Redacted Damien - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Saw someone do something like this somewhere, no idea where the post went otherwise I would have linked it but whatever-

Assigning Redacted characters Mindless Self Indulgence songs (From someone who is very normal about that band) in no particular order and with the occasional quote from the song:

Gavin: Tight. [I didn't have a say in the matter, he picked it himself-]

Damien: Witness. [Me assigning him this song is a positive thing, I promise.]

Huxley: On It. [The Imperium is strong with this one...]

Kody: Get It Up. [ :) ]

Lasko: Revenge. [We all know this man just wants to bash some heads in and is doing his best not to.]

The Shaw pack in general: Ass Backwards. [Listen to the song, it's a vibe.]

Vincent: Molly. [Because Vincent was a good girl and he knew the reasons why-]

Sam: Bed Of Roses. [He deserves his little emo song, let him have it.]

Alexis: Evening Wear. [Originally planned on only doing voiced characters, but "It's not fair to be compared to you" is a line that just fit too well.]

William(/Vega): 1989. [*insert old man joke here]

Elliott: What Do They Know. ["Mess me up beyond all recognition. For what it's worth, I'd do it again" - because this man will sacrifice himself and everything for Sunshine with no regrets and we love him for that.]

Blake: Pay For It. ["I don't want you to hate me. I want you to wanna hate me. I don't want you to date me, I want you to wanna date me" - his constant internal struggle with his feelings for Bestie summed up very nicely.]

Regulus: 3 S'. [Doesn't fit 100% but the sentiment is there.]

Avior: Due. [I could quote a line from the song here, but I'd end up just putting most of the lyrics here. So. "Die, my darling" is the one I will go with.]

Guy: Bitches. ["This is how it should be done" indeed.]

Aaron: Mastermind. [No, I will not elaborate.]

Honorable listener mention:

Freelancer: Sex for Homework. [In homage to their humble beginnings.]

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1 year ago

To offer the other version of my previous (crack) fic idea:

Redacted characters becoming self-aware.

Sam gets to have an existential crisis, David gets to be forced into calming all of his pack mates down, Gavin and Guy get to make jokes about being the sexiest and most simped for characters of the show, Damien gets to try his best at finding a logical explanation for all this, Ollie can have a comfort audio and realize that that's his whole character, Elliott, Avior and Blake will get to complain about all the shit they've been put through for the amusement of faceless strangers - it'd be great!

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1 year ago


Asher's dad, Darlin, Guy, Milo, and Damien make the best scrambled eggs to ever exist.

Vincent, Freelancer, Ollie, Doc, and Honey make great fried eggs in all their variations.

David, Elliott, Avior, Sam, and Huxley make an awesome omelet.

Sweetheart, Geordi, Gavin, Lasko's co-worker, and Marie make the cutest and most delicious egg rolls.

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1 year ago

Describing Redacted characters in one sentence or less (brackets don't count) but it gets progressively less comprehensive:

David: Big werewolf alpha dude (not the cringe kind)

Milo: Smol werewolf dude (the big kind)

Damien: Hot tsundere (literally)

Morgan: Non-existent

Guy: A heart-shaped pizza with all your favorite toppings that you can top yourself if you want-

Nick: Cat boi (definitely the cringe kind)

Ollie: Comfort food

Blake: Cold soup

Gavin: The reason I cry myself to sleep once a week

James: Needs to go tf home.

Asher: The canonical energizer bunny

Lasko: Me

Huxley: Me on anxiety meds

Caelum: Cotton candy given human form.

Anton: A testament to Erik's voice acting and general acting skills.

Marcus: Very killable.

Kody: Looks like great cake but actually went bad five months ago.

Elliott: Had an edible for breakfast and hasn't eaten since.

Hudson: Trying to eat serotonin with chopsticks.

Brachium: An edible pretending to be a gummy worm.

Vincent: Talks like what perfume tastes like.

Ivan: Saltwater in your eyes but it might just be your tears and you honestly don't even care at this point.

Aaron: Sand in your mouth and between your teeth but you're enjoying it.

Sam: If blankets could talk, they'd sound and speak like him.

Eric: That feeling you get when looking at an empty closet.

Camelopardalis: Anxiety meds in the form of a flesh prison.

Avior: If you unhinged your jaw, you could eat him.

Vega: You can drink him with a straw (and only with a straw).

Hush: You can eat him.

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1 year ago

The Redacted cast as shit I say too much:

The Redacted Cast As Shit I Say Too Much:

Milo: We love a man who [insert anything] his girlfriend/wife/mother of his children.

The Redacted Cast As Shit I Say Too Much:

Lovely: Love that.

The Redacted Cast As Shit I Say Too Much:

Vincent: Lovely.

The Redacted Cast As Shit I Say Too Much:

Asher: I'm gonna take a sleepy now.

