allthehumanflaws - AlL tHe HuMaN fLaWs
AlL tHe HuMaN fLaWs

69 posts

Reunion Of Albion

Reunion of Albion

[This is just a short headcanon that I had about BBC Merlin. Hope it helps you somewhat forget the pain of the finale. :)]

Nearly 1500 years after the death of the Once and Future King of Camelot. There is a shift in the air. The birds of Camelot seem more cheerful than ever. Everything seems as if shifting. The sun is brighter than before and the Queen stands in her room looking out in wonder. 

"Merlin! What is happening?" she called out. "I have no idea Gwen, but whatever it is I feel strangely happy." "You were looking for a counter spell, did you find it? It has been the same of years now." "No Gwen. Even the Great Dragon has no answers." said Merlin. 

Neither of them had aged a day. For 1500 years they were the same as they had been on the day when.... Some strange curse had befallen Camelot. The Queen, Sire Leon, Sir Percival, Merlin and Gaius had not aged a day. Nor had a lot many people. The world around them had reached many heights but how much ever Merlin tried he could never bring that change to Camelot. How much ever he tried he couldn't reverse the curse. It was as if Camelot was stuck at one place in the loop of time. Each year Merlin would try to do something to reverse it but nothing has worked. 

"Your Majesty! There is something happening at the Lake of Avalon." said Leon bursting inti the room. It wasn't far away so all of them set out immediately. 

"Merlin, Gaius do you know something of this?" asked Percival. "No. This is not something I know of." replied Gaius. The Lake was shining with a bright light. The trees were swaying to an unheard tune. There was some sort of movement in the middle of the Lake. 

Merlin stepped closer. In his heart, he knew what was happening. He had known a day would come when they would be reunited. A day when they all will return. All of them stared open mouthed. A bright light blinded them all. When they opened their eyes, it was a sight to behold.

Middle of the Lake their stood Arthur in all his might with the Excalibur glinting in his hand. Beside him stood Gwaine, strong and smiling his own sword in his hand. Elyan stood beside him, grinning from ear to ear and Lancelot, stood there smiling at his long lost friends. 

The Once and Future King has returned and with him have returned the Knights of Camelot. They were welcomed with open arms and flowing tears. There was a banquet and a feast. There was laughter and love. Camelot had returned to its full glory. But Merlin had not shed a single tear all day. It didn't seem real to him. To him, it seemed another of his many dreams. To him, it would all end. He had seen this before it ended with Gaius waking him up but as he decided that his going to sleep would end this, Gwaine came up behind him and said, "Merlin! There you are at last! I have been looking all over the place for you. I am a bit rusty, point me to the Tavern?" "Sir Gwaine has forgotten where the tavern is !? I must be dreaming!" said Percival. Leon entered behind him laughing followed by Elyan and Lancelot. Then came Gwen and then Gaius. Last of all came Arthur. They all laughed, and Merlin stared at them, tears finally prickling his eyes.

"Merlin, you idiot! What are you staring at?!" said Arthur smiling. 

He had them all back. He had them back and now he realized what had happened to Camelot. Albion was no other than Camelot. He was Albion and because he was awaiting the arrival of The Once and Future King with his Knights, Albion waited as well. And now the wait was over for Albion had finally been reunited.

[It's not enough to remove the pain, but I hope it's enough to give you hope that all was well after all. Hope you liked it!!]

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More Posts from Allthehumanflaws

11 months ago

Chapter 5

All through their two day journey Merlin and George decided to share all their work. George was more than pleased to be working directly for the King, Merlin was dreading every moment he would have to spend near Arthur.

"Merlin!" Gwaine called out. Merlin's head snapped up. It had been weeks since Gwaine had called to him. A bubble of hope formed in Merlin, and he quickly rushed towards him.

"Yes G...Sire? Yes sire?" he said, catching himself mid way. Gwaine looked up and looked as if he realized he was doing something illegal. He shook his head and just threw his boots towards Merlin. Merlin's face fell, and he left taking the boots with him. Merlin had realized that no matter how much he works, no matter whatever he does they are not going to be his friend. "A lowly servant" is what he had called himself, he had hoped that if they were his friends they would contradicted. No one. No one had said anything. Well no one except Gaius, who had given him a whole speech on how he is a powerful sorcerer and how he is like he is a son to him. 

Now he had given up. He had accepted that he was a just a servant. A lowly servant.

They reached the village and Merlin and Gaius immediately set out help the injured. 

"What is this?" said Merlin while examining the wound on a man's shoulder.  "Poison. From what I see, all of their swords are coated with poison." replied Gaius. "Merlin, get my bag. I think I have left it where we first stopped." 

Merlin obediently left. He reached there and inside the Knights and Arthur were talking...

"This was not supposed to happen! Have you seen him?" said Elyan. " I have. He is not his usual self." replied Gwaine.

"Arthur, we need to to stop. You saw what happened that day..." started Percival when he spotted Merlin near the door. 

"I am sorry Sires. I was just here to get Gaius's bag. So sorry Sires." Merlin bowed and left. He rushed back to Gaius. He had a lot of questions. Who is not like himself? What is it that Arthur is doing? Could it be that....that they were talking about him?

He shook his head. Whatever they were talking about is not of his concern. 

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11 months ago

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The Lunch

Merlin walked in to the King's chambers with his lunch, but when he reached, he found all the knights gathered around. They were eating, laughing and having fun.

He stopped one of the maids going out, "Sarah? Did Your Majesty arrange this or was it some sort of surprise by the knights?" "Your Majesty did, Merlin. Even I was surprised for it's you who serves him. Annoying him now, are you?" she giggled and left. "Merlin! I won't be needing you to bring me lunch from now on. I'll have with the knights." said Arthur spotting him in the doorway.

"This is far more fit for a King than the food you bring. You may leave," added Agravaine. "Yes Sire," Merlin said. Disheartened as he was, he didn't show it.

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1 year ago


This only makes a little sense but what if

Klaus Hargreeves has the ability to talk to the dead right?? So what if he is dead?

Died like ages ago i know i know he can't but what if

And because his powers were talking to the dead but because now he himself is dead his powers like reversed and now despite being dead he can talk to the living

That would explain suddenly being able to channel other spirits through him you know-

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