Wonderwall - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

That time Noel car chased Liam to stress that Wonderwall’s indeed about a girl

So... this was supposed to be Wonderwall's single cover:

That Time Noel Car Chased Liam To Stress That Wonderwalls Indeed About A Girl

The photographer (Michael Spencer Jones) had brought Liam to Primrose Hill in London to take that shot but both were interrupted by what he described as a "black cab that came to a screeching halt". From that said running cab, came out Noel, allegedly shouting that Liam - "our kid" - was not to be on that cover as Wonderwall is a love song, about a girl. According to Michael, Noel downward hated the thought of Liam being on the cover.

The girl on the actual cover was a Creation Records employee in the exact same pose:

That Time Noel Car Chased Liam To Stress That Wonderwalls Indeed About A Girl

So, being incredibly grateful for the mental image this article gifted me with, I decided to make a post summing up the many Wonderwall meanings according to Noel.

Disclaimer : I think Wonderwall's about Liam, just putting it out there.

My own thought is that Noel can't say this because, and to quote him "it would look bad" see this interview excerpt about the song dirty shirt in 1997:

"Meg is the girl in the dirty shirt. (...) Liam will read this and say, You fucking wanker! Because he thinks all the songs are about him. He even thinks Wonderwall is about him. So he'll be telling me it's a geezer in a dirty shirt really, except I couldn't say that because it would look bad."

Apart from the absolute chaotic reaction of having the lead singer star on the cover of the lead single, Noel, I think, obviously wanted Liam to sing it, initially.

Liam had been given a choice between this and Don't look back in anger by Noel, who stressed many, many, times throughout the years that Liam didn't like the song when he first heard it (I'd say covertly disappointed). Also he gave different versions of whatever Liam said about it : 

But Liam, first time he heard "Wonderwall" he said, "That's puff's music, I'm not sing that." For weeks and weeks and weeks he wouldn't sing it, and then he heard me singing it and then he knew. in 1996  "(pissy voice) Wonderwall, it's fucking dance record, innit? All that hip hop drum beat - we're not a fucking dance group. Of course, once he's sung on it it was the best record ever made." "I said, ‘You’re singing one or the other, but not both.’ He hated Wonderwall. He said it was trip-hop. There speaks a man who’s never heard trip-hop." In a recent interview "Everyone in the band went, 'I'm sorry but I don't f*****g think so," "I remember Our Kid saying, and I'll never forget this, 'Why are you writing reggae songs?' And I was like, there speaks a man that has never heard reggae."

In 2023, Liam confirmed that as he first heard Wonderwall being played “I didn’t like it at first, I thought it was a little funky.” And Bonehead, added, “It sounded like a reggae song to me. The first time [Noel] came in, I was like, ‘What the hell’s that?”. (Far Out Magazine).

Which I get as Noel's acoustic version is very different from Oasis version with Liam on vocal. But anyway, Noel often mentioned that when Liam's reluctant to sing one of the songs he pretends he will sing it himself and this way Liam like clockwork jumps on it, and that's exactly what he said for Wonderwall + told Liam it will be a hit, and immediately, Liam wouldn't let go of it.

So my guess is that the 'choice' was just a snare to make Liam do what he wants, as Noel likes to do.  And also a bit of power play at hand there in an attempt to ground 1995 firework Liam and as Noel said again in 2023 "to have a song on his own" as he was getting annoyed by Liam walking out on him.

"The only time I laid down the law was Wonderwall and Don’t Look Back In Anger. "I was so fucked off with him walking off stage and me having to take over and do the gig. I remember thinking, if I’m going to do this, I want a big fucking song to sing." + "I said, ‘You’re singing one or the other, but not both.’

Liam said between 1995-96 “When Our Kid went, ‘Right, you’ve got a choice, “Wonderwall” or “Don’t Look Back In Anger,” ’ it done me head in,” the singer told NME. “I said, ‘I wanna sing both, you dick.’ But I chose ‘Wonderwall’ ’cos it was right and it happened. But I don’t think I could have sung ‘Don’t Look Back In Anger’ the way he sung it. And when I hear it I think it’s great.”

Additionally in 2023, Noel kinda slipped and said "I'm glad I chose that one" after saying Liam chose it when a record label person said it would be their big hit.

