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Naruto characters x things I said
Warnings: A few swear words, mention of anxiety and ptsd, but there's no description about it, mention of death, but it's not serious nor described
Part 2 - part 3 - part4 - part5- part 6 - part 7
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Naruto: Bro, what if we are soulmates friends?
Sasuke: I'll do this assignment later, what could go wrong anyway?
Also Sasuke, two hours before the deadline, panicking: It went wrong. It went so wrong
Kakashi: Oh, thank you Karen, now that you told me to not be anxious my anxiety and ptsd are cured
Ino: My superiority complex is taking so much space lately. It makes me think that my inferiority complex will kick in and stay for as long as he can to ruin my life
Hinata: Sometimes I relax, other times I remember I have to go outside eventually and talk with people
Neji: So today I really woke up and choose pain
Itachi: I didn't think I would come this far. I thought I would die before my 18th birthday
Shikamaru: I'm 18, did you really think I would come this far and not know how to go to school without doing homework?
Tenten: So today we received a package at home and the guy asked If I was Lee. I said yes and took the pack. I FUCKING SAID YES. I didn't sleep enough for this shit
Temari, after someone called her a bitch: Well, thank you, I try my best, so it feels good to know my efforts are appreciated
Shisui: I told my father to leave my murder unsolved so I'll be on the news and everyone will be so pissed, because they just wanted to see their program and not look at another dead kid
Sakura, with wax near her: In the next hour I'm gonna rip my body hair from my face
Gaara: Since I never learned how to properly react to my feelings and most of the times I don't really show them, all my expressions are acted and overly exaggerated.
Shino, crying during a test: I'm so gonna fail this
Shino, two minutes later: turns out I know the answer if I cry enough
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Naruto characters x things I said pt.2
Warnings: a few swear words, mention of anxiety and panic attacks, but there's no description about it
Part 1 - part 3 - part4 - part5 - part 6 - part 7
Just a little note. There's a point that can be easily misunderstood. It's the sentence I gave to Sakura. I want to say that my father is a beautiful person, we just like to roast each other. I love him and he loves me with all his heart. Just wanted to clarify.
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Shikamaru: You know, I would like to have a girlfriend, but I'm too lazy to date. I mean. I should go to dates, put in efforts...
Hinata, to Sakura: You know, I have terrible taste in men, but damn, you got some real trash there
Kakashi: My anxiety today came home. It was a while and I didn't miss her
Sakura: I have a beautiful relationship with my father. I annoy him, he calls me a bitch, I thank him and the we just go on with our day
Itachi, with a straight face: I passed last year having panic attacks and cry myself to sleep, so now I just let it go
Itachi, two seconds later, in his head: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Yamato, at some point while keeping team seven: Why am I doing this? What went through my head that made me say this was a good idea? I don't even like this shit.
Iruka, while hugging a kid: Yeah, I don't like childern
Ino: Ignoring my problems is how I go on
Shisui, looking in the mirror: And I ask myself why people thinks I'm gay
Kiba, crying on his academy test: I just want to go home
Tenten, with her hair in her hands: Turns out I have amazing hairdresser skills
Kushina: Today my professor said I look like Sofia Loren. I don't know where he saw it, but that shit kept me going
Naruto: I want to go home. Please I just want to go home
Sasuke: I'm awkward, emotionally unstable and I don't like people
Gaara: It's not my fault I don't know how to display emotions. Nobody ever taught me how!
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Naruto characters x things I said pt.3
Because apparently people like to read how I try to keep myself together
Warnings: none
Part 1 - part 2 - part4 - part5 - part 6 - part 7
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Sasuke: today someone asked me who's funeral is just because I was in black clothes. So I looked at him dead in the eyes and smiled at him. He run away and I haven't saw him for the rest of the day
Sai, looking to one of his drawings: Please don't look at me with that disappointment... wait, why am I even talking to a drawing. I draw this. I decided what he needed to look like... Am I disappointed at myself?
Sai, two seconds later: And J act like I didn't know it
Ino: Apparently I am not a simp, I'm just incredibly horny
Naruto, feeling his face after a fight: It can't be that bad
Naruto, looking in the mirror: It is that bad. It is so, so bad
Kakashi:The fact that you're not the healthy friend scares me. Because I'm not the healthy friend either!