The Redacted Cast As Shit I Say Too Much:

Freelancer: Oh waw. [Usually accompanied by: O-O]

The Redacted Cast As Shit I Say Too Much:

Gavin: *insert any swear word at all*

The Redacted Cast As Shit I Say Too Much:

Brachium: I forgot. [Occasionally accompanied by: ._."]

The Redacted Cast As Shit I Say Too Much:

Damien: Tf are you supposed to be? [Or: Tf is that supposed to be?]

The Redacted Cast As Shit I Say Too Much:

Darlin: I'll talk to you later. [I, in fact, won't talk to you later. I'll text you again in three months. Goodbye.]

The Redacted Cast As Shit I Say Too Much:

Vega: I am very sane.

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1 year ago

This one's not entirely Damien/Huxley but I loved reading it and come back to it like once a month:

[Summary from the author: Huxley and Damien go camping and witness an old Solaire clan new years tradition!]



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1 year ago

Some one shot ideas for the more motivated fic authors of the fandom: Smut Prompt Turned Fluff Prompt Edition.

●Sam and Darlin taking a bath together and being all fluffy and soft and tender with each other.

●Angel and David going on vacation and booking a hotel room and when they get there Angel is like "OmG, ThEre iS OnLy oNE BeD, WhaTEvEr WiLl wE dO???" And then they cuddle and David gives forehead kisses and they fall asleep in each other's arms.

●Gavin pulling out all the stops with his innuendos while he and Freelancer do the laundry.

●Huxley giving Damien a massage.

●Starlight giving Avior a tour of their home leads to the two of them taking a well-earned nap on their bed.

●Sweetheart drops something on the other side of the counter/couch/[whatever tf] and is too lazy to walk around it, so they just bend over it. Milo sees and lays himself on top of them, Aggro joins in and they move to the couch/bed for cuddles with the fluff ball.

●Honey comes back from the gym/a run and is very sweaty. Guy runs them a bath and prepares dinner with/for them while giving them all the kisses.

●Asher and Baabe doing body painting and being silly throughout.

[Please let me know if anyone writes anything based on this, I'd love to read it!! My brain is fluff-starved ;-;]

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1 year ago

Things I would make a second Ao3 account for just so I could give kudos twice: Teaching and Learning -related Prompts.

•Angel teaching David how to roller-skate and him being a mess about it.

•Tank teaching Angel how to ollie.

•Honey teaching Guy how to do sudokus.

•Marie teaching Sweetheart some family recipe that's been passed down in her side of the family.

•Huxley showing Lasko how to properly care for plants without drowning or dehydrating them.

•Sam and Baabe sitting down and teaching each other how to play their respective instruments (guitar/piano).

•Freelancer teaching Damien how they always win at bowling.

•Damien teaching Gavin how to minigolf.

•Starlight teaching Avior how to make their favorite ice cream (said ice cream turns out to be some horrific ice cream/slice of pizza/chips mix).

•Tank who was forced into dance groups and such as a kid teaching Bright Eyes how to dance.

•Vincent, Lovely, and Frederick studying for D.A.M.N. together.

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1 year ago

There's a spider in my bed.

"There's a spider that's been in my bed for a week, I lost it and still haven't found it. Despite this, I still sleep in my bed" - Darlin', Honey, Lovely, Freelancer, Lasko's co-worker

"There is a spider in my bed, I lost it and now I sleep in the bathtub" - Vincent, Guy, Milo & Sweetheart, Gavin, Frederick, Damien, Lasko, Elliott & Sunshine

"I saw a spider in my bed so I got my partner to clean the entire room and make sure to catch it" - Angel, Asher (Neither David nor Baabe actually found the spider in question. They pretended to have found it but they didn't.)

"There's a spider in my bed. Has been for at least a week now. We're friends :)" - Bright Eyes, Doc, Hudson, Huxley

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1 year ago

I am colddd so,

"Want me to make you some tea?" - Ollie, Lasko, Caelum, Camelopardalis

"Then come to bed already" - Aaron, Damien, Sam, David

"Let's run ourselves a hot bath then" - Milo, Vincent, Avior, James (to his spouse)

"Put your hands between my thighs! :D" - Guy, Huxley, Gavin, Asher

"And what exactly am I supposed to do about it?" Hush, Brachium, James (to Asset)

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1 year ago

Kid Damien really liked birds but then one time almost got his eye pecked out by a crow (his mom took him to the ER and everything turned out to be okay) and now he's kinda scared of them.

Huxley thinks it's adorable how whenever Damien sees a pigeon or something he just quickly shuffles over to the side of Huxley that is farther away from the bird while giving it a death stare until it's out of view.