But what is interesting is as their relation deteriorated Noel changed the Wonderwall story:

Around 1996-1997 "I wanted to sing Wonderwall because the guitars are accoustic but our kid insisted that he wanted to sing it. So I said Alright im going to do DLBIA"

In 1997, in the book Getting High: The Adventures of Oasis by Paolo Hewitt, he wrote "according to Owen Noel wanted to sing wonderwall which makes perfect sense, he had written the song with Meg in mind, it was the only way he knew how to properly express his love for her with the song detailing her struggle to find work but celebrating her ability to bounce back against the odds. So we finished Wonderwall, and Liam's Right I'm singing this one. And he did a blinding vocal a brilliant vocal."

in 1998  Noel went "I always wanted to sing "Wonderwall", but I'm glad he sang it 'cos he sings it better than I do."

or when asked on a TV show in 2000 'If I wrote wonderwall I wouldn't want to give that to my brother to sing', Noel said that he did not but they had a long heated debate on who will sing it and in the end, he didn't have a choice because Liam's 'bottom lip went too far down towards his kneecaps' 'he looked very very sad' and he said alright he will sing the other one don't look back in anger.

And only recently in 2021, he went back to the original story:

“He wanted to sing ‘Don’t Look Back In Anger’, but it became apparent during the recording that ‘Wonderwall’ was going to be the tune. If I’m being honest, I shouldn’t have sung either of them because I wasn’t really a singer then.”

I mean every critic agrees that Liam gave one of his most impressive vocals singing that song "both cuttingly sharp and heartbreakingly warm at the same time" Noel said he '"had no idea, even after the first album, that Liam could sing like he did on 'Wonderwall,'" and that he did " a sterling job (...) ‘Wonderwall, ‘Hey Now’ and ‘Cast No Shadow’ were literally one take. He delivers my songs spot-on. He knows." So it's a bit strange that he didn't just go on saying that like other songs such as Slide Away Liam's delivery gave it a special edge.

Personally I think it has to do with the meaning of the song for their relationship. There is a lot of hope and commitment in that song all while acknowledging the anger and difficulties of a relationship.

An other thing that struck me as important was, in an oasis book it was reported that while watching Wonderwall win some chart thing on TV Noel turned to the person writing and started going on about how high the wibbling rivalry was on the charts in comparison to the oasis tracks. So what came up to his mind was the 'Liam fight track' while listening to the song, weirdly enough.

And about the meaning --->

Originally, Noel attributed this song to his then girlfriend Meg Matthews as we know. She was compared to a schoolboy's wall to which posters of footballers and pop stars are attached, Noel told Select magazine

"It's about my girlfriend. She was out of work, and that, a bit down on her luck, so it's just saying, 'Cheer up and f---in get on with it.'" After Liam's and Noel's infamous interaction with their Father, he even told her directly as much albeit gave it a a more romantic meaning "Fucking hell Meg, you're meant to be my wonderwall and you were fast asleep when it all went off. What kind of Wonderwall are you?" or when a cover of the song came out and she thought Noel had plagiarized the song he wrote for her he told her " 'No, honestly, I did write about you...!"

Now, idk how reliable he is but their father said that the wall actually existed and it was Noel's and Liam's :

"both Noel and Liam's original ‘wonderwall’ was actually the wall of the bedroom they used to _ share as children in their — ex-council house. ‘They called it their wonderwall" "in 1983 they both started writing on the wall, bits of songs, poems, favourite bands, football teams. In one corder Noel wrote 'I love Diane Jones’ and underneath in the same writing, “Liam _ is a puff”. They'd fight terribly about who had the most writing space. | didn't touch it for years but | wallpapered - it before Christmas."

Meg has been written at the time as "The only girl he had met who came close to being as important as his music and the one who understood him better than almost everyone else."

But Noel then stuck to the following version about the song's name, that it came from Wonderwall Music the debut solo album by George Harrison and the soundtrack to the 1968 film Wonderwall, (She lives next door to a man who becomes fascinated with her, so he slowly makes holes in his wall so he can watch her through it. This is the "Wonderwall.").

