Zhongli X Gn Reader - Tumblr Posts
Hello, I hope all is well in your life. Prince Rukia, is it possible to have the part with Zonghli about the kid who steals the bag and gets adopted? I really liked what you did! If you don't want to, that's okay!
Lucky for you, the day tumblr was being a bitch I had to wait about 2 hours to get picked up, phone on the brink of dying
So I spent some of that time to write everything down I remembered of Zhongli's part
Otherwise I might've still been too annoyed about loosing it in the first place and would've declined this request kdjfskj
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
TW: abandoned reader, mentions of blood (no major wounds)
Zhongli x gn! reader

Thief no more
(Y/HC) hair, messy and wild. Simple clothing, dirty and torn. Stomach empty, begging to be filled as soon as possible. Their life on the streets wasn’t easy, but they survived by taking things that weren’t theirs. They didn’t like to steal, they couldn’t even be proud of themself when they managed to get away with stealing twice as much they usually got.
Which should be considered an accomplishment, seeing they barely managed to get their little hands on anything at all.
Now that they thought about it, it actually had been quite some time since anyone spotted them. Or someone did, but just ignored them. Who would want to help such an useless little thing anyway? Their parents definitely didn’t, having abandoned their child for not learning as fast as the neighbor kid.
The (Y/EC) eyed clutched their kryo vision in their scratched hand, the kryo archon seemed to be the only one seeing and understanding them.
The rumbling of their stomach made them grit their teeth to prevent themself to bend over from the pain. They were so incredibly hungry…
Just for a moment, it seemed for them, they felt dizzy and their vision got blurry. So as they looked straight ahead and waited for their eyes to focus again, they were surprised to suddenly see a bag laying on a bench. The person that seemed like the owner was just walking a few steps away from said bench to talk to someone.
It seemed like the perfect opportunity for the child.
Their little legs carried them for what seemed like forever, but kept begging the (Y/HC)-haired to stop as they ached with every step, every turn. They were sure someone noticed them, the dizziness prevented them from concentrating and they weren’t ready to face the owner of the stolen item if they were caught.
As soon as the child found a place to hide in an alley with a dead end, they let themself fall to the ground. Only the gods knew how the child managed to live like this.
They didn’t even wait to catch their breath, immediately emptying the bag in hopes of finding something edible…
…but there was nothing.
Their shaky breath echoed through the alley, soon followed with wild sobs as they completely gave up on life in that very moment.
They wrapped their twitching arms around themself and pulled their bloody knees to their chest. They didn’t even realise they hurt themself when they fell to the ground, but they didn’t care.
No one wanted them anyways.
"Uhm...mister Zhongli? Your bag seems to be...missing...?"
"Oh. How unfortunate.", was all Zhongli said as he turned around to see that his bag was indeed missing.
He turned back around with a hand on his chin, "The items in that bag were rather important. I have to find it quickly." The brown-haired looked around, soon seeing a child running away, clutching something to their chest. Zhongli couldn't say for sure they snatched his bag, but it was worth investigating for sure.
With a quick head-bow to the person he was conversing with, he began to go after the suspicous child. Swiftly dodging people scattered around Liyue harbor.
Only when a crowd of tourists blocked his way he halted, keeping his eyes on the child as they turned a corner. Finally, Zhongli had a chance to take a glimpse at the object they were holding onto so tightly. If only for a moment.
Recognizing the color though, the brown-haired grew more sure of his suspicion, quickly trying to snake his way through the people without bumping into anyone.
Suitable to his suspicion, the amber-eyed also had a theory ready as well as a plan.
He slowed down his step once he turned the corner, not seeing the child anywhere. His gaze shifted to an alley way just a few meters away from him. Stepping into said alley, Zhongli quickly made out the items of his bag scattered across the dirty ground, but more importantly, a crying child with bloody knees cowering in the dark.
Carefully, the man approached the thief, kneeling infront of them, "You must be starving.", he said in a hushed voice. The (Y/HC)-haired flinched upon hearing a voice so near so suddenly, not daring to look up at first. But after a few seconds they couldn't help but to do so, raising their head from behind their arms and locking eyes with the man they robbed.
"I'm sorry...", was all they let out in their scratchy voice.
Zhongli shook his head, "No no. You simply tried to survive. Come, I won't let you tend to yourself like this any longer."
A small smile forced itself on their face, holding onto Zhongli's shoulders as he carried them on his back.
They went to get something to eat and were now on the way to Bubu Pharmacy to get their knees tended to. "Mister Zhongli?", they called out, "Why do you not have a wallet on you?", they asked, recalling the events of a few minutes ago at Wanmin Restaurant.
Zhongli chuckled, "I forgot it at home." "Huuuh..."
Discarding the topic, Zhongli slightly looked over his shoulder for a moment, "I noticed you are in possession of a kryo vision. I can show you how to use it, if you'd like." "Really?", they asked, not doing well in hiding their excitement. "Why yes. If we don't find someone to take care of you, you'll stay with me anyways. Might as well, right?", it was hard not to hear the smile in the brown-haired's words, widening the child's own smile further.
"Thank you so much...", they whispered out as their grip on the man's shoulders tightened.
"Haha, you're very much welcome, my child."
being the youngest adeptus
feat xiao and adeptus reader, mentions of the other adepti and zhongli
genre fluff
tw/cw mentions of death, spoilers to the other yakshas(?) lmk if there are more