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1 year ago

Damien if Gavin were the one in charge of the turkey for friendsgiving

Damien If Gavin Were The One In Charge Of The Turkey For Friendsgiving

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1 year ago

[incoherent nonsense] ☆S•e•x•u•a•l I•d•e•n•t•i•t•y G•e•n•e•r•a•t•o•r☆ [more incoherent nonsense]


[incoherent Nonsense] Sexual Identity Generator [more Incoherent Nonsense]

Sam (I know he was in the other one too but I got very lucky here so he gets to show up again)

[incoherent Nonsense] Sexual Identity Generator [more Incoherent Nonsense]

Darlin' (lovingly)

[incoherent Nonsense] Sexual Identity Generator [more Incoherent Nonsense]


[incoherent Nonsense] Sexual Identity Generator [more Incoherent Nonsense]

Freelancer (purely based on my own oc for them)

[incoherent Nonsense] Sexual Identity Generator [more Incoherent Nonsense]

Elliott (do not ask)

[incoherent Nonsense] Sexual Identity Generator [more Incoherent Nonsense]


[incoherent Nonsense] Sexual Identity Generator [more Incoherent Nonsense]


[incoherent Nonsense] Sexual Identity Generator [more Incoherent Nonsense]


[incoherent Nonsense] Sexual Identity Generator [more Incoherent Nonsense]

Blake (or Kody, your choice)

[incoherent Nonsense] Sexual Identity Generator [more Incoherent Nonsense]

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1 year ago

Something possessed me on the car ride back home from therapy so here's the Redacted characters playing fuck marry kill with the lyrics of this song

"An army of Furbies that won't stop chanting the Lord's prayer

A can of rigatoni on the street

Going over to a friend's house for a sleepover for the first time, and their dad wants them to pop a cyst on his back, but they're really squeamish and faint, but he's in a lot of pain so you have to do it"

•Asher would marry the Furbies, fuck the can of rigatoni and kill that last situation because he would also be squeamish and faint and he'd rather kill a guy to avoid that.

•Guy, knowing better than Ash, would kill the Furbies, fuck the rigatoni and marry the dad situation because "who knows maybe he'll die soon and I'll inherit all his money... Honey what do you mean 'he's not that kind of daddy'?"

•Vega would fuck the Furbies, kill the rigatoni, and he just makes a very confused and slightly disgusted face at you when you describe the last scenario before walking off and never speaking to you again.

•Elliott kills the Furbies, marries the rigatoni (I honestly don't know why it just feels like an Elliott thing to do), and fucks the dad despite all the horror going on.

•David refused to answer any of these and just walked out of the room.

•Sam would kill the Furbies because "I swear to god, Darlin', I had one of 'em as a kid and it tried to kill me," marry the rigatoni and fuck the dad situation.

•Gavin would marry the Furbies ("my little underlings" (his words not mine)), fuck the can of rigatoni, and kill the dad because "ew."

•[Damien disapproves]

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1 year ago

[Gives gift for no reason other than "I love you"] - Darlin'/David/Asher/Vincent/Gavin/Huxley/Lasko/Doc

"But I didn't do anything to deserve this" - Sam/Angel/Baabe/Lovely/Freelancer/Damien/Lasko's partner/Hush

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11 months ago

I feel like if Asher and Darlin' had tumblr they would have been busy all day today (yesterday?) booping each other until one of the two inevitably fell asleep and lost their boop war

Or, alternatively, Gavin and Damien and Gavin started it just to annoy Damien

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10 months ago

Redacted characters as posts I have in my drafts rn:

"I've been preparing this lasagna for one hour and three minutes and I don't even want to eat it anymore" - Darlin', Angel, Guy, Damien

"I just thought of two guys and god I need them to fuck so badly" - Guy, Lasko, Lovely, Erik probably

"I dropped my eyeshadow palette and now my bathroom floor fucking glitters I hate this" - Vincent, Porter, Damien, Milo&Sweetheart

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9 months ago

D.a.m.n crew orders a pizza for game night. What's on the pizza? And how long will it take Guy to split a single (admittedly large) pizza into six parts to get every part the way they wanted it?

(First things first Freelancer is a bland "I'll just take cheese" kinda person and Gavin is like "mh. the gates of hell. absolute pain. yum.")

[Also can you imagine Mr. Lasko "Anxiety" Moore being on the phone to Max's Rustic and having to tell the person on the other end of the line to split one large pizza into six parts? He would die.]

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8 months ago

This took forever oh my god T-T

But anyway, here's Gavin and my chef Hello Kitty plush -w-

This Took Forever Oh My God T-T

The story behind this is that Freelancer and Damien were hanging out when they passed some cutesy store neither of them had ever seen before and Freelancer saw the chef Hello Kitty in the shop's windows and they couldn't not get it. The store was gone the next time they went there and Damien is actively going insane over this.

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