Meg said that "George Harrison wrote the music to the film Wonderwall, so that's the reference, but to me it's about being his wall of strength. His solidity." She never asked him directly and found out the meaning in the papers months later. So idk if this is her interpretation or if Noel said something about the actual meaning.

Then in 2003, in Q magazine's 1001 Best Songs Ever, Noel backtracked, "The meaning of that song was taken away from me by the media who jumped on it. And how do you tell your Mrs. it's not about her once she's read it is? It's about an imaginary friend who's going to come and save you from yourself."

and In 2023 Noel pinned him saying the song was about Meg on this specific cover "We did the cover and there's a girl on the front, She had long blonde hair, she looked like my then-wife, Meg Matthews. Doing the interviews for the thing [later], and they say, 'Is this about your wife?', and what do you say? No? So you say yes but it's not about anyone in particular"

Yet Noel admitted it was a romantic song in 1998 : You don't write a song like Wonderwall if you're not romantic. I am. I'm a dreamer and a romantic. Liam is too.

and later

First of all, “Outside of England, it’s the one we’re famous for all over the world, and it annoys the fuck out of me,” Noel Gallagher once said. “It’s not a fucking rock and roll tune. There’s quite a vulnerable statement to it.”

So while I don't think this song is about Meg, it is definitely an emotional song that strips him bear.

More importantly, years later after hell broke loose in Oasis, Noel praised Ryan Adams's version and declared he is the only person who ever got the song “Wonderwall” right. Ryan Adams played it as part of his album "love is hell" and said that "It occurred to me that I was singing it from the perspective of someone in danger of committing suicide. (...) It's someone saying, you're my last hope. But in the second verse, that hope it's not happening, and I'm singing like that".

I don't think it's coincidence that after all the issues they had Noel was the one who mainly sung that song himself live in the late 90s and then gave it a tone of devastation and sorrow as he switched to playing it Ryan Adams way for a long time. The collapsing of their relationships brought out the frustration rather than the hope in the song.

As to Liam and Noel's thoughts on the songs, while around 95 they weren't critical of it, seemed quite proud of it, and Noel even said it was part of his favorite/best songs with Live forever, they changed their tunes years later, that said it could only be due to the reluctance and irritation of being seldom seen as 'that band that did Wonderwall'.

For example Noel claimed in 2006 "I don't much like 'Wonderwall,' but the effect that song has on people, I can't deny it," he said. "Great music is in the ear of the beholder." and that it's one of his least favourite Oasis songs because it's "unfinished". If I could somehow twist time and go back there, I’d probably pick a different song for our calling card. Probably Some Might Say."

But one comment from Liam struck me as extreme even for him, In 2008, Liam said during the press run for Dig Out Your Soul, “At least there’s no ‘Wonderwall’ on there. I can’t fucking stand that fucking song! Every time I have to sing it, I want to gag." So it could be its popularity or the fact Liam had lost his voice, but I've never heard him talk so critically about an Oasis song, it sounded personal. Just like when Noel recently said he's glad he's singing that one as it's a better song.

So I still think that while they're honest saying they don't want Oasis to be summed up to one tune, but their uneasiness playing the song live was due to its meaning. Noel even stressed the band couldn't find a way to play it right live, which is not exactly true, considering the famous live where Liam stares at Noel during the chorus.

So there's that.

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8 years ago
A Quote From #Wonderwall My First #poetry #book You Can Find It On #Amazon Link In Bio MENTION #Writer

A quote From #Wonderwall 🌸 My first #poetry #book You can find it on #Amazon Link in Bio 💫 MENTION ⬇️ #Writer #typewriter #poem #poet #love #quote #happymoments #lovequotes #relationshipquotes #art #iraq #baghdad #writersofinstagram #amazonprime #createspace #selfhelp #dailyinspiration #dandelion #wish #her

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8 years ago
Who's Your Wonderwall? Mention &GRAP A Copy Of The Book While It's Still Available,LINK In Bio PHOTOGRAPHY

Who's your wonderwall? 🌸 Mention ⬇️ &GRAP a copy of the book while it's still available,LINK in bio 📔 PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS goes to @llmoonill 💫 #wonderwall #dictionary #quotes #dailyinspiration #lovequotes #love #selfhelp #photography #london #iraq🇮🇶 #writersofinstagram #poetry #poet #poem #createspace #amazonprime

