allthehumanflaws - AlL tHe HuMaN fLaWs
AlL tHe HuMaN fLaWs

69 posts

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Arthur was sitting alone by the window. As soon as he entered Merlin knew he was sad. 

"So, how has your day been?" He asked trying to make him talk. He was sure Arthur heard him. He wasn't too far away and neither was his voice low but Arthur didn't respond. Merlin went about his daily routines. Arthur hadn't moved an inch in the past hour and Merlin was worried. 

"What's troubling you? You can tell me. You know that." "Why would you think that? How can you even understand my problems? I am a King, Merlin! The answer to my problems will not be with my servant. Now get out and make yourself useful! Tell the knights to come to the council room. If you'd be able to, that is!" he snapped.  Merlin would never get used to Arthur snapping at him. Neither the knights. Something had changed and Merlin couldn't figure out what exactly. Arthur had been angry with him in the past but not like this. Never like this. But Gwaine? Elyan? They were his friends, and it was not as if he had done something extreme. He was being snapped at by all of them. Even the usually calm and composed Sir Leon. He felt as he didn't belong here anymore.

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More Posts from Allthehumanflaws

11 months ago

Chapter 4

Arthur entered the throne room with Merlin trailing behind him. He asked the woman, who had come to state her problems.

"You Majesty. there have been attacks on my village. They ask not just for grains but for people as well. Anyone who dares stand up to them they just......kill him. Killed him..." She stifled her sobs and continued. 

"They have magic, Sire. They have used it in front of us. Please help us sire. They have threatened to kill every single one of us. They come each week and take grains and people alike. Please Sire! You have to help us!” she pleaded.

Arthur got down from his throne and approached the woman.

“You and your village have nothing to fear. Me and my knights will ride at dawn tomorrow. Gwaine, Elyan, Percival and Leon be ready!” said Arthur and the knights nodded.

“Thank you! Thank you so much, my lord!” said the woman. “Are there any injured in your village, Cara?” asked Gaius while taking her away and she nodded. Gaius turned to Merlin and he understood.

“Sire, may Gaius accompany you? There are injured in the village. They will need help.” asked Merlin.

“Of course. He must. Oh, and Merlin. Tell George to be ready at dawn too.” replied Arthur. “George!?” exclaimed Merlin, All the knights turned to him.

“Yeah?” said Gwaine. “But am I not accompanying you? Why would you need George?” asked Merlin, already panicking. The attackers have magic. They will definitely try to kill Arthur. He has to be there. He has to! “No, you are not. You will be there with Gaius tending to the harmed. For our services we will be taking George.” replied Leon. “I can do both. I-” started Merlin. “Will not go against the King’s orders!” said Percival.

There it was again. The snapping. He was just asking a question, not defying any laws! Why the sudden change? They had been friendly since morning and now?

Foolish! I have been so foolish. They were not being ‘friendly’ they were being ‘polite’. You are not their friend. Arthur is the King of Camelot and these are the Knights. I am just a servant, thought Merlin.

“Sorry Sires. I will inform George at once. And I apologize. I shouldn’t have exclaimed like that. I have no right to object to wyour orders.” said Merlin. And then he softly added, “I am but a lowly servant.”

He started for the door and passed Arthur on the way. For a moment it seemed to him that Arthur’s face fell. 'It can’t be. You are just a servant. Not his friend that he’ll be sad because you are,' thought Merlin and left.

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11 months ago

Chapter 7 (part 2)

"Merlin you old fool!" Arthur said as Percival laid him down in one of the houses.  "What is my life compared to all of yours?" he said. Merlin knew he was gonna die. He was a powerful sorcerer, but the bolt was also forged of magic. It could easily kill him, but he had a few thing to say. Merlin used all the magic he had to keep awake. Gwaine and Arthur sat on either side of his bed while Gaius sat near the end of the bed. 

"Gaius...when I'm gone...." "You are going nowhere!" Said Gaius even though he knew it wasn't possible.  "Tell them....about Emrys. And all he has done." 

"Merlin, please. Merlin you are not dying. You can't die! You have to stay with me, with us! Please, Merlin..." said Gwaine. No one had imagined the day Gwaine would but here he was, silently crying beside his dying friend.

"Why Sir Gwaine? Isn't George enough?" asked Merlin, a small smile forming at his lips. "He isn't our friend, you are." said Elyan.  'Oh yes? Is that the reason you all behaved so harshly? Is that the reason you all were treating him so rudely?" questioned Gaius. "It was supposed to make him mad just for a few days. Until today.." started Percival. "It's his birthday tomorrow. We just wanted to surprise him." said Leon.

Merlin let out a small laugh. He, himself had forgotten his birthday. 

"Be the best knight in Camelot for me, Gwaine." he said and Gwaine nodded in response.  "I will take care of Hunith, rest assured." said Gaius.

"I'll make sure these idiots don't get themselves killed." said Elyan tear streaming down his face as he smiled. 

"Percival...take care of Gaius for me." said Merlin, trying not to wince. Percival clapped a hand on Merlin's shoulder and smiled at him.  

Arthur wanted to say a lot and he would have if he was not crying so much. Merlin was his first friend. The only person who had never seen him as 'Prince Arthur' but as just 'Arthur Pendragon'. He wanted to tell Merlin that he was his most trusted and loyal friend but...he couldn't. He just couldn't. But Arthur just sat there watching his one true friend taking ragged breaths that would soon lead to his last. But when he turned to look at him, Merlin smiled. It seemed as if he knew.  "Arthur....Guinevere" said Merlin and Arthur understood. 

Merlin took one last look at all of them and smiled again. His magic was slipping and he breathed his last words... "When the hour of the greatest need is upon, Walk along the Lake of Avalon Call out for me  and I shall be To try and be that friend indeed."

And as he did the room was filled with tiny balls of lights. Merlin's hand fell limp from Gwaine's.  "Merlin? Merlin!?" exclaimed Gwaine, breaking down beside him. The clang of Elyan and Arthur's sword said it all. Gaius collapsed to the ground and Leon silently mourned. 

"Happy Birthday..." whispered Percival. Even though Merlin wouldn't hear it now. He would never make a joke or give comical remarks. He would never come bustling in the room with that bright smile. He would never see the banquet they had prepared. He would never see the celebrations and the feast they had prepared. 

He would never see them and they wouldn't see Merlin again...

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11 months ago

A Lowly Servant

Summary -

Merlin feels he is not a friend of Arthur or the Knights. He is just a servant. Just a lowly servant. Why would they even be his friends? He is just Arthur's manservant. Nothing else.

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