Shisui, trying to convince himself in front of the mirror: I'm so gonna fail this, but at least I look good
Hinata, with a lost gaze: I just cried for 3 hours straight, but it's fine
Hinata, few moments later, crying: it's not fine. It's not fine at all dammit
Sakura, in front of the mirror: And remember. You might failing your life but at least you'll die looking good
Also Sakura the next day: I look like I'm homeless, but I'm in my own house and no one can tell me what to do
Teacher: you'll have just nine minutes for the test. 30 seconds for every question. I made it so you won't be able to cheat
Itachi, activating his sharingan: bold of you to assume I won't be able to cheat in 30 seconds
Don't cheat on your tests kids. It wont help you
Tenten: this will probably make me cry. I better sit on my emotional chair
Neji, looking at his cat going away from his bed: The betrayal. Ok, go on, I don't need you
Also Neji when the cats returns: Hi love of my life I missed you come here, cuddle me
Gaara: I don't get all this emotion thing. You mean I can cry in front of others and not feel bad about being a burden? What kind of witchery is this?
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Neji, sipping his tea: Sometimes I wonder when he'll discover the trick. Most of the times [looks at Gai] I just enjoy
Tenten: Goodnight, Gai-sensei.
Gai: Goodnight, Tenten!
Tenten: Goodnight, evil ghost who eats jonin who are bad.
Kakashi [through a radio under Gai's bed]: Goodnight.
Naruto characters x things I said pt.5
This is why I need therapy smh
Warnings: mention of mental issues, anxiety and ptsd. None of this is described. Mention of homofobes and that's it I think
Part1 - part2 - part3- part 4 - part 6 - part 7
Masterlist and rules
Kakashi: I have a lot going on. Trust issues, abandonment issues, ptsd, anxiety, superiority complex, inferiority complex and probably a couple more. But I'm subtle about them and if I don't say anything about it no one will notice
Sasuke: my trust issues really are out there trying to ruin my life
Naruto: sometimes when I'm sad I remember two of my homophobes classmates once said they were an homosexual couple instead of saying homophobe. And it kinda makes me laugh. I still want to punch them though
Hinata: I don't need a boy to ruin my life. I am perfectly capable of ruin it myself.
Hinata, two seconds later: Ok, that's sad... do I... do I need a therapist?
Ino: I'm not saying I enjoy people arguing, but if you are yelling next to me, expect me to pick up a snack and watch you until you finish
Sai: I'm sorry I'm awkward, I don't know how to socialize
Tenten: Guess who's gonna cry herself to sleep because her mother commented on her weight. Oh that's right. Me
X: Oh, is she your daughter?
Neji: I'm his son, actually, but nice try.
Ah the time people would think I was my brother just because I had short hair
Sakura: Hi, I'm Sakura, I'm 17 and people still mistake me for a boy when I'm out with my father. I decided I don't care anymore and I'll roll with it until they are really confused by my use of pronouns
Itachi: Do I look like I'm sixteen?
Kisame: No? Why?
Itachi: A girl today said she thought I was sixteen and I'm really confused now
Shisui: I like lot of things like... Itachi, sweet things, uh... Itachi
Shino: My teacher said he expected more from me... well, guess I'm gonna cry and have a panic attack over the fact that I let down another person. Sounds good to me
Iruka: And remember kid. Another day is just another occasion to prove the world you can destroy it without efforts
Yamato, probably, at one point with team seven: So now we add stress huh? Alright. I'll cry a little about it then I'll go on like nothing ever happened until I have another breakdown
Masterlist and rules
Naruto characters x things I said pt.5
This is why I need therapy smh
Warnings: mention of mental issues, anxiety and ptsd. None of this is described. Mention of homofobes and that's it I think
Part1 - part2 - part3- part 4
Masterlist and rules
Kakashi: I have a lot going on. Trust issues, abandonment issues, ptsd, anxiety, superiority complex, inferiority complex and probably a couple more. But I'm subtle about them and if I don't say anything about it no one will notice
Sasuke: my trust issues really are out there trying to ruin my life
Naruto: sometimes when I'm sad I remember two of my homophobes classmates once said they were an homosexual couple instead of saying homophobe. And it kinda makes me laugh. I still want to punch them though
Hinata: I don't need a boy to ruin my life. I am perfectly capable of ruin it myself.