• xiao is a very protective older sibling, but he won’t mention it
• because he watched the other yakshas die due to their karmic debt, he is quite hesitant to go near you at times, fearing his karmic debt will affect you and give you karmic debt
• he’s envious of your innocence and childlike wonder at times, wishing that he could turn back time to when he was happy like that with the other yakshas
• whenever you want to be held by him, he’s very hesitant since he’s worried that he’s too strong and he’ll somehow end up crushing you
• if you ever give him a little present (like a flower crown) he will wear it, even if he has important business to attend to eg. defending liyue against monsters
• one time he wore the flower crown you gave him when he met up with zhongli, safe to say that zhongli slightly teased him for being so soft for you
• whenever he’s unable to look after you/keep an eye on you, he usually gives you to zhongli or the other adepti
• cloud retainer absolutely loves telling you stories about shenhe and ganyus’ childhoods (don’t tell them tho)
• cloud retainer also just talks about random subjects at times, which can be quite fascinating at times
• she’s also low key glad that she gets the chance to look after a child again, she enjoys it very much (just know that she will definitely tell trustworthy travelers/people about your childhood when you’re older)
• zhongli is a grandpa, change my mind
• he absolutely loves telling you stories too
• enjoys taking walks with you around liyue, will even help you pick flowers if you’d like to make him a flower crown
• he won’t hesitate to tell you about xiaos’ younger years, if you ask
• the best at telling bedtime stories
• enjoys carrying you/holding you if you’re comfortable with him doing so
• he will also kiss you on the forehead whenever he has the chance to do so
• overall, being the youngest adeptus isn’t that bad. plus, you have a lot of family members that are cool and powerful
period pain
ft ganyu, zhongli, xiao
reader— gn (afab)
cw/tw— periods, cramps
she’s able to relate to having periods, so she understands how painful they can be at times
sadly she’s very busy so you won’t get to see her often :(
good thing is whenever she does come home she’ll bring you your fave snack, a hot water bottle etc. anything you need she will get
if your cramps are very bad and you want to snuggle, then don’t hesitate to tell her, she will gladly snuggle with you <3
expect to be somewhat spoiled by her when you’re on your period (but expect her to still work way more than she needs to cause she’s a workaholic)
we all know that zhongli has taken the form of a female before, which means that he’s most likely gone through the pain of having a menstural cycle
zhongli may be technically human but his dragon instincts/senses are still there, which means he can sense when your period’s going to come before you do
as soon as you start groaning in pain about the cramps, he will not hesitate to run to bubu pharmacy to get all your needs taken care of
he will also brew you some tea to help with the cramps, which is just HFGGDJGH
will also buy you as many sweets/snacks as you want (poor childe’s mora)
if you want to, then he’s alright with laying with you and purring to help ease the pain in a way (I’ve heard that cats purrs are healing to people, so I decided that zhongli does the same thing, u can’t change my mind)
luckily hu tao let him off for a bit to take care of you, cause she too knows how agonising periods can get. she told him he’s going to have to work during some of the holidays in return but anything for u <33
🐚 | XIAO
when you’re on your period, there’s only one way to explain how xiao reacts
he doesn’t know how to deal with the pain you’re in, which low key makes him feel useless and like he doesn’t deserve you in his life :(
even tho you’re the one in pain, you’re going to have to reassure him and try to show him the ropes
he surprises you with some pain medication and a heat pad along with some sweets and snacks
also he asks if he can brush your hair to help you relax a bit more
which is super soothing, he’s surprisingly good at brushing your hair
dw tho he eventually gets used to your periods and what to do in certain situations, he’s a fast learner
content belongs to fluffyganyu on tumblr, DO NOT REPOST ON ANY SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS WHATSOEVER
the only content that doesn’t belong to me is the characters, they belong to hoyoverse
flower crowns
character(s) — most of the adepti in genshin
reader — gn
summary — the youngest adepti (you), makes all the other adepti flower crowns/bracelets in a way to show your love
cw/tw — none, lmk if there are any!

