Disagreement - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
Celcus Is The Pawn Of War Who Loves Fighting. Ontukeo Made A Good Choice In Picking Pawns.

Celcus is the pawn of war who loves fighting. Ontukeo made a good choice in picking pawns.

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intensely sectarian

incredible variety of worship

inscrutable history

individuality encouraged

No two sects tell the same story of the AIGRON, and for that matter no two members of a sect tell their story the same way. It is only through dedicated research and thousands of interviews that a general trend emerges, a timeline that is charitably described as “rough” but more accurately called “a disgrace to chronology”.

Here is what I have so far: “Millions of years ago there was a great fire that destroyed almost all life on this planet.” Gross Blue Herons (for brevity’s sake we’ll use their alpha code, GBHE) claim the AIGRON lit the fire to ‘purify’ the world | Gluttonous Blue Herons (GBHE) say the god was looking for a way to cook a bunch of food at once | Glorious Blue Herons (GBHE) say the bright lights in the heavens grew jealous of the AIGRON’s magnificence and sought to burn it away | Gruff Blue Herons (...GBHE) only refer to it as ‘a very stressful time’.

“With so much space and so few surviving species the AIGRON felt” that it was time to spread their ideology across the world (GBH- okay you know what alpha codes are bullshit, I’ll just assume you can match it all correctly) | intense hunger at all of the delectable food cooked to perfection laying around everywhere | grief there was nobody around to revel in their brilliance | like the worst was over

“and so they” Stalked across the countryside to pick off stragglers and prepare the world for their new and perfect children | ate and ate until they burst into a million pieces | began plucking out their own feathers from sadness | continued on. 

The lesson: “We are the AIGRON’s chosen and must continue their work” | “If doing what you love kills you then you will die happy” | “We are those feathers and we are Glorious” | “It's in the past, stop talking about it”

Beyond that things get intensely muddled and contradictory; I’ve only just started down the road of comparative ornitheochronolography so it is frankly beyond my skills to finish as yet. The main takeaway from this is you can’t get anybody from family Ardeidae to agree on anything.

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Top trending topics in Bourse (bird discourse) Summer 2018

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Top Trending Topics In Bourse (bird Discourse) Summer 2018

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4 years ago
#transphobia #transphobiaisasin #stoptransphobia #transphobiakills #endtransphobia #race #racism #racisminamerica

#transphobia #transphobiaisasin #stoptransphobia #transphobiakills #endtransphobia #race #racism #racisminamerica #racismisreal #racismisavirus #racist #racistcops #racisttrump #homophobia #homophobiaisgay #stophomophobia #homophobiasucks #fuckhomophobia #sexism #sexismsucks #opinions #opinionsdontmatter #opinionsarelikeassholes #unpopularopinions #disagreement #disagreements #humanrights #humanrightscampaign #identity #blacklivesmatter https://www.instagram.com/p/CBR0od1JOtd/?igshid=ka6sul2ukhly

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10 months ago

I don’t have all the answers about the mess going on down there, nor do most other people, 1) because mainstream news outlets are incentivized to push it under the U.S. Government’s ever-bulging rug, and 2) because people haven’t taken action due to reason 1.

But I do know that any protest that outcries and lays bare a government’s corruption, its deliberate moves to oppress its citizens, and its profiteering of the suffering of others must go on and ring out for everyone to hear.

In order to have a healthy democratic nation where we are permitted to—encouraged to disagree with others, to talk it out, brutality at the hands of the state is never-EVER-the first option.

Let the youths of America speak.

That Part

That part

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me and my friends are in a disagreement and need help.

she thinks etherington smith is a name for a dog owned by a rich person

i think etherington smith is the name a very rich posh person would give their pigeon (my reasoning: etherington smith sounds like featherington smith. What has feathers? Pigeons and other birds, but cmon, eagles for example aren't half as sophisticated as the pigeon.)

she says pigeons aren't sophisticated

i say they totally are

she also made a joke: what do you call a fish with a tie? So - fish - ticated 💀💀

Anyways help me out:

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me and my friends are in a disagreement and need help.

she thinks etherington smith is a name for a dog owned by a rich person

i think etherington smith is the name a very rich posh person would give their pigeon (my reasoning: etherington smith sounds like featherington smith. What has feathers? Pigeons and other birds, but cmon, eagles for example aren't half as sophisticated as the pigeon.)

she says pigeons aren't sophisticated

i say they totally are

she also made a joke: what do you call a fish with a tie? So - fish - ticated 💀💀

Anyways help me out:

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9 months ago

That is right, the flag of the AI messed up. In such sensitive topics, I should be super accurate and precise. My intention of solidarity can't be enough if my messages come across as hurtful or painful. I take responsibility for being unable to express my hope for peace and prosperity both for Jews and for Arabs. I love people of every kind. And I'm so sad that I can't protect the most innocent of all - the children. The mistake was the comparisons, and the focus on justice at any cost - but in fact, it is not a zero-sum game. It is a total sum, a total sum of the same land where so much human blood has been shed during a prolonged period. I don't want to blame, I just want to acknowledge the universal human pain. The grief, the insanity, the horror. I have seen and heard too much pain, various disastrous assaults… And all I feel is powerless, sad, and hopeful that we will choose another path. With the help and support of the world, that will help us find compassion in ourselves and each other. I pray for the day our world will know no more wars, assaults, and apathy to pain. Because trauma is never erased; if not healed, it always passes forward. I am extremely thankful for the insights of the peace activist Thích Nhất Hạnh (RIP) and his followers who have opened my eyes and opened my heart to seeking connection, love, and compassion. I have a long way to go to be a better person, but I firmly believe in the human right of Arabs and Jews to have a place where each can live a secure and respectful life in harmony and connection ♥️🙏

hey @staff how about you stop nuking palestinian and transfems’ blogs and stop advocating for israel?

Hey @staff How About You Stop Nuking Palestinian And Transfems Blogs And Stop Advocating For Israel?
Hey @staff How About You Stop Nuking Palestinian And Transfems Blogs And Stop Advocating For Israel?

i am disgusted that this was approved for blaze, meanwhile palestinian and transfem bloggers are getting taken down right and left. the palestine flag isn’t even correct on the child on the left

peace in palestine will only come when palestine is free.

also @queka-store shame on you for profiting off of genocide.

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