Villains Of Valley View - Tumblr Posts

A sketch of Amy and Hartley's Halloween costumes I was working on

I love a good battle of the bands

The guitar scene is so cute!
Jake: I'm just so tired of being bad all the time. I want to see what else is out there.
Vic: You want to know what's out there? A life of Joy and happiness. Is that what you want?
Jake: Maybe!
Vic: Fine! Then go, but don't come crawling back here when you realize you've become a delightful person!
Jake: Fine! I hate this darn place anyway.
Vic: You watch your mouth! We swear in this house!
Jake: Goodbye forever!
Vic: Good riddance! *sigh* At least he left on bad terms
Jake: *walks back inside 2 seconds later* I'm sorry I got upset.
Vic: ...Noooooo!

My Work Doesn’t Define Me, but Only Because I’m Not Succeeding at It Right Now

Why I Refuse to Listen to Scientists Until They Let Me Wear One of Their Little White Jackets

Help! I Forgot to Call My Dog ‘The Sweetest Little Boy’ and Now He’s in a Biker Gang

How to Make Your Depressed Friend Feel Better Even Though They’re Right

Uh Oh! Funny Story Requires Traumatic Family Background

This Amazing Home Gym Comes Complete With a Creepy Man Leering at You

Help! I Did Too Many Sheet Masks and Now I’m A Papier-Mâché Puppet

How to Casually Hold a Shovel Without Looking Like a Murderer

Wow! This Life Coach Empowered Six Clients to Death
Hartley: Jake gets Starling flowers all the time. I wish you'd do that for me.
Amy: Okay.
The next day
Amy: ( stopping during the middle of a fight with Starling to hand her flowers) …I don't understand either.
Hartley: I didn't think you'd take it that far!
Amy: You didn't think I would savagely injure a group of random strangers? You think so little of me
Jake Madden 🤝Max Thunderman
Its not easy being the disappointment of the family but someone had to do it so here the fuck I am
Hartley: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.
Amy: Wow. They sound stupid.
Hartley: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense.
Amy: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”
Hartley: I guess you’re right. Hey Amy, I love you.
Amy: See! Just say that!
Hartley: Holy fucking shit.
Amy: If that flies over their head then, sorry Hartley, but they're too dumb for you.
Hartley: Amy.
Cute! This Mother and Daughter Have Matching Mental Illnesses

4 Funny Halloween Costumes That Will Have You Wishing People Knew You’re Hot

REPORT: Your Friends Aren’t Mad at You, They’re Just Worried About You, Which Is Somehow Worse

‘I Want to Set You Up!’ Exclaims Friend Scheming to Frame You for Years-Old Murder

4 Foolproof Second Date Ideas For When Getting Murdered Is Still A Pretty High Possibility

4 Space Crimes Illegal Immigrants Will Commit If We Let Them Go There

I LIVED IT: I Apologized but Wasn’t Immediately Forgiven

Child of Tolerant Parents Already Feeling Pressure to Be Her Authentic Self

Why I Quit Botox and Started Obscuring My Face Like the Neighbor From ‘Home Improvement’

I have long ebony black hair (that’s how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back

A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.

(Haha, like I would hang out with a prep.)


“Im good at too many things! WHY CAN’T I JUST BE NORMAL? IT’S A FUCKING CURSE!”

“Its okay but we need a new led snigger.” Samaro said.
“Wel………..I said Im in a bnad myself.”

I cudnt belive it. He used 2 b goffik!111

“OMFG u guyz r so scary!11” said Britney, a fucking prep.

She looked down over her pale body, and frowned. 'Where are my emo clothes?' She asked herself in confusion.

