Violet X Xaden - Tumblr Posts
Mira and Brennan: *arguing about his fake death*
Violet: *sees Xaden and runs up to him and they start smooshing faces*
Mira and Brennan: ..... really right in front of our salad?
Violet: I’m having a problem with this person.
Xaden: Kill them.
Violet: NO.
Xaden: Then I will kill them for you.
Violet: NO.
My prediction:

a lil blurb! is it from rq gift fic or chapter 11? only time will tell :)
I open my mouth to tell him absolutely-fucking-not but of course, that’s when Xaden decides to make an appearance. The world can’t give me a break today.
Round three in defence of Violet Sorrengail
because apperently she is still the bad guy regarding Xaden's and her relationship problems and this take irritates the fuck out of me more and more the more I reread Iron Flame because have we read the same book?
Buckle up my dragon riders (who if we're honest half of us would end up like Dylan) this will be a bit long.
So what can you expect from this post:
I'm going to copy some paragraphs from my post "Round two in defense of Violet Sorrengail". On the one hand because I still stand by what I said and on the other hand so that you have a more chronological progression. Round three is basically an extension and supplement to round two (and other small posts i made on that topic)
Also i will absolutly call out Xaden on his bullshit but i won't paint him here as the devil. I still love Xaden it's just my annoyance with him is compounded by the fact that he 100% deserves it looking at his behaivor and how he handled things and the fact that certain parts of the fandom hate Violet for their relationship problems and won't look at Xaden at all.
Also some words to their relationship overall
First, I want to address the lack of empathy for Violet
People are usually like "I know Violet is in a tough spot and she is only 23 but still..."
No honey it's so much fucking more then that.
I would love to see your reaction when you find out that your whole life, everything you believed in, was a lie. Then on top of that, you didn't even have time to process the whole thing properly.
After the revelation, Violet went straight into battle, in which she almost died! Then she finds out that her brother is still alive and then overall her being involved in the whole revolution. Violet didn't even got a break to process the whole thing properly and on top on that, in the first half of the time she didn't even have anyone to turn to. Her two dragons betrayed her and so did the man she loved and who wants to discuss relationship problem with a brother who played dead for 6 years? Plus she couldn't really talk to her friends either because then she would be forced to explain the context to them so they could develop an understanding, which obviously wasn't possible.
I completly agree that all this running in circles between the two of them was annoying as hell and you really only saw improvements almost at the end but Xaden is sooo much more to blame for the two of them not making progress than Violet.
Moreover it doesn't hinder the plot at all. We are shown their problems at the beginning and when she is with Xaden. I know shocking that we have come across problems that a couple is having when that said couple comes into the picture. She didn't cry about her problems to anyone accessible. Whenever we learned about her relationship problems it was in her inner monologue. It is completly normal, it is realistic, for someone in Violet's situation to thing about her whole relationship. If she wouldn't think about her issues with Xaden then it would means she wouldn't care.
You know you see this mindset in many areas of life where you think you would act better than the person in question, but how can I believe them when so many people can't put themselves in Violet's position? I admire Violet for being able to keep up with Xaden's bullshit for so long. I don't think I could.
The bullshit I will adress now
Like Ufff Xaden I love you but do better.
Let's start with empty promisses:
“You are going to tell me everything once I can properly shield, right?” It’s all I can do not to grab onto him and start shaking. Hard. “That’s what you promised in your bedroom.” He is not doing this to me. “‘Anything you want to know and everything you don’t.’ Those were your words.”
I so seriously wish he had never said that he would give her complete disclosure then at least I and Violet in this matter, would not have right to be mad about it that he wouldn't keep It
And another promise or rather let's say he didn't live up to his words
“I’ll earn your trust as soon as you realize you don’t need full disclosure. You only have to have the guts to start asking the questions you actually want answers to."
