Yugioh Matchups - Tumblr Posts
First matchup I request! So I'm Hispanic but I have fair skin. My hair and eyes are dark brown and I have moles in my chin and cheek. I'm 5'5 and I'm pudgy but I dont mind it. I'm a weirdo, smart, have an ego but I'm self aware of my imperfections and won't deny them, mean but in a friendly(?) way unless I don't like you, paranoid over everything I do, and I'm a responsible and loyal person despite how annoying I can be. (There is another part to this that I'll post separately)
Hello first matchup ever!!You get:Tristan Taylor!!
•omg whAT a perfect matCH. You two easily have similar personalities from the short tempers to the friendly times. Since you two compliment each other so well you built up a friendship first! You met him through your friend group and immediately took interest in him! Tristan was always the one to make you laugh the most out of everyone and he shared so many of the same hobbies as you. It started out with him just stopping by to play a new game you got every now and then, but one day you got a new gaming counsol and he was so hyped to come check it out! Y’all spent a few hours messing around and (playfully) competiting with one another. He saw that it was getting late and decided to head home, but you lock eyes and a magical kiss happened!•Since you two became such good friends first there is still that buddy buddy wall that is up. He likes to put you in a loose headlock from time to time to ruffle your hair up and often times you retaliate. (Dare I say he gets a kick from seeing you’re smaller body try to fight against him?)•Along with that he loooves to rile you up. Often times he’ll make small jokes about how you’re shorter than him (he’s 5’9”) and he’ll pinch your cheeks to make your smile wider. He adores seeing your cute braces! He especially loves when you curse him out in your second language! That is probably his number one goal to push you to that irritating edge just enough (wink wonk)•Buuuuut Tristan can be serious at times. To be more mushy he loves small surprise pecks- just at random times and random places. One small kiss on the cheek and that boy is redder than a tomato. It actually gives you huge leverage! He’s a very very big cuddler. He’s actually a physically clingy boy. (Sorry he’s a big boy who need some lovin’) He wants to protect you and make sure you’re safe at all times so often he’ll make you lock arms even in public. •TRISTAN TAYLOR WOULD FIGHT ANYONE FOR YOU. ANYONE. This boy gets too physical at times with others and it’s your mature personality (oooh responsible you) that brings him down to earth. (And or encourages to beat a bitch up who knows????)
Yugi: Tristan why are you cutting holes into your shirt?Tristan: bc (Y/N) is gone and she’s like 90% of my impulse control
•He likes to drag you from the couch potato home to the arcade too much one could say. You like to spice things up everyone once and a while by bringing him to other locations. (Despite his complaining) You really like to bring him to museums where you can educate him on the history and things you love! He enjoys watching you talk and could in fact listen to you speak all day.•overall you two make an amazing couple and best friends. Tristan would always stay loyal to you and make sure you’re living your best life! He’s a goof but you love him ❤️
OH BUT WAIT- Song that best describes your relationship and or what you should listen to when you wanna think of him: Something that I want By: Grace Potter
Hope you enjoyed the first matchup! If you’re unsatisfied with your results please don’t be afraid to DM me! Again this is all my opinion!❤️❤️
I'm for the new ask thingy! I'm an African American female with short black hair with purple tips, brown eyes, and I stand 5'5. I am bisexual! My hobbies include volunteering, writing stories/poems, and cooking (I love trying out new recipes)!
Hello second match up! Thank you for submitting!You got:Téa Gardner/ Anzu Mazaki!
•You two are literal goals. Y’all are both big softies that support each other to the end! You and Téa met in more of a different situation. You were just enjoying lunch at the mall with your friend group and you got up to dump your tray. While you weren’t paying attention you bumped into another person! Their food spilled everywhere and you helped them up and frantically kept apologizing while trying to help them wipe food off them self. Then, you finally got a closer look at their face. It was an insanely cute girl who had bright blue eyes and pretty brown hair… you soon realized you were very close to her face and that you were putting your hands all over her to help her clean off. You apologized and she said it was no big deal, but before she walked away she said you owed her a new meal and she wrote down her number. Score!! Ever since then you’ve been seeing Téa romantically
•You started hanging out with her friend group too and soon realized that Téa was the only normal one. (Drag t h e m) Every single one of them was so jealous of how cute you two are! You are both very supportive of one another and rarely ever fight. (Even if you do it’s some quick yelling, walking away for 5 minutes, and then going back to apologize to one another). You both love helping others so you both go volunteering at soup kitchens or to help at a retirement home.
