X Mc - Tumblr Posts
Can someone please do head cannons for the obey me brothers when they meet MC who is a gen z please
outside of "adorable apprentice", solomon doesn't use that many nicknames for you.... uuuuuuuntil he's in trouble. then it's suddenly "hello my astounding and beautiful beacon of hope and light!! have i ever told you that i don't miss the sun because you shine brighter than it every single day-"
"my star, i fear that even with immortality, i still wouldn't have enough time in this life to say every single thing i love about you-"
"there is a hole in the ceiling."
"my joy i would die for you-"
"simeon texted me everything."
"tattle >:( i love you btw :)"
The premium version of human is here to wreck house, mfs.
[Twst x Obey Me!AFAB!reader]
CHP 1.2 : Deck of Cards.
CW: Cursing... Idk what else.
Um what the actual f.... WHY IS THIS HERE THIS WAS IN MY DRAFTS?!?!
If the tone of this chapter is kinda different from the usual, I read a fanfic that made it that way. (I tend to subconsciously copy the tone and humor of the last fics I consumed, sorry.)
Thanks for all the reblogs, comments, and likes on these past chapters of mine, guys. They mean a lot to me and I'm so thankful for you all for them <3

Wretching open your front door for the second time, you hear the tell-tale signs of someone being smacked-dabbed in the face by the glorified piece of wood as you relish in the very satisfying groans of pain from your victim. (Sorry, It's your Lucifer–kinnie rearing its head.)
"Eh– Deuce? What the hell are you doing here??"
You asked, mildly concerned because Deuce has been nothing but nice to you and Yuu, unlike Ace the fuckin prick.
You don't even bother to ask if he was okay, you have eyes. So instead, you removed his hands that were covering his face and started to massage the area that the door hit, mumbling apologies.
Thankfully his nose didn't become crooked or bleed. That would've been unfortunate.
Deuce, bless his kind soul; Returned your apologies with his own for bothering you and your current housemates so early in the morning.
Haiyah, Ace should take notes, because this is how you're gonna be able to pull maidens and keep them.
• • • • • (Help my phone is lagging)
(So um, this was supposed to be longer but I don't why it suddenly uploaded itself and idk how to un upload it without deleting it)
You 'peacefully' smiled at Ace's annoyance as grim rightfully taunts him about his big-ass collar.
You and your gaggle of disappointments (except Yuu and Deuce) are on y'all's way to the mirror chamber right now so that the douchebag Ace can shove his big-ass ego down his own throat and actually apologize to his poor house warden.
Hmm.... Side note; you're feeling kinda extra petty today... You might just blackmail Crowley later again... Y'know.. just for the funsies... And also for some pocket money because y'all are broke.
*Que Yuu trying to hold back Ace from punting Grim across campus like a screeching football*
As you reach the mirror chamber you hum lightly, gesturing to Yuu to quickly straighten up their posture, patting off the non-existent dust and fixing small wrinkles in their clothes along the way.
Yesterday... The two of you had talked to each other in the privacy of your newly renovated 'dorm' before Ace showed up, discussing boundaries with each other and laying down ground rules, obligations that the two of you expect from each other. Grim just said whatever and tried to binge on your hard-earned canned foods. Safe to say, he almost became one himself.
Coming to compromises and both having an agreement to do whatever they can to support the other and vowing to tell necessary truths to each other as the two of you can only rely on eachother for now due to being entire worlds away from where you both came from.
You share a brief summary of your story (ommitting some... parts that aren't needed to be known) and Yuu shares their own, with you coming to the conclusion that you two do share the same world.
Events just line up too well to be said otherwise.
Though you actually confirmed this when Yuu talked about seeing a certain event on the news that you and the brothers ft. Diavolo and Barbs definitely didn't cause... yeah, DEFINITELY.
Should something important or big happen and the other isn't unavailable (i.e. dead or MIA), you two won't just make your own decisions without consulting or at least informing the other first.
