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Chapter 7 (part 2)
Chapter 7 (part 2)
"Merlin you old fool!" Arthur said as Percival laid him down in one of the houses. "What is my life compared to all of yours?" he said. Merlin knew he was gonna die. He was a powerful sorcerer, but the bolt was also forged of magic. It could easily kill him, but he had a few thing to say. Merlin used all the magic he had to keep awake. Gwaine and Arthur sat on either side of his bed while Gaius sat near the end of the bed.
"Gaius...when I'm gone...." "You are going nowhere!" Said Gaius even though he knew it wasn't possible. "Tell them....about Emrys. And all he has done."
"Merlin, please. Merlin you are not dying. You can't die! You have to stay with me, with us! Please, Merlin..." said Gwaine. No one had imagined the day Gwaine would but here he was, silently crying beside his dying friend.
"Why Sir Gwaine? Isn't George enough?" asked Merlin, a small smile forming at his lips. "He isn't our friend, you are." said Elyan. 'Oh yes? Is that the reason you all behaved so harshly? Is that the reason you all were treating him so rudely?" questioned Gaius. "It was supposed to make him mad just for a few days. Until today.." started Percival. "It's his birthday tomorrow. We just wanted to surprise him." said Leon.
Merlin let out a small laugh. He, himself had forgotten his birthday.
"Be the best knight in Camelot for me, Gwaine." he said and Gwaine nodded in response. "I will take care of Hunith, rest assured." said Gaius.
"I'll make sure these idiots don't get themselves killed." said Elyan tear streaming down his face as he smiled.
"Percival...take care of Gaius for me." said Merlin, trying not to wince. Percival clapped a hand on Merlin's shoulder and smiled at him.
Arthur wanted to say a lot and he would have if he was not crying so much. Merlin was his first friend. The only person who had never seen him as 'Prince Arthur' but as just 'Arthur Pendragon'. He wanted to tell Merlin that he was his most trusted and loyal friend but...he couldn't. He just couldn't. But Arthur just sat there watching his one true friend taking ragged breaths that would soon lead to his last. But when he turned to look at him, Merlin smiled. It seemed as if he knew. "Arthur....Guinevere" said Merlin and Arthur understood.
Merlin took one last look at all of them and smiled again. His magic was slipping and he breathed his last words... "When the hour of the greatest need is upon, Walk along the Lake of Avalon Call out for me and I shall be To try and be that friend indeed."
And as he did the room was filled with tiny balls of lights. Merlin's hand fell limp from Gwaine's. "Merlin? Merlin!?" exclaimed Gwaine, breaking down beside him. The clang of Elyan and Arthur's sword said it all. Gaius collapsed to the ground and Leon silently mourned.
"Happy Birthday..." whispered Percival. Even though Merlin wouldn't hear it now. He would never make a joke or give comical remarks. He would never come bustling in the room with that bright smile. He would never see the banquet they had prepared. He would never see the celebrations and the feast they had prepared.
He would never see them and they wouldn't see Merlin again...
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Whatever you do don't imagine the Hargreeves siblings after Five disappeared.
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Cant help but think that bbc merlin writers had so many opportunities to write any magic reveal they want, but the one they went for starts with the most agonising line ever, of arthur saying in desperation that no, merlin, you are not the evil that haunts my life, you're all what's good in my life, you wouldn't betray me, you wouldn't choose this, you're not like them, “I would know”
This only makes a little sense but what if
Klaus Hargreeves has the ability to talk to the dead right?? So what if he is dead?
Died like ages ago i know i know he can't but what if
And because his powers were talking to the dead but because now he himself is dead his powers like reversed and now despite being dead he can talk to the living
That would explain suddenly being able to channel other spirits through him you know-
ohkay so
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his reaction was the most wholesome one. he is usually a very goofy person so unusual for him he just calmly asked "i don't know much about all of this but bisexual means you like both men and women right?" and i said yes and he just said "yeah I'm cool with it"
and then still a little apprehensive i said "ah you're being sweet" and he said (a person who can joke about anything from the heavens to hell) "i wouldn't joke about this it's important for you"
i am so very lucky to have gotten such a response and i don't really have many people to share this with so i decided to share this here..