Zhongli Headcanons - Tumblr Posts
Hey,,may i request hcs with zhongli, childe and diluc where s/o comes home late injured & shit and their like questioning everything and just lecturing that s/o shuts them up with a kiss,,Have a good evening <3
When their s/o comes home injured
Zhongli x reader, Diluc x reader, Childr/Tartaglia x reader

Before leaving your shared home you alerted him of your trip in Dragonspine for a commission which offered alot of Mora (we all know he needs it) so he knows where you are
He got quite concerned when you included the words "Just encase I don't get back."
He expected you to come home in about 9 or so but it's half passed midnight
He heard a raged knock on the door and his eyes widened a tad bit when you basically fell on him
Rubbing your back he carried you to your shared room and gathered supplies
"[Y/N], what on earth happened to you?"
While wrapping your wounds you explained how your day went
"W-well f-for starters I forgot to b-bring enough food encase I got i-injured.."
Your teeth were chattering at that point. To cold to speak you decided the story can be told tomorrow
Zhongli dipped the towel in hot water and wiped your face with it while preparing a bath for you
He didn't want you to see him worried because he was suppose to be the strong and responsible one. He was suppose to be the one you can rely on
But deep down he was worried to death
After fixing you up thats when he sat there staring at you, waiting for a reaction
"[Y/N] you- hmpff. "
He felt your soft slightly cold lips against his
"Let's continue this talk for tomorrow my love. I'm reeealllyy tired"
Nodding with a smile he cared you in his arms and surrounded you with his warmth

He was actually confused when you told him you were going out for a commission
You are dating THE TARTAGLIA, you're literally making bank just by dating him
Nevertheless he's supportive and happy that you like going out, helping people with commissions and earning things for yourself
What he's not happy about is the fact that you had to travel all the way to Mt. Hulao which is quite steep
Your commission required you to collect cor lapis and deliver them to a trading shop
"Don't worry, I'll be fine, its just a few cor lapis anyways."
"Pfft, me? Worried? Nah...just be careful though..."
Giving him a reassuring pat in the back you went out on your journey to Mt. Hulao
And there sad Tartaglia, sitting on the empty table with his abandoned paperwork
The clock struck 2:12AM
Where the hell were you??
He was planning on looking for you himself until he heard a knock on the door
He ran towards it and slammed it open, only to see you wer with sweat and blood
His heart was beating out of his chest, what happened to you?? Who did this? He would absolutely obliterate them
He pulled you inside and started patching you up
"Who did this? [Y/N] I told you, you would not have to work or take commission-"
Pushing him over with a slight grunt of pain you kissed his lips and out your weight on him
"Mmm you smell good Childe lovely."
He was about to protest until he heard your snores
He looked down at you and started smiling, kissing your forehead he hugged you with protective arms
He will never let this happen to you again

"Aww come on Diluc, it's just a small quest."
"No [Y/N], that quest of yours is located all the way in Liyue Harbor and whats worse is that my brother is joining you."
Kaeya peeked his head instead your shared room with Diluc
"Diiluuuc it'll be fine, I'll make sure to take great care of [Y/N]~."
Giving you both a wink and sliding of outside again
"You see that just made it worse."
"My answer is still no [Y\N]."
Knowing you couldn't convince him other wise you went over to Kaeya and to him he had to go by himself...infront of Diluc that is
You may have slipped in that you would sneak out and do the quest with him
Later that night it was about 9:23AM
You got dressed and left a note for Diluc in the case he were to wake up and get worried
Jumping out the window Kaeya caught you and went on to your quest
It was about a few hours later and Diluc felt his thirst get the better of him as he grunted and stretched to get out of bed
He looked up at the clock and saw it was 3:01AM and be went to see your sleeping face (as he usually does every night)
Only to see an empty space. He didn't jump into any conclusions and thought maybe you went to the bathroom or went to drink some water
"[Y\N] are you done yet, I need to use the restroom."
He asked for the second time as he knocked on the door
He stood there and waited..waited...anddd waited
Ok now he was worried
"[Y\N] im coming in."
He opened the door only to find it..empty
He slightly stumbled backwards and ran out of the house
He then felt a cold blast of wind that he knew all too well
He saw Kaeya holding you in his arms, all bloody and beaten
Diluc knew better then to start an argument now. He brought them inside then started patching you up
As soon as he laid you down on the bed he grabbed Kaeya by the collar
"What the fuck did you do to her?!"
"Diluc you need to calm down, we-"
They had a tad bit of a rumble until Kaeya could explain everything that happened
Diluc escorted him out and when he arrived back at your shared bedroom he saw you awake
He gave you a slightly angered gaze
"Yeah Diluc...I'm sorry.."
You then saw tears pour from his eyes and he hid his face
He didn't want you to see him like this
He walked over to the bed and cradled you in his arms and kissed your forhead
"I love you...please never leave me like that."
being the youngest adeptus
feat xiao and adeptus reader, mentions of the other adepti and zhongli
genre fluff
tw/cw mentions of death, spoilers to the other yakshas(?) lmk if there are more