This statement annoys me on so many levels. First of all, let me quote Violet for some variety: "Trust is earned, and he isn’t even trying." He is indeed not trying or better tried not enough throughout the book. He didn't prove to Violet that she doesn't need full disclosure. We are here in chapter 3, unfortunately looks like this was forshadowing. Now to the second part of the Statement. *Talking a deep breath* Exuse me the audacity??? When you have the guts??? He did not just put the responsibilty on Violet here. Sirrrr you are the one who fucked up.
Which brings us to the next point (Hard work and this stupid 'Ask me a question'-game)
"I’m not afraid of hard work, especially not when I know just how sweet the rewards are."
Hmmm sureeee. You whole behaivor in IF says otherwise aka the whole question game .
Xaden is the one who broke Violet trust but for him waiting for a question from Violet basically means he expects from Violet to make the first step when he actually should do it! He broke her trust not the other way around. He makes it so easy for himself when he himself said he don't mind hard work to get what he wants. Yes, then act like that.
Also let's add another one:
“Both ways, but you’re shutting me out while I’m trying my damnedest to open up to you.”Says the man who’s never so much as told me he loves me. If he does. Gods, I’m so sick of having to make the first move when it comes to this man.
This! This! This! Yeah Violet I was also sick of it while reading the book.
today isn’t the day to open myself up to that rejection, too.“Sure, as long as you can keep your secrets. Has it ever occurred to you that this”—I gesture between us—“is all because you don’t trust me?” I take a step backward. “You expect complete, blind faith without giving it. It. Goes. Both. Ways.”
First of all This! This! This! and Yeah Xaden where is your hard work?
Also sorry but no this boy had the nerve to look disappointed when Violet didn't ask her question. Honey you could have simply start the conversation!
Like even Garrik is calling him out "Just doing my part to help your communication skills thrive in a stable relationship."
Now ladies and Gentleman let's jump to the prime of I want to struggle Xaden - Chapter 55
*Talking a deeep breath*
"You let me stew in it for months?"
"You didn't ask me!" He pushes off the wall but stops himself from taking more than a step. "I've been begging you for months to ask me what you want to know, to break down that last insurmountable wall you're keeping between us, but you didn't. Why?"
He has the nerve to put this on me?
Yeah seriously the audacity. He has the nerve to put it on her???
"You're the one who said you'd never be entirely truthful with me. How am I supposed to know what you will and will not answer? How am I supposed to know what there is to ask?"
Yes exactly
"I'm not mad about the deal." How does he not understand? "I'm pissed that you kept it from me, that you insist on making me ask for things you should openly share
And this is a principle Xaden and the hater don’t understand.
Because you were too pissed about my refusal to answer the superficial questions about the revolution to ask the real ones about us.
Let's talk about this quote in detail because it shows the two main issues I have with people calling Violet stupid and whiny for wanting full disclosure (or let's say two and half reasons because Xaden literally promised her that!)
First it's not (only) about the revolution it's about the simple fact that Xaden, subconsciously, shows Violet that he doesn't trust her when he doesn't speak up on his own about things that should be mentioned regarding their relationship; them and on top makes her work for it with expecting her to ask the right question.
He can tell me or he can choose not to, but I’m done having to guess which questions to ask.
This speaks for itself
Second, now let's look at Information about the actual revolution because Violet is not as stupid as the hater makes her out to be because let me quote this again "You are going to tell me everything once I can properly shield, right?"
Violet is not just like that standing here demanding crucial information that could put everyone in danger if it becomes public. She explicitly said once she can shield. Again Violet is not stupid. Moreover once she can shield it's her fucking right to know. Violet is such an important part of the revolution starting with her signet being such a powerful weapon. But wait there's more. She got important information about the Venin and worked out the plan on how to get information to restore the wards and also actively translate that information. She has a right to know what is going on.
Another point is how he handled Cat, or rather how he did NOOTT handle her.
Excuse me it was his ex who was vindictive and hateful to Violet for literally existing and he did nothing. Why did we get 'I will throw you off a cliff myself' from Dain and not Xaden? What annoys me even more and also confuses me is the fact that he even suspected that Cat would cause problems, hence the runes in her dagger like then why not talk to her??? Or the fact that Cat was literally his betrothed.