•You, being the sweetie you are, write Téa poetry almost every other day. You love to leave little sticky notes all over the house.Sometimes Téa will find them on her bag or in her shoes or even days later! (She cries almost every time she finds them) The poems are so sweet and mostly refer to her soft aura aaaand she tries to write some herself too. She’s tried all sorts of formats but her favorites are sonnets, even though they take a bit longer to write. She’s not the best at them but it’s the effort she puts in that counts!
•Since she does the little poems for you you try your hardest to go to every dance performance she has. The first time you saw her dance it was a performance to Adele’s “Turning Tables.” It was a very emotional ballets, but you loved it! She dabbles in all sorts of types of dance but you love it when she does Tango or Fox trot. You’ll never forget the date night she taught you a tango routine. (Y’all danced to Tango - Roxanne)It was passionate and very very sexy. She guided you all along the way and hands were flying everywhere (not to get too graphic-) It was a very heated night that ended in an even ~better~ way after the dancing.
•You two both love soft kisses. Just gentle ones on the mouth is what she loves! In public you don’t mind touching at all- she loves it when you hold her hand. Téa likes to be guided by you so when you hold her she feels very very safe. Cuddles are a NEED. She would never ever pass up on a cuddle session and sometimes it could lead to more… depends on how she’s feeling
•But Téa isn’t all nice and supporting- SHE CAN GET MAD. I mean she’s never ever been mad at you but you know she can get MAD. You keep her calm in these times just like how she does for you. Both of you support each other and balance one another out.
•Cooking is a fun part time y’all have! You two love putting on some music and dancing around the kitchen while cooking some meals. Téa specializes more in baking though so often you’ll make the meal while she makes the dessert! A list of desserts she’d make you are:•Lava cake (one of your favorites)•Strawberry macaroons•Red velvet cheesecake brownies•Chocolate fondue with apples! (Another one you love when you had a tough day)
•You two compliments each other very well it’s so so beautiful. Téa will stay loyal to you and care for you until you die. Protect her!!!
Song that best describes your relationship/ song to listen to remind you of her: YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE DANCING BY: LEO SAYER
Thank you so much for asking! I hope you enjoyed! For everyone else I have about 6 more asks to get to so please be patient! Until next time!❤️❤️
Doing the matchup, because why not? 5' 3" if I mind my posture, brown eyes, black hair, body type stuck in perpetual cycle of "why, yes, I do work out" and "I don't feel like working out so I'll survive on a slice of avocado toast and black coffee for the day." I do obsess over little details, but eventually reach a limit where idgaf anymore and JUST DO IT. I like to write, hike, bike, read, ride motorcycles, and chill out on a couch doing nothing productive for society.
Hellooooo my sweet! You got:Ishizu Ishtar/ Isis Ishtar!!
•(fhuhuhu) Powercouple definition: You and Ishizu. Two queens who have a joint slay honestLY. You are the two who are not afraid to cut a bitch. You empower and support each other 24/7. How y’all met? You went out of your comfort zone with Yugi and the gang! Where did you go? Tf clubbing, of course. While attempting your best dance moves in the slightly dimmed club you laid eyes on a gorgeous woman. You made quick eye contact, but you broke it off. Later on in the night you told Téa about this and, speak of the devil, she starts to point right behind you. It’s the pretty lady again! She introduces herself and you hit it off instantly. For the rest of the night all you do is sit with Ishizu and chat in a two person booth. The night was coming to an end and she asked if you’d like to take a walk with her to her apartment (it wasn’t far away she claimed). Not thinking, you blindingly just went out for a chat around a couple parks and what not for about two and a half hours! You kinda went past her apartment. You finally arrived and she thanked you for the wonderful night with a kiss! She gave you her number and you stood there star struck. While pumping your fist in the air to celebrate, you opened your phone to put her number in. You were greeted with about a million missed calls from your friends-Whoops you may have just ditched them..?
