Yamanaka Ino - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Ino Shika Cho Team 10 (TS4) Lookbook + CC download.

Ino Shika Cho Team 10 (TS4) Lookbook + CC Download.
Ino Shika Cho Team 10 (TS4) Lookbook + CC Download.
Ino Shika Cho Team 10 (TS4) Lookbook + CC Download.
Ino Shika Cho Team 10 (TS4) Lookbook + CC Download.
Ino Shika Cho Team 10 (TS4) Lookbook + CC Download.
Ino Shika Cho Team 10 (TS4) Lookbook + CC Download.

šŸ’œšŸ’šā¤It's been a while!šŸ’œšŸ’šā¤

Just a little Team Asuma Modern/Urban AU lookbook <3 some outfits are basically the same, but most is just made up. A lot is stuff from the game or packs. I didn't include any skin eyebrows makeup cc etc. I did include a few lost cc items which i'll remove if anyone sends me a link to it.

Send me a WCIF for anything that you can't see included.

I did a couple of recolours:

Shikamaru Eco Lifestyle outfit recolour plus Nara clan symbol (requires EL)

Choji shirt with Akimichi clan symbol (BGC)

They're included in my folder.

Ino Shika Cho Team 10 (TS4) Lookbook + CC Download.
Ino Shika Cho Team 10 (TS4) Lookbook + CC Download.

Please read my terms of use :






šŸ’œšŸ’šā¤ Enjoy šŸ’œšŸ’šā¤

Ino Shika Cho Team 10 (TS4) Lookbook + CC Download.
Ino Shika Cho Team 10 (TS4) Lookbook + CC Download.
Ino Shika Cho Team 10 (TS4) Lookbook + CC Download.

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7 years ago

Yeah! Ino is awesome!! Love her!!

Can We Talk About How Ino Is Actually Really Badass?
Can We Talk About How Ino Is Actually Really Badass?
Can We Talk About How Ino Is Actually Really Badass?

Can we talk about how Ino is actually really badass?

* First, she graduated top of their academy class (with Sasuke and Shino) * She has the ability to literally take over your mind, and multiple minds at a time * She has the ability to make you turn on your allies and fight against them * She has medical nin abilities * She has sensing abilities. * Sheā€™s saved Chōjiā€™s life who knows how many times, whether during the chÅ«nin exams or against reincarnated Asuma. * She linked the mindsof every shinobi in the Allied Forces, and saved everyone from Ten Tails attacks * She stayed strong after her father died. * She controlled Obito * She saved Gai, Naruto, and Kakashi from the Ten Tails attack * During the meteor showers, she stood with Kakashi instantly relaying messages from other Kage while telling him where meteors where coming from * After Toneri was defeated she told the entire world it was the Hanabi Rescue Team * AND ON TOP OF THAT sheā€™s a fucking goddess with the best husband and son ever and owns a cute ass flower shop

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5 months ago
Birthday Kiss~
Birthday Kiss~

Birthday Kiss~ šŸŽØšŸ’‹šŸ—

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4 years ago
Naruto AU; Sasuke & Ino As Childhood Friends [Part 1, Pre Uchiha Massacre]
Naruto AU; Sasuke & Ino As Childhood Friends [Part 1, Pre Uchiha Massacre]
Naruto AU; Sasuke & Ino As Childhood Friends [Part 1, Pre Uchiha Massacre]
Naruto AU; Sasuke & Ino As Childhood Friends [Part 1, Pre Uchiha Massacre]
Naruto AU; Sasuke & Ino As Childhood Friends [Part 1, Pre Uchiha Massacre]
Naruto AU; Sasuke & Ino As Childhood Friends [Part 1, Pre Uchiha Massacre]

Naruto AU; Sasuke & Ino as childhood friends [Part 1, Pre Uchiha Massacre]

Footage taken from an old Naruto AMV I made thanks for taking it down youtube how kind of you