Hinata, two seconds later: Ok, that's sad... do I... do I need a therapist?
Ino: I'm not saying I enjoy people arguing, but if you are yelling next to me, expect me to pick up a snack and watch you until you finish
Sai: I'm sorry I'm awkward, I don't know how to socialize
Tenten: Guess who's gonna cry herself to sleep because her mother commented on her weight. Oh that's right. Me
X: Oh, is she your daughter?
Neji: I'm his son, actually, but nice try.
Ah the time people would think I was my brother just because I had short hair
Sakura: Hi, I'm Sakura, I'm 17 and people still mistake me for a boy when I'm out with my father. I decided I don't care anymore and I'll roll with it until they are really confused by my use of pronouns
Itachi: Do I look like I'm sixteen?
Kisame: No? Why?
Itachi: A girl today said she thought I was sixteen and I'm really confused now
Shisui: I like lot of things like... Itachi, sweet things, uh... Itachi
Shino: My teacher said he expected more from me... well, guess I'm gonna cry and have a panic attack over the fact that I let down another person. Sounds good to me
Iruka: And remember kid. Another day is just another occasion to prove the world you can destroy it without efforts
Yamato, probably, at one point with team seven: So now we add stress huh? Alright. I'll cry a little about it then I'll go on like nothing ever happened until I have another breakdown
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Naruto characters x things I said pt.6
How did I manage 6 parts of this?!
Part 1 - part 2 -part 3 - part 4 -part 5 - part 7
Warnings: mention of panic attacks
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Itachi, after he stopped crying for a breakdown: That was actually pretty stupid if you ask me.
Kakashi: You know, cosplay is fun until it's 3 in the morning and you have to take all the make up off
Tenten: Ehy, if I were to cut my hair, what haircut should I do?
Neji: Don't.
Tenten: Why?
Neji: Because I know you and you'll just think "But maybe short hair" and you'll continue to cut
Tenten: *cuts her hair without saying anything*
Shisui: My confidence with messy, wavy hair just went *proceeds to show a printed grafic*
Gaara: It's not true that my face is always the same. I can look disappointed in myself sometimes
Shikamaru: If I say it like that it sounds like I want to kill him, but I'm too lazy to do it
Hinata, chuckling nervously: It's not like I had 2 panic attacks yesterday
X: What colour are your eyes?
Kurenai: ...Yes
Kakuzu: I have to be wise with money since I'm poor
Hidan: No one will stop me from buying this, not even me
*alarm going off*
Obito: OK, I had my five minutes daily cry. What am I supposed to do?
Obito, two seconds later: And people ask why I don't have mental health
Naruto, in his office doing paperwork and on the verge of tears: How did I manage all those years of this shit?
Shino, during a test: Sounds like the right time to panic and have a breakdown. Hopefully I'll be quiet and I won't disturb the others
Sasuke: I can't wait to graduate and insult him with everything he did
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Naruto characters x things I said pt. 7
Warnings: some swear words, mention of crying, I guess some of this could be interpreted in a bad way, but I swear I am mentally stable I'm just weird
Part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6
Masterlist and rules
This actually seems pretty therapeutic to do, so here a seventh part
Naruto, crying over his paperwork: stop. Please stop bringing this. I just want to go home. I just want this to stop
Kakashi: I should teach you this, but I don't want to, so we're just gonna chill (this was actually my teacher, not me smh)
Sakura: why do you have such large clothes? You seem skinnier than this
Hinata: *waves hands to show she has boobs*
Lee, bouncing on his seat: I'm exited. I don't know why I'm exited, but I am.
Neji, waving the cat in the air: stinky cat
Shisui: I want a crow, then I'll name it after the first person it remind me of.
Itachi, crying: I'm fine, just give me a minute
*30 seconds later*
Itachi, looking perfectly normal: Ok, what were we saying?
Shisui, horrified: that you should show more your emotions
Itachi: Nah, I'm good.
Shikamaru: If I do this I won't need to get up again. But am I willing to do that now? I still need to set the alarm, so I should probably get up and do both
Shikamaru, in his bed after he set the alarm: Fuck I forgot to do that, now I have to get up again.
