Yokovina - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

*Priestly voice*

Ladies, gentlemen and others, we are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Yokovina. A beautiful ship, beloved by all fandom, their parting leaves a heavy burden on all our hearts.

She was taken from us much too soon, much too young. For those who knew her she was an embodiment of God's love in this dark world.

We therefore commit her body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God in our Savior Jesus Christ who shall change the body of our humiliation and fashion it anew in the likeness of His own body of glory according to the working of His mighty power wherewith He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself.

She will live on in our hearts and our fanfictions.

*single tear rolls down cheek*

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6 months ago

Enid: Guys, I think Wednesday wants to eat me, like cannibalism style

Yoko: Ex-fucking-scuse me

Divina: Oh my god

Bianca: What?

Enid: Isn't that like sooo romantic

Yoko: NO

Bianca: Absolutely not

Enid: It's like totally cannibalism as a metaphor for love she wants mee so baddd

Yoko: ... I don't know what to say

Divina: I suppose I can't judge, I let Yoko drink my blood


Bianca (wistfully): I remember when I was friends with normal people

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6 months ago

Divina: Hey guys what's up?

Yoko: Nothing much to be honest-


Yoko: What?? No?

Bianca: No actually, I'm with Enid Div does look pretty pale and she's wearing sunglasses, plus her name is red now

Yoko: What do you mean her name is red?

Bianca: You know before she says a line in this stupid incorrect quotes thing, her name is in red, it's usually blue

Yoko: Wait Div say something

Divina: uhhh ok


Yoko: Holy shit that's weird. I swear I didn't turn her though

Wednesday: Perhaps the vampire is being honest, the change in colour may simply be because Divina sounds more like Yoko today. I shall now attempt to talk like Enid

Wednesday (in an annoying voice): This is my Enid Sinclair impression

Enid (on the verge of tears): ANNOYING VOICE??? I'll kill you I swear! AND I'M NOT ON THE VERGE OF TEARS

Divina (staring intently at Enid's neck, fangs now visible): Of course you don't have an annoying voice, Enid and it's ok to cry when people are mean to you, now come here, you need a hug.

Enid: uhhh


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6 months ago

Yoko and Wednesday would be so sibling core???

Yoko groaned and leaned on Divina's, pouting as Divina sympathetically patted her head.

Wednesday stared at her in disgust. "What is wrong with you today, Tanaka?"

Yoko pulled Divina into her lap, cuddling up to her and putting her head on her girlfriends shoulder. "The school's out of blood and we're not allowed to hunt so we have to wait for more blood from the blood bank."

Wednesday tilted her head slightly, biting her cheek in consideration. "...Huh..."

Yoko stared at her in confusion and slight fear. "What's huh??? What does that mean??? What are you planning???"

"Nothing. Pay attention to your girlfriend."

Divina giggled and crawled out of Yoko's lap, leaving her pouting as she tried to get her teddy bear back, distracted.

Wednesday was planning.


The intercom crackled on. "Um, there has been an anonymous donation of blood... For every type. So thank you our, um, anonymous donor." The principal's voice faded out as the message was done, Yoko quickly standing up and running to the infirmary after a full day without blood.

She missed the proud look in Wednesdays eyes.

Enid and Bianca didn't.

"... girl what did you do??" Bianca stared at her. Divina stopped her staring at her girlfriend to glance over at them, activating her gossip senses and crossing her legs as she tuned into their conversation.

"Nothing, Barclay. I simply made a donation." Wednesday glanced at her newly painted nails (courtesy of Enid) and picked at her cuticles, getting the fresh dirt from last night out.

Enid gently held her hand, hesitating to see if she was comfortable with it before scooting closer to her. "Willa, where exactly did you get all the blood?"

Wednesday paused, considering the least concerning answer. "... Some generous people offered to donate their blood."

Bianca snorted. "Donated? More like you stole the blood."

Wednesday shook her hand in a so-so gesture.

Divina followed Bianca's lead and snorted.

Yoko reappeared, happily sipping a blood bag.


"The morals of cannibalism." Bianca and Wednesday spoke at the same time. The rest of their turned to Wednesday.

"What the fuck Wednesday?"

"Addams. What was that."

"Willa when was the last time you spoke to your therapist?" Yoko, Bianca and Enid spoke respectively while Divina broke down laughing.

Wednesday put her head down on the table and grumbled "God forbid I make a joke..." Yoko raised an eyebrow but shrugged, going back to finishing her blood bag. She wiped the blood off of her face and grinned.

"Wednesdayyyyy, did you donate blood for me?" Yoko teased randomly.

"...what?" Wednesday lifted her head up, staring at her.