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3 years ago

Yeah... I'm still into SasuIno and I definitely need new content of them šŸ˜­ If I can't find any then... I guess I have to start focusing on them! šŸ’Ŗ Feel free to drop prompts or ideas šŸ’™šŸ’›šŸŒø

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2 years ago
Happy SasuIno Day! 23.08
Happy SasuIno Day! 23.08

Happy SasuIno day! 23.08 šŸ’œšŸšŸŒ»

These two literally made me want to draw. I owe them my art career šŸ’•šŸ’•

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2 years ago
Naruto AU; Sasuke & Ino As Childhood Friends [Part 1, Pre Uchiha Massacre]
Naruto AU; Sasuke & Ino As Childhood Friends [Part 1, Pre Uchiha Massacre]
Naruto AU; Sasuke & Ino As Childhood Friends [Part 1, Pre Uchiha Massacre]
Naruto AU; Sasuke & Ino As Childhood Friends [Part 1, Pre Uchiha Massacre]
Naruto AU; Sasuke & Ino As Childhood Friends [Part 1, Pre Uchiha Massacre]
Naruto AU; Sasuke & Ino As Childhood Friends [Part 1, Pre Uchiha Massacre]

Naruto AU; Sasuke & Ino as childhood friends [Part 1, Pre Uchiha Massacre]

Footage taken from an old Naruto AMV I made thanks for taking it down youtube how kind of you

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2 years ago
Sasuino - Lay Me To Sleep
Sasuino - Lay Me To Sleep
Sasuino - Lay Me To Sleep
Sasuino - Lay Me To Sleep
Sasuino - Lay Me To Sleep
Sasuino - Lay Me To Sleep
Sasuino - Lay Me To Sleep
Sasuino - Lay Me To Sleep

Sasuino - Lay Me To Sleep

Video by Chanteara Mystel

Watch video here X

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2 years ago

Do you think Ino and Sasuke couldā€™ve made a good couple? How do you think Ino being on Team 7 wouldā€™ve shifted their dynamic and overall storyline?

This was a really good question, for starters. 

Do I think Ino Yamanaka and Sasuke Uchiha would make a good couple?

Short answer: Yes. I think they are absolutely stunning together. I also would prefer them for the fact that I consider Ino my queen and Sasuke is my everything. So of course Iā€™d want them togetherā€”shipping goggles aside though, I genuinely admire their dynamic/relationship.

So, hereā€™s the long answer as to why:

Starting off with Inoā€™s introduction:

Do You Think Ino And Sasuke Couldve Made A Good Couple? How Do You Think Ino Being On Team 7 Wouldve

Sheā€™s so pure, even from childhood. Her first unique trait is that she gives flowers to those based on their meanings/representations. Inoā€™s first flower that she attempted to give to Sasuke was one that meant ā€œfriendshipā€. From the beginning, Ino knew Sasuke was in pain and longing for connection, and what made that scene better was that Ino didnā€™t know about Sasukeā€™s family, she only knows that he was always off by himself. So when she attempted to give him the flower meaning friendship, it spoke to us as readers that this was Inoā€™s way of reaching out to others.

Studio Pierrot ruined that moment though and turned it into Sasuke walking past her without even acknowledging her. In the actual scene, Sasuke acknowledges Inoā€™s attempt, but her shyly turns away from her. They painted his disregard to her as hostile when the actual scene portrayed him being shy. 

The next time we encounter Ino, she approaches Sasuke without hesitation:

Do You Think Ino And Sasuke Couldve Made A Good Couple? How Do You Think Ino Being On Team 7 Wouldve

This was the moment my heart began shipping them. (not actually, I did find it cute though)

This was the scene where it made me realize that Ino is the kind of person people need around; sheā€™s confident, friendly and courageous. Little moments like these say so much about her, itā€™s heartwarming. 

Also, I want to express why I think Ino would have been good for Sasuke:

1.) She is the literal definition of supportive. 