He basically just go with the flow and let Violet Deal with it (Although it has to be mentioned Cat just being a bitch, Xaden can't help it either)
Now after all this bullshit the light at the end of the tunnel - Chapter 58
“We don’t keep secrets. No more ask me. No more tests to see who’s in and who’s out of this relationship. It’s full disclosure between us…” I take a steadying breath and map out the golden flecks in his eyes just in case it’s the last time. “Or it’s nothing.”
OMG it was that easy?
"I understand that there will be times you can’t tell me everything—that’s the nature of what we do as riders—but I need you to stop setting me up for failure by insisting I figure out what there is to ask."
Omg it was that easyyy??
Okay In the end, their whole problem was reflected on again by Violet and yes Violet even blamed herself partially, she was scared to ask because she feared the truth, but considering what the question was about (talking about the scars on his back) who can blame her? Xaden should have been much more accommodating all the way there. Violet's world was turned upside down, not his. Xaden shouldn't have waited for Violet to ask a question, but simply should have started the conversation.
Also I know it wouldn't have been actually that easy considering their circumstances. They're leading a freaking revolution and at the beginning of the book they were geographically separated so realistically there wasn't that much time to simply talk but the point still stands when you really want to be annoyed with someone because of these constant, repetitive and therefore annoying problems that the two of them had in their communication then please look at Xaden first.
Now some words to their relationship overall.
They fucking love each other.
They are unhinged for each other. They would die for each other.
It's the fact how happy Violet was that Xaden wrote her a letter. It's the fact how obssesed Xaden is with Violet's hair. It's the fact how both crush for the other. How both long for the other.
“You’re my gravity. Nothing in my world works without you.”
“Gravity,” he whispers, a slow, beautiful smile curving his mouth.
I wish everyone who says Violet doesn't deserve Xaden (and vice versa) wet socks for the rest of their lives 😛
If you have read this far, take some cookies 🍪🍪🍪
Mira and Brennan: *arguing about his fake death*
Violet: *sees Xaden and runs up to him and they start smooshing faces*
Mira and Brennan: ..... really right in front of our salad?
Violet: I’m having a problem with this person.
Xaden: Kill them.
Violet: NO.
Xaden: Then I will kill them for you.
Violet: NO.
My prediction:

a lil blurb! is it from rq gift fic or chapter 11? only time will tell :)
I open my mouth to tell him absolutely-fucking-not but of course, that’s when Xaden decides to make an appearance. The world can’t give me a break today.
Round three in defence of Violet Sorrengail
because apperently she is still the bad guy regarding Xaden's and her relationship problems and this take irritates the fuck out of me more and more the more I reread Iron Flame because have we read the same book?
Buckle up my dragon riders (who if we're honest half of us would end up like Dylan) this will be a bit long.
So what can you expect from this post:
I'm going to copy some paragraphs from my post "Round two in defense of Violet Sorrengail". On the one hand because I still stand by what I said and on the other hand so that you have a more chronological progression. Round three is basically an extension and supplement to round two (and other small posts i made on that topic)
Also i will absolutly call out Xaden on his bullshit but i won't paint him here as the devil. I still love Xaden it's just my annoyance with him is compounded by the fact that he 100% deserves it looking at his behaivor and how he handled things and the fact that certain parts of the fandom hate Violet for their relationship problems and won't look at Xaden at all.
Also some words to their relationship overall
First, I want to address the lack of empathy for Violet
People are usually like "I know Violet is in a tough spot and she is only 23 but still..."
No honey it's so much fucking more then that.
I would love to see your reaction when you find out that your whole life, everything you believed in, was a lie. Then on top of that, you didn't even have time to process the whole thing properly.
