allthehumanflaws - AlL tHe HuMaN fLaWs
AlL tHe HuMaN fLaWs

69 posts

A Lowly Servant

A Lowly Servant

Summary -

Merlin feels he is not a friend of Arthur or the Knights. He is just a servant. Just a lowly servant. Why would they even be his friends? He is just Arthur's manservant. Nothing else.

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More Posts from Allthehumanflaws

11 months ago

Chapter 3

"What you are thinking is not correct Merlin. Why would you think they hate you?" asked Gaius over dinner.

"What else can be the reason, Gaius? They don't behave like that with other servants. It's just me. I must have done something to make them behave like this. I must have imagined Arthur's politeness as his friendship. I am his manservant. They are the Knights. If not, his equal they are his friends. I should understand that. They are not my equals and thus cannot be my friends." 

Gaius sighed. There is no use telling Merlin anything once he has decided otherwise. He just hoped that Merlin will be proved wrong.

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1 year ago

 For a minute, it seemed like you could look right at me

For a minute, it seemed like your eyes understood mine

And then you looked away, not wanting to know

You turned your head in the direction of simpler things

My eyes speak my truth They speak a language only those willing understand

You were so close, the shine in yours

Matched mine so well it seemed like it was meant to be

Alas mine weren’t the eyes you were trying to read

You only ever looked for hers

Your smile belongs to her and so does your gaze

Your eyes might shine every time they look into mine

But they lighten up when you look for her

You think no one notices but

Every now and then

Your eyes wander towards her

How do I even know any of this you might think

Because I only ever look at you

For a minute, our eyes dance in an unspoken conversation 

For a minute, it seemed you were looking right at me 

The next I understood you never do

For A Minute, It Seemed Like You Could Look Right At Me

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8 months ago

What if Peter's Family was Alive? (Part 2)

"You were what!?" exclaimed Tony. "Mary Fitzpatrick," replied Natasha sounding calm. 

"You are Spiderman's mother?" questioned Steve. "Apparently" "Why didn't you tell us?" asked Clint.  "Because I didn't know that myself."  "How does one NOT remember giving BIRTH!?" screeched Tony. He was very upset by the fact apparent fact that Natasha could be Peter's mother.  "The Red Room must have forced her to forget. Given her something that made her," replied Wanda. A silence settled in the room. 

Natasha had always wanted kids of her own. When she had visited Clint's family, met Cooper and Lila, her longing had increased. But now that she found out that she had a kid of her own, she didn't know what to feel. Was she happy? Was she shocked? Was she...scared? 

What if he doesn't like me? What if he hates me for leaving him? For forgetting about him? Why do I not remember him? Or...Richard for the fact? What had happened? How do I tell him? How will he react? Doesn't he live with his Aunt? Doesn't that make her my sister-in-law? I have All these were running inside her head. 

"We will have to tell them about this Tony," said Sam and Tony slumped in his chair nodding.  "Should I give them a call?" asked Wanda, looking hesitantly at Natasha.   "No! I-I need some time," answered Natasha.

"Are you alright?" asked Wanda walking up to her.  "What do you think? I just found out that I have a son," said Natasha ruefully. She turned to Tony, "Tell me about him?" 

"Hah! There is a lot to that kid. What'd you wanna know?" "Just the basics." "Well, he's spiderman. And he is 16. He has two friends, Ned and MJ, and lives with his Aunt May. He goes to Midtown School of Science of Technology. His birthdate's August 10th. What more?" 

"Tasha..." Clint said coming over and hugging her.  Natasha let out a huge sigh. She knew if they waited longer that would be unfair, to Peter. They had to tell him the truth. She had to.  "What about tomorrow? Call Spider...Peter. Call Peter tomorrow. Peter and May." she said, looking at Tony. He nodded in reply.  A silence settles in the room, which was disrupted when...