You've... made a firm promise to yourself last night. To allow Yuu to thrive and form a foothold in this society with you as an unofficial apprentice/co-conspirator.
In a world of uncertainty, where a single wrong move can unknowingly compromise your safety, one will always come to desire some kind of power and control over their surroundings.... the people surrounding you, someone... anyone. And you're no different.
The need for a subconscious reassurance that even if everything is unfamiliar and potentially dangerous, you have power over someone else. That you're better than someone else. That should something happen, you won't be the first to be cut out or thrown into danger because you have more value than others will always be present in the back of your mind.
Of course you do know how to control yourself and your emotions, but the sins that the brothers embody kinda tend to emerge from inside you every once in a while.
...Though, maybe the reason you bonded so specifically well with your demons is that you actually have an intrinsic desire for power above all else. Not the kind of power where you're ruling over a kingdom or things like that but something else entirely.
Or, the evil inside just you began to slowly amplify the more time you spend with demons and that's why you're like this..
Either way, over the years, you've started to notice yourself becoming more... mature? in a sense?... your outlook in life slowly becoming more focused on how you can better yourself to ensure that your lovers didn't make a mistake in choosing to love you.
(You don't need to prove yourself to us, MC...)
The pride you've developed through your experiences and your constant connection with high profile individuals that drives you to constantly compare and contrast yourself to others reassure your deepest subconscious that you're still good enough, to reign in the insecurities brought in by how goddamn amazing your partners are.
Your greed to have more, to be more amazing than you already are, to leave behind other people in the dust of your brilliance.
Fearful envy for those people that aren't your friends who are smarter than you, more beautiful than you, more charismatic than you. Or the fear when you see someone making more progress than you. Afraid that they'll sooner be better than you and replace you somehow in the hearts of your lovers. (You still don't know where that fear came from though... Maybe from your other selves experiencing it? *cough* replaced au's *cough*)
Wrath when the desire to ruin whoever is overshadowing you starts to creep up from the dark crevices of your mind and begins to ensnare you.
Lust for more beauty, more elegance, to shine more brightly, to have more power and control over your own life.
Gluttony as you continue to desire more and more without feeling contentment.
And sloth because... you're just becoming too tired of the heavy duties and expectations thrust upon you by everyone around you intentionally or not... These past months, years wearing down on your fragile human soul.
You can't just do whatever you like anymore.. Your close relationship with the Brothers, Diavolo, Barbatos, Mephisto, as well as the angels, Thirteen, and Solomon caused the public consciousness to keep a heavy watch over you, the human that these very important individuals treasure very much.
Try as they might, your babes can't completely shield and protect you from the jealousy-filled rage of the toxic side of their own "fanbases". Not to mention those meddling mfs with even a small smidgen of power within the three realms keeps scrambling to mind your business as if it would somehow make themselves more important.
Of course, your significant others do their damn hardest to protect you from the public's scrutiny, that's for sure. (With Barbatos teaching you high-end etiquette to make sure you carry yourself with elegance to lessen things that could be used against you.) But.. it's unfortunately not enough.
Because you do often go outside to touch grass while still being quite active on the internet, whispers and gossips about you will inevitably reach your ears.
Whether it's you walking in RAD's halls and hearing hoes bad-mouthing you for your close relationships, your "unbecoming" attitude and "unflattering" qualifications, or you scrolling on the internet and seeing threads dissing you and calling you greedy for "taking all the good ones" with your "luke-warm" qualities.
Of course, you forwarded those threads and recounted those events to at least one of your significant others in the guise of light-hearted laughing about some trolls, knowing full well the exact consequences that you snitching on them will bring onto those poor unfortunate jealous gossipers. (Is it really snitching if they were the ones with the audacity to badmouth you? )
You can't find it in yourself to care though. Shouldn't have tried to intentionally talk behind your back WITHIN HEARING DISTANCE.
Fuck around and find out, as they say.