Do You Think Ino And Sasuke Couldve Made A Good Couple? How Do You Think Ino Being On Team 7 Wouldve

In various instances, itā€™s Ino that holds people together. Sheā€™s the backbone of everyone she touches. She radiates this beautiful energy that puts life back into those who need it. 

If she were romantically involved with Sasuke Uchiha, I know for certain that she would encourage him to find the happiness within himself, while pulling him back to the surface with a gentle touch and her beautiful smile.

2.) She cares so much.

Do You Think Ino And Sasuke Couldve Made A Good Couple? How Do You Think Ino Being On Team 7 Wouldve
Do You Think Ino And Sasuke Couldve Made A Good Couple? How Do You Think Ino Being On Team 7 Wouldve

Even when sheā€™s hurting or have other things going on, her first concern is always that of others, especially her teammates. She has shown this compassionate nature since she was a child. 

Sasuke could use someone like Ino, because she would always ask him whatā€™s on his mind, sheā€™d allow him to express himself. 

3.) Sheā€™s selfless.

Do You Think Ino And Sasuke Couldve Made A Good Couple? How Do You Think Ino Being On Team 7 Wouldve
Do You Think Ino And Sasuke Couldve Made A Good Couple? How Do You Think Ino Being On Team 7 Wouldve

When the others feel like they are going to crumble, Ino steps in to remind them why they continue to fight. She puts other peopleā€™s well being/lives before hers. She helps others get back on their feet, she gives them a reason to see another day. Her selfless nature carries over into adulthood; she wants the best for everyone. 

This is what Sasuke needs. Even if they hadnā€™t ended up together romantically, Ino is the only true character thatā€™s selfless in every action she takes. At least if their friendship had of developed properly, Sasuke would be able to have someone in his life that doesnā€™t want anything from him but his happiness.

4.) Sheā€™s brave.

Do You Think Ino And Sasuke Couldve Made A Good Couple? How Do You Think Ino Being On Team 7 Wouldve

In the Ino-Shika-Cho formation, Ino is always the first one to make a move, the other two always follow behind her. Sheā€™s not afraid to be out front, she even admits that she doesnā€™t need to be protected by them. 

Ino would be the person to help Sasuke face the things heā€™s afraid of most, like his fear of losing those close to him. Ino would be the person to reassure and encourage Sasuke to not let that eat him alive; sheā€™d be brave enough to face those things with him. 

Ino brings the best out in people, however she also just always wants the best for people too. I think Ino Yamanaka would be the perfect fit for Sasuke Uchiha because sheā€™s a beautiful soul with a selfless heart. 

How would Ino change the dynamic of Team 7?

Ino being apart of team 7 would change the dynamic because it would impact Sasuke Uchiha the most.

We have to remember that Ino is very understanding, compassionate and selfless.

With those personality traits in mind, her interactions with Sasuke would be more about him, rather than herself. Sheā€™s quite a curious person, so I think off the bat she would pose questions about Sasukes family or at least wanting to know more about him. How Sasuke would react depends on the kind of questions she would ask. I think in all honesty, Sasuke would open up to her first and foremost before anyone and not only because their teammates, but because he genuinely trusts her. I think that if Ino would be the person Sasuke Uchiha would think about at the back of his head when he ultimately decides to leave the village. Her presence would have a greater impact on him, because as I mentioned before, she only wants the best for everyone. I think as Sasuke spirals down his path of loneliness and destruction, it would be Ino he thinks of in place of those broken bonds he experienced when losing his family. 

I also donā€™t think Sasuke Uchiha would ever bring himself to even think about hurting her. Because she would never place her own feelings above his, in order to make him comply with anything.