After the revelation, Violet went straight into battle, in which she almost died! Then she finds out that her brother is still alive and then overall her being involved in the whole revolution. Violet didn't even got a break to process the whole thing properly and on top on that, in the first half of the time she didn't even have anyone to turn to. Her two dragons betrayed her and so did the man she loved and who wants to discuss relationship problem with a brother who played dead for 6 years? Plus she couldn't really talk to her friends either because then she would be forced to explain the context to them so they could develop an understanding, which obviously wasn't possible.
I completly agree that all this running in circles between the two of them was annoying as hell and you really only saw improvements almost at the end but Xaden is sooo much more to blame for the two of them not making progress than Violet.
Moreover it doesn't hinder the plot at all. We are shown their problems at the beginning and when she is with Xaden. I know shocking that we have come across problems that a couple is having when that said couple comes into the picture. She didn't cry about her problems to anyone accessible. Whenever we learned about her relationship problems it was in her inner monologue. It is completly normal, it is realistic, for someone in Violet's situation to thing about her whole relationship. If she wouldn't think about her issues with Xaden then it would means she wouldn't care.
You know you see this mindset in many areas of life where you think you would act better than the person in question, but how can I believe them when so many people can't put themselves in Violet's position? I admire Violet for being able to keep up with Xaden's bullshit for so long. I don't think I could.
The bullshit I will adress now
Like Ufff Xaden I love you but do better.
Let's start with empty promisses:
“You are going to tell me everything once I can properly shield, right?” It’s all I can do not to grab onto him and start shaking. Hard. “That’s what you promised in your bedroom.” He is not doing this to me. “‘Anything you want to know and everything you don’t.’ Those were your words.”
I so seriously wish he had never said that he would give her complete disclosure then at least I and Violet in this matter, would not have right to be mad about it that he wouldn't keep It
And another promise or rather let's say he didn't live up to his words
“I’ll earn your trust as soon as you realize you don’t need full disclosure. You only have to have the guts to start asking the questions you actually want answers to."
This statement annoys me on so many levels. First of all, let me quote Violet for some variety: "Trust is earned, and he isn’t even trying." He is indeed not trying or better tried not enough throughout the book. He didn't prove to Violet that she doesn't need full disclosure. We are here in chapter 3, unfortunately looks like this was forshadowing. Now to the second part of the Statement. *Talking a deep breath* Exuse me the audacity??? When you have the guts??? He did not just put the responsibilty on Violet here. Sirrrr you are the one who fucked up.
Which brings us to the next point (Hard work and this stupid 'Ask me a question'-game)
"I’m not afraid of hard work, especially not when I know just how sweet the rewards are."
Hmmm sureeee. You whole behaivor in IF says otherwise aka the whole question game .
Xaden is the one who broke Violet trust but for him waiting for a question from Violet basically means he expects from Violet to make the first step when he actually should do it! He broke her trust not the other way around. He makes it so easy for himself when he himself said he don't mind hard work to get what he wants. Yes, then act like that.
Also let's add another one:
“Both ways, but you’re shutting me out while I’m trying my damnedest to open up to you.”Says the man who’s never so much as told me he loves me. If he does. Gods, I’m so sick of having to make the first move when it comes to this man.
This! This! This! Yeah Violet I was also sick of it while reading the book.
today isn’t the day to open myself up to that rejection, too.“Sure, as long as you can keep your secrets. Has it ever occurred to you that this”—I gesture between us—“is all because you don’t trust me?” I take a step backward. “You expect complete, blind faith without giving it. It. Goes. Both. Ways.”
First of all This! This! This! and Yeah Xaden where is your hard work?
Also sorry but no this boy had the nerve to look disappointed when Violet didn't ask her question. Honey you could have simply start the conversation!
Like even Garrik is calling him out "Just doing my part to help your communication skills thrive in a stable relationship."
Now ladies and Gentleman let's jump to the prime of I want to struggle Xaden - Chapter 55
*Talking a deeep breath*
"You let me stew in it for months?"
"You didn't ask me!" He pushes off the wall but stops himself from taking more than a step. "I've been begging you for months to ask me what you want to know, to break down that last insurmountable wall you're keeping between us, but you didn't. Why?"