Just because they're jealous doesn't mean its your fault that all of the people you've managed to somehow seduce all happened to be extremely ethereal, intelligent, and are fuckin rich. YES. Even Mammon, contrary to what an ordinary person would expect from someone who's always out gambling or wasting money. (It's one of the mysteries of the universe, actually... How that guy can amass an impressive amount of wealth in a short amount of time whenever he gets really serious.)
So if they thought they can bully you into somehow, someway causing a rift into your relationships then they're dead wrong.
They're gonna be riggin their last mortis before you can even start to form any semblance of fucks to give to them.
Your inner thoughts really just kinda tend to go against you sometimes, but who doesn't have that problem?
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• • • • •
You snap back out of your trance as your body fluidly weaves to the side, jolting your mind awake as you dodge something small that was flying towards you.
'Oh.. It was just a small splatter of paint... Dang, I really need to chill.'
[Did... Did whatever that liquid thing was, just... burnt through the sidewalk right now...?
You subconsciously thought as you feel yourself being pulled into someone's —this scent.. Mammon?— chest, arms simultaneously hugging you and shielding you from any further potential harm.
...Why? Why can you never get away from these things..? Why do you never know peace??
. . .
Is it such a crime to want a peaceful life with those you love...?]
Hm... another ginger.. And with a healthy amount of zestiness too?
"oOoH! I'd recognize you famous freshies anywhere!"
(Thanks for screeching to the entire universe that there's someone else here Grim, we would've thought we were just hearing voices if it weren't for your super keen observation.)
Now, you'd think Mr. Fruity over there had just casted a haste spell on himself with how fast he went from on top of a ladder painting roses, to suddenly being beside you and squishing you all into a group picture but no, the power of tea and likes is just that powerful I guess...
(You'd know all about that, seeing Asmo breaking sound barriers the moment he catches a whiff of any kind of gossip will never be less horrifying yet amusing.)
Somehow, someway, you and the gang ended up being enlisted to paint roses, after the upperclassman who's apparently named Cater uploaded your group photo and tagged you all.
(Yuu has a phone is this au because of the power of ✨Extortion✨ [Crowley's the one being extorted dw])
You shook your head to get rid of your momentary brain fog and sighed.
So there you are, standing still as you watch your ragtag gang try and fail at the task that was asked of them to do.
'These guys are quite incompetent with this painting the roses thing.' You thought as you watched Deuce turn roses blue, Grim setting fire to entire rose bushes, with Ace and Yuu splattering paint within a ten meter radius of themselves either intentionally or due to inexperience.
Cater meanwhile wants to urge for your help in painting the roses as well –losing hope for the other freshmen– but backing out because of your thousand-yard stare and patented resting bitch face.
• • • •
"Haaaa, this is getting ridiculous"
You deadpanned as Cater "escorted" you all out because Ace didn't have a replacement tart in the ready. (Ignoring Ace who was actually rightfully complaining this time, your group excluding you, had wasted time botching rose painting attempts when you could've left earlier or gone to the store if Cater had just told you all that a replacement tart was needed in the first place.)
You deadpanned even harder when the bell rang and they all started scrambling to get to class.
You feel like a disappointed mother right now.
Grabbing Yuu, you quickly teleported the two of you to a secluded corner near the entrance of your classroom, making sure that no one saw the two of you spawn out of nowhere.
Steadying Yuu as they stumbled from the sudden change in scenery, you quickly dragged them inside and seated them beside you in [chosen spot here] before texting a quick middle-finger emoji to y'all's newly made "Losing hope for humanity" group chat with the one braincell duo, grim, and your unofficial apprentice – Yuu
You're not that cruel though, you reserved seats for them beside Yuu so that they can hear you laugh at them when they finally arrived from their impromptu marathon and took their seats.
. . .
'I hate my life.'
You thought, as you and your... friends?walk to y'all's next class.