(I know some of you said the same thing one way or another. We all lazy)
Gaara: bottle up my emotions was probably the wrong choice. But I'd do it again
(For my italian people... Me ne pento? Si. Lo rifarei? Probabile. Conoscete benissimo questa meme e mi viene in mente ogni volta che ripenso a ciĂČ che ho detto)
Gai: How can you be scared of this little, sweet ducks?
Tenten: keep those demons away from me
(No, I don't like ducks)
Shino, after being forgotten again: Don't worry, I'm used to the pain by now
Deidara, to his friend: ehy, if you want we can go to your teacher's house and burn it down
Konan, entering an akatsuki base: I haven't even stepped in and I already want to go home
X: Why do you want to be perceived like wonder woman? There's no need for you to have such high standards
Sasuke: glad you asked, it's called inferiority complex
Sasori: wish I could be a puppet. They don't have emotions. They don't have to care about anything
Temari: this hairstyle is really masculine, but do I like jt? Do I hate it? Does it suit me? What was I thinking before?
Kiba, searching for Akamaru: where are you? I want cuddles you little shit
Kankuro: Ehy, do you think someone could die from drinking water?
Garaa: dunno, why you asking?
Kankuro on his 4th litre of water of the day: No reason
(Yes, if you drink too much water in a really short time you could die and the adviced amount of water is from 1,5L to 2L)
Naruto characters x things I said pt. 7
Warnings: some swear words, mention of crying, I guess some of this could be interpreted in a bad way, but I swear I am mentally stable I'm just weird
Part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6
Masterlist and rules
This actually seems pretty therapeutic to do, so here a seventh part
Naruto, crying over his paperwork: stop. Please stop bringing this. I just want to go home. I just want this to stop
Kakashi: I should teach you this, but I don't want to, so we're just gonna chill (this was actually my teacher, not me smh)
Sakura: why do you have such large clothes? You seem skinnier than this
Hinata: *waves hands to show she has boobs*
Lee, bouncing on his seat: I'm exited. I don't know why I'm exited, but I am.
Neji, waving the cat in the air: stinky cat
Shisui: I want a crow, then I'll name it after the first person it remind me of.
Itachi, crying: I'm fine, just give me a minute
*30 seconds later*
Itachi, looking perfectly normal: Ok, what were we saying?
Shisui, horrified: that you should show more your emotions
Itachi: Nah, I'm good.
Shikamaru: If I do this I won't need to get up again. But am I willing to do that now? I still need to set the alarm, so I should probably get up and do both
Shikamaru, in his bed after he set the alarm: Fuck I forgot to do that, now I have to get up again.
(I know some of you said the same thing one way or another. We all lazy)
Gaara: bottle up my emotions was probably the wrong choice. But I'd do it again
(For my italian people... Me ne pento? Si. Lo rifarei? Probabile. Conoscete benissimo questa meme e mi viene in mente ogni volta che ripenso a ciĂČ che ho detto)
Gai: How can you be scared of this little, sweet ducks?
Tenten: keep those demons away from me
(No, I don't like ducks)
Shino, after being forgotten again: Don't worry, I'm used to the pain by now
Deidara, to his friend: ehy, if you want we can go to your teacher's house and burn it down
Konan, entering an akatsuki base: I haven't even stepped in and I already want to go home
X: Why do you want to be perceived like wonder woman? There's no need for you to have such high standards
Sasuke: glad you asked, it's called inferiority complex
Sasori: wish I could be a puppet. They don't have emotions. They don't have to care about anything
Temari: this hairstyle is really masculine, but do I like jt? Do I hate it? Does it suit me? What was I thinking before?
Kiba, searching for Akamaru: where are you? I want cuddles you little shit
Kankuro: Ehy, do you think someone could die from drinking water?
Garaa: dunno, why you asking?
