Young People - Tumblr Posts

To sum it up
I don’t have all the answers about the mess going on down there, nor do most other people, 1) because mainstream news outlets are incentivized to push it under the U.S. Government’s ever-bulging rug, and 2) because people haven’t taken action due to reason 1.
But I do know that any protest that outcries and lays bare a government’s corruption, its deliberate moves to oppress its citizens, and its profiteering of the suffering of others must go on and ring out for everyone to hear.
In order to have a healthy democratic nation where we are permitted to—encouraged to disagree with others, to talk it out, brutality at the hands of the state is never-EVER-the first option.
Let the youths of America speak.

That part
ilove you, young people. ilove you if youre 10, if youre 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 14, any age under 18. youdo not have to apologise for your age. youdo not have to apologise for simply existing. you deserve the rights anyone over 18 has, and im sorry youdont have that freedom. im sorry for all children who suffer from their lack of rights. young people, dont apologise for your actions. youhave the right to be "weird". the right to be "abnormal". the right to go through "phases". youhave the right to speak up against child abuse. against hitting, against spanking, against adults touching you without your consent, against the hatred for young people, against the disbelief of young people, against all forms of discrimination youve suffered from. youhave the right to exist. nobody has the right to bully you for your age, so youshouldnt beat yourself up for your age. young people, please know im listening to your struggles. no matter how young, your struggles arent "unimportant". please know you are loved, young people. you matter.