He has the nerve to put this on me?
Yeah seriously the audacity. He has the nerve to put it on her???
"You're the one who said you'd never be entirely truthful with me. How am I supposed to know what you will and will not answer? How am I supposed to know what there is to ask?"
Yes exactly
"I'm not mad about the deal." How does he not understand? "I'm pissed that you kept it from me, that you insist on making me ask for things you should openly share
And this is a principle Xaden and the hater don’t understand.
Because you were too pissed about my refusal to answer the superficial questions about the revolution to ask the real ones about us.
Let's talk about this quote in detail because it shows the two main issues I have with people calling Violet stupid and whiny for wanting full disclosure (or let's say two and half reasons because Xaden literally promised her that!)
First it's not (only) about the revolution it's about the simple fact that Xaden, subconsciously, shows Violet that he doesn't trust her when he doesn't speak up on his own about things that should be mentioned regarding their relationship; them and on top makes her work for it with expecting her to ask the right question.
He can tell me or he can choose not to, but I’m done having to guess which questions to ask.
This speaks for itself
Second, now let's look at Information about the actual revolution because Violet is not as stupid as the hater makes her out to be because let me quote this again "You are going to tell me everything once I can properly shield, right?"
Violet is not just like that standing here demanding crucial information that could put everyone in danger if it becomes public. She explicitly said once she can shield. Again Violet is not stupid. Moreover once she can shield it's her fucking right to know. Violet is such an important part of the revolution starting with her signet being such a powerful weapon. But wait there's more. She got important information about the Venin and worked out the plan on how to get information to restore the wards and also actively translate that information. She has a right to know what is going on.
Another point is how he handled Cat, or rather how he did NOOTT handle her.
Excuse me it was his ex who was vindictive and hateful to Violet for literally existing and he did nothing. Why did we get 'I will throw you off a cliff myself' from Dain and not Xaden? What annoys me even more and also confuses me is the fact that he even suspected that Cat would cause problems, hence the runes in her dagger like then why not talk to her??? Or the fact that Cat was literally his betrothed.
He basically just go with the flow and let Violet Deal with it (Although it has to be mentioned Cat just being a bitch, Xaden can't help it either)
Now after all this bullshit the light at the end of the tunnel - Chapter 58
“We don’t keep secrets. No more ask me. No more tests to see who’s in and who’s out of this relationship. It’s full disclosure between us…” I take a steadying breath and map out the golden flecks in his eyes just in case it’s the last time. “Or it’s nothing.”
OMG it was that easy?
"I understand that there will be times you can’t tell me everything—that’s the nature of what we do as riders—but I need you to stop setting me up for failure by insisting I figure out what there is to ask."
Omg it was that easyyy??
Okay In the end, their whole problem was reflected on again by Violet and yes Violet even blamed herself partially, she was scared to ask because she feared the truth, but considering what the question was about (talking about the scars on his back) who can blame her? Xaden should have been much more accommodating all the way there. Violet's world was turned upside down, not his. Xaden shouldn't have waited for Violet to ask a question, but simply should have started the conversation.
Also I know it wouldn't have been actually that easy considering their circumstances. They're leading a freaking revolution and at the beginning of the book they were geographically separated so realistically there wasn't that much time to simply talk but the point still stands when you really want to be annoyed with someone because of these constant, repetitive and therefore annoying problems that the two of them had in their communication then please look at Xaden first.
Now some words to their relationship overall.
They fucking love each other.
They are unhinged for each other. They would die for each other.
It's the fact how happy Violet was that Xaden wrote her a letter. It's the fact how obssesed Xaden is with Violet's hair. It's the fact how both crush for the other. How both long for the other.
“You’re my gravity. Nothing in my world works without you.”
“Gravity,” he whispers, a slow, beautiful smile curving his mouth.
I wish everyone who says Violet doesn't deserve Xaden (and vice versa) wet socks for the rest of their lives 😛
If you have read this far, take some cookies 🍪🍪🍪
Just finished Iron Flame and I am fucking SCREAMING
Violet: You believe me?