Kankuro on his 4th litre of water of the day: No reason
(Yes, if you drink too much water in a really short time you could die and the adviced amount of water is from 1,5L to 2L)

Reasons for submission under the cut
he is trying so hard to do what he is supposed to, even succeeding at it, only for everything to be a lie
he's authentic and driven and he doesn't care what other people think, if he believes something he will go ahead and do it, unafraid of paying the price
Sasuke was right about everything
he went through so much and never gave up, it's very inspiring and means a lot
Fortnite Sasuke
despite everything he can't help but love
his relationship with Itachi is one of the most heartbreaking and beautiful sibling relationships, genocide aside it's very relatable
he looks just like Mikoto.....
he's beautiful!
he has so much compassion for others and will do what he can for them, but still does not compromise his own beliefs and goals to do so
he's so personal to [submitter] and has been the sole reason of making it through hard times
love is stored in the Sasuke
true heroine or the Naruto series
all his outfits slay
the whole manga wouldn't even exist if it weren't for him
kind, compassionate, driven by love, fucking iconic
trans masc icon and legend
the revolutionnnn
he is an emo icon
a communist
a transgay legend
[submitters] family is generationally effected by genocide so Sasukes justice means the world to [submitter]. Sasukes love means EVERYTHING to [submitter]
he is full of love
very strong
excellent gay representation
owner of the worlds most special eyes
the most relatable Naruto character
a snarky lil bitch :)
he went thru so much & gets too much hate for someone who only wanted revenge for his murdered clan
cat boy
femme fatale
kept going despite all the trauma he went through
flawless observation skills
analytical, intelligent
never let anyone push him around or manipulate him
full of love and kindness
pacifist at heart (refuses to kill innocents)
sought to destroy Konoha
serves cunt in all his outfits
friend of animals
killed Orochimaru because he felt like it
her main jutsu is just throw so many knives at you and I respect that
her weapons mastery/sealing jutsu had so much potential and it never got the treatment it deserved
team Gai supremacy
in a text convo between neji & tenten Ë àŒâĄ
tenten: hi i have a question
neji: yes iâd still love you if you were a worm.
neji: yes iâd cry if you died.
neji: yes i still love you.
neji: no i donât want to break up.
tenten: thank you :) <3
limerence - iterum
is this a good time to shamelessly promote my nejiten fic đŁđ
I was tagged by @tentenismybitch !!
Please share your last sentence; or, if you don't have one, share a plot bunny or idea!
this is (part of) a scene from my fic âlimerence - iterumâ that comes a bit later in the story but i was too excited to write it so i did :p obvi tentative (and a bit rushed oops) since im not at that part yet, so it might change as i go on, but enjoy :)
âYou said it yourself, Neji.â Her voice was gentle, resigned. It held none of that anger heâd expectedâhoped for. She released a short, humourless laugh, her voice lowering into a gentle whisper, as if pointing out an unmistakable truth, âWe canât be friends.â âTenten.â His voice was pained. Desperate. Imploring. Her face softened, if infinitesimally, and those beautiful brown eyes gazed into his with so much ill-concealed longing he was ready to get on his knees and beg. Beg for her forgiveness. Plead with her to give them another chance. To forget he ever said those senseless words. He was ready to get on his knees and repent ceaselessly like he were a wicked sinner and she his altar. Her brows pulled into a soft frown, and she faintly shook her head. âI'm too much for you,â she said in a broken whisper, almost desperately. He didn't know who she was trying to convince of thisâhimself or her. âI don'tâ âshe looked away, swallowedâ âI don't regret you, Neji. And I can only hope you think back fondly on what we had, becauseââ Her voice wavered, broke, and she took a shuddering breath to compose herself, her eyes going skyward to stop the tears collecting on her waterline from flowing.
well. now you know why i included we can't be friends & don't wanna break up again by ariana grande in the fic playlist HEHE hope you likedddddd (link for the fic is pinned on my blog love you)
i have no one to tag (PLS BE MY MOOT I BEG) so if you see this & wanna do it, pls go ahead!!! pretend i tagged you HAHAHA
one of my favourite neji headcanons is that one of his primary love languages is gift giving because hes a #richBoy and he has so much money, which he enjoys spending on those he loves. like, imagine one of his friends (probably lee or tenten, mostly) (OR hinata and hanabi) mentioning needing/wanting something VERY BRIEFLY/in passing & then later opening their door to find a package on their steps with the best model/highest quality piece of said thing.
and they'd immediately know who the culprit was.
and then the exchange would go something like this:
âneji, this is insane!! why would you buy this for me ??? how much did this cost you ??? how did you even KNOW I WANTED THIS â????â
âyou said you wanted it, right..? đâ
âit was not very expensive. please do not worry about paying me back or anything of the sort.â
âhow. much.â
tenten i will avenge you..

