Yellow Pearl - Tumblr Posts
Pérolas (2020)

Desenhos que fiz de todas as Pérolas que apareceram em Steven Universo em 2020.
Desculpe se o desenho do outro lado estiver atrapalhando, eu tinha feito ele com caneta.
(acho que não faz muito sentido a Aubergine Pearl estar aí, mas ok...)

I know I said that I'd draw more Ruby and Sapphire or Lapis and Peridot, but I found this meme last night during a bout of insomnia and my brain worms made me do it.
I hate the fact that I need to tag all these characters. *takes a deep breath*
How dare you make me choose
Let's do this again. Hopefully I didn't forget anyone.

Blue and Yellow Pearl! I’m really proud of how they came out!!

Payback for not listening to her reasonable speech about Earth’s resources.

Finished the Diamonds and their Pearls! The illustration with them all together was a massive file, so the image quality may not be great since I scaled it down to post. I really loved the season finale and the diamonds are some of my favorite characters! Which one is your fave?
(Please don’t repost! But if you do it anyway, credit my insta/tumblr.)
SU Au Idea
An AU where Steven and the Crystal Gems manage to save both Blue pearl and Yellow pearl and bring them to earth. Since they aren’t used to not having someone to serve yet, Yellow pearl starts following Peridot around and Blue pearl does the same to Lapis Lazuli.

new lives new looks

1. Yelp scaring kids
tumblr's first chucktober challenge drawing, and an opportunity to post more drawings!!!
Some notes and stuff
-Pink Pearl was definitely ‘defective’
-Yellow Diamond’s neck hath reached its full potential
-spongebob reference followed by a sex joke
-I hope that at the end of the series, when all the gems are freed or whatever,Blue and Yellow Pearl start their own clothing line
-That moment with White Pearl genuinely caught me off guard and made me laugh so much. I love how the music just cuts out as Steven *family friendly* curses to himself
-The music from the promo’s is also the ballroom music for homeworld
-Steven, Connie, what the actual fuck
-You are in front of 2 galactic dictators, the servant of one of possibly the most powerful entity in the universe, and all of the homeworld courts. And you decide that then is the best time to dance with each other
-I guess all cross gem fusion to homeworld is gay marriage to a traditional Christian family
-“homosexuality is just a cheap tactic to make straight gems gayer”
-New fusion!!
-Literally nothing happened last episode but when something actually happens the episode just ends. Wow, thanks

Yellow Diamond’s Pearl! I loved her faces!

The newest episode fueled the fire for this ship uwu
It’s just a doodle, but I simply had to draw them after the last episode 💕