She/Them| Lover of underrated anime| Avid Daydreamer|
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Ashton-sano - `Sano - Tumblr Blog

Call me back? I Miss you, it's so lonely in my mansion~
Now Playing`:
Windbreaker boys in: Random Bf Texts
Hajime Umemiya

Choji Toriyama

Jo Togame

If we like these, ill keep doing em, so give it some love
Property of ©ashton-sano; Don't post my content on any other platform without credit; much love^^
so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i need to write all of these, this INSTANT
i gave in. i started watching windbreaker. i now have several ideas for fics stewing in my brain.
(let me know which one you like/want to see the most in the comments :3)
sakura with a super confident + affectionate s/o who doesn’t gaf about his emotional constipation
nirei with an s/o who can fight
umemiya gets asked who he loves more, his s/o or kotoha, and he has an emotional breakdown
taming sugishita (that man is a CREATURE.)
togame braiding his s/o’s hair
kotoha gets a girlfriend and umemiya thinks they’re just besties
sakura has a crush on someone but he doesn’t know how to handle his feelings so he just wants to fight them 24/7
umemiya with a zoology nerd s/o (am i projecting? maybe.)
suo with an s/o that can read him like a fucking book
togame with a doting, almost caretaking s/o and he doesn’t quite know how to handle it
sakura with an s/o who is incredibly vocal about how sakura is the prettiest boy they have ever seen
togame and his s/o have a secret code when they want to leave a party/social event
anyways. that is what is currently happening in my brain rn
I am an avid underrated fandom writer/ enjoyer, please don't be shy when it comes to asking about my work.
reblog if your inbox is always open for new members of the fandom who may be a little shy or intimidated. doesn’t matter whether or not you’re a “popular blog”; everyone here is equal and if you’re reading this as a new person/someone considering entering the fandom, we will not turn you away!!!! talk to us!! make friends!! i more than understand being shy but trust me this fandom is chill come join us in this hellhole

Yeah, My boyfriend's Pretty Cool~♫
`> Blue Lock Boys as Boyfriends
(Char. Included: Yoichi Isagi, Rin Itoshi, Chigiri Hyoma, Meguru Bachira, Reo Mikage, Sae Itoshi)
-You all seemed to like my last one, so ill try and post more blue lock content ^^. The format might be weird so you'll have to scroll, ill attempt to fix it, forgive me

ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Love on me ♡ ↓ ♫ ⁹⁹⁹⁺ ︙
1:20 ———●—————— 2:30

Isagi Yoichi
!Isagi Yoichi who always, always, always, gives you a kiss before he goes anywhere, even if its just to the kitchen because he’ll be damned if he leaves the room without making sure you know he loves you
!Isagi Yoichi who buys the most thoughtful gifts regardless of how often you spoke on it, just glance at it for too long and the next day it's in your room with a cute bow. He wont ever admit it if you ask but wont stop smiling when he sees you with the gift he picked out
In reverse, !Isagi Yoichi who nearly cries receiving a handmade gift from you because he’s not used to something so thoughtful and carefully crafted just for him. He’ll wear it if its clothes or hang it up/ put it on a shelf, proudly stating how much your kindness is appreciated
!Isagi Yoichi who practices for days confessing to you in the mirror and still sputtering over his words when he sees you, his blush rising as he struggles to babble out his adoration for you, he nearly passed out when you gave him a soft smile and accepted

Rin Itoshi
!Rin Itoshi who spends hours at a time picking out that one flavor of your candy you said you didn't quite like from any he buys, safe to say he’s pleased seeing your face when you don't see any in your batch
!Rin Itoshi who loves horror and adores how you turn away from any jumpscares as he playfully berates you for claiming you could handle it, regardless he’ll still open his arms wordlessly and let you cuddle into him….and no the movie isn't an excuse to get closer to you without having to ask, that’d be silly
!Rin Itoshi who hates being touched but melts under yours after a grueling day of practice, snuggling into your bosom as you softly coo at him, the exhaustion siphoning any strength to rebuttal you as he flutters his eyes closed, just happy to have you to come home to
!Rin Itoshi who will watch the same shows with you for the millionth time if it means you’ll look at him as warmly as you always do, beaming that he wants to spend time with you. He’ll definitely fit room in to complain that it’s boring watching the same thing over and over, but he has to admit that your taste in film is rather impeccable

Chigiri Hyoma
#Chigiri Hyoma with a crazy long skin + hair care routine and Convinces Forces you to join in on, claiming it's simply to help fix your hygiene but he just really likes spending time with you. The talks you have as you get ready for bed have become his routine, he must have his S/o with him as he combs through his hair. If you’re a bit busy? He simply waits until you get there and won't begin until you are
#Chigiri Hyoma who gets mistaken for your girlfriend at least once a week and either politely corrects them or just flat out pretends he is. It’s gotten to the point where even some of your closest friends thought he was a girl for the longest time, even though they recently found out he was in fact a he they still refer to him as “Y/n’s Girlfriend.” It's become a long running joke at his expense for a while.
#Chigiri Hyoma who falls for you all over again when you help him tend to his leg. Whether it's bringing fresh bandages or buying him a moisturizer/ cream you think will be helpful. It means a lot that you go out of your way to do something regardless of how small it seems. He has in fact caught you watching him as he does his usual routine for it and might speak up to tease you for staring
#Chigiri Hyoma, who doesn't believe in going to bed angry, right or wrong, refuses to let either of you go to bed without resolving the issue. He’d hate for something bad to happen with the last thing he said to you, something he said out of anger. He has pride but will always forsake it if it means you two go to sleep in good spirits