•The gang never ever lets you forget that night and will constantly give you crap. Even though they already knew Ishizu and her antics they soooo support your relationship. Since y’all have a joint slay you totally match and coordinate your outfits whenever you go out. Even if you may protest Ishizu will always ALWAYS find you a cute outfit to wear that somehow goes along with hers. (Some examples just copy and paste if you wanna see the outfits! ❤️❤️)
•Ishizu is a pretty active person basically all the time. She totally supports your highs and lows, but when she sees you chillin on the couch she normally goes after your arse. She loves dragging you to go do extra things that make you feel pampered. Spa day? Every week. New movie that you’ve been dying to see? She already bought tickets. This girl knows how to keep you BOTH busy and high key or low key you looove it. She knows one of your favorite past times is hiking so she likes to plan special little trips for y’all to go to beautiful places to explore. She treats you so well sometimes you wonder if she’s your sugar mama.
•You also love to treat her too! You remember the first time she ever rode on your motorcycle with you. It was like sparks flying! It was a perfect warm summer night when you decided to call her and see if she’d be interested in hanging out. Of course she accepted so you went to pick her up with your badass ride. When she stepped out of her apartment (looking as glamorous as ever) she gasped claiming that she’s never rode one before. So she hoped on and she wrapped her arms around you so she’d stay on. Oh how that put butterflies in your stomach! You decided to take her on a little detour. You took her up to a high hill on the edge of town to watch the sunset. You two sat up there and talked for an hour after the sun went down. It was all insanely romantic- At the spur of the moment another kiss happened! So ever since then you take her on as many rides as you can.
•Personality wise you are both slightly strong headed. When you do get into arguments it results in one either completely leaving the room and or smashing something. But hey! It’s not unhealthy just a little.. heated..? You’d never ever hurt one another! Maybe just a vase or two. In the end you always make up because you were meant for one each other. You both knew that and you are both mature enough to realize that some tiny fight shouldn’t break you two up.
•Ishizu will also be along with you on those perpetual cycles, but when one of you is not eating or being as healthy as you should be the other gets mom-ish. When you only eat Avacado toast and have black coffee for a day Ishizu is stunned. How could she let her flower do that to themself???? She immediately cooks you up a family recipe and refuses to leave until you’ve eaten it all. You appreciate the kind gesture but sometimes you just want to take the food and chuck it out the window. When you two go and work out you are her personal trainer! You push her to do that one extra curl up, the extra mile, that one. Extra. Bench press. She loves how you bring out the best in her!
•NOW TO GET MORE INTIMATE. She loves. All your curves. And edges. Ishizu is just fascinated with your body. She finds each part of you to be absolutely beautiful. This results in a lot of touching. Everywhere. Contact is her #1 priority. Also she loves!! Neck kisses!! Kisses on the neck, forehead, or behind the ear are a must when loving your Ishizu. It’s almost a guarantee that she will turn as red as a tomato when you do this. (Also she demands to always be the big spoon since she’s “””technically””” taller than you. She’s 5’ 4” and she won’t let you forget it.)
•You two are so cute together. You respect, Love, and support one another. Thank you so much for submitting!
SONG that best describes your relationship/ what to listen to when you want to think of her: VALERIE By: Amy Winehouse
Thank y’all for being so patient! If you have submitted a matchup I have not forgotten about you I swear! I am getting to each one at a time. Please keep coming to check back if I’ve answered yours!
5'1 Long auburn hair Thicc and smol Sensitive, energetic, sweet, a bit stubborn and noisy. Loves to eat, Disney fan loves movies, being lazy, anime, memes and animals. and is a writer and an artist. Suffers from depression and anxiety disorders. Swears a lot.