• xiao is a very protective older sibling, but he won’t mention it
• because he watched the other yakshas die due to their karmic debt, he is quite hesitant to go near you at times, fearing his karmic debt will affect you and give you karmic debt
• he’s envious of your innocence and childlike wonder at times, wishing that he could turn back time to when he was happy like that with the other yakshas
• whenever you want to be held by him, he’s very hesitant since he’s worried that he’s too strong and he’ll somehow end up crushing you
• if you ever give him a little present (like a flower crown) he will wear it, even if he has important business to attend to eg. defending liyue against monsters
• one time he wore the flower crown you gave him when he met up with zhongli, safe to say that zhongli slightly teased him for being so soft for you
• whenever he’s unable to look after you/keep an eye on you, he usually gives you to zhongli or the other adepti
• cloud retainer absolutely loves telling you stories about shenhe and ganyus’ childhoods (don’t tell them tho)
• cloud retainer also just talks about random subjects at times, which can be quite fascinating at times
• she’s also low key glad that she gets the chance to look after a child again, she enjoys it very much (just know that she will definitely tell trustworthy travelers/people about your childhood when you’re older)
• zhongli is a grandpa, change my mind
• he absolutely loves telling you stories too
• enjoys taking walks with you around liyue, will even help you pick flowers if you’d like to make him a flower crown
• he won’t hesitate to tell you about xiaos’ younger years, if you ask
• the best at telling bedtime stories
• enjoys carrying you/holding you if you’re comfortable with him doing so
• he will also kiss you on the forehead whenever he has the chance to do so
• overall, being the youngest adeptus isn’t that bad. plus, you have a lot of family members that are cool and powerful
period pain
ft ganyu, zhongli, xiao
reader— gn (afab)
cw/tw— periods, cramps
she’s able to relate to having periods, so she understands how painful they can be at times
sadly she’s very busy so you won’t get to see her often :(
good thing is whenever she does come home she’ll bring you your fave snack, a hot water bottle etc. anything you need she will get
if your cramps are very bad and you want to snuggle, then don’t hesitate to tell her, she will gladly snuggle with you <3
expect to be somewhat spoiled by her when you’re on your period (but expect her to still work way more than she needs to cause she’s a workaholic)
we all know that zhongli has taken the form of a female before, which means that he’s most likely gone through the pain of having a menstural cycle
zhongli may be technically human but his dragon instincts/senses are still there, which means he can sense when your period’s going to come before you do
as soon as you start groaning in pain about the cramps, he will not hesitate to run to bubu pharmacy to get all your needs taken care of
he will also brew you some tea to help with the cramps, which is just HFGGDJGH
will also buy you as many sweets/snacks as you want (poor childe’s mora)
if you want to, then he’s alright with laying with you and purring to help ease the pain in a way (I’ve heard that cats purrs are healing to people, so I decided that zhongli does the same thing, u can’t change my mind)
luckily hu tao let him off for a bit to take care of you, cause she too knows how agonising periods can get. she told him he’s going to have to work during some of the holidays in return but anything for u <33
🐚 | XIAO
when you’re on your period, there’s only one way to explain how xiao reacts
he doesn’t know how to deal with the pain you’re in, which low key makes him feel useless and like he doesn’t deserve you in his life :(
even tho you’re the one in pain, you’re going to have to reassure him and try to show him the ropes
he surprises you with some pain medication and a heat pad along with some sweets and snacks
also he asks if he can brush your hair to help you relax a bit more
which is super soothing, he’s surprisingly good at brushing your hair
dw tho he eventually gets used to your periods and what to do in certain situations, he’s a fast learner
content belongs to fluffyganyu on tumblr, DO NOT REPOST ON ANY SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS WHATSOEVER
the only content that doesn’t belong to me is the characters, they belong to hoyoverse
flower crowns
character(s) — most of the adepti in genshin
reader — gn
summary — the youngest adepti (you), makes all the other adepti flower crowns/bracelets in a way to show your love
cw/tw — none, lmk if there are any!

