Yandere Clown - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

How would the murder clown gang react to mine darling just cursing them out in ASL/sign language?

Depends on the clown. Here are a few examples -


Murder Clown: I don't care how much you whine - you're not going anywhere by yourself.

Mime Darling, signing: "BITCH"

Murder Clown, closing their eyes: Gonna pretend I didn't see that.


Murder Clown: Which one of you mother...FUCKERS TAUGHT MY LITTLE ANGEL THIS TYPE OF LANGUAGE!?

Mime Darling: "SHIT." "FUCK."

Murder Clown, gently taking their hands - tears smudging their makeup as they sob: Please...stop....


Murder Clown: Quit squirmin'! It's easy to lose you in a crowd - just let me carry you!

Mime Darling: "FUCK YOU!"

Murder Clown: You little- [sets mime Darling down and signs back at them] DO IT THEN

[Mime Darling and the Murder Clown proceed to have a heated argument while sirens blare outside the building they're in.]


Murder Clown: Don't swear.

Mime Darling: "AS-"

[Murder Clown takes Darling hand and removes their glove - licking the mime's palm and drenching it in their saliva]

Mime Darling: [stares at them in horror]

Murder Clown: Warned you.


Murder Clown: Naughty! No more golden stickers for you until you behave better

[Mime Darling fakes tears]

Murder Clown: That won't work on me twice, deary~

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10 months ago

[Murder Clown Gang at the carnival-

Pink: Everyone remember our little arrangement? Whoever has won the most prizes gets to go on the tunnel of love first with dear Mimey. So far, I have eight

Blue: I have two... [sniffles] A little girl gave me one of hers when I started crying....

Purple: Mimey and I actually enjoyed the carnival together while y'all were off hunting so I didn't have any time to collect any myself.. Bummer - you guys wanna the pics we took in the hall of mirrors?

Orange: Pfft- Amateurs. I got twelve. I'd like to see Green and Red beat that-


[Red and Green arrive at the meet up spot - Red carrying a large garbage bag and Green holding on to a small mountain of stuffed animals, several more taped to their chest and legs]

Orange: Wha- Fucking how?!

Red: Strategy....and pointing out how rigged this games are helps...

Green: Hehe.... Just look at these little guys...I couldn't just leave them up there on those hooks. Mimey, pick your favorite-

Pink: Hm...Seems like you both have won a hefty number....The tunnel of love is only two to a seat, though....

Mime Darling: ......! [Points at a ride across the way that'll seat them all] :)?

Pink: It certainly isn't the most romantic attraction, but if we are all together I suppose that's good enough-

[The murder clown gang all head over to the haunted house ride - dragging a sobbing Blue along with them]

Blue: Do it for mimey, do it for mimey-.... [cries harder as fake spider web brushes their shoulder]

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10 months ago


Mime reader be like

Orange: Heh, bet your dick's as small as your height, Mimey-

Mime Reader: >:0 [shakes their head and points at themselves - spreading their arms as wide as possible as their frown deepens] >:(

Purple, popping up from behind the couch: Mind showing us some proof?~

Orange, clutching a hand over their heart: Jesus!- Would You Stop Doing That Already?!!

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8 months ago

Murder Clown(Red): Mind telling me what happened?....

[Mime Reader waves down to the gang - danging from a tree branch by invisible strings.]

Murder Clown(Orange): uhhhhhh


Murder Clown(Orange): Half pint.

Mime Reader: >:(

Murder Clown (Green): [Snickers] Bite Sized.

Mime Reader: >>:(

Murder Clown(Purple): Aw~ Don't look so down, Mimey. If it means anything - you're still cute when you're angry.

[Mime Reader kicks over a pile of imaginary rocks - arms folded over their chest]

Murder Clown(Blue): A-alright, everyone.... I think you've teased them long enough. Cut it out-

Murder Clown(Orange): The fuck are they gonna do if we don't?!

Mime Reader: 💡:D

[Mime Reader blows several imaginary balloons - tying each around their waist upon completion. With a triumphant smile - they begin to float a few inches off the ground]

Murder Clown(Purple): Well I'll be damned. Point one for Mimey.

Mime Reader: :) .....!!!

[A strong gust of wind lifts Mime higher off the ground - whisking them away before the other clowns have time to grab them. Blue starts to sob as Mime reaches out for them - the rest of the gang in equal states of disarray.]

Murder Clown(Orange): Oh fuck! Pink! Give me your gun!

Murder Clown(Pink): Are you insane? What if you shoot them by accident?! You can't even see the balloons!

Murder Clown (Orange): JUST GIVE IT TO ME!


Murder Clown(Red): [holding mime reader in their arms] .....

Murder Clown(Orange): [visibly sweating] ....I-

Murder Clown(Red): Don't want to hear it.

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8 months ago

[The Murder Clown Gang hold up an ice cream parlor to celebrate the addition of a new member to their group - Jester Demon Reader. Reader sits between Blue and Pink, curiously sniffing the bowl of ice cream in front of them]

Blue: [picking up their spoon for them] H-Here you go... It's vanilla, but you can have any flavor you'd like. Try some.

[Jester Demon opens their mouth, a ropey black tongue reaching far beyond the lengths of a normal human one unfurling past their lips and licking the ice cream off the spoon. Eyes wide, the demon purrs softly. They turn to Pink, licking ice cream off their cheek leaving a trail of thick saliva]

Pink: My! Well aren't you a sweetie, haha-

Purple: Darn. Spilled ice cream all over my pants. Mind squeezing under the table and helping me clean it up?~

Orange: Not in front of my pistachio, Dickhead.

Green: Hehe.... Got some extra toppings to share thanks to that nice man behind the counter over there.

[Green places a "topping" that looks oddly similar to a human eyeball atop Jester's scoop of ice cream. Red takes it before Jester can eat it - much to the demon's disappointment.]

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