Honestly, you didn't want to attend these classes because you could've been doing something more productive (like drinking through Crowley's wine stash that you found) but you still want to know about the lessons the students of this oh-so-prestigious college are taking. Maybe you'll come across information that can be vital to your return home or something.
This continued on until Grim decided to try his luck with escaping the lessons, causing you to put your foot down because poor Yuu can get implicated if Grim isn't in class, making the feline choose between studying in peace or resting in peace.
(Sorry Catan, this feline is really pissing me tf off right now.)
• • • • • •
"Ugh, really can't believe you left us like that."
Ace whined, picking out food beside you, Deuce, and Yuu in the cafeteria.
"Again, not my fault Yuu was the only one I could grab back then. This is the fifth time already, Ace." You said, ignoring the teen's ugly huffing.
"You totally could've included us if you made the effort!!" Huffed out Grim as he DEFINITELY didn't pout at you.
"Says the one who tried to ditch their window cleaning punishment." Yuu piped in.
"Ugh, not you too, henchman!"
"Yeah, bold of you to say anything about effort when you have to be dragged to classes." Ace said with a shit-eating grin.
You zone out the rest of their bickering, focussing instead into getting some [fav. food] because you're gonna punch someone if you let your hunger ferment any further.
But of course, the universe hates you. Nothing else could explain why you need to suffer seeing some high school bullies that are trying to boast of their "authority" as seniors by throwing a tantrum over a fuckin egg yolk.
You lament, quietly standing slightly behind Ace, Deuce, and Yuu as you watch Grim defend his chicken with all his kitty cat glory.
They're targeting the rest of you guys too... Haaaaah, you can't get a break with these people.
(Belphegor twitched, he's not quite feeling full-on Sloth but instead, some kind of fatigue? that starts to weigh down on him.
He rushes to Lucifer's office to report the vague feeling that he knows, originated from you.)
MmmM... Haaaaaah. You're too emotionally drained from all the convoluted unfamiliar lessons that were shoved into your face today to even muster the want for a confrontation right now.
You pinch the bridge of your nose, feeling a dull headache settling into the back of your head.
This needs to stop, lest these bumbling idiots in front of you piss you off even further. (One of them grabbed Deuce's collar you observed, yelling at him for saying something about not using magic while the other is getting closer to Yuu, being the one who took Grim into their arms.)
You open your mouth; "Can the both of you get the hell out of the way, your big-ass foreheads are taking up the entire cafeteria."
Your clear, nonchalant but loud voice rang out, causing some silence from those that heard you.
And like a charm, ignoring any bangs that may have covered it, the two accidents subconsciously covered their foreheads with a dumbfounded "huh?" caught off guard with your sudden insult.
Not even bothering to grace them with a reply, you snap your fingers, golden rope manifested around the legs of those pathetic seniors, quickly tightening to incapacitate them and shooting up to the ceiling to tie itself to the newly remade chandelier with those seniors hanging upside down from it.
That golden rope will prevent them from both trying to swing free and rocking the chandelier in any way, shape, or form, as a precaution to make sure that there won't be a repeat of the falling chandelier fiasco.
Ignoring the gawking of the entire cafeteria, you gesture to your group to hurry tf up and go to a table with you while you massage your temple.
'Hahhhh, I can feel myself aging.' You thought.
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Thanks for reading! I know I dipped for a couple of months, sorry bout that. Just know that school sucked.
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have a good day, and remember to drink water! <3

Child!MC swearing infont of the Brothers
Request: "Child!mc who heard any of the brothers(obey me) swears and says "f*ck" or any curse 😭 would like to see there reaction :)!! I understand if you don't accept my request ^7^"
Warnings: Cursing/Swear Words + Middle Aged Mom Lucifer (he gets his own warning)

Definitely saw this one coming, but wasn't exactly expecting the exact moment. I mean you are a young child, and you are prone to pickup some words the brothers (esp MAMMON) use sooner or later. You were playing in his office while he finished up some work, before your trip to the park later. You accidentally tripped on a crayon, crashing into a vase on a nearby table, senting it crashing onto the floor with a loud shattering sound. Almost immediately Lucifer is beside you making sure you are okay, and that no glass shards hurt you. Before he even gets the words out to ask you are even okay, you yell out "FUCK!". This one shocks him because. Well. This isn't the time he expected you to say that. At least, it was a small swear word and not a major swear-word. He kinda awkwardly skips past that, helping you up while having you sit down while he cleans up the remains of the now broken vase. Afterwords he scolds you for using the "bad word".