Meguru Bachira
#Meguru Bachira who loves surprise hugs; he will always sneak up on you and jump at you, smothering you with affection and kisses with giddy. That applies to Surprise Kisses, handholding, and a few Ass grabs That one got him in trouble .He would definitely love it if you did it back, so don’t be shy, the spontaneity of it makes him excited
#Meguru Bachira who is only calm in the shower, but only with you in it with him. Nothing perverse in this case, he just enjoys the intimacy of it all. It's a perfect way to wind down after a long day as the day comes to a close. However, he’s not above a bit of a water fight if you’re up for it
#Meguru Bachira who is the best at reassurance no matter the reason. Bad grade on a test? That's okay, you tried your best so lets get Ice cream ‘kay? Feeling insecure? Impossible when you’re the most beautiful person i've ever seen, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Just a straight ray of sunshine, how could you even hope to stay sad with this sweetheart there to lift your spirits?
#Meguru Bachira who embodies a golden Retriever, especially with you. He’ll always follow you around and fill the silence if it gets too quiet for his tastes, occupying it with whatever comes to mind first, ranging from what he had for breakfast this morning to the cool moves he did in practice yesterday afternoon to complimenting your outfit. As soon as he sees you, he has to approach and squeeze the affection into you. He loves your praise, please give him praise all the time. Tell him he’s doing a good job, you’ll swear you can see his tail wagging

Reo Mikage
$Reo Mikage who’s love language is gift giving and acts of service. He doesn't trust his mouth to convey his feelings so he lets his actions speak for him. Perhaps you’ll find more of that snack you liked in the fridge after days he comes over, perhaps a couple dollars more in your account than you remember. He wants you to know he loves you and what better way than spending his money on you?
$Reo Mikage who doesn't understand why you don't expect expensive gifts and even actively requests him against it. Why shouldn't he spend his money on the most important person in his world? Why don't you just tell him you hate him and want to leave? You have to explain that sometimes simplicity is better and you’d accept any gift as long as it's with thought and good intention
$Reo Mikage who borders on less than healthy tendencies seeing you with anyone he doesn’t approve of, almost like a parent policing over their kids life. He’s quick to rid of anyone he feels has a chance of taking you from him, even if it means telling a slight untruth to you so you wont worry. Of course he’d never do that to your friend sweetheart, they matter to you so of course they matter to him. They just happen to be taking a rather extensive Permanent Vacation across the world; no harm done ^^
$Reo Mikage who would love it if you and Nagi got along. His treasure and his beloved being friends is everything he could ask for. Let’s not worry about why he’s slowly bringing more of Nagi’s things into your house and sends you two places together alone, he just wants you to get along, thats all. It’ll make it easier when he brings up you all being a couple……Hm? No you didnt hear me talking to myself hun, just lost in a thought nothing to fear.
(I believe in Slightly Deranged!Reo, no elaboration)

Sae Itoshi
$Sae Itoshi who is a bit of an asshole, but he decently tries to tone down for your sake, considering there’s no reason to treat you with contempt. You will have to tell him when he goes too far because he has a habit of nitpicking to the point of simply being mean.
$Sae Itoshi who hates those born in Japan but hates it just a bit less if you tell him you have lineage from there. Its hard to look at that face and hold bitterness in his heart, you squeeze it right out of it with the hold you have. He can’t say it, he can hardly even show it but god forbid someone points it out, they’ll have a very long and ruthless spat from him.
$Sae Itoshi who needs you to teach him everything because he’s filled his head with so much soccer so theres no room for anything else. You’re surprised seeing how many basic things he doesnt know how to do. It doesn’t help that his pride is too big for his body so he’ll end up getting it wrong 13,000 times before he even considers the idea of asking you to help. He might begrudgingly let you help if you ask but will immidiently lie if you tease.
$Sae who changes his favorite season, every season. When you’re in that adorable knitted sweater, he swears its the Fall. However that cute swimsuit you have will have him questioning if he ever had a favorite. He cant help but lean to Winter as you stuff your hand in his jacket, intertwining them with his as he tells you off for not bringing your own. He’s so happy that he put all of yours in the wash today
Property of ©ashton-sano; Don't post my content on any other platform without credit; much love^^
me i fear 😔

Blue Lock Characters in: Being Jealous
(Characters Inclu.: Yoichi Isagi, Meguru Bachira, Seishiro Nagi, Reo Mikage, Chigiri Hyoma)
Trying to get into the habit of posting more often, so have these headcanons. A Bit short but I hope you enjoy

Yoichi Isagi
-Somehow the worst one on this list
-He's likely to give the nastiest glare to whoever you're wasting your time with (of course when you arent looking)
-Post Blue lock Isagi is kinda the same, Just a lot less subtle. curses and maybe a fight or two if its Kaiser.
"That blonde asshole has no place talking to you, you're mine.."
-Don't be alarmed, he's unlikely to take his jealously out on you
-Unless you're teasing him on purpose, then he might get a bit agitated with you
- "My dear, I'm not too fond of how you let him touch you just then, please stop that."
-He's a two way street, either a sweetheart who tries to dodge around it or a straight maniac who will plot murdering whoever it is.
-Nothing to mistake, he isnt brainless, so theres always a chance he wont care
-He's mostly secure in your relationship with him but could use reassurance in times like that