she loves the flower bracelet you gave her so much! wears it whenever possible
you made her a bracelets instead of a crown due to her horns, they’re made of quinxen flowers
she does eat flowers but she will never think of eating the bracelet, it means so much to her
once ninnguang pointed it out, causing ganyu to fluster and ask if it was inappropriate to wear. ninnguang just said that it was cute
cloud retainer lowkey gets jealous, but no need to worry, cause you made her a flower crown not long after :)

when you gave him a flower crown, he accepted it, he seemed confused at first, muttering about ‘human influences on adepti nowadays’, but he actually wears it whenever possible (just not in front of people, he doesn’t want them knowing he’s actually a big softie)
once accidentally forgot to take it off when he had a small meet up with zhongli, safe to say, xiao was a flustered mess after that encounter. whenever he sees zhongli he can’t stop thinking about that encounter, still haunts him till this day
appreciates that you made flower crowns for his adepti friends that passed centuries ago, he placed them in places that they used to frequent

he wears it 24/7, you can’t change my mind
like he appreciates it so much you don’t even know-
hu tao relentlessly teases him for wearing said flower crown during work, teasing him by saying how soft he’s gotten
whenever he meets up with the other adepti (moon carver and mountain shaper), he will wear the flower crown with pride
he also noticed that the other two adepti had flower bracelets on, courtesy from yourself, he chooses not to point it out

initially thinks you’re giving her a snack, but then when you explain she’s suppose to wear it, she does so
she asks you how to make flower crowns/bracelets cause she’s intrigued by their existence
she’s a quick learner so she quickly learns how to make a flower crown. sadly she sometimes breaks them due to her strength
when she manages to make one perfectly, she gives it to you, which is just so aghvjgihjjh
character(s) — zhongli, xiao, baizhu
reader’s gender is not specified, nor is their race. I always try to make my fanfics as inclusive as possible
tw/cw — none ig, lmk if there are any
note(s) — everyone seemed to like my previous post with sumeru boys with a short s/o, so here’s the liyue boys (it’s short ik) #justiceforliyueboys

man’s tall asf
like he towers over the majority of liyuen citizens
doesn’t really talk about your height difference
low key likes it tho tbh
like he’s a protective man over things he loves, and the fact ur short makes his protective nature go 📈
he’s not gonna make fun of your height, he’ll maybe tease you now and again, but never make fun of you
he’s got a son who is also very short (if yk yk)

man’s short™️
so if ur shorter than him, bro ur like toddler height I’m sorry-
gives him a little happiness knowing that there’s at least someone who’s shorter than him
he likes the feeling of overtowring someone in height, even just a little bit, he’s so use to being shorter than everyone around him
he will not hesitate to beat anyone up who makes fun of you for your height, it’s on sight-
short s/o for a short king, he deserves that and more🛐🛐🛐

this pretty boy snake man is tall
like probs the same height as zhongli, maybe slightly shorter
so it’s no wonder ur shorter than him
does he comment on it? yes
does he tease you for it? yes
dw tho he does this out of love, changsheng also now and again makes comments about ur height
she loves you too tho dw :))
sometimes he likes to use you as an arm rest, he will stop tho if u ask him to
whenever he asks for kisses he says that you have to reach him urself, so good luck-
if he sees you can’t make it then he’ll lightly crouch down and give u a small smooch himself so <33
I love this man sm u don’t understand-
Genshin impact hcs for every nation pt.2