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8 years ago
A Quote From "Wonderwall" BUY A COPY While Its Still Available! LINK In Bio #Wonderwall #quoteoftheday

A quote from "Wonderwall" 💕 BUY A COPY while its still available! LINK in Bio #Wonderwall #quoteoftheday✏️ #lovequotes #poem #tylerknottgregson 's fan #moon #nature #relationshipquotes #writings #poetry #amazon #amazonprime #createspace #iraq🇮🇶 #inspiration

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8 years ago
Dear Christopher ,Happily That My Very First #SelfHelp Post Is Dedicated To The #agapemovement . I've

Dear Christopher ,Happily that my very first #SelfHelp post is dedicated to the #agapemovement . I've started to experience a raw form of unconditional love to myself two years ago,When i started reading about self-help and self-development and by then i started to believe in who i am and love myself unconditionally, and by doing so,the right paths started to unfold to me,i transported myself From the point where my poetry was written on a paper to be forgotten and thrown away into believing in my talent and understanding the powerful changing tool i have. Few days ago i published my very first poetry book "wonderwall" ,Which is about unconditional love, it's my first step into communicating my experience with others, on how we can transform our life from hardness into ease,and from sufferings into blessings,our consciousness and focus are powerful tools, our thoughts are our Gps to what's going on around us positively and negatively,our answers to which thought is true or false generates our feelings and therefore it generates our fate.Im proud of the journey i took,proud of the doubt,sadness,depression,anxiety,and worry that led me to the person i am today,it was the dark tunnel that i needed to see light again,and this time I'm not just prepared for any possible upcoming dark tunnels,I'm hundred present dedicated to help others create the change i created,not to circumstances yet the changes i created in who i am,that made me look with an eye of hope,unconditional love and appreciation to whatever life offers me. My first try to create a difference in this world is my poetry book,Yet my second one will be sharing my experience in a self help book to spread a message of hope and growth.Thank you for being a source of inspiration all along. Love and peace 💛#agapemovement #christopherpoindexter #writing #selfhelp #unconditional love #poetry #poem #mentalhealth #love #support #inspiration #wonderwall #book #publish #amazon #love #life #hope #dream #wish #writersofinsagram #quoteoftheday #midnightthoughts #viral #happymoments #depression #anxiety #selfdevelopment (at Baghdad, Iraq)

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8 years ago
A Quote From #Wonderwall LINK IN BIO Mention Who's Your Comfort When You're Restless ? #SelfHelp #selfdevelopment

A quote from #Wonderwall 💛LINK IN BIO ⬆️📔 Mention ⬇️ Who's your comfort when you're restless ? 💫 #SelfHelp #selfdevelopment #poetry #poem #book #amazon #prime #love #unconditionallove #iraq🇮🇶 #writersofinstagram #quoteoftheday #wisewords #relationshipgoals #relationshipquotes #wordswithqueens #wordswithkings #wordsoflove #wordsmatter #agape #agapemovement #tylerknottgregson 's fan #christopherpoindexter 's fan

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8 years ago
A Quote From #Wonderwall LINK IN Bio Photography Credits : @llmoonill #book #dictionary #wonderwall #poet

A quote from #Wonderwall LINK IN Bio ⬆️📔 Photography credits : @llmoonill 💛 #book #dictionary #wonderwall #poet #writer #writersofinstagram #typewriter #author #createspace #amazon #amazonprime #photography #london #Uk #Happymoments #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #love #lovequotes #unconditionallove #wordswithqueens #wordswithkings

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8 years ago
The Beautiful @ay.alani Received Her Copy Of #wonderwall,Give Me The Privilege Of Being My Audience,LINK

The beautiful @ay.alani received her copy of #wonderwall,Give me the privilege of being my audience,LINK IN bio 💕⬆️📔 #quote #book #amazon #amazonprime #poet #poem #poetry #quotes #love

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8 years ago
A Quote From #Wonderwall LINK IN BIO Mention And Spread The Unconditional Love Message #SelfHelp #selfdevelopment