Meguru Bachira
-Relatively tame for the most part
-If anything, he may get clingier
-He honestly doesnt even acknowledge the person youre talking to at first, he's too invested in you
"Oh, Baby! You busy today? I wanted to try this- hm? Oh, you're talking to someone...? Anyway, its this cool bakery I saw, we should try it!"
-If you aren't giving him your attention, that's when he'd get pouty
-He's a child at heart, naturally he's gonna get upset if you aren't paying him mind, no matter the reason
"Babyyyyyyy, gimme attention...! I dont care who youre talking to, love me!"
-Its cute so you usually give him his way and stop what youre doing
--> Little do you know, he does it on purpose because it always works
-Definitely a michevious little bumblebee

Seishiro Nagi
-Another rather tame one
-Hard to tell if he even cares with how lazy and laid back he is
-It usually never bothers him since he does trust you
"Hm? Your friend asked to hang out today? Sounds cool.."
-Like Bachira, he only cares when it cuts into your time with him, now its something of note for him
-How could you leave your boyfriend for some lame hangout? Playing Video games with him is much more important
"You want me to get off..? No...Not until you promise you'll stay and hang out with me..."
-Please just stay, he might actually cry if you leave (he wont, but it always gets you because you believe him)
->A 6'2" babi, why wouldnt you want to give him what he wants?
- Eventually he makes you forget why you were trying to leave in the first place

Reo Mikage
-Have you seen how he gets with Nagi? Safe to say he wont be very happy
-As mad as he'd be, I doubt he'll make sure you see that
-All smiles and grins when you look at him, what do you mean you swear you saw him scowl at the guy behind you? You're just seeing things love
"Dove, who's this? A..friend? Ah, well im sure we'll get along well, real well...."
-We all know how privledged he is, he would be appauled that you want time with anyone besides him, what could they give you that he cant?
-Granted, he wouldnt give it much thought at first but as you keep focus on this person, itll eat away at him more before he's pouting and begging for you to give him your undivided time
"C'mon Dove, how bout we go to that new cafe you were talking about, hm? No, im not trying to distract you, how could you say that..?"
(Thats definitely what hes doing)
-Eventually he'd bribe or sweet talk you into giving him what he wants
-"Dont ask about where that guy went, hes not important....Now lets go get some ice cream, yeah?"
-A tad creepy and overprotective but with all that money, who is to stop him?

Chigiri Hyoma
The most tame on this list, and by a rather large margin too
-This pretty boy knows you'll eventually give him your attention, nothing to worry about
-If anything, he encourages you to allocate your time doing what you want and speaking to who you wish
-That can change if the person is too touchy with you, however
"Pretty sure they asked you to take your hands off, keep them to yourself."
-He trusts you entirely, its the people you hang around that can overstep and agitate him
-Hence why he's almost always hanging out with you, your friends are his friends right? What better way to show them that you're happily taken then to bring your sweet, beautiful redhead with you?
"Going out sweetheart? Mind if i tag along? I mean only if you don't mind."
-Truly a man who knows his worth, but it would help if you told your especially pushy friends to mind their manners when he's around
-A few of them have actually attempted moves on him once or twice
-We stan a Pretty King 👑

Welp, guess im stuck with the nonchalant scribe himself
Definite boy kisser😕
most recent image in your camera roll is your soulmate.

my love....
mutuals who is your great love
@theazurebug @mistermeanor @nikosgames @ianhoolihandeluxe @therealsophieelizabethfoster @thenotherkid
I dunno if I’d be alive without maladaptive daydreaming but at the same time it’s ruined my life so badly.

HxH: Feitan w/ a Strong! S/o Pt.1(?)
`>When I say strong, the reader, in this case, would be as physically capable and have nen and/or abilities comparable to Feitan. I see a lot of headcanons but not many like this
`>Getting back into the HXH fandom slowly so while I'm working on some more Food Wars! Content, have these since this gremlin has been plaguing my mind lol. If this gets enough love, ill make a part 2 so tell me what you all think :3
Warning: Murder, Stalking and Strong language
So if you a minor, beware.

