Xadenviolet - Tumblr Posts
Iron Flame Spoilers//
Xaden’s love confession has me weak, this man.
“I’m sorry if you expected me to do the noble thing. I warned you. I’m not sweet or soft or kind, and you fell anyway. This is what you get, Violet - me. The good, the bad, the unforgivable. All of it - I am yours. You want to know something true? Something real? I love you. I’m in love with you. I have been since the night the snow fell in your hair and you kissed me for the first time. I’m grateful my life is tied to yours because it means I won’t have to face a day without you in it. My heart beats as long as yours does, and when you die, I’ll meet Malek at your side. It’s a damned good thing that you love me, too, because you’re stuck with me in this life and every other that could possibly follow”
Violet: You believe me?
Xaden: Violence, you’re the last good person on this planet. I‘d believe cartoon birds braided your hair this morning.
Thats all i got

did i lie
I feel like that feeling of ughh they’re still fighting over this is exactly how yarros wants us to feel. Think about it when you and a partner are struggling to communicate thats how you feel. Why are we still having this argument? why cant they just understand how im feeling? why cant we just see eye to eye? I think rebecca does an excellent job at adding this sense of realism to this beautifully magically world and for me it adds to my love of xaden and violet i cant wait to see how things progress and they grow and change and how it will strengthen their dynamic. I truly love them and this series
Another thing I liked about the book was how Xaden and Violet's problems weren't magically resolved, they were dealt with, fought over, and resolved throughout the ENTIRE book, and I liked it because they both had their reasons and demonstrates how not everything is about chemistry and butterflies in the stomach and how it also requires commitment and real trust with each other, especialy because being realistic they needed those fights, because at the end of the day they didn't know each other and at the end of this book you can see how much they came to advance as a couple and how consolidated they are. Real couples need to be normalized more, raw with their good and their bad, especially if they are put in this context of war, without removing the point of the story and Yarros nailed it
Also, a plus to this is that their fights are very well written and were sometimes hilarious
In fourth wing xaden says “stone doesn’t burn” and I can just hear aelin saying “but your people does” 🤭
Some memes that just describe two plot twist in fourth wing that I predict but when it happened my heart almost stopped: (spoilers obv)

I was reading iron flame and the second Violet said “team work” about xaden her and dain killing varrish, the first thing that came to my mind was this clip (I edited what I had in mind) because im a the walking dead fan and had this clip saved for so long now.
“My house. My chair. My woman” don’t talk to me I’m physically and mentally not ready to talk. Omg.
“That trick you mentioned? You know, with the fingers?” A slow smile spreads across my face. “Thanks.”
Oh- 🫢🤭 damn girl okay…
Iron flame just shows me why I hate miscommunication so bad. Stupid shit. Violet being so upset because of his second signet? Dude it’s an awesome signet stop taking it all so serious 😟
“If you decide to tell them what I am as punishment for the crimes I’ve committed against you, I’ll understand.” Uhh…? I wouldn’t. Tf. Xaden is way too head over heels. If she does that shit I’m not reading the rest of the book.
I’m gonna pretend iron flame didn’t just end like this or else I swear to god I might actually just go to the nearest bridge and jump off it and be so very glad I don’t know how to swim while I slowly drown but the pain won’t be even closer to what i felt finishing this fucking book. Anyways I’m hungry.

Thanks to everyone who liked my silly stupid posts about my experience reading iron flame and fourth wing. Tumblr became my good read somehow? 😭 anyways I’m reading another book now but follow if you want cause I’ll keep posting memes probably

The marked ones when violets mother died:

Violet can finally join the motherless and fatherless group 🤭
Hmmm I don’t know. It’s an interesting point but I think that punched was definitely deserved because a) both sisters were mourning his death and b) his father died of grieve!!!! So him being alive made his father die for practically nothing and they didn’t loose just a brother, they lost the father too. To me violets reaction was too simple but I’m happy they reunited I guess 🤷♀️
Mira punching Brennan was the good fucking reaction I had expected of Violet. THANK LORDS MIRA DID IT.
Xaden and Violet arguement
Summary: one of the arguments between Xaden & Violet of him trying to keep here safe ( for example her sneaking off to teceruss to get the luminary.)
From violets POV:
‘Why can you not just stay here so your safe from all harms way?’ Xaden raises his voice a tiny bit,with annoyance ringing in his tone, ‘just like everyone else’s here for dunne‘s sake!'
How could he say that when he puts himself in danger all the time? That’s an unfair question to ask of me and especially from how far I’ve come.
'How is it different from you going out there each day or for Maleks sake for a nearly full week while I wait crossing me fingers at the morning formation begging,pleading for your name to not come up,’ or Mira’s but this conversation is about us,about him being a too stubborn arsehole to let me actually do any real help other than staying behind these walls and reading, I let down my shield for him to hear it all down our bonds hopefully to see how unfair this is and how he is being a prick. ‘Reciting the same 3 words in my head like my own mantra,mourning the loss of seeing ur chest raise each morning in bed to see ach breath contains a heart beat.'
I tell him with my voice breaking into a graspy hollow sound, to tell him how unfair it is to see him in dangers and not by side me with his heartbeating my own motivational of life, to tell him it breaks micro scabs of my heart to watch him go gradually leaving me with a hollow wound nothing can fill but his gaze back on me,my hands on him in a tight grip of comfort as I hold him in bed to make sure he won’t leave me once again in the mourning to see the awful view of his side,his side clear as air will let it with the weight thundering on me for him for 2 different but interlinked reasons. For him leaving me and leaving me.
‘You cannot expect me to simply let you into harms way never mind lead you into it.’
‘What because my life is intertwined to yours and you can’t trust me to defend my own or your life!’ … that wasn’t at all fair to say to him of course he trusts me,… I think, but I need to do some thing more useful out of here actually save and protect lives- like his.
‘That is not the truth and you know it Violet. Of course I trust you with my life as you said just a couple of months ago,the only thing you could trust me with was yours, then let me keep that trust and defend your life!’ He says desperation leaning into his eyes with a flicker of gold sway in to the storm of arguements and emotions he’s building. For once please don’t build those damn walls.
‘Yes of course u know that it was an error to accuse you of that but you treat me like less of all the survivors of Resson like I wasn’t one,like I wasn’t the one that killed one,you are sending all of them out there but me for Dunne crying out loud I wish you treated me as careless like at Gauntele-'
‘For fucks sake you weren’t mine then and certainly you then you weren’t nearly not gong to be a survivor for 3 fucking miserable days! Why won’t I let u risk your life every grateful day that u did become a survivor and one of us,on our side is because I can’t risk u because very clearly have I put it that I can’t risk the one thing that keeps me alive not literally my life through our bond but the life you push me to proceed with your heart crashing around doing malek knows what risking you life out there,everywhere u go that ISN’T behind these walls,’ he empathises on each words trying to let me understand his heartbreaking confession of the greed of my security of being protected behind and beyond these ward less walls that u have not succeeded once.
‘You cannot simply ask me to not risk my life with you doing so it is insultingly unfa-' I fail at my arguement with the little one I have..or had
‘Why won’t you let me keep you safe, Violet?Why don’t you just let me keep you safe?’ He pleads in shout that I bet everyone can hear from behind the doors of the sparring room, ‘For once, one time! ’ he contorts to plead with a punishable look of desperation flooding his eyes a storm to let me understand how unfair this is on him.