"TONY!" yelled Happy, rushing in the room.  "Oh-! What!?" exclaimed Tony.  "It's the Spiderkid." "What about him? You dropped him didn't you?"  "I was waiting for him, he never came." "What do you mean?" asked Natasha. "He used the suit. He went back on his own." "What's the big deal? He has done that before, what's the matter now?" said Tony. "The matter is that he was attacked or something. I was tracking his suit and now I can't see where he is." Happy said, showing the screen to Tony and Natasha. 

(PS - I haven't written beyond this so now it's up to your imagination)

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10 months ago

What if Peter's family was alive?

We know Peter's family is no more. His mother and father are not with him neither is his uncle. He lives with his Aunt May. But what if... After the Civil War, Peter Parker meets the Avengers for the first time. He also meets his mother but he doesn't know that yet...

PS - I had this written down ages ago, and because it seemed a cool idea I decided to post it. Because I haven't seen the Black Widow, I don't know how things worked in the Red Room so I may or may not have changed some facts. But I hope you like the idea!

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11 months ago

Chapter 7 (part 2)

"Merlin you old fool!" Arthur said as Percival laid him down in one of the houses.  "What is my life compared to all of yours?" he said. Merlin knew he was gonna die. He was a powerful sorcerer, but the bolt was also forged of magic. It could easily kill him, but he had a few thing to say. Merlin used all the magic he had to keep awake. Gwaine and Arthur sat on either side of his bed while Gaius sat near the end of the bed. 

"Gaius...when I'm gone...." "You are going nowhere!" Said Gaius even though he knew it wasn't possible.  "Tell them....about Emrys. And all he has done." 

"Merlin, please. Merlin you are not dying. You can't die! You have to stay with me, with us! Please, Merlin..." said Gwaine. No one had imagined the day Gwaine would but here he was, silently crying beside his dying friend.

"Why Sir Gwaine? Isn't George enough?" asked Merlin, a small smile forming at his lips. "He isn't our friend, you are." said Elyan.  'Oh yes? Is that the reason you all behaved so harshly? Is that the reason you all were treating him so rudely?" questioned Gaius. "It was supposed to make him mad just for a few days. Until today.." started Percival. "It's his birthday tomorrow. We just wanted to surprise him." said Leon.

Merlin let out a small laugh. He, himself had forgotten his birthday. 

"Be the best knight in Camelot for me, Gwaine." he said and Gwaine nodded in response.  "I will take care of Hunith, rest assured." said Gaius.

"I'll make sure these idiots don't get themselves killed." said Elyan tear streaming down his face as he smiled. 

"Percival...take care of Gaius for me." said Merlin, trying not to wince. Percival clapped a hand on Merlin's shoulder and smiled at him.  

Arthur wanted to say a lot and he would have if he was not crying so much. Merlin was his first friend. The only person who had never seen him as 'Prince Arthur' but as just 'Arthur Pendragon'. He wanted to tell Merlin that he was his most trusted and loyal friend but...he couldn't. He just couldn't. But Arthur just sat there watching his one true friend taking ragged breaths that would soon lead to his last. But when he turned to look at him, Merlin smiled. It seemed as if he knew.  "Arthur....Guinevere" said Merlin and Arthur understood. 

Merlin took one last look at all of them and smiled again. His magic was slipping and he breathed his last words... "When the hour of the greatest need is upon, Walk along the Lake of Avalon Call out for me  and I shall be To try and be that friend indeed."

And as he did the room was filled with tiny balls of lights. Merlin's hand fell limp from Gwaine's.  "Merlin? Merlin!?" exclaimed Gwaine, breaking down beside him. The clang of Elyan and Arthur's sword said it all. Gaius collapsed to the ground and Leon silently mourned. 

"Happy Birthday..." whispered Percival. Even though Merlin wouldn't hear it now. He would never make a joke or give comical remarks. He would never come bustling in the room with that bright smile. He would never see the banquet they had prepared. He would never see the celebrations and the feast they had prepared. 

He would never see them and they wouldn't see Merlin again...

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