Liyue edition!
Info: OOC? Mentions of other characters, writing sucks, sorry if I get some lore wrong with some characters! Fyi, none of this is cannon besides the occasional lore mentions

Baizhu: Whenever the cold winters of Liyue roll around, Baizhu has to make sure that both him and Changsheng are cozy because if they don't. They both can fall ill very quickly. Baizhu normally wraps a scarf around his neck so both him and Changsheng are warm due to the fact that Changsheng normally wraps around Baizhu's neck
Beidou: Since Beidou wears an eyepatch, a lot of people have made theories on what's behind it. Is it just a regular eye? Does she have a terrible scar underneath? Is it due to a battle? Who did she fight? Spoiler alert: It's the first one, but she always gets a laugh out of the really crazy ones
Chongyun: Chongyun is secretly really good at checkers. He takes pride in it along with embarrassment since he has no clue how to play chess
Ganyu: Ganyu absolutely loves the quiet and hates loud noises, but there's this one sound that she will forever despise, and that is windchimes. Every time she hears them, she just wants to rip it off of the ceiling and break all the metal bars in half. Of course, she never does, but she'll immediately leave if she hears it. Heaven forbid someone gets her a windchime as a present
Hu tao: Being a director of a funeral parlor and talking with ghosts for a long time somewhat impacts your vision on mortals, so Hu tao has grown a sixth sense of reading people. She can tell whether they're lying, worried, or pretending to be fine whenever they are fuming with anger. Sometimes, it gets a bit bad that she misses out on social cues
Keqing: With the large amount of paperwork Keqing puts on herself, she offen gets hands cramps. Sometimes, they get so bad that she has to take a break for a few minutes so the bones of her hands don't feel like they're about to break apart
Ningguang: Since Ningguang is the richest person in Tevyat, she occasionally spends her mora on random items just for the fun of it. Her favorite items she's bought over the recent years are candles. She's grown so attached to it that she's started up a collection
Qiqi: Since Qiqi needs a notebook to remember everyone she's met, Yaoyao decided one day that she would help Qiqi with the notebook, decorating it in cute stickers, highlighters, doodles, and occasional photographs
Shenhe: Shenhe has dissociative amnesia, specifically generalized. This means that she offen forgets where she went, what she did, who she spoke to, what she experienced, or even who she is
Xiangling: Xiangling, being the spicy cook herself, she doesn't actually check how much spices she puts in her food for the customers. Does she still use measuring cups? Yes, but sometimes they can be a bit overfilled
Xiao: When all of the yakshas were still around. Normally, the girls would help Xiao with his red eye makeup, only after they died tragically. The last yaksha had to learn how to do his own makeup, to say it was hard... was an understatement. Xiao eventually went to Zhongli for help, the geo archon being met with a sad Xiao, looking at the floor with messy red eye makeup. Don't worry, Zhongli taught Xiao, and he got the hang of it
Xingqiu: Xingqiu secretly has a condition called vasovagal syncope, which means that his body makes him pass out whenever he gets injected with a needle. Before, he thought he had a fear of needles, but when he saw Baizhu about it, he told the young writer that he actually had vasovagal syncope. Which made much more sense to Xingqiu afterward
Xinyan: Xinyan secretly loves having fun on playgrounds, but especially the swings. Whenever she comes across a playground with swings, she'll immediately stop what she's doing, run up, and try to get as high as she could
Yanfei: When in the chasm with the rest of the group, Yanfei actually got slight burn scars when fighting off those enemies due to how hard she was hitting her fireball
Yaoyao: You would expect Yaoyao to be another one of those kids whose toys are all dirty from dragging them around in the mud or one of those kids who forgets their stuffed animal, but Yaoyao is the complete opposite! She always double checks that Yuegui is in her basket, and she doesn't have to worry about Yuegui getting dirty since it's easily washable
Yelan: Whenever Yelan gets bored from time to time, getting stuck dealing with paperwork instead of going out on fun adventures. She'll train her hand to do neat tricks with her pen. She's gotten so good at it to the point where she'll zone out while her fingers mechanically rapidly spin around her pen
Yunjin: The reason why Yunjin's stage is normally warm colors with lantern lights in the background is because she can't stand flashing lights. It makes her feel dizzy, and she can never concentrate
Zhongli: Being an archon, over the years, Zhongli has come to be an expert in fashion. Just take a look in the history books and see some of the outfits he's worn! People have sometimes begged him to let him help them with fashion, but that's Zhongli's secret talent and only his. No if's or but's