"MC. You know we do not say that word is this house. That is bad, and we do not repeat what others say."—Sounds like a angry middle-aged mom LMAOOOO
I think he might scold them for a good fifteen minutes, reminding them to not say anymore bad words, as that can to lead to punishment (no toys for starters).
I feel like he's that one uncle/brother who teaches the younger kids THE SWEAR WORDS IN THE FIRST PLACE 💀 He def sets them up, and tells them to "show off" to Lucifer. He literally taught them every swear word he knows, and said "I bet Lucifer will probably like if you greeted him that way!". Speed forward Dinner, Lucifer walks in sitting down in his usual chair. MC getting happy especially when Mammon sends them the thumbs-up to go along with their little "plan". Satan and Belphegor found it alittle weird that MC was suddenly so happier than usual, and to add onto it, so was Mammon. It was like he planning another scheme....OH FOR FUCKS SAKE WHAT DID MC JUST SAY????? The table went eerily slient after MC looked Lucifer dead in the eyes and yelled out "Hi you son of a BITCH! SUCK MY DICK!". The silence was interrupted by Mamon laughing, barely holding back tears at this point. Satan and Levi joined in–Satan not believing MC actually said what he had wanted to say for so long, and Levi finding it hilarious that someone as small and weird as a "Normie Child" like MC, could swear like that. Dinner was somewhat quiet after that, and it only worsened as towards the end MC spoke up again. "Hey you fucker! I want the rest of the godamn fucking mashing fucking potatoes!" You said pointing to the mashed potatoes now on Asmo's Plate. He himself was taken back by your now more demanding vocabulary than usual. "MC-!" "NO YOU LISTEN HERE FUCKER!". Even though your words so aggressive, you said them with such a happy face that the whole table was confused. How were you happy but so angry???–Okay Dinner was cut short. Yeaaaaah very short, and a early bedtime and timeout chair for you. After Lucifer did some instigating (literally threatening to tie them from the celling) he found out this was Mammon's doing. Let's just say, not a fun week for you and Mammon..🚶♂️
-Might do the rest of the brothers later ! Thank you for requesting, and I'm so sorry for deleting your whole request :[ 🥞

Please listen to this song as you read! It is important to the story.
You knock on Levi’s door. “What’s the secret phraze?” You say it and get let in with a small “come in.”
“Why would a normie like you want to sing with Me— <but getting you to sing my favorite anime opening does sound promising...>” he had mumbled, “—Fine, when I finish my shiny hunting we can do the karaoke.”
“Thank you, and could I watch you play? I used to watch my sister play video games when I was younger and you’re also playing a game I love.”
“Do whatever, I just want to complete this shiny line so i’m closer to completing this live shiny dex.”
“What line you on?”
“Eevee. I just need one more but it’s such a rare find.”
“I love that line! You’ll get it soon enough, who knows maybe your next encounter will be it.” The shiny noise played as soon as you finished speaking and Levi stared at the screen. There was a shiny eevee on the screen,
“Hey,,you didnt do any voodoo shit did ya?” You shook your head no. “Damn. Karaoke I guess?”
“Yup, I got the perfect song too. I’ll let you listen to it before we sing it.”
Falling inside the black, a lovely song by Skillet, and you decide to start the song off.
“Tonight I'm so alone
This sorrow takes a hold
Don't leave me, it's so cold
Never wanna be so cold”
Your voice was confident, as you’ve sang this song so many times the lyrics were inter-grained into your skull.