-To start, he might be a tad put off
-It's pretty rare to find someone with such prowess, especially ones that don't have less than-savory intentions
-Id assume you met on a battlefield of some kind or while he was on one of his missions with the troupe
-Just like him, you aren't exactly the upstanding citizen type and are committing crimes of some sort when you encounter
-Whether stealing the same things or killing the same people, you two have similar goals, regardless of the reason
-To be fair, he didn't think much of you when you first appeared
"How. Troublesome...."
-An annoying obstacle, someone to dispatch quickly
-However, after a rather tedious fight and a good amount of bruises, he realized it might not be that simple
-Your moves were calculated and precise, and your battle iq no doubt honed over years of experience with nen abilities that even he found difficult to handle
-His interest was certainly piqued, as much as it can for Feitan anyway
-You’ll hand it to him; its been a while since you've seen his level of strength
-A true master of his craft, no doubt
-Regardless, that isn't why you were here
-You came to rid of a target and with your mission accomplished, there was no reason to stay, no matter how curious you were about the extent of his ability
-You were swift at your exit, swift enough that Feitan only caught your figure leaving from the corner of his eye
-Admittedly you've sparked more than enough of his interest
-something about your very being itched him in a way he couldn't describe and lingered his thoughts for moments too long
-Like it or not, your existence loomed his mind awkwardly and gave his chest a tighten
-Indescribably annoying
'Must. know. about. Her. Get rid of stupid feeling.”
-now we all know Feitan is no short of deranged and sadistic so it is no telling if he wanted to know for devious reasons or other
-Whatever the case, it led to him talking Shalnark into researching deep (and I mean very deep) into you
-Playing it off as a simple inquiry, he found you, a picture attached to your profile albeit a very blurry one
-All that he could get was your name and Age
"Y/n. Interesting. Name."
Shalnark is confused
-That's how he got here, peeping from your window as you rest
-Even with such little information, finding you was trivially easy
-Your apartment was small, compact he’d say
-Nothing compared to the places he’s layed his head: cold, dark, and filthy on a good day
-He spent the night watching you sleep, noticing every ministration, every time you got up abruptly and checked your surroundings, nearly certain something was amiss
-He didn't expect peeping on you to be so trepidatious
-That didn't stop him from stopping by every time he wasn't busy to check up and watch you
-Days became weeks and months flew by as he kept this cycle going
-It eventually got to the point that he'd follow you to and from your house
-He was searching and, surprisingly, unsure of what for
-He's never felt any particular connection to people outside of the spiders so it was usually easy to write it off as mindless curiosity
-He just wants to know why you interest him so much, and nothing more
-That's how he ended up in your house when you left for your 8 am morning run, which took you approx. 30 minutes to finish as of this week
-He was just checking your clothes because he wished to know where you frequented, perhaps he could lie in waiting as you shopped, snatching your jugular and relenting this pounding in his chest that paces just a few beats quicker
-He only checks the food you eat to see what your diet consists of, perhaps to poison you as your gaze falters from your plate, even if just for a second, permanently killing the heat that rises against his skin at the thought of you
-He doesn't care about you; he just wants to know your weaknesses to exploit, that’s all
-If that were true, then why was he in your room when you weren't? Taking in your scent as if an attached dog
-Surely he could've killed you thousands of times over in the dead of your sleep; a slit to your throat would've ended this and yet he feels pulled to let you live
“Just. one. More day.”
-If it didn't matter, if you didn't matter, why did he effectively remove any potential romantic partner from your life?
-It's just to make you easier to kill; it's just to make you easier to kill, it's just to make you easier to take. No! Kill...not take...
-What was once curiosity became more of a crippling obsession.
-He had to know everything—what you were doing, who you spoke to, and what you ate in the morning
-You captivated him and even if he couldn't understand it, you had him wrapped around your finger without so much as a word
-Ever since your mission 4 months ago, a certain feeling has lingered your consciousness and kept you on edge with no clue as to the source
-Things went missing, your associates became distant—well, more distant than you kept them—and your kills have become suspiciously easier.
-To the average person, such a prospect would strike fear and cause for trepidation
-Did you think I wasn't aware that he'd been watching me?
-All credit goes to him, spotting him was the hardest part
-He only let his presence be known through peeks of his bloodlust spilling before he vanished in the same motion, which gave away how seasoned he was
It was hard to tell if he wanted me to find him with how obvious his actions became; no, the word would be bold. His actions have gone from stealing articles from the back of my closet to lacing food when he was sure I hadn't seen him
-Playing dumb was the easy part; actually avoiding his kidnapping attempt(s) was certainly a challenge
-Before long, you could see the desperation in his nen
“You're getting sloppy, Stalker.”
-I suppose you've worked hard, stalker, I’ll let you win just this once
Say it louder for the people in the back🗣🗣🗣 with NO fucking imagination. Im sorry your headcanons are bland, but if i want my insert to have some chub to em', fuck is you gon do about it???🤨
Can we take a fucking moment and realize that being a fucking asshole for attention isn’t fucking funny. Like if you get off to it LEAVE US OUT OF IT BRO.
“All characters are stra-“. Canonically pansexual and or attracted TO EVERY FUCKING GENDER.
“___ wouldn’t be [insert race.]” Hey so you know how nobody has a canon design? Yeah? You remember how only a few characters have canon physical characteristics? Yeah? You know people can headcanon them as whatever race they want BECAUSE IT DOESNT FUCKING HURT YOU??!!
“__ is not chubby” bro. Bro shut the actual fuck up?? 😭🙏🏻 nobody asked you if you think they are slim, tall, short, chubby, curvy—NOBODY ASKED 😭
If a single one of you ignorant fucks come onto my blog and try to fight be abt this TRUST I have no plans on keeping it clean. I will get messy asf!
As a POC woman, someone apart of the LGBTQ+ community, and being of a “not ideal” body type, nobody thinks you’re cute.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
There are ships you consume. And then there are ships that consume you in a never-ending abyss of complete brainrot.
Another repost???
Im on a roll.
I do love this fandom and wish to be a bit more involved with it ง( ᐛ )ง
reply or reblog this post to be added to my tag list & if you have any specific things like only for edits, only for headcanons etc, lmk otherwise i'll assume you wanna be tagged in everything !! :))
My first repost :3@
(I really need to get into the habit of doing this TwT)