If you repost this on another website, please give credit. Any like or repost is greatly appreciated -dixidin

Archons headcanons!
When he first took his friend's appearance, he was pressured by his every action, afraid to give a false memory of his dear friend. Later, he gained confidence when he realized he does not have to "be" him, his appearance would be just a way to remember him, like the shell of an oyster worn as a necklace.
Venti doesn't let anyone carry him, because he is too light for a human of his size. Being the wind, he never clearly understood the notion of weight, and you will have a little surprise when you try to carry him, because he is as light as a feather. Quite literally.
Venti lives in a room at the hotel Goth that he reserved before the fatuis came. They try to get him to leave, but whoever pushes the door without his consent gets mysteriously a mini tornado in their face...
Every time Barbara finds Venti drunk in the streets of Mondstadt, she brings him to her and Jean's home, to Jean's great annoyance.
Venti is a hopeless romantic, he is the type to confess to you every now and then, just so you remember he loves you just like the first day. He would also gift you cecilias or poems everyday indirectly, by placing them somewhere he knows you will find them (besides you on the bed, in the kitchen, or even up in his statue's hands)
Unlike Venti, who has a lot of experience with humans, he does not know a lot about humans. So, sometimes he forgets to blink at a regular pace, or even to breathe.
He often does meditation by staring at rocks. He cannot really explain it, but it soothes him every time.
He will never ask you for mora, or at least not directly. Zhongli still has an archon's pride after all.
Instead of asking you for mora, he will tell you that he forgot his wallet at home...
You're the only one Zhongli shows his anger, or annoyance. Like the gentleman he is, he never shows anyone that he is annoyed or angry at them. But around you, Zhongli allows himself to express those emotions, because he knows you will understand.
Although, Zhongli has Olympic patience. He will never get angry at you, he prefers to leave it how it is and talk about it with you later, when both of you are calm.
Raiden Ei
Ei is very curious about human life, and most of your dates are just making her discover the nowadays-Inazuma. Even the slightest thing will make her have sparkles in her eyes, just like a little girl !
Yae Miko is very intrusive in your relationship, but she always respects your intimacy. She just wants every detail- maybe it will inspire a book!
Ei has a very low self-esteem. She is always scared to be too weak, too nice, too old fashioned... That's why she lets the Shogun do most things.
Sometimes, Ei sees a little boy crying, and she doesn't know why but she has a weird feeling and her heart tightens...
Nahida (platonic)
Nahida sometimes stumbles on her words. She has her precise idea of the sentence, but she does not know if everyone will understand...
It is nearly impossible to surprise her. She always seems so calm and collected, like reed who bends but never breaks.
She is always very enthusiastic at the perspective of explaining things to you, or teaching you some!
Like Ei, she is not very confident, but she does her best to gain her people's love.
She has a lot of trouble expressing her true personality, and she still fears judgement.
Neuvillette often visits her, and he slowly learns her true personality.
She has PTSD, but feels too humiliated to seek help.
Asks you to never mention Arlecchino.
Her smallest mistakes make her very anxious
You have to reassure her all the time
She wants to adopt every cute animal she sees
Furina loves to play pranks on you, a day never passes without her pranking you!

That's everything! I'm so sorry that the girls' parts are so short, I'll try to make up for it!