How to Have Your Dream Wedding Vicariously Through a Friend

How to Be in Your Villain Era Without Offending Anyone

Uh Oh! Friend Clearly Not the Victim in Drama Being Described

Woman Is Attracted To The Most Problematic Character in Film Again

Exciting New Makeup Trends To Hide The Evil That Lurks Within

‘Thank You, Science!’ Says Woman Who Just Got Railed By a Scientist

Goals! This Woman Replaced the Anxiety of Not Having Boundaries With the Guilt of Having Boundaries

Mom Knows Every Member of the Royal Family But Still Calls Youngest Child By Dog’s Name

‘I Deserve a Little Treat,’ Says Woman Who Has Never Denied Herself Anything

Self-Proclaimed ‘Old Soul’ Pretty Awkward Around Her Grandma

‘Heyyyyyy!’ Texts Woman in Preamble to Request for Kidney

5 Things I’d Like my Future Daughter to Know About Being Held Captive in a Basement Against her Will

Surprise! Goth Friend Grew Up in Wealthy, Loving Two-Parent Household
Amy: Hartley and I are no longer dating.
Hartley: Amy, that's a horrible way of telling people we're married
Indeed, it does. Villains of Valley View is clearly the secret sequel to My Immortal, after Ebony has been kicked out by the King of the goffs and has been forced to change her identity so she names herself after Amy Lee (If you don't know who she is, get da hell out of here) and the lead singer of her favourite band other than MCR, Joel Madden. The real reason that the spelling and grammar were so bad in My Immortal was because Amy, formerly known as Enoby, at that point in her life, had never attended a single English lesson, much like many other hogwarts students. Upon arriving in Valley View, she is reluctant to make new friends after the tragic murder of her drummer, Diabalo Weasley and after the rest of Bloody Gothic Rose 666, Vampire, Draco, B'loody Mary, Willow and Hairgrid, were all killed by a fiery inferno in a throwaway line about her old band as this traumatic incident gave her severe trust issues. It was especially difficult to cope with the death of Draco but she finds new love in the most unlikely place - a prep! Amy/Ebony slowly learns to accept that she cares about Hartley, a prep, and becomes less prejudiced towards people who aren't goffik. Upon meeting Gem, she instantly reminded of Britney, because they both wear a lot of pink, and are fucking preps. Hartley tells Ebony how she resents Gem for having beaten her in many preppy activities. Having found a preppier prep than the prep that she is friends with, Amy and Hartley finally have something to bond over - putting up their middle finger at her together.

I have long ebony black hair (that’s how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back

A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.

(Haha, like I would hang out with a prep.)


“Im good at too many things! WHY CAN’T I JUST BE NORMAL? IT’S A FUCKING CURSE!”

“Its okay but we need a new led snigger.” Samaro said.
“Wel………..I said Im in a bnad myself.”

I cudnt belive it. He used 2 b goffik!111

“OMFG u guyz r so scary!11” said Britney, a fucking prep.

She looked down over her pale body, and frowned. 'Where are my emo clothes?' She asked herself in confusion.

Incredible! Everything This Woman Has Accomplished Was to Spite That One Bitch From 9th Grade

I Found My 8th Grade Diary And I Was A Huge Bitch

DUDE CORNER: Please Ask Me if I Think a Hot Dog is a Sandwich, I Have a Whole Thing Ready

Mother Accidentally Gives Good Advice While Being Sarcastic

Nice! Woman Has Parasocial Relationship With Own Father

Let’s See How They Like It! This Woman Listens in on the CIA

REPORT: The Hospital Makes You Take the Baby Home and Then You Have to Take Care of It

Aw! This Woman Wants Her Friends’ Lives to be Perfect So She Can Complain the Most

QUIZ: Do You Hate Christmas in an Anti-Capitalist Way or in a Scrooge Way?
Things Never to say to someone who just came out

Okay so I'm at like ep 9 but I'm getting more and more annoyed at Disney for not going down the Gomez and Morticia road for Victor and Eva's relationship.
Like really ?? The whole "love you but hate you" things for married parents in 2023 ?? Sooo boring and not funny
Give me my super villains power couple for God's sake ! I want to see Victor ready to set the world on fire if it means keeping Eva warm. I want to see Eva ready to buzz down every single menacing living being if it means keeping Victor safe.
Show me the TRUE POWER of their love please !