I have so many foc ideas and wips but certain traits keep popping up for diffrent characters. I'm also working with the idea that little jewelry things stay on the wolves when they shift, mostly to help with identifying during writing.
Self indulgent time:
Darlin Tank~
● Has an old motorcycle that Sam not so loves and calls "the death trap"
● They don't work for the security company, unless the team needs some help.
● I think they're more of a bounty hunter, picking up empowereds with a number on them and dragging them to dump for quick, but inconsistent, pay.
● That said, William would totally want someone with Darlin's skill set and would hire them.
● Their apartment was a shit hole. One room and a bathroom. Sometimes the shower had hot water. There was no bed, they slept on that old couch.
● They're a better tracker than they let on.
● They wanted Quinn to attack first, that's why they kept the jacket. After he was captured they promised themselves to throw it away after his execution.
● They have long hair. Not for style, more of a 'I can't be bothered' kinda way. They just keep it tied up and out of the way. They like when Sam pulls it though.
● They're covered in scars, a lifetime of combat like a tapestry over muscles. They're strong physically and mentally. The only thing they're willing to bet on is their own ability to survive.
● They have a lot of ear piercings. They stay when shifted and one got ripped out during a fight leaving them with a tear in their ear.
● They spend a lot of time in their wolf form. It's comfortable. Their size is second to David, not a close second, just the in-between of David and Asher.
● They call Frederick and Brighteyes "the kids"
Samuel Collins~
● He always wears boots and a hat. Man does not own sneakers or loafers or any of that. What kind of boots? Work boots, dress boots, and casual boots. As a southern person myself I'm telling you facts.
● His eyes have the least amount of red, he's mostly silver.
● He use to smoke, he only quit after he was turned. He still checks his pockets for a pack anytime he gets in his truck or steps outside.
● He has a pickup truck. It's a four door with some decent tint on the windows. He has a toolbox and first aid kit in the back seat.
● His family had a dog when he was a kid. When things were bad he would hang out with it. Petting it made him feel better. Now he gets that same feeling of calm when petting Darlin in their wolf form.
● Once he's joined the pack he's sort of defacto dad. Just the guys all kinda message him when they don't know who else to talk to.
● He's a good teacher. He has been invited as a guest speaker for healing classes at D.A.M.N. a couple of times. He's been helping teach some of the pack and clan members how to heal.
● After the inversion him and Vincent tried to spar, only to be laughed at by Darlin. The two of them then got a few lessons from the professional.
Angel Shaw~
● They're the most serious, stoic, and focused person in their department. Their coworkers fear and admire their drive.
● They work in middle management at their company. Maybe the same one Ollie and Aaron work at.
● They don't like cooking because of how tired they always were before meeting David. The need to get up and cook just reminded them how futile everything seemed. So ordering out or getting something easy was just easier.
● They try and help David with the security company. He dosent like it, but Angel has the head for paper work and can check over everything quickly.
● They have a size kink.
● They like to sit on the counter to chat while David cooks.
● Michele cheated on them, and the proof was on his phone. It really means a lot to them that David just hands them his phone to answer text or calls.
● They have a breeding kink. Nothing to do with gender, just the drive.
● Has asked David multiple times "Would you love me if I was a worm?"
● Likes to wear comfy sweaters, even when it's hot outside.
● They have the fluffy kitten socks that look like cat paws.
● They help set up David's notes for pack meetings even handing out any papers that everyone would need.
David Shaw~
● He keeps his parent's wedding rings in a ring box on the dresser.
● He has an office at the house with a big whiteboard. His desk is always stacked with papers and the board is always covered in sticky notes.
● His fur is mostly black and he has dark eyes.
● He doesn't have any notable accessories that he keeps when he shifts. He thinks it's unprofessional.
● When he was a teen he spent more time as a wolf, but as an adult he just can't find the time to be running around the woods. Besides he would rather be home with Angel when he does have time.
● He also has scars from the inversion. None as prevalent as Asher's nor as abundant as Darlin's but he's overly aware of them and worried Angel would be grossed out by them. (They make Angel sad, but they like to tell him that the scars are proof he's a survivor and that he came back.)
● He's never met his grandparents, his dad always said "We aren't on good terms."
Babe "Babs" Talbot~
● A bit of a controler. Needs things a certain way.
● They stress clean or pick at their nails.
● They wear glasses. Thick ones.
● They admire and love Asher's ability to relax and make friends anywhere. They're working on finding a balance.
● They work in accounting. Lots of numbers. Lots of logging. Lots of stress.
● Babe likes driving, they love their old car and take good care of it.
Asher Talbot~
● Heterochromia. One blue eye one brown.
● He keeps his collar when he shifts. It's black and studded.
● He likes that apartment because it's close to the security office in town. Being in town means he also dosent have to drive so they only need one vehicle.
● He likes walking around town and taking pictures of dogs he sees. He sends those pictures to Babe saying "this could be us rn"
● He use to surf until Gabe passed. Since then he just really hasn't found the time or drive to go back out on the water.
Sweetheart Greer~
● Wears a lot of long coats and flat caps. Fashion is always on point, but it's always in greys and beige.
● Only one of their parents were empowered, and they weren't a stealth so when they got their powers it was a traumatic experience.
● They use to watch a lot of noir films, thats what inspired them to become an investigator originally.
● They worked with Colm briefly towards the end of his career and the beginning of theirs. He talked about Milo, how he was "Smarter than me by a long shot."
● They took up drinking but quickly realized it was becoming a crutch and stopped.
● They're taller than Milo, but just a bit.
● They like wearing colone, it makes it easier for Milo to find them. But they only spray it on their coat so they can quickly take it off to not be found when sleuthing.
● They didn't have pets growing up, Aggro it's their first.
Milo Greer~
● Average height. He's not short.
● His mom's family is violently catholic Italian.
● He likes colors, owns multiple Hawaiian shirts.
● His accessory is his Saint pendent. His grandmother insisted all the grandchildren have one.
● Green eyes. Kinda like a Weimaraner.
● He's stronger than he looks. He spars with Tank, Asher, and David. The four of them are considered some of the strongest wolves in Dahlia.
● He has a hand in helping train the next generation of the pack. All the younger members just coming into their powers, he's right there helping coach them through it.

