso, has this kind of situation happen to you before?”, Barnacles says slowly, attempting to get a little more information from what Peso has mentioned.

“…My brother. Not Pinto, my other brother”, Peso finally admits.

“Other brother!?”, Kwazii says, the concern now replaced by shock and disbelief, “Since when have you had another brother!?”

Peso flinches at the sudden change of tone.

“Calm down Kwazii”, Barnacles firmly says, stopping the engine to put a comforting paw on Peso’s shoulder.

“Pedro. He…he went missing. For months. When he was found… It was too late”, Peso slowly starts crying.

Barnacles pulls him into a hug. Kwazii joins them shortly after. The trio stay that way for a few more minutes.

“We’ll find Humpert Peso, I promise”, Barnacles softly, but firmly, states.

Other chapters

Tags :
9 months ago
Timothe Chalamet As Nic Sheff In Beautiful Boy Is A Whole Other Level Of Heartache.
Timothe Chalamet As Nic Sheff In Beautiful Boy Is A Whole Other Level Of Heartache.
Timothe Chalamet As Nic Sheff In Beautiful Boy Is A Whole Other Level Of Heartache.
Timothe Chalamet As Nic Sheff In Beautiful Boy Is A Whole Other Level Of Heartache.

Timothée Chalamet as Nic Sheff in Beautiful Boy is a whole other level of heartache.

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