Xeno - Tumblr Posts
Dr.stone and Game Theory
Chrome: This Dr.Xeno guy is actually kind of a weird-o
Senku: I know, right? Hasn't my murderous mentor ever heard of Game Theory? His nasty strategy is inferior to my nice strategy!
Gen: Are you implying, that there is scientific grounds to have good orals-may?
Senku: 10 billion percent! Get excited!

And now one with Drift. Robots and ladies are probably my two favorite things. It’s like the meeting of peanut butter and chocolate. Except I got some robots in my ladies.
Any AVP fans still out there?! 🥺
Give a s/o ✋🏻😲 🤚🏻


A gender relating to cats and bread, a loaf with a cat face, toast with a cat face, and cats made out of bread
pronouns are cat/cats, toast/toasts, bread/breads, loaf/loaves, cat/bread, etc!
coined by yours truly!!

A gender related to blowing bubbles while listening to music, listening to music in a bubble, music about bubbles, and blowing bubbles while listening to car radio music
pronouns are bub/bles, bubble/bubbles, mu/sic, music/musics, car/radio, radio/radios, iheart/ihearts, spo/tify, and pan/dora!
again coined by me
im gonna stay up all night making crackgenders

I don't like drawing humans sooo anthro au :d

Oh no, incoming ink bust dump! featuring Hank Green ( @edwardspoonhands ), a couple of my characters in flower crowns (and also a quote from one of my professors), Dendy form OK K. O. ! Let’s be Heroes with more Kappa-like features because I need more Japanese mythology in my life, and a bunch of people names Susan because my Illustration professor said so!

Welp. Here’s a trashy doodle.
My characters. As trolls. I didn’t think this could Happen.
I don’t really care for Homestuck. Tried it, wasn’t for me.
But I just played Hiveswap Act 1
Good stuff.
I actually just learned a bunch of new stuff about trolls right after I drew this so I might redesign them at some point.

Lyxcoric Pride Flags + Symbol “lyxcoric is a xenogender related to sp4rkl3z3rr0r’s general aesthetic or to the darker colors of evil from lyx.”
Whenever I have a shitty day I just remind myself that Fei Fong Wong is absolutely 100% having a worse one, and then I have to stand up because my problems kinda pale in comparison

Current work in progress
When I first started playing Xenoblade 3 I was genuinely taken aback by how relevant the entire thing felt. But that’s something that I love about 3 in particular.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 seemed very political to me when I started playing it and was unfamiliar with the rest of the series. (Spoilers ahead.)
What do we see there? Two nations are at war with each other, even though the people on either side are no different from each other and have no reason to be hostile. The only ones who benefit from this are their rulers. And they have elevated national hatred to an absolute. But the real reasons for war are completely different: distribution of resources and distraction. The elite see the masses as a resource, and the elite owns this resource via Flame Clock system (in this reality, it is the life force itself, but in some other reality it could be the means of production). By the way, the "leaders" of both nations are just puppets in their hands, literally. The common people wonder what they are fighting for and whether they need it (the answer is 'no'). Only by uniting can they fight back against the ruling class. And only violently, because there is no way to win peacefully. The liberated colonies of both nations and the City must work together to do this effectively.
...So, what is this idea that tells us that people who are being oppressed and used as a resource by some group of people in power should rise up, put their differences aside, and unite against that group, against their REAL enemy, if they want a better life?
As someone who has the misfortune of being a citizen of a country that is currently engaged in such a senseless war, I can say that it very much reflects the problems and questions that many people are facing right now. And it offers a solution that a communist ideology would offer, yeah. (Let us also remember that extreme militarism and nationalism, on the other hand, are features of the far-right totalitarian system.)
…But then there is the whole Queens thing, the intersection of universes, the shift in emphasis to philosophy, and the fact that the new social order built in this struggle will be thrown in the trash with the Origin reboot. It all continues the general philosophical line of thinking about the future that is characteristic of the series as a whole (yes, there is the idea of "no gods, no masters" and that people should determine their own future, which echoes the idea that power and resources should belong to the people, but it is still more general). But still, the third part turned out, in my opinion, more social and relevant to our present.
I’m sorry if this is kinda basic, but if you put a well written “lovers are reborn and find each other in almost all of their lives” story beat in front of me, I will 9 times outta 10 eat that shit up.
You mean that a couples love is so strong that they are always drawn to each other no matter when they’re reborn?
You mean that they get to relive meeting each other, growing closer and closer every moment, and eventually falling in love all over again?
You mean that even if their story might end in tragedy, they will still find their love in another life?
You mean their fates are so strongly intertwined, that they’ll always find their missing puzzle piece?
You mean that their love is so strong it will literally defy time and space to allow them to be with each other once again??
You mean they’re so perfect for each other they can’t help but fall in love?????
I’m a sappy romantic at heart, I fear.