I pair you with…Joey Wheeler!

* You met Joey at a friendly function (small group hangout, big party, at a bar with friends, whichever is most like you!) and you guys hit it off immediately!
* You two both started off as good friends and slowly morphed into best friends! (Thus making yugi sliiiiightly jealous.. he’ll get over it he’s just glad to have more friends!)
* Ofc yugi and the gang invite you over for movies and popcorn! You always request Disney and everyone moans and groans while the polite Yugi Mutou slides in an old VHS tape of Hercules.
* You volunteered to go make the next batch of popcorn, but little did you know Joey slid into the kitchen with you. He was waiting for the perfect time to get you away from the gang. You turned to him confused as to why he was shaking so much and boom! He asked you out and the rest is history!
* Joey loves the huge height difference (about a 10 inch difference!) and will constantly call you cute nicknames like “short stack” and “peanut” just to rile you up. Joey loves the fact that you’re dummy thicc. He loves all your shapes and curves.
* He also loves your stubbornness despite the fact that it causes you two to get into heated discussions sometimes.
* Joey loves these green outfits on you because they match so well with your hair!

* Joey appreciates and loves your artistic side. He wants to make a date of you showing him how to do some art techniques!
* It’s known that Joey isn’t much of a reader but your writings seem to engulf him into a world hes never known.
*Your favorite thing about Joey is his fun loving and hilarious personality. He always makes it a goal to cheer you up whenever you are down.
* Be careful with this relationship though! You two are both very energetic and emotional. You need to learn how to read signs of when you both need your space.
Song that represents your relationship:
“Something Stupid” by Michael Buble and Reese Witherspoon
Hey guys I am trying to work on matchups but it seems that tumblr will not let me post or save any of my submissions or asks. Anyone else have this problem??
This ask is for @thebloodysideofthesun
Since my ask box isn’t working they stated
“Hi! Sorry to bother. I really would like to try the match up thing if you feel like it of course! 5'3, light blue/ grey eyes. Kind of shy at first but then I can be really fun. I am very anxious though and do not have much self esteem... I love horror movies, theme parks, studying, any kind of book, and I am really keen on make up and cosmetics. I like trying new food and cooking. And naps. I love naps. “
I pair you with...

Yugi Mutou!!!
* Today was the day you thought. The blessed day where you could finally run to your nearest movie store and snatch up that newly released A Quiet Place: Part 2.
* You had been waiting to see the movie in theaters, but your friends were so busy you didn’t go.
* You practically burst through the store doors just to see if right on main display. The holy grail. The final copy. You went to reach for the DVD but somebody else hand bumped into yours.
* It was a fairly short and strikingly handsome Yugi!
* After about an hour of you and yugi insisting the other takes the movie you both came to an agreement to watch the film at his house sometime... you sweet talkers ;).
* You two bonded over your love for horror movies and formed a cute relationship!
* You guys complete each other! Yugi is super good at reading you and your energy so he knows when you’re feeling anxious.
* He helps you find good and useful coping skills to help you get through attacks and or problems you may ever have.
* Yugi also thinks it’s fantastic that you’re so good at makeup. Often times he will beg you to do his eyeliner because he just can’t get the wings to match!
* You two like to go out wearing matching makeup and outfits at times too!!
Here’s some makeup you’d wear to match either yugis outfit or makeup for the day!:

* Yugi also loves how easy you are to take on dates! He knows all your favorite theme parks!
* His dream is to take you to Disney World during your honeymoon, but that’s a bit down the road ;)
* Now remember Yugi is a sensitive and touchy lover. He will constantly want affection physically and emotionally. If that sounds like a lot you two may have problems of you getting annoyed.
The song that best describes your relationship:
Work Song by: Hozier
Hello, do you know any active anime/yugioh tumblr blogs that do matchups :-)
No I’m sorry I don’t! Also my matchups will take a while I’m very busy with graduation!