Xaden: Violence, you’re the last good person on this planet. I‘d believe cartoon birds braided your hair this morning.
Xaden and Violet arguement
Summary: one of the arguments between Xaden & Violet of him trying to keep here safe ( for example her sneaking off to teceruss to get the luminary.)
From violets POV:
‘Why can you not just stay here so your safe from all harms way?’ Xaden raises his voice a tiny bit,with annoyance ringing in his tone, ‘just like everyone else’s here for dunne‘s sake!'
How could he say that when he puts himself in danger all the time? That’s an unfair question to ask of me and especially from how far I’ve come.
'How is it different from you going out there each day or for Maleks sake for a nearly full week while I wait crossing me fingers at the morning formation begging,pleading for your name to not come up,’ or Mira’s but this conversation is about us,about him being a too stubborn arsehole to let me actually do any real help other than staying behind these walls and reading, I let down my shield for him to hear it all down our bonds hopefully to see how unfair this is and how he is being a prick. ‘Reciting the same 3 words in my head like my own mantra,mourning the loss of seeing ur chest raise each morning in bed to see ach breath contains a heart beat.'
I tell him with my voice breaking into a graspy hollow sound, to tell him how unfair it is to see him in dangers and not by side me with his heartbeating my own motivational of life, to tell him it breaks micro scabs of my heart to watch him go gradually leaving me with a hollow wound nothing can fill but his gaze back on me,my hands on him in a tight grip of comfort as I hold him in bed to make sure he won’t leave me once again in the mourning to see the awful view of his side,his side clear as air will let it with the weight thundering on me for him for 2 different but interlinked reasons. For him leaving me and leaving me.
‘You cannot expect me to simply let you into harms way never mind lead you into it.’
‘What because my life is intertwined to yours and you can’t trust me to defend my own or your life!’ … that wasn’t at all fair to say to him of course he trusts me,… I think, but I need to do some thing more useful out of here actually save and protect lives- like his.
‘That is not the truth and you know it Violet. Of course I trust you with my life as you said just a couple of months ago,the only thing you could trust me with was yours, then let me keep that trust and defend your life!’ He says desperation leaning into his eyes with a flicker of gold sway in to the storm of arguements and emotions he’s building. For once please don’t build those damn walls.
‘Yes of course u know that it was an error to accuse you of that but you treat me like less of all the survivors of Resson like I wasn’t one,like I wasn’t the one that killed one,you are sending all of them out there but me for Dunne crying out loud I wish you treated me as careless like at Gauntele-'
‘For fucks sake you weren’t mine then and certainly you then you weren’t nearly not gong to be a survivor for 3 fucking miserable days! Why won’t I let u risk your life every grateful day that u did become a survivor and one of us,on our side is because I can’t risk u because very clearly have I put it that I can’t risk the one thing that keeps me alive not literally my life through our bond but the life you push me to proceed with your heart crashing around doing malek knows what risking you life out there,everywhere u go that ISN’T behind these walls,’ he empathises on each words trying to let me understand his heartbreaking confession of the greed of my security of being protected behind and beyond these ward less walls that u have not succeeded once.
‘You cannot simply ask me to not risk my life with you doing so it is insultingly unfa-' I fail at my arguement with the little one I have..or had
‘Why won’t you let me keep you safe, Violet?Why don’t you just let me keep you safe?’ He pleads in shout that I bet everyone can hear from behind the doors of the sparring room, ‘For once, one time! ’ he contorts to plead with a punishable look of desperation flooding his eyes a storm to let me understand how unfair this is on him.
‘Let me keep you safe,for not for you, Violet, for me, selfishly me!’ he screams at me with desperation and as he drops to his knees infront of me his head hangs low for a second before snapping up to me with mercy in his eyes as no walls stands as they have been penetrated beyond control he can fathom now.
He looks me dead in the eyes as a slither of something comes out from his left side his face threateningly to slither down his cheek
A tear.