It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
Kinda crazy. Maybe ill post something for yall since its such an important day 🤩
Food Wars! Shokugeki no Souma in: Going Grocery Shopping
(Char. Involved: Sōma Yukihira, Akira Hayama, Takumi Aldini, Eishi Tsukasa)
(Thank you so much for 40 notes! Here's another one for you guys. Sorry i couldn't do a short story for these but take some headcanons my dears.)

Sōma Yukihira
-Usually you cant take him anywhere because he causes an issue in which you have to be asked to leave (much to your despair)
-The grocery store is probably the only place you two can go without much problems
-May or may not be sneaking ingredients that werent on your list into the shopping cart
"Oh? What do you mean there werent any Rice crackers and Salmon in the cart before? I'm certain you put them in."
-Will asked to be pushed in the cart around the aisles
-If he ever gets lost, find him in the Frozen Dessert aisle, he loves it there for whatever reason
"C'mon Babeeee. Just one more tub of Ice cream.....Yes i know we already have 4 tubs already. Your point is?"
-However if you were shopping for a food war/cooking practice, he'd be very helpful
-Recommending ingredients, telling you the best flavor combinations from his experience, and slipping in a few personal items
-Overall, hes a massive child in the store so please hold his hand so he doesn't run off
Akira Hayama

-A rollercoaster of emotions
-Its like stepping into a whole other world when you food shop with him
-He tends to find the items in the store "Sub par" and "Second rate" but always picks the best ones with his well trained sense of smell
"Why bother buying from these cheap stores when i have fresh spices and blends at home?"
-He'd swear he hates shopping with you but secretly enjoys the time he spends with you (Good luck getting him to admit it though)
-May subtly tease and feign ignorance when you need help reaching something at a higher shelf
"Hm? Cant you reach it on your own from down there?” -pause- “Whats that look on your face for?"
-On rare occasions, he'll hold your hand when you go together
-He swears its just so that you dont get lost but you know better
-To be honest, its just less of a arduous task if you just go by yourself
Takumi Aldini

-One of the most normal ones on this list if we're being honest
-Its just a calming and sweet time through and through
-He's usually the one to ask you to go with him but will flush when you ask why
"Dont be silly, I just thought you'd want to pick up some things for your upcoming food war, thats all."
-Will never leave you on your own in the store since he loves spending time with you more than he'll admit (his face gives him away)
-He'll push the cart and carry your bags like a gentleman
"How could you even say that, Il mio amore? As if id let you carry them when you already paid."
-An absolute god at picking vegatables for some reason
-His background in the restaurant business definitely plays a part
-In the top 3 (And not three) guys you should always bring when you're shopping
(New!) Eishi Tsukasa

-A walking beige flag when it comes to shopping
-You either love it or want to rip every single hair from your body with tweezers
-Hes not loud or causing a disturbance but hes micro managing and nitpickjng everything
"Thats the one you chose?" "Uhp, I wouldnt go with that one."
-Its better to just let him do everything because he'll make you feel stupid no matter what move you make (even though thats not his intention)
-He means well but lets be honest, you just arent on the same page very often in terms of shopping
"I apologize dear but you know im particular. I dont mean to hover."
-If you have no filter and tell him to cut it out, he'll immeidiently draw back into himself at your blantant rejection
-His more awkward side will show and he will mumble endless strings of apologies
-Just be ready to put up with this weird snowflake
Missing Hoodie
TW: None; just pure fluff.
PSA: Specifically for Female readers but can be read with any gender/pronoun
(This is an imagine so you can think of whatever character you want when reading)
This is an old piece I made that I decided deserved to be published cuz it was decent.
Story Below the cut

The boy groans in aggravation as he rummages through the closet, tossing random clothes behind him and letting them pile onto the floor. “Where is it? I could have sworn it was here.” He gets up and scans the mess he made and sighs as he walks back into the living room, opting to clean it later as he was too upset. He plops onto the couch, allowing the beige cushion to swallow him up.
Unfortunately he was still angry.
Currently, the room was dead quiet. Excluding the whirring of the ceiling fan and some outside noise, It took the male a while to realize something was off since the female of the house was nowhere to be found. Typically by now, she’d be attached to his lap and snuggling into him but currently, it felt like she disappeared. “Where did she go?” He spoke to himself knowing he wasn't getting an answer from the thin air.
In all actuality, the girl was sitting in the guest bedroom snuggled into the pillows and caressed by the sheets. She smiled to herself, feeling the fabric cling to her loosely and the lavender scent intoxicating her nose. She knew he was probably looking for it but she couldn't care, she adored his scent hence why she was always clutching him in some way.
The female had been in there for over two hours, pushing three.
He finally worked up the strength to get up and search for her, checking any room she enjoyed being in. Starting with the kitchen and working from there. “Huh, I guess she Doesn't spend all her time here.” He gives up right as he reaches the last possible room in the house she could be in, The guest bedroom. “If she isn't in here then I guess she went outside. I'm too annoyed to call her.” He twisted the knob and entered the room, seeing a cocoon of blankets surrounding a figure. “Should’ve known you were in here.”
He walks closer and kneels by the bed, now noticing she is asleep as light snores leave her mouth. She turns to face him, still unconscious, and only then does he notice a familiar hem around her neck. He shifts the blankets a bit and sees that the hoodie he was looking for was right where he should’ve looked the first time; on his girlfriend. “You little thief. You had me thinking I lost it.” He strokes her head, admiring her sleeping form. “When you sleep, you look like some type of angel, you know that? I could probably never say this to you as you’d never let me live it down though.” He chuckles a bit at himself, remembering times when such an instance occurred. “You should’ve said something dummy.”-He flicks her head softly- “if I knew you liked my hoodies so much, I would’ve given you some. No need to steal.” He speaks as if she can actually hear him scolding her. “Stupid. How did I fall for such a stupid person?” He fixes the blanket on her and kisses her forehead, standing up and brushing the dust from his knees. “You are stupid. But you’re mine so I suppose it's fine.” He walks to the door, opening it and closing it as quietly as possible. “Now to fix up the room, you’ll probably scold me if I leave it a mess.”
He may tease her but he knows deep down if anyone hurt her, it’d be a problem. He just never told her since saying it isn't as easy for him, if it was he'd tell it to her while she had enough consciousness to hear him.
Exactly how much he loved her.
(hope you enjoyed)
Food Wars! Shokugeki no Souma in: Having a Baker S/o
(Char. Involved: Sōma Yukihira, Akira Hayama, Erina Nakiri, Takumi Aldini)