A quote from #Wonderwall 💕LINK IN BIO ⬆️📔 Mention ⬇️ and spread the unconditional love message #SelfHelp #selfdevelopment #poetry #poem #book #amazon #prime #love #unconditionallove #iraq🇮🇶 #writersofinstagram #quoteoftheday #wisewords #relationshipgoals #relationshipquotes #wordswithqueens #wordswithkings #wordsoflove #wordsmatter #agape #agapemovement #tylerknottgregson 's fan #christopherpoindexter 's fan #mirakee

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8 years ago

"Beauty” The beauty is in your layers And their various shades The words you barely speak And their pigmented haze The beauty before the blink Watching every move you make It’s a poem of messy letters That your eyes keep safe That's where your secrets lay down In your warm trustful cave That’s where a north star is found The one to guide the way Of how your heart is loved Or to whom your heart was made And as soon as I got there After a long patient wait That’s when I finally knew After me, your heart is named And I’ll keep it safe -Reema Tabra

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8 years ago
I Was Never Aware Of These Magnets In Our Feet Until The Constellation Of Fate Brought Us,To Meet. -Reema

I was never aware of these magnets in our feet Until the constellation of fate Brought us,To meet. -Reema Tabra 🍁 A quote from #Wonderwall 💫 LINK IN BIO ⬆️📔 #SelfHelp #selfdevelopment #poetry #poem #book #amazon #prime #love #unconditionallove #iraq🇮🇶 #writersofinstagram #quoteoftheday #wisewords #relationshipgoals #relationshipquotes #wordswithqueens #wordswithkings #wordsoflove #wordsmatter #agape #agapemovement #tylerknottgregson 's fan #christopherpoindexter 's fan #mirakee #catsofinstagram #happy_moments

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8 years ago
"This Is The Best Poety Book It's Makes You Feel Something Deep Down To The Feels Alot Of Warm, Optimistic

"This is the best poety book it's makes you feel something deep down to the feels alot of warm, optimistic and wonderful words in this masterpiece"- @ali_resan 💫 A review on #Wonderwall ,Purchase your Copy,Link in bio 🔺 #SelfHelp #selfdevelopment #poetry #poem #book #amazon #prime #love #unconditionallove #iraq🇮🇶 #writersofinstagram #quoteoftheday #wisewords #relationshipgoals #relationshipquotes #wordswithqueens #wordswithkings #wordsoflove #wordsmatter #agape #agapemovement #tylerknottgregson 's fan #christopherpoindexter 's fan #mirakee #Wisewords #Wisesayings #happy_moments

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8 years ago

You,papers and a typewriter,is all i ever need to make magic happen.

-Reema Tabra

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5 years ago
Id Like To Think That Were Both Adventures In This World,And Sky Is Nothing But The View From A Tent

“I’d like to think that we’re both adventures in this world,And sky is nothing but the view from a tent where we are laying down cities apart from eachother,Counting stars” R.T. ✨⛺️ #Poet #poem #wordporn #writerslife #writersofinstagram #happymoment #love #wordsofwisdom #wordswithkings #wordswithqueens #writerslife #writersofinstagram #writers #poets #passion #amazon #amazonprime #quoteoftheday #goals #wonderwall #selfpublish #support #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #Agabe #agabelove #Hopeful #optimisticquotes #goalsquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/BwcZhzTlULs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fei2um0o4b7r

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5 years ago
Id Like To Think That Were Both Adventures In This World,And Sky Is Nothing But The View From A Tent

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5 years ago
Behind The Dark Shadow Of Our Hearts,lies A Little Light,An Igniting Spark That Requires Love,And How

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وما الفرح الا اغنية جميلة لا تزيد عن ست دقائق واربعةٌ وثلاثون ثانيه ،أسترقُ السمع اليها حتى وأن رفض مذياع القدرِ بثِها -ريما طبره ✨🎶 #wordporn #writerslife #writersofinstagram #happymoment #love #wordsofwisdom #wordswithkings #wordswithqueens #writerslife #writersofinstagram #writers #poets #passion #amazon #amazonprime #quoteoftheday #goals #wonderwall #selfpublish #support #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #Agabe #agabelove #Hopeful #optimisticquotes #goalsquotes #ArabicPoetry (at جبل اللويبدة) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxpv4nhlzK9/?igshid=ah1eokr2no6j

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5 years ago
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