‘Let me keep you safe,for not for you, Violet, for me, selfishly me!’ he screams at me with desperation and as he drops to his knees infront of me his head hangs low for a second before snapping up to me with mercy in his eyes as no walls stands as they have been penetrated beyond control he can fathom now.
He looks me dead in the eyes as a slither of something comes out from his left side his face threateningly to slither down his cheek
A tear.
It follows it route before I drop down onto my knees and kiss it away the salty punishment burning on my lips of what I have done cradling him in a crushing grip as u do one hand in his soft hair one on his back as he leans his head initi the dents of my necks holding onto my back as his voice cracks into a million apologies none that I take as I tell him my own his hands pull me in in my back as he kissing behind me on the back of my shoulder crying, apologies running down my back from his throat like a fountain broken beyond measures nothing holding back.
A sharp pain shoot up my right shoulder blade as he bites onto it unpleasant tears stream my back still ac it ur my head and his eyes scrunched as tight as they could. With an unfathomable amount of pain I have endoured.
'Im so sorry all I want is you safe I can’t breathe when your not nevermind when we fight I can’t stand the thought of losing you in anyway all I want is you safe,it’s all I want.'
'I know, I know, unknown , I have been unfair on you no need for apologies, Xaden, it okay really I’m here I’m the one who is sorry but we are as you have said before difficult people we need to get through this nervend which one of us needs to be sorry.‘
' …I love you, Xaden.'
'I love you , Violet.'
Watching dead poet society and thought of Xaden…being a poet.
Xaden being poet as he wrote her a poem of how he feels and how he would "watch the ambers of ash fall into the flecks of his darkest of hair to be able to see her stare with her hair down off end so fare that they are envied by a vein venin daher s as Silver as a basgiath war college cadet rarity having one in their palm infront of a traitor to defenceless of none bravery is found in their soul, for you dear couple have become a slither of silver saviour our defenders hold to gratitude and respect but a stare from those wonders of palest blues flickered with armed flames if amber to rain terror on those who betray or prey on the defenceless we only try to save. So dear wow my treat with a kiss as I do you and let me have you lay in my bed no sexualities to be loved by you just let down your hair and look at me and I’m loved by you, now smile and watch me be devoted and devoured by you.“
For poet Xaden be chased down by Garrick to have a read as Imogen is surprised to just hear what he would do
For Xaden bring post bring Violet nothing but her heart melting as she loves them to death and tells jesina to not add it in the history book she writes
For Xaden being a poet and Violet wanting someone to do a surgery when she died to dig the poem with her [as she also loves book’s, literal works,poems] and all his letters(even a drawing of her and a storm, a storm from bashiath room one with an unshattered and one shattered, one in his room in aretia, and finally one in his room in the eastern wing of the Samarian outpost.) and for her to be diverted into her heart and buried with them.
For Xaden being a poet and next time Violet sees him asks him to read it out loud to her as she states at him saying each word with such care and asking him to repeat the whole poem as she lays down on his bed eyes closed taking each cursive syllable in
For Xaden being a poet as Violet trying to re create one for him
[(Xaden being a poet is just so aaaaaaahhh)]

Quote from skullduggery pleasant book that u think would fit these two:
As Garrick spoke, Xaden took a fresh t-shirt from his bag and took off the one he‘d been wearing. Every time he moved,his muscles rolled beneath his skin. It was astonishing. He was a gleaming marvel of musculature. A scattering of scars crossed his perfect torso,evidence of a hard-lived life, each scar a signature of a different battle or enemy. Her ex belonging in the infantry quadrant had never been like that. Dain had never been like that. Xaden Riorson was something brand-new and wonderful.
“Mmm,” said Violet.
Garrick looked at her. “Yes?”
Her eyes snapped towards him. “What?”
“You have something to add?”
She stared. “Nope. Just… agreeing.”
Tairn sighed throughout her bond and towards Xaden’s too. “Xaden,please put your shirt on. Violet’s getting distracted.”
“I’m not,” she argued, then gave a subtle smile at Xaden. “You don’t have to put your shirt on”
Xaden laughed through the bond a tainted smile crossed his lips but before being able to drown in the desirable taints of its looks, being covered as he pulled the t-shirt over his head.
“As I was saying,” Garrick continued…