As for Naruto, I highly doubt anything romantic would even begin to form. I say that because Ino is not centered around romance and she doesnā€™t really seem to care that deeply for it. With that being said, she isnā€™t immediately enamored by people easily. She admires hard work and skills, but she wouldnā€™t develop that strange awe of Naruto the way Sakura did because Ino is a naturally supportive friend, I think sheā€™d accomplish being close to Naruto without making it feel romantic (basically what sheā€™s like with Shikamaru). 

In terms of combat training / skills together as a team, assuming she keeps her clan techniques, she wouldnā€™t exactly be a strong asset to the team in terms of combat power, but she excels in everything else. You have to also remember that Ino was the second highest ranking student for the written tests in the academy, under Sasuke. So sheā€™s not a dunce when it comes to anything else, she just wouldnā€™t have that raw, intense power the way Sakura does.

Overall I think Ino Yamanakaā€™s addition to Team 7 would be lighthearted, supportive, healthy and memorable. Sheā€™d hold her boys together, while encouraging them to be themselves, not shrouding themselves in loneliness. Sheā€™d be their companion, their partner, their teammate, their leader. Inoā€™s addition would fill every role possible because thatā€™s just the kind of person she is. 

Do You Think Ino And Sasuke Couldve Made A Good Couple? How Do You Think Ino Being On Team 7 Wouldve
Do You Think Ino And Sasuke Couldve Made A Good Couple? How Do You Think Ino Being On Team 7 Wouldve
Do You Think Ino And Sasuke Couldve Made A Good Couple? How Do You Think Ino Being On Team 7 Wouldve

I mean just look at her. Team 7 wishes they had Ino. Their missing out.

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2 years ago

Sasuino Headcanons with gifs

Each otherā€™s significant show of affection:


- Soft forehead touches are a big thing between Sasuke and Ino. To Sasuke it symbolizes the closeness he allows Ino to have with him just as Itachi had done before he finally deceased. While fore Ino, it symbolizes the trust and love shared between them as the mind is a big thing for the Yamanaka clan.

Thinking of each other from afar:



- Every time Sasuke sees flowers on his trip, it makes him smile since it makes him think of Ino and her expertise in flowers, and the rest of her beautiful mind that contained information he would sometimes love to listen to because they just brighten his view of the world little by little.



- Considering that Ino works with traumatized children, she often thinks back to Sasuke as one of her sources. Not the most positive way to think of your lover, but it does teaches her and motivates her to help children to not do the wrong things to achieve justice. She was the girl who knew he was suffering, and she did try to reach out to him, and she knew she was a little girl so there wasnā€™t much she could do, but she still wants to evolve into a better person who couldā€™ve helped saved him much earlier as one of his friends. 



- What does drive them to really think of one another is the night sky. Ino thinks of Sasuke when she looks at the moon (Despite what chaos went down). She thinks of how just like him, it comes and goes, lighting brightly in the darkness together with the stars behind the clouds, but be still wrapped in it. Sasuke, when he looks to the stars, he knows from Orochimaruā€™s astrology documents (something he mightā€™ve read when he took a break from training,) about how they were suns and planets millions of miles away. Yet to him, he sees each one of these stars representing different fallen and rising shinobi. He looks to the brightest one, the morning/evening star, and thinks of Ino. 

(I also like how Ino is a Libra and her ruling planet is Venus which is the morning/evening star.)

What they dislike about the other person, but itā€™s not a big enough flaw to break them apart:



- Inoā€™s critical nature on herself and sometimes on others. Like Ino is one of the most lovable, accepting and understanding person, but sheā€™s also very critical on how she looks and what some people may think, and she, out of an old bad habit, would do this to others. Sasuke sees pros and cons to this attitude, but when those cons shine, heā€™s gonna do something, and that may either be lovingly reminding her of how amazing she is or scolding her for speaking too boldly that it came off rude.



- Sasukeā€™s brooding. Itā€™s cool from afar, but in a relationship it can be tiring. Ino can be very patient and understanding since Sasuke has gone through a lot, but itā€™s not healthy, and his choices made by this brooding can be frustrating, so sheā€™ll speak her mind even if she knows itā€™ll hurt him or else no progress will be made.