"One of the blood types was your blood. Was that not-? Did you not-? Did you not get blood drawn and donated it to the school?" Yoko stammered to explain, watching as their heads slowly turned to Wednesday.

"Babe. Did you donate your own blood? I thought you just donated others blood! Are you ok, are you hurt, are you..." Enid trailed off and pouted at her as Yoko stared in confusion.

"What's happening?" Divina sighed and patted Yoko's hand.

"Wednesday donated all of the blood, not just her own."

"Oh. Oh? OH! I... Should've expected that, to be honest."

Wednesday rolled her eyes as a laugh track played in the background and the screen faded to black.

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1 year ago

Enid: Okay, Wednesday. Repeat after me. "I will not..."

Wednesday: I will not...

Enid: "...dress up as Santa Claus..."

Wednesday: ...dress up as Santa Claus...

Enid: "...to scare little kids."

Wednesday: ...to scare little kids.

Enid, looking satisfied: Good!

Wednesday: I will dress up as Krampus and terrorize naughty children into better behavior next year.


Wednesday, shrugging: Too late. I've already enlisted compatriots to dress up as Icelandic Yule Lads and assist.


Enid: How did you get Divina to agree to that??

Yoko, looking proud of herself: Me and Kent teamed up to talk her into it.

Enid, sighing: Of course you did.

Wednesday, grinning darkly: Jericho will finally be rid of juvenile crime. Just you wait.

Enid: Wens, you're not Batman, you're a menace to society.

Yoko: Same thing.

AO3: SorcererOfSolitude

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I've Been Sick The Past Week So I Haven't Been Able To Do Much, Much Less Draw, So For Now Have These
I've Been Sick The Past Week So I Haven't Been Able To Do Much, Much Less Draw, So For Now Have These
I've Been Sick The Past Week So I Haven't Been Able To Do Much, Much Less Draw, So For Now Have These
I've Been Sick The Past Week So I Haven't Been Able To Do Much, Much Less Draw, So For Now Have These
I've Been Sick The Past Week So I Haven't Been Able To Do Much, Much Less Draw, So For Now Have These
I've Been Sick The Past Week So I Haven't Been Able To Do Much, Much Less Draw, So For Now Have These
I've Been Sick The Past Week So I Haven't Been Able To Do Much, Much Less Draw, So For Now Have These

I've been sick the past week so i haven't been able to do much, much less draw, so for now have these sketches that I dont recall ever posting(if i already have, WHOOPS--)

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Yoko: I heard we have the best lawyers in Jericho.

Divina: I hope so. Or we’re going to jail.

Yoko: Don’t say that. Have faith.

Wednesday and Enid walks into the room

Divina: Oh god.

Yoko: Wait you two?!

Wednesday: Yes. Im your lawyer and Enid here is my partner.

Enid: Hi! I’m her partner! In both senses.

Divina: Oh god we’re going to jail.

Yoko: When did you even go to law school?!

Wednesday: Who said I did?

Yoko: Yeah, we’re going to jail.

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The Nevermore Girls™ and their various love languages...

Wednesday: Will kill or be killed for you. Will make a secret shrine dedicated to you, complete with a tiny replica of you made out of animal bones. She'll go to prison for you and promptly break out of said prison to be with you.

Enid: You will receive cuddles. This is not optional. She'll ask for your opinion on clothes, because she wants to look cute for you. She'll put claw marks in anyone that so much as looks at you funny. She'll bake you cookies.

Yoko: She'll text you every morning with an awful dad joke. She'll put you in air jail because she's stronger than you and she wants you to know that. She'll snap your bra in public and wink at you when you try to tell her off for it.

Divina: She'll adjust your clothing if something is out of place, followed by a loving kiss on the cheek. She'll give you the most sensual looks that drive you wild. On stormy nights, she'll curl up with you and watch whatever movie you want.

Bianca: Will bully you (lovingly). In the dead of night, she'll slip into bed with you and keep you warm. She'll beat you at every game imaginable, but wouldn't rather play with anyone else. She'll give you a playful little smirk and brush your hand with hers as you pass in the halls.

AO3: SorcererOfSolitude

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4 months ago

Enid: I just got a text from Divina. What did you do??

Yoko, looking nervous: Well, she asked me what song reminded me most of her, and I answered honestly!

Enid: Oh, come on, it couldn’t have been that ba-

Yoko: I said it was the Ice Fishing theme song from Club Penguin.

Enid shaking her head: Yeah... this one's on you.

Wednesday, sipping her espresso: Enjoy your exile on the couch.

AO3: SorcererOfSolitude

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2 years ago

I need someone to write poly!yokovina x fem!reader

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