aydien677 - An Expanded World
An Expanded World

Just a little Blog where I take up a little spaceAydien | pronouns are whatever | I hope you all have a nice dayObey Me | Twisted Wonderland | A bit Of Hazbin Hotel

55 posts

Fangirl Squeal

Fangirl squeal

Fangirl Squeal
Fangirl Squeal

I got them both in one pull and got Barbs twice. I have been blessed apparently.

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More Posts from Aydien677

4 months ago

IKEA Vs. Lucifer

it's past midnight and I cannot stop thinking about Lucifer trying to overcome ikea furniture before giving in and asking Solomon and Mc for help as there's no version of Ikea in the Devildom, only in actual hell as a form of punishment for sinners.

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4 months ago

Incorrect quotes part 4

Satan: *giving Lucifer a coffee*

Lucifer: "is it poisoned?"

Satan: "yes." *leaves*

Lucifer: "good" *drinks it anyway*

Belphegor: "Zzz"

Mc: *draws on Belphegor's face as he sleeps out of spite*

Mc: "C'mon Belphegor, this way"

Belphegor: "you know you could just call me Belphie right?"

Mc: *smiles darkly still mad about it* "I know."

Mc: "Solomon."

Solomon: "yes Mc?"

Mc: "You do understand you look like Gideon Gleeful from Gravity Falls right?"

*From that point on, Solomon was no longer seen wearing Bolo ties*

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4 months ago

Leviathans Tub Headcannons

Leviathans Tub Headcannons

If Lucifer's licked a sorcerer's staff them I am fairly certain he's passed out in Levi's tub before

the brothers would throw snacks in Levi's tub as sacrifices to make sure he's taking care of himself

Mc is the reason the tub sacrifices are now called "Snack-rifices"

Asmodeus once put red nail polish in the tub and Levi didn't notice until he filled it up and thought it was blood

Satan will throw some manga in there

it's really just a tub of sacrifices to Levi

Leviathan cleans out his tub on the sabbath to spite God and the brothers started cleaning on the sabbath as well following Levi's example

there's a space under the tub where Levi hides his anime porn and a tablet with the accounts he uses for smutty fanfics

almost everyone has taken a nap in Levi's tub to see if it was actually comfortable

Satan was once caught sleeping in the tub curled up like a cat

Belphegor and Beelzebub throw blankets in there, just in case Levi gets cold

When Lucifer and Mammon add stuff It’s more nest shaped since they're two silly birdbrains

Leviathan is very happy that his brothers give him stuff to make sure he's ok

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5 months ago

I'm autistic and I currently feel like shit checklist

Hi there. Are you autistic? Do you currently feel like shit and don't know why? Try this checklist to see if you can Fix The Problem!

When was the last time you used the bathroom? If you answered "I don't know" or "at least 3 hours ago", go now!

Do you need a drink? Go get one if you don't have one in front of you.

When was the last time you ate? If you haven't eaten yet today, consider eating A Meal, or perhaps A Snack. Something is better than nothing, eat whatever you feel able to!

Is there something in your immediate surroundings that is bothering you? If the light is too bright, turn it off. If there is an annoying sound, make the sound stop or reduce your ability to hear it (earplugs, headphones, etc.). If your clothes are bothering you, change them.

Is your space messy? Pick one area of your room and clean it up as best you can. Clean your whole room if you have the energy!

When was the last time you did An Activity? Scrolling on social media doesn't count. Try actively doing something fun! Play a game you like, read a book, make something, or go for a walk.

When was the last time you Spoke to a Person? Consider talking to a person you like if it has been a while.

How long has it been since you did something Special Interest related? Make some time to do that today. Infodump to a friend, have a nice long research session, look at related images or gifs, make art about it, whatever works best for you!

Try stimming actively! Put on some music and dance, spin in circles, go to the park and use the swings!

If you still feel like shit after trying all of these things, you might be tired or sick. Go to bed early and get some rest. Hopefully you will feel better tomorrow!

Hope that helps :)