When they canā€™t be or feel strong because of the pains of the past:


- So with Sasuke constantly traveling, Ino makes up for it by creating or finding a Yamanaka jutsu that allows for long distance telepathy, empathy, astral projection, and/or something that allows them to connect. When they need the other, they kinda give something like a door bell ring to the other personā€™s mind, and they wait for them to make the time to attend to the other because they might be busy.

The first thing they do when they have alone time after a long while:


- Other than the obvious welcome home sex or itā€™s-good-to-see-you-Iā€™ve-missed-you sex, they both just want to stay in bed or somewhere soft and quiet to snuggle. Sasukeā€™s been walking and fighting for weeks to months, and Inoā€™s been working her ass off at the hospital and ninja missions, so time to get COZY. If at home, theyā€™re either both fresh from the shower or in post-orgasm glow, and just appreciating the warm and soft feel of the others body. A lot of kisses, caresses, silent staring, and smiles. Maybe some pillow talk.

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10 months ago
Some Reunions, Like Naruto And Lee, Are Filled With Happy Hugs And Warm Welcomes.
Some Reunions, Like Naruto And Lee, Are Filled With Happy Hugs And Warm Welcomes.
Some Reunions, Like Naruto And Lee, Are Filled With Happy Hugs And Warm Welcomes.
Some Reunions, Like Naruto And Lee, Are Filled With Happy Hugs And Warm Welcomes.
Some Reunions, Like Naruto And Lee, Are Filled With Happy Hugs And Warm Welcomes.
Some Reunions, Like Naruto And Lee, Are Filled With Happy Hugs And Warm Welcomes.
Some Reunions, Like Naruto And Lee, Are Filled With Happy Hugs And Warm Welcomes.
Some Reunions, Like Naruto And Lee, Are Filled With Happy Hugs And Warm Welcomes.
Some Reunions, Like Naruto And Lee, Are Filled With Happy Hugs And Warm Welcomes.
Some Reunions, Like Naruto And Lee, Are Filled With Happy Hugs And Warm Welcomes.
Some Reunions, Like Naruto And Lee, Are Filled With Happy Hugs And Warm Welcomes.
Some Reunions, Like Naruto And Lee, Are Filled With Happy Hugs And Warm Welcomes.
Some Reunions, Like Naruto And Lee, Are Filled With Happy Hugs And Warm Welcomes.
Some Reunions, Like Naruto And Lee, Are Filled With Happy Hugs And Warm Welcomes.
Some Reunions, Like Naruto And Lee, Are Filled With Happy Hugs And Warm Welcomes.
Some Reunions, Like Naruto And Lee, Are Filled With Happy Hugs And Warm Welcomes.

Some reunions, like Naruto and Lee, are filled with happy hugs and warm welcomes.

Others...not so much.

Ino and Sakura's reunion...yeah it doesn't go great.

Sakura had been invited back into her mother's estranged family after her accident, but on the way through Tea Country, the caravan had been attacked by bandits/dissidents and Sakura ended up jumping into a river to save herself.

Her body was never found, and she was considered dead. She has an empty grave right beside her mother's and father's in Konoha.

Ino, Naruto and Lee were devastated. Ino, in particular, was inconsolable. She'd just made up with her friend and they'd been struggling to find footing after Sakura's accident, so to get the news of her death crushed Ino.

She'd felt so guilty, fighting over stupid things like boys, all the dumb insults they'd leveled at each other, and her helplessness at Sakura's condition ate at her for a long time. Ino threw herself into the job and she left flowers at Sakura's grave every Sunday for a year (and her parents did it for her when she was on missions) before finally beginning to heal.

To learn that Sakura was alive the entire time, that she didn't care enough to send Ino a single letter...that she just let Ino go through all that heart-wrenching grief is a betrayal that Ino can't suffer. It's like having that wound, only just now scarring over, be torn open and salted.