she loves the flower bracelet you gave her so much! wears it whenever possible
you made her a bracelets instead of a crown due to her horns, they’re made of quinxen flowers
she does eat flowers but she will never think of eating the bracelet, it means so much to her
once ninnguang pointed it out, causing ganyu to fluster and ask if it was inappropriate to wear. ninnguang just said that it was cute
cloud retainer lowkey gets jealous, but no need to worry, cause you made her a flower crown not long after :)

when you gave him a flower crown, he accepted it, he seemed confused at first, muttering about ‘human influences on adepti nowadays’, but he actually wears it whenever possible (just not in front of people, he doesn’t want them knowing he’s actually a big softie)
once accidentally forgot to take it off when he had a small meet up with zhongli, safe to say, xiao was a flustered mess after that encounter. whenever he sees zhongli he can’t stop thinking about that encounter, still haunts him till this day
appreciates that you made flower crowns for his adepti friends that passed centuries ago, he placed them in places that they used to frequent

he wears it 24/7, you can’t change my mind
like he appreciates it so much you don’t even know-
hu tao relentlessly teases him for wearing said flower crown during work, teasing him by saying how soft he’s gotten
whenever he meets up with the other adepti (moon carver and mountain shaper), he will wear the flower crown with pride
he also noticed that the other two adepti had flower bracelets on, courtesy from yourself, he chooses not to point it out

initially thinks you’re giving her a snack, but then when you explain she’s suppose to wear it, she does so
she asks you how to make flower crowns/bracelets cause she’s intrigued by their existence
she’s a quick learner so she quickly learns how to make a flower crown. sadly she sometimes breaks them due to her strength
when she manages to make one perfectly, she gives it to you, which is just so aghvjgihjjh
character(s) — zhongli, xiao, baizhu
reader’s gender is not specified, nor is their race. I always try to make my fanfics as inclusive as possible
tw/cw — none ig, lmk if there are any
note(s) — everyone seemed to like my previous post with sumeru boys with a short s/o, so here’s the liyue boys (it’s short ik) #justiceforliyueboys

man’s tall asf
like he towers over the majority of liyuen citizens
doesn’t really talk about your height difference
low key likes it tho tbh
like he’s a protective man over things he loves, and the fact ur short makes his protective nature go 📈
he’s not gonna make fun of your height, he’ll maybe tease you now and again, but never make fun of you
he’s got a son who is also very short (if yk yk)

man’s short™️
so if ur shorter than him, bro ur like toddler height I’m sorry-
gives him a little happiness knowing that there’s at least someone who’s shorter than him
he likes the feeling of overtowring someone in height, even just a little bit, he’s so use to being shorter than everyone around him
he will not hesitate to beat anyone up who makes fun of you for your height, it’s on sight-
short s/o for a short king, he deserves that and more🛐🛐🛐

this pretty boy snake man is tall
like probs the same height as zhongli, maybe slightly shorter
so it’s no wonder ur shorter than him
does he comment on it? yes
does he tease you for it? yes
dw tho he does this out of love, changsheng also now and again makes comments about ur height
she loves you too tho dw :))
sometimes he likes to use you as an arm rest, he will stop tho if u ask him to
whenever he asks for kisses he says that you have to reach him urself, so good luck-
if he sees you can’t make it then he’ll lightly crouch down and give u a small smooch himself so <33
I love this man sm u don’t understand-