oh tenten youâll never be the evil emotionless girl the naruto fandom what u to be

tenten aka #1 victim of the sassy man apocalypse. :P
insp by @lubdubu's blog post saying the exact same thing LMFAO - redraw of #THE nejiten panel/screencap/wtv
neji: im screwed.
tenten: likely thing for you to be.
neji: ...
tenten: (â Êâ ÆȘâ â 3â â ïŒ
never both/pragmatic - nejiten week '24
day 1 - saudade (portuguese) The feeling of longing, melancholy, or nostalgia. A yearning for happiness that has passed, or perhaps never even existed.
Tenten was surprised when she got the dinner invitation in the mail. She supposed she shouldnât have been, though. It was just about time for the Team Gai monthly dinnersâthe weekend of the 15th of every month. Every month, on the fifteenth (or the weekend that corresponded or was closest to itâfor practicality purposes), Gai-han would meet up at a local diner and have a meal together. Theyâd catch up and discuss how their weeks were, complaining about mundanities such as an annoying grocery store run or the pipes being frozen again due to the harsh Konoha winters. They might even share the details of their last missionâwith Neji being a newly appointed JĆnin, it delighted Gai to listen to his student, whom heâd nurtured from a cynical little twelve year old, constantly angry at the world and stuck in his ways, to a mature, level-headed young adult who had finally begun to have faith in life. Who had finally allowed himself to dream and hope and love and laugh and everything in between.
It delighted Gai even more so when heâd notice, through the little passing details in Nejiâs stories, that the HyĆ«ga had subconsciously adopted some of Gaiâs ways when leading a team of his own. It got him thinking how it would be for Neji if he were to ever lead a squad of Genins, someday. How his own experiences as a Genin and how Gaiâs tutelage might subconsciously pass on to that new squad. Out of the three of themâLee, Neji and TentenâNeji was the least likely to verbally express affection. He wasnât particularly good with flowery words, and he often struggled to articulate such feelings, courtesy of his upbringing, so it was much easier for him to show affection through his actions. He was always willing to go out of his way to help, even in small, almost unnoticeable ways such as filling up an extra water bottle just in case someone forgot to fill up theirs (usually Gai, ironically enough). Buying candy for Tenten if he noticed (which he always did) that her mood was down. Making time to spar with Lee despite their packed schedules, if only to indulge in that nostalgia and spend time with his friend, in their own special way.
He was dependable. Kind.
Contrary to what some might think, Hyƫga Neji was so very kind. He was undeniably good, and it showed in his actions. It bled through to his morals and how he conducted himself.
So for Gai to have his legacy passed on so tangibly, subconsciously no less, and to be able to see that with his own eyes⊠It was a feeling of accomplishment unlike any other. No amount of successful S-Rank missions or victories could trump the feeling of knowing you made a difference in someoneâs life. Of knowing your influence on someone changed the course of their life for the better, even if only by a little bit.
This would be the first Team Gai dinner since Neji had died in the Fourth Great Ninja War.
This would be the first Team Gai dinner as a squad of three, not four.
Tenten looked at the invitation again. It was from Gai-sensei, inviting her to the local yakiniku place theyâd been to so often in the past. Sometimes theyâd go after missions, and Gai would treat them to reward their success, or even to uplift them after a failure; to remind them that thereâs always a next time. Sometimes theyâd go for celebrationsâbirthdays and rank promotions and such. And sometimes it was simply an excuse to see each other again, amidst all the responsibilities of being older, more dependable shinobi. Sometimes it was just an excuse to enjoy each otherâs company and be together, if only for a night, like theyâd grown so accustomed to in their earlier years.
It had been so long since Tenten had met up with Gai-sensei and Lee, outside of formal business of some sort. It was just too painful.
Over the past year or so after the war, Tenten and Lee alternated taking care of Gai. After the many months he spent bedridden in the hospital, during which they would alternate visiting him almost everyday, it was a given that one would see Gai strolling around the village in his wheelchair, accompanied by one of his former subordinates. It was like an unspoken agreement had been signed between Lee and Tenten: always one of them, and never both. It was easier that way.