It follows it route before I drop down onto my knees and kiss it away the salty punishment burning on my lips of what I have done cradling him in a crushing grip as u do one hand in his soft hair one on his back as he leans his head initi the dents of my necks holding onto my back as his voice cracks into a million apologies none that I take as I tell him my own his hands pull me in in my back as he kissing behind me on the back of my shoulder crying, apologies running down my back from his throat like a fountain broken beyond measures nothing holding back.
A sharp pain shoot up my right shoulder blade as he bites onto it unpleasant tears stream my back still ac it ur my head and his eyes scrunched as tight as they could. With an unfathomable amount of pain I have endoured.
'Im so sorry all I want is you safe I can’t breathe when your not nevermind when we fight I can’t stand the thought of losing you in anyway all I want is you safe,it’s all I want.'
'I know, I know, unknown , I have been unfair on you no need for apologies, Xaden, it okay really I’m here I’m the one who is sorry but we are as you have said before difficult people we need to get through this nervend which one of us needs to be sorry.‘
' …I love you, Xaden.'
'I love you , Violet.'
Watching dead poet society and thought of Xaden…being a poet.
Xaden being poet as he wrote her a poem of how he feels and how he would "watch the ambers of ash fall into the flecks of his darkest of hair to be able to see her stare with her hair down off end so fare that they are envied by a vein venin daher s as Silver as a basgiath war college cadet rarity having one in their palm infront of a traitor to defenceless of none bravery is found in their soul, for you dear couple have become a slither of silver saviour our defenders hold to gratitude and respect but a stare from those wonders of palest blues flickered with armed flames if amber to rain terror on those who betray or prey on the defenceless we only try to save. So dear wow my treat with a kiss as I do you and let me have you lay in my bed no sexualities to be loved by you just let down your hair and look at me and I’m loved by you, now smile and watch me be devoted and devoured by you.“
For poet Xaden be chased down by Garrick to have a read as Imogen is surprised to just hear what he would do
For Xaden bring post bring Violet nothing but her heart melting as she loves them to death and tells jesina to not add it in the history book she writes
For Xaden being a poet and Violet wanting someone to do a surgery when she died to dig the poem with her [as she also loves book’s, literal works,poems] and all his letters(even a drawing of her and a storm, a storm from bashiath room one with an unshattered and one shattered, one in his room in aretia, and finally one in his room in the eastern wing of the Samarian outpost.) and for her to be diverted into her heart and buried with them.
For Xaden being a poet and next time Violet sees him asks him to read it out loud to her as she states at him saying each word with such care and asking him to repeat the whole poem as she lays down on his bed eyes closed taking each cursive syllable in
For Xaden being a poet as Violet trying to re create one for him
[(Xaden being a poet is just so aaaaaaahhh)]

Quote from skullduggery pleasant book that u think would fit these two:
As Garrick spoke, Xaden took a fresh t-shirt from his bag and took off the one he‘d been wearing. Every time he moved,his muscles rolled beneath his skin. It was astonishing. He was a gleaming marvel of musculature. A scattering of scars crossed his perfect torso,evidence of a hard-lived life, each scar a signature of a different battle or enemy. Her ex belonging in the infantry quadrant had never been like that. Dain had never been like that. Xaden Riorson was something brand-new and wonderful.
“Mmm,” said Violet.
Garrick looked at her. “Yes?”
Her eyes snapped towards him. “What?”
“You have something to add?”
She stared. “Nope. Just… agreeing.”
Tairn sighed throughout her bond and towards Xaden’s too. “Xaden,please put your shirt on. Violet’s getting distracted.”
“I’m not,” she argued, then gave a subtle smile at Xaden. “You don’t have to put your shirt on”
Xaden laughed through the bond a tainted smile crossed his lips but before being able to drown in the desirable taints of its looks, being covered as he pulled the t-shirt over his head.