Sōma Yukihira
-Same old Soma tbh
-Sees you as quite the worthy adversary whether or not you're better than he is
-Always the first one to try your dishes
“C’mon! Lemme have a taste, it looks so good!”
-Biggest supporter honestly
-It doesn't make him any less likely to make you try his gross dishes though
“Oh don't be a scaredy cat, Just one bite!”
-At least one food war per day honestly
-Tiring, to say the least
-I'd like to think he has a sweet tooth so you being a baker is like heaven for him
“Everything is here. The cake is cooling in the fridge, The fondant is rolled and properly colored and the frosting is-'' I pause my listing as I realize the frosting isn't where I left it. “Huh?” Did I misplace it or something? “Could've sworn I left it right here.” I blink twice in an attempt to backtrack from when I had it. “Okay, so I remember grabbing the ingredients from the fridge, then setting them right here,” pointing to the counter as I pull a pout. “Then I brought out the stand mixer and began making it. Afterward, I turned away to put the mixer away but when I turned back I still remember seeing it.” I close my eyes in hopes that’ll jog my memory, “Then I ran to my room to get my molding knives and called Soma in to watch the Strawberry puree boiling.” Wait. I called Soma. “I came back and that's when I don't recall seeing it.” That bastard. “SOMA!” I yell throughout the dorm as I dash to his room in a fit of annoyance. As I made my way past several of my roommates, they each gave a fearful expression and made way for me to get by. I clutch the doorknob, slamming the door wide open as I catch the thief red-handed. He had the spoon halfway in his mouth as the frosting was mostly gone, eyes slightly dilating at my entrance. “Oh, Uh...Hey Y/n.” I glare at him, “Why are you eating my frosting.” He looks anywhere but my gaze as he lets out a nervous chuckle, “It looked good so I took a bit and then a bit turned into a spoonful, and well you see what happened.” I sigh, “Whatever, just know you’re making me dinner for the next month for that.” He smirks, “Why say that like it's a bad thing? I love making food for you, Y/n.” My heart warms at his sentiment, “Yeah yeah.” I make my way to close the door but stop just short to peek my head in, “However, do that again and I’ll make sure the only thing you can eat is frosting.” He drops his smile to replace it with worry at my threat, “Yes ma’am.” I close the door and shake my head, too touched to be truly mad. “He thought it was that good?” I let out a breathy laugh on my way back to the kitchen to remake it, “Stop making me want you to come back to steal my food you idiot.”

Akira Hayama
-Very proud of you
-However, he isn't very keen on showing it so you’ll have to be patient
-There are some things you add in that even he doesn't sniff out which is probably the only time he’ll get curious and ask about it
“Making something new? What crazy ingredient did you add this time, hm?”
-May act all mean but he is actually very excited when you come to let him try your food
-Never call him out though, he’ll always deny it
- “This again? Still hard at work trying to perfect it, are you? Fine ill have a taste.”
-Don't let the facade fool you, he’d hate if you asked anyone else to try your food.
-Can be a bit childish when it comes to that
“Is it too salty?” He smacks his lips a few times, taking in the flavor. “If anything it's a bit lumpy, kinda dry too.” I scrunch my face, “Odd. Could've sworn I kept the heat low enough. Guess I wasn't paying enough attention.” He tilts his head, “The flavors aren't bad though, honestly pretty perfect if you ask me.” I give a small smile, delighted by his praise. “Sorry to drag you all the way here for this Soma.” He gives a low chuckle, “No problem. I'm always down to taste test, especially your amazing food!” I grab the plate with the crumbs of the cake I had recently made and brought it to the sink, “You do not need to flatter me.” He shakes his head, “No flattery needed. You’re talented, nothing to sugar coat y’know.” I wasn't sure how to respond to such blatant compliments so I settled for a small lopsided grin. “Thanks, that means a lot. Especially coming from the first seat of the council himself.” A light pink brushed his cheeks, “Now whos doing the flattering? It's nothing to brag about. I do have a lot I must improve on.” His ability to grow never ceases to surprise me, “You have quite the determined spirit, it's admirable.”
“Yeah, I'm sure he's quite the guy.”
We both turn to the voice that chimed in, “Ah, Akira, how's it going?” Soma inquires with his usual enthusiasm but the albino doesn't share the sentiment. “Fine. What's happening here?” I don't miss his dismissive tone as he turns himself to me. “Soma was just taste-testing a recent cake I was making.” He narrowed his eyes for a moment, “Well how's that going?” He asked but I'm certain he didn't really want the honest answer to that. “Still need some tweaking, but good overall.” He folds his arms, “Well I'm glad he's been of assistance. Now I think thats enough for today, it's getting late.” Its 6:30… Soma chirps up, “Well i gotta head out, needa prepare some stuff for tomorrow's food war, see ya’!” He waves as he leaves the room, and for a split second, you could see a glint of a smirk on Akira’s face.
“You’re such a jealous child.”
“Shut up.”
“You know I'm right.” He pulls me in, pressing a warm kiss to my forehead, “You don't need him to taste your food. I was here y’know.” I rest on his chest, “You never really seemed interested in tasting my food so I asked Soma since he wasn't busy.” He tightens his grip, “Don't do that again. Just come to me and ill give you feedback.” I give a knowing smile but don't comment on his obvious jealousy, “Well ill keep that in mind.”