When one of them was alone with Gai, it was easier to pretend that the two absent teammates were off doing their own thing. It was easier for Tenten to pretend, if only for a little bit, that Lee and Neji were off training at their usual spot, and it was easier for Lee to pretend that Tenten and Neji were taking a stroll around the village, or even hanging out at a tea shop, like theyâd taken to doing at some point down the line. It was easier to ignore that gaping hole Nejiâs death had left behind. That missing limb that overwhelmingly hindered the movement of the body as a whole. It was easier to ignore than to try and adjust to itâto the missteps and phantom pains and jerky movements.
Too soon after the war, shinobi were forced to take on new roles and responsibilities befitting the new needs of the village and the Allied Shinobi Forces as a whole, which put their grief on the back burner, and at some point, they eventually got too caught up with their own lives (which was, as much as Tenten hated admitting it, somewhat of a coping mechanism to deal with the loss of someone so significant) that they stopped seeing each other and meeting up. In the process of âdealing withâ (i.e. forgetting) and moving on from the loss of Neji, they ended up moving on from their bond as a team and all the memories theyâd shared. It was easier to cut each other clean off and fully move on from team Gai as a whole than it was to try and pick the pieces back up and reconstruct it, this time wholly aware of the missing member.
Thatâs why, over the past year or so, Team Gai had let the distance get between them. They surrendered to it. Let it cause a chasm between them and then some. It was better for them to drift apart with love and goodness and grace and well-wishes in their hearts than to let the grief overwhelm them and drive a vicious wedge between them, like it had during those days immediately after the war. The way Tenten saw itâand she felt that Lee no doubt thought the sameâit was better for Team Gai to dissolve naturally and amicably.
And for a while, that worked. Terrifyingly well.
The world had already begun to move on from the War, and the village was mostly rebuilt. Peopleâshinobi and civilians alikeâ were rebuilding their lives and getting used to this era of peace. It was weird. It honestly still felt surreal most days. Tentenâany shinobi in generalâwas so used to being on edge all the time, and constantly preparing for the worst. Her fight or flight response was always either on edge or at the forefront, waiting like a dog poised to strike. But now, there was no war anymore, and though the effects of it could still be seen and felt everywhere, people were starting to acclimate. She didnât need to conceal knives on her person anymore when going out. She didnât need to sleep restlessly anymore. She would be okay. She was okay.
At the last second, Tenten reached for her mascara again, unscrewing it and giving her lashes one last coat. She knew it was probably unneeded, but she did it anyway, and she felt better. She was still getting used to thatâdoing things for the sake of doing them, knowing they served no real purpose.
Tenten was⊠pragmatic. Very much so. And donât get me wrong, that is a wonderful quality for a shinobi to possess, but Tenten found she no longer needed that. Well, not as much anyway. Her pragmatism had helped her solve countless problems successfully in the past, and it was one of the reasons she and Neji worked so well together. They were both sensible, if not a little hard headed at times, and they understood each other. To their friends, it always seemed like those two were moving in a rhythm inaudible to everyone but themselves. They were best friends, in every sense of the term. They somehow always knew what the other was thinking, and what to do. And part of that was because they were similar in that wayâstubborn, sure, but willing to compromise when the situation called for it.
Which is why Tenten says her pragmatism helped her in the past, but she would be the first to admit that it also held her back from many things.
âIt would be too difficult,â or, âOur backgrounds are too different.â Or perhaps even the worst one, âWeâre probably better off as friends.â
All things Tenten had said to herself in the name of being realistic. Pragmatic.
All excuses Tenten used to hold herself back from doing what she wanted to do, just for the sake of it. Shinobi fell in love. It was nothing unheard ofâI mean, they were human after all. It was expected, even. Everyone was harrowingly aware of the risks being a shinobi entailed, and for most, quitting was not an option, so it was up to them to decide whether or not they would pursue a romantic relationship.Â
It was up to them to decide which they were going to sacrifice: a chance at love, or their career. Because, in their world, it unfortunately had to be one or the other.
The choice was obvious. The pragmatic choice was obvious.
And both Neji and Tenten were pragmatic.
So they chose their careers.
When faced with the choice of being best friends and continuing to toe that line like theyâd been doing for so long, or being lovers, and discovering an entirely new part of themselvesâtasting an entirely new flavour they hadnât even known existedâthey chose the former. Because it was always one, and never both. And that was fine, for a while.