“As I was saying,” Garrick continued…
In the next book I beg as I’ve seen ppl say this might happen for Garrick and Violet to get to know one another and build like a friendship
And for Sgaeyl to get along with Violet to know her more
And no one has said thsi but PLEASE give Imogen and Violet tobe friend and like the baddass duo ever 🙏
Incorrect quotes off TikTok audios
That scene where Violet is in his room taking off his shoes:
Violet: alright, I’m about to blow your mind
Xaden looking down at her: blow me
Violet: …
Violet: your mind
Xaden: oh… okay
Nahh just thought of something that Xaden could have said to Imogen while she still hated Violet and Xaden was starting to fall for her
‘Riorson, we should still not trust her, she is the daughter of the traitor of our parents lives’ Imogen argued with him after a training sesh with Violet, Imogen was ready to argue Afters hours of sitting and argueing with her to push her limits. She started to warm up to Violet and was trying to convince ways to hate her as she tried to make Riorson too.
‘She is the traitor’s daughter something you should remember before you think to even trust her.’ She whispered with a silent sharp edge to it hissing at her next words, ‘ you may have life with her but she could and can take yours if you trust her within all of our secrets not just yours, but that’s a blade against your throat.
She is unworthy of trust might I remind you of her words that she freely told me of how her moth-
‘Enough,Imogen,’ Xaden raised his voice a n inch above his normal calm tone as he took his foot of the stone wall, statues next to his other leg as his eyebrows creased, a tense posture among his face she has never recognised thrown her way through out their friendship,
‘She is a daughter of a traitor against our parents trust, judgement and lives, that Malek’s taken from within our grasp from our age,’ he hissed four words out, ‘ I have not forgotten.’
‘For everyone’s lives every day I am reminded every day when I turn around and glance in a mirror, or any flashbacks of the reminder of the agony I felt after the cold shower I took after the woman’s deal, and when I with-drawled from the temperament with a rub of a towel and materials against it for the last few days afterwards’
‘I have not forgotten.’ He whispered with a jagged edge to his tone an icy glare walked her way.
‘But for us she not a traitor for being by our side and looking for our backs for us as we are to her as we have our own ‘dealings of plans’ that we have committed and will continue to do for outsiders if the borders and insider safety as out parents have done, but do not forget she is as a traitor as we are,’ he confused to lay down his last argument with her before he planned to walk away and hit the showers.
‘And for her mother, their relationship is complicated beyond mending or betraying us for her, I have found out she hates her, and the only reasons she spit those comments at you is the obvious was to undo us your anger but as well all know,’ he threw his left arm to Imogen’s side, the one Violet got mended,‘ it didn’t quite work for her, now did it.’
He left her standing their shocked and rethinking of how to adjust to filet within reach of security of safety as Xaden hit the showers to get the sound of violets name of his body as cold as it could be to take off the warmness she left on him without her presence even there.
At times like this he always shot the question through the feathering silence in his mind.
‘Oh father what should I do’
Quotes of TikTok audios because I need to write them out part whatever:
This one from 10 thing I hate about you-arhehahhrhehshdhhd.
Violet-drunkleaning on like in the scene leading her back to her room past where they first kissed(idc when this is your imagination):You don’t care if I never wake up.
Xaden- subtly smiling: sure I do.
Violet- being turned around to face him: why?
Xaden: well then because then I’d have to actually try and take care of never mind keep alive a woman who actually likes me.
Violet-smiling drunk now: like you could find one.
Xaden-pushing hair behind Violet’s ear and points only for a slight money before laying down by his side-oh see, that there who needs affection when I have blind hatred ?
Incorrect quotes because I love these:
At the end of iron flame:
Violet-in Xaden’s room,telling him in an outraged tone sliced through it: That’s dishonest, Disrespectful, and deceitful.
Xaden:..So… your in?
Violet-blinks at him: I thought that was clear
Xaden: “all I want is love and care…”
Violet: *no hesitation throws two knives with exact threateningly accuracy.The one woman he should definitely not want*
Xaden: “… I want that one”