She spent a year mired in grief, and the next three trying to mend the hole Sakura's death left in her life. And to have all of that history, friendship and grief disrespected... Ino doesn't talk to Sakura for almost 7 months.

As for Sakura, she was in such a depression after her accident, she managed to convince herself that she didn't matter to any of her old friends (especially because it was so awkward and difficult to find common footing with everyone after being honorably discharged). So she made the mistake of assuming no one cared, almost as a method of protecting herself from the consequences of her own decisions.

This bites her in the ass, ofc.

Eventually, they enter a 'cold but civil' relationship when Sakura makes a sincere, heartfelt (and groveling) apology. After that, the walls come down, but their friendship won't ever take the same form as it did before, but maybe that's for the better.

Their new friendship is much stronger.

Once again, thank you so much to everyone for all the amazing asks and the incredibly kind words about this AU!


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5 months ago

Hc that Ino is actually AWFUL at cutting hair

Hc That Ino Is Actually AWFUL At Cutting Hair
Hc That Ino Is Actually AWFUL At Cutting Hair
Hc That Ino Is Actually AWFUL At Cutting Hair
Hc That Ino Is Actually AWFUL At Cutting Hair
Hc That Ino Is Actually AWFUL At Cutting Hair
Hc That Ino Is Actually AWFUL At Cutting Hair

Ino's actually oblivious to how awful her skills at haircutting are, but she likes to help her friends in any way she can. Sakura, to help curb Ino's need to help, offers her own hair. Sakura doesn't mind whatever haircuts Ino leaves her with, although she does neaten them a little for when she's at work. This continues when they're adults too

+ Bonus Ino

Hc That Ino Is Actually AWFUL At Cutting Hair

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5 months ago
A Fun Day At The Park!

A fun day at the park!

Sorry itā€™s been awhileā€¦ā€¦

I decided Iā€™d do a random drawing to get back into it!

I know itā€™s not Shikatema, my sister got me to draw something on her request to help get rid of my art block.

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5 months ago

is inos eyes canocally blue green or like a aqua tealish color?

Is Inos Eyes Canocally Blue Green Or Like A Aqua Tealish Color?
Is Inos Eyes Canocally Blue Green Or Like A Aqua Tealish Color?
Is Inos Eyes Canocally Blue Green Or Like A Aqua Tealish Color?
Is Inos Eyes Canocally Blue Green Or Like A Aqua Tealish Color?
Is Inos Eyes Canocally Blue Green Or Like A Aqua Tealish Color?
Is Inos Eyes Canocally Blue Green Or Like A Aqua Tealish Color?
Is Inos Eyes Canocally Blue Green Or Like A Aqua Tealish Color?
Is Inos Eyes Canocally Blue Green Or Like A Aqua Tealish Color?

I think that depends on what you'd consider to be canon, but, in most cases, I personally like to go off of manga colours, so -

Ino's original colour palette was platinum blonde hair and light blue eyes, going off of volume 6. These are the colours the anime has used for the series and what has been used for official art Ino features in

Is Inos Eyes Canocally Blue Green Or Like A Aqua Tealish Color?
Is Inos Eyes Canocally Blue Green Or Like A Aqua Tealish Color?

However, in the Shippuden volumes her eyes are a light green/turqoise colour and her hair is much more golden. These colours are used throughout online manga colourings that I've seen

Is Inos Eyes Canocally Blue Green Or Like A Aqua Tealish Color?
Is Inos Eyes Canocally Blue Green Or Like A Aqua Tealish Color?
Is Inos Eyes Canocally Blue Green Or Like A Aqua Tealish Color?

Being the more updated of the two palettes mangawise, I would answer with green, but I think it's more up to personal preference and what colours you think are more "Ino". For me personally, I like Ino's light blue eyes so I'd lean towards those in my art

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