In fact, if that had been the end of it, Tenten imagined, perhaps terribly and selfishly, then maybe the aftermath of his death wouldnât have been as hard. And maybe that made her a terrible person. Maybe she was terrible for wishing heâd never confessed and theyâd never kissed. Maybe she was terrible for wishing he hadnât given her a taste of what she longed for for so long, only to cruelly take it away before either of them were ready. And she knew it wasnât his fault, but part of her couldnât help but blame him. And maybe that made her a terrible person; she didnât know.
But for now, she was content with doing small, pointless, impractical things like putting on another coat of mascara, just for the sake of it. Sheâd swallow the lump in her throat and put on a brave face and walk out, and sheâd do things just because she wanted to. Just because it made her feel better.
Theyâd both shown up.
âHey,â she greeted, once sheâd spotted the two green-clad men waiting by the entrance of the restaurant. Sheâd gotten there a few minutes early, but here they were, arriving even earlier.Â
âTenten!â It was Lee.
While Lee had jumped at the opportunity of this dinner, craving the nostalgia like it were a physical thing, Tenten was a bit hesitant. Still, they had both shown up. She smiled. How very predictable of Team Gai.
Maybe things werenât that different after all.
It was awkward at first. After exchanging pleasantries, they entered the restaurant and took their seats at the reserved booth. The thought of making small talk with people that were once so engraved in each otherâs very being was unbearable. The view of the vacant seat at the table was also unbearableâit had been so long since theyâd met up like this for dinner that, when Gai-sensei was making the reservation, he accidentally asked for a table for four instead of three. Force of habit.
But they managed.
âHow have you been, Tenten?â Gai asked, voice mellow. Him and Lee had remained pretty close through it all, partly because of Leeâs self-imposed duty to care for Gai most of the time, and partly because those two had always had a special bond that not even Neji and Tenten could get between. Tenten shrugged noncommittally, replying with that customary reassurance that made it seem like she was very busy while simultaneously downplaying whatever it is sheâd been busy with since sheâd last seen them. He nodded kindly, and the three of them started chatting mindlessly about nothing in particular. It was obvious that they were ignoring the elephant in the room. Nejiâs lossâhis absence at this tableâwas so palpable it was almost taking up the space of the would-be conversation.
âI miss him,â Tenten sighed, almost bluntly. Flippantly. She didnât know what reaction she was expecting, but the willing avoidance was getting suffocating. She knew everyone was thinking that, so why didnât anyone say it?! Why couldnât anyone give her that relief? Why was everyoneâher included, she realised belatedlyâso hell-bent on forgetting him, when he had been such a core part of who they were for so long? She missed him. She missed talking to himâ about him. She didnât like that no one brought him up anymore, as if heâd never even existed. He deserved to be celebrated and remembered, for Godâs sake! That was the least they could do for him.
âMe, too,â Lee murmured, uncharacteristically resigned. âItâs unbearable, most days.â
Immediately, pressure built up behind Tentenâs eyes, and she vaguely regretted putting on more mascara. âYeah,â she whispered, almost in wonder, âit is.â
And surprisingly, that was what broke the tension.
Or maybe it wasnât surprising or weird or unexpected. Maybe that made perfect sense. Because Team Gai was never one for stuffy formalities or beating around the bushâthey knew each other too well for that.
Gradually and ever so tentatively, the dinner took on an air of normalcy, and things were almost like the old timesâalmost. They were able to actually speak to each other again for the first time in what felt like a lifetime, without being snappy or short-tempered, or feeling like their words werenât reaching through to the other person. They were finally able to acknowledge their loss together, and weirdly enough, it made them feel lighter than they had in ages.
âItâs getting late,â Tenten yawned, stretching her arms over her head. âWe should probably go before we get kicked out.â
With a frown, Lee responded, âYeah. Youâre probably right.â
They, reluctantly, said their goodbyes. Sheâd originally thought this would be awkward, but she realised with a pang as she was walking away that she didnât want to go.Â
âTenten!â Lee called out from a distance away, and she turned around.
âWhat is it?â she called back.
âDonât be a stranger.â
Her breath hitched, and the only thing she could do was nod vigorously and hope he saw it.
She would be okay. They would be okay.