“Your touch used to be so kind
Your touch used to give me life
I've waited all this time
I've wasted so much time”
Levi’s was less confident, and his tone was slightly off as he sang his part but it was his first time singing this sing so you didnt mind it.
“Don't leave me alone
Cause I barely see at all
Don't leave me alone
You turned to Levi, motioning his turn with a smile. You knew he could it.
“Falling in the black, slipping through the cracks
Falling to the depths, can I ever go back?
Dreaming of the way it used to be, can you hear me?
Falling in the black, slipping through the cracks
Falling to the depths, can I ever go back?
Falling inside the black
Falling inside, falling inside
The black”
He smiled back, shakily and took a breath before singing. His voice grew more louder as he started hitting the notes.
“You were my source of strength
I've traded everything
That I love for this one thing
Stranded in the offering
Don't leave me here like this
Can't hear me scream from the abyss
And now I wish for you, my desire”
You gotten a bit cocky and held his hand, staring into his eyes before twirling him closer to you and and then away. A dance has started.
“Don't leave me alone
Cause I barely see at all
Don't leave me alone
Your action made him falter, but he composed himself and continued on as you lead him along.
“Falling in the black, slipping through the cracks
Falling through the depths, can I ever go back?
Dreaming of the way it used to be, can you hear me?
Falling in the black, slipping through the cracks
Falling through the depths, can I ever go back?
Falling inside the black
Falling inside, falling inside”
You were singing your heart out at this part, the dance going more complicated the longer it went on.
“The black
He tried his best to follow but he ended up tripping on his own feet, blush blooming as he grew embarrassed.
“Falling in the black
Slipping through the cracks
Falling through the depths, can I ever go back?
Dreaming of the way it used to be, can you hear me?
Falling in the black, slipping through the cracks
Falling through the depths, can I ever go back?
Falling inside the black
Falling inside, falling inside”
Both you and Levi sang the last section of the song together, you brought him into a hug, ending the dance with a dip and a kiss. When you pulled away, he was dazed with a lovely red face.
“I enjoyed tonight, see you next time.” You left before he could realize you were gone, his hand going up to his lips. He’s seen this in animes he watches but it was even better in person.
He’s avoiding you, too embarrassed to confront you about the kiss.
Sitting on the couch, his head was still racing over what happened and the more he thought over it the more anxious he became. Levi didnt notice you moving to sitting with him until you pulled him into your lap and started humming a song Simeon wrote for you.
He tensed up at the motion, but as your humming continued on he started to relax slowly. Anything in his mind relating to last week was gone as he just takes in the moment.
“t-thanks..” he mumbled slightly and you began to pet his head.
The others in the room are just giggling and Mammon’s even recording, but you pay no attention to it other then a death glare while still petting Levi.
Sooooo.... like most players i've been obsessed with Ominis Gaunt and Sebastian Sallow. Like my god, why are they so hot. But i've been thinking about Ominis x mute!reader. Either they were born mute and is just learning about the mc through Sebastian. Or they became mute after an accident during a fight with poachers or something like that. I just want the cuteness of mc writing things on ominis' palm with their finger.
Dumb? Dense? Both
(This may or may not have been based off an actual interaction I had back in high school) So again I’m working with mobile, sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes
Satan: The person I like doesn’t seem to notice I have feelings for them, I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints I could think of for like a year now.
MC: Wow. They sound stupid.
Satan: They’re not. They’re really smart, just very dense. I’m trying to figure out how to make it more clear.
MC: Maybe you need to be even more obvious? Like… point blank “Hey! I love you!”
Satan: I guess you’re right. Hey MC, I love you.
MC: see! Just say that!
Satan: Holy fucking shit.
MC: If that flies over their head then, sorry, but they're too dumb for you.
Satan: I want to kill you
MC: Woah! I just helped you with your love life and that's how you treat me?!?
Satan: You are my love life!
*a while after I posted this I also realized this would work for belphie and MC as well*