Teenage Girls - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago
In Defense Of One Direction And The Young Girls Who Love Them

In Defense of One Direction and the Young Girls Who Love Them

I am not a tween. I’m not even in my 20’s anymore. I am 31 and I have a bone to pick with people who pick on One Direction and hold them up as the poster boys for everything wrong with music today and in the process insult young girls. My insides sometimes verge on that of a teeny bopper, but I am rock and roll at heart. I grew up listening to everything from the Rolling Stones and the Doors, courtesy of my father, to Madonna and Michael Jackson. I have worked in the music industry and Green Day has been my favorite band for almost 2 decades. I have seen them go from a highly successful criticized band for signing to a major label, to a band that was hardly paid attention to, to one of the most respected bands in rock. None of this is to prove I have “credibility” or to show I am cool. “Cool” is my least favorite thing on the planet, but my favorite thing on the planet is realness and that is what ties Green Day and 1D together for me. Real in very different ways, but genuine and true to who they are. And that is why I can and do love them both.

You can say 1D was manufactured, but that is not what I see. They were 5 young boys from very humble beginnings who were pursuing what they wanted to do and got put into a group which turned into something inexplicably magical. No, the process for them was not touring in a dingy van for years on end or practicing in a garage, but we are also not in 1994. That is not the music world we live in today and that does not mean they work any less hard than any other band out there today.

Really none of this is here nor there. My biggest problem with much of the criticism I hear is it is rooted in misogyny, with a touch of homophobia. The most common criticisms I hear in one form or another are that One Direction cater to teenage girls (which apparently is insulting?) and they are less than manly because they possess the traditionally feminine characteristics of vulnerability and kindness. What these criticisms say is that anything having to do with girls, women or feminine traits are less than. To top it off most of these criticisms come from people who have never been a teenage girl, let alone a teenage girl in this day and age where they are constantly bombarded by images on the streets and in stores and on tv shows and in movies and magazines with subtle pushes from every angle telling them they are not enough. Not pretty enough, not passive enough, not thin enough, not everything enough and every single one of those signals are mixed. I imagine when 5 down to earth, genuinely nice young boys make them laugh and dance everyday, teach them that to be yourself is the best way to be, and tells them that they are enough, it - GASP! - makes them happy. It might even give them a little of their self-esteem back. It gives them something positive in their life. And if you have a problem with that, you have your own insecurities to deal with. Be proud girls. XO

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9 years ago

god, i hate teenage girls, they’re so vapid and awful

like, let’s go over a list of all the terrible things teenage girls have done

volunteered for the first line of defense at the battle of stalingrad to fight against nazis

invented science fiction

rode twice as far as paul revere, in the pouring rain and alone, to alert americans to the approaching british during the revolutionary war

pioneered the art of investigative journalism, and its use as a tool of social justice

turned the tide of the hundred years’ war

put themselves in the line of fire, often literally, in order to help end injustice

organized a student strike that helped spark brown v. board

hid from the nazis in an annex for two years and found such great poignancy in their experience that their ordinary day-to-day-thoughts have become world famous

led lewis and clark across the north american continent– while pregnant/raising a child

worked to desegregate schools in 1835, as well as to end slavery

helped found the aclu and fought for women’s suffrage; also, got arrested for being radical socialists

wrote the first known work of literature by an american black person

like, god, what a bunch of bubbleheaded excuses for human beings

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5 months ago

Things neurodivergent teenage girls and the creaking have in common:

socially anxious and can barely move when talked to

lurk in the woods with their two or three other friends

come out at night

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2 years ago

Possible Story Idea????

So I had a really cool idea for a story were like 4 teenagers who are all friends get jobs at McDonalds and one day they are all left to clean up and they find a dead body in one of the bathroom cubicles.

So obviously they call the cops cause their a bunch of 18 year olds who found a dead man. So the cops show up and take their statements and then let them go home. According to the cops this is just a basic suicide.

 Although one of the friends is a lot more shaken up then the other. At first the others don’t think anything of it cause that person is the ‘scaredy-cat’ friend. 

Two of the friends share a flat beside their collage, and the other two are in the student dorms but they don’t share a room. But since they just found a dead fucking body in their place of work they all go back to the flat and sleep over their instead. 

And the friend who was really shaken up reveals that they knew the person who had ‘committed suicide.’ They were friends back in high school, like best friends they did everything together. Until halfway though the second last year until graduation he randomly goes missing, presumed dead.

And then they like burst into tears cause now they have to mourn them all over again. And they get sympathy from everyone else, they all go to bed and in the morning they all attend their own classes. 

Everyone is just trying to forget about it and move on. But the person who knew the guy is trying to figure out where his friend went in the years that he had been missing and why he had decided to kill himself now. When the others find out they try to prevent them from doing this as it is exhausting them and they aren’t looking after themselves anymore.

Next thing that friend is being arrested for dead bathroom guys murder and everyone else has to try and prove his innocence.

Please don’t reblog this is an original idea.

Also some feedback would be cool really wanna know if people would read this if i wrote it. 


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6 months ago
Not Related At All But Every Time I Hear Some Big Number In Competitions Like "10,000 Applicants" All
Not Related At All But Every Time I Hear Some Big Number In Competitions Like "10,000 Applicants" All

Not related at all but every time I hear some big number in competitions like "10,000 applicants" all I can think of is this. Like, just look at this full 12-minute video of all the girls auditioning.. help

It's just so insane knowing that out of all these girls here, just 7 were chosen to be in CLASS:y

Being an idol is serious business, heh. Being in the industry at all, whether you're auditioning or in charge of judging them, is so overwhelming oh my god


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