Erina Nakiri
-A true sweetheart honestly
-Will 100% help you with your sweets and pastries as the loving girlfriend she is
-Baking dates every weekend is a must
“Quite the variety you have! All this for just one night?”
-Takes a little more time to judge the taste since she does truly enjoy your food and doesn't want to miss any key flavors
-Has to take a few tastes to actually take it in and not just judge with her god tongue and all that
“Wow, this is well made! The ganache you used brings a beautiful contrast to the moisture from the cake; well done my dear.”
-Basically, her and Hisako's relationship if they were dating; just very doting and sweet entanglement
-Loves when you surprise her with your treats after/during a long day
-Simply brightens her whole day
(might be ooc)
The kitchen brimmed with anticipation as I stood beside her as she flour-dusted the countertops, and the sweet scent of vanilla permeated the air. Today, she had invited me to step into her world, to experience the artistry she crafted every day.
I watched with admiration as Y/n effortlessly measured ingredients, their hands moving with precision and grace. Their culinary intuition was a marvel, as they expertly combined flavors and textures to create a symphony of tastes. The kitchen became their canvas, and I was fortunate enough to witness the strokes of their pure genius.
With every task that was to assigned me, Y/n’s patience and guidance enveloped me. They encouraged me to embrace the techniques, trust my instincts, and pour love into each step. Their professional expertise blended with unwavering belief in me, ignited a newfound passion within my heart.
As we worked side by side, I absorbed their knowledge like a sponge. They shared secrets and tricks, while their insights lifted my baking skills to new heights. The boundaries between teacher and student blurred, as our connection deepened and our shared love for the craft blossomed.
The oven hummed, the heat embracing our creations with warmth and anticipation. Together, we carefully placed our masterpieces inside, entrusting them to the alchemy of heat and time. The kitchen transformed into a sanctuary of hope and creativity, where dreams and flavors melded together.
As we waited for our creations to bake, Y/n's presence filled the room with an aura of confidence. They smiled, eyes gleaming with pride and love. At that moment, I knew that this experience was not just about baking—it was a testament to the beautiful bond we shared.
As the aroma of freshly baked goods filled the air, we opened the oven with eager anticipation. The sight before us took my breath away—golden perfection, a testament to our collaboration and dedication. With a sense of accomplishment, we adorned our creations with delicate touches, transforming them into edible works of art.
Sitting at the table, forks in hand, we tasted the fruits of our labor. Each bite danced on my taste buds, an orchestra of flavors that sang of our love and shared passion. At that moment, I felt the warmth of Y/n’s presence, the fulfillment of our culinary journey, and the sweet taste of a love nurtured by the joy of creation.
Baking with Y/n was more than an adventure in the kitchen—it was a glimpse into her world, a celebration of her talent, and a reminder of the beautiful bond we shared. Together, we wove a tapestry of flavors and emotions, creating a lasting memory that would forever sweeten our lives.

Takumi Aldini
-A tad competitive
-Will mellow out when you’re practicing your craft though
-Absolutely will stare hard at you (but do not point that out, he will blush and pout)
“N-No! I wasn't staring. I don't know what you’re talking about.”
-Please make him some, will be fussy if you don't let him have what you made
-Will always give you pointers though so never be afraid to ask
-Especially loves it when you come up to him to ask; makes him feel all bubbly inside And a bit outside too. (Again, don't point it out. Tsun-Tsun.)
I carefully dusted the final touches of powdered sugar onto the delicate pastries, admiring the golden crust and the perfectly piped cream filling. My heart swelled with pride as I surveyed the display of my creations in the bakery. This was my passion, my art—the result of years of dedication and hard work.
Just as I was about to take a step back to fully appreciate the beauty before me, I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist. Takumi, my Italian chef boyfriend, nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine.
"Y/n, these look amazing," he murmured, his voice filled with admiration. "But you know, there's something missing."
I turned my head to catch a glimpse of his mischievous smile. "Oh? And what might that be?"
He pouted playfully, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, you see, I've been craving your sweet treats all day. You can't just tempt me with these delectable pastries and not save a few for your beloved Italian chef."
I couldn't help but chuckle at his theatrics. Takumi had a way of tugging at my heartstrings with his charm and infectious enthusiasm for food.
"All right, all right," I relented, unable to resist his request. "I'll save a couple of pastries just for you. But you better be prepared to savor every bite, Takumi."
He grinned triumphantly, his eyes gleaming with delight. "That's what I like to hear, Y/n. You know just how to make me happy."
As I carefully set aside a small box of pastries reserved exclusively for him, I couldn't help but marvel at the power food had to bring us closer. Our shared love for culinary delights was a bond that we cherished—a language of flavors and textures that spoke volumes in our relationship.
And so, with a secret stash of pastries hidden away, I looked forward to the moment when Takumi would indulge in my sweet creations. Because in those moments, as he savored every bite, I knew that our connection was strengthened, and our love for each other grew sweeter, one dessert at a time.
(This is my first writing piece on this platform so it's not the best but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. Never hesitate to make a request and ill make time for it.)