Obey Me Ideas - Tumblr Posts
Crossover Obey-me and Harry Potter Anyone else want?
Three words: Harry Potter MC!
Damn, can you imagine what this crossover would be like?!

Okay-ok think about it:
If MC was really our beloved Witch?
What if the Dursleys had found the pamphlet and thought about writing the duda? but in the end the boy threw a huge tantrum and ended up putting Harry there?
what if Harry was chosen?
is if this was before the events of year 7?
what if harry was a descendant of lily?
What if the brothers find out about Harry's story?
Dammit, what if the pact with the 7 brothers was the power the dark lord doesn't know about?
I'm already imagining what the Battle of Hogwarts will be like! Voldermot and his Death Eaters against the seven very angry older brothers!
Writers, we need this fanfic for yesterday!
RAD Student Harry Potter

Imagine what an HP and Obey-me Crossover would be like?
if you want to write about this Headcanon Idea is here.
Damn I never thought there would be more than 5 people liking this post! let's do the following if this post exceeds 20 likes I'll make a mini comic of this crossover
RAD Student Harry Potter

Imagine what an HP and Obey-me Crossover would be like?
if you want to write about this Headcanon Idea is here.
Headcanon :Castlevania/obey-me
🦇 S/O: MC's roommate
🦇 Descendant of Lilith's Second Daughter
🦇 Lilith had two daughters in her time as a human, the first was born 2 years after her humanization the second was born on the day of her death.
🦇 Lilith died giving birth to her second daughter because of the disease, as she was old enough (for that time) to have children.
🦇The birth of the 2nd child (and the death of his mother) unlocked part of Lilith's inherited powers.
🦇 2 son, although not a physical son of an angel, was a spiritual descendant of one and therefore developed certain abilities.
🦇 Thousands of years have passed and during this time this bloodline has interbred with various magical beings thus keeping the power alive.
🦇 At the beginning of the Middle Ages, a family arises to fight against the children of the night, specialized in hunting, they swear to protect the human race from hidden beings who wish to do evil, and that's when The Belmod emerged.
🦇 a lot of time passes and the family is dismantled, the secret is passed down through the generations until it is disregarded by the most modern generations.
🦇 However, Raquel dismount (father's surname) was fascinated by her mother's family traditions, the techniques and strategies of battles, the myths and legends passed between generations always fascinated her.
🦇 although she does not believe in the supernatural, Raquel never ceased to be amazed at the creativity of her ancestors in creating such myths, as she knew that none of this was real....
🦇 Until the day she and her roommate met in an unusual location.
Part 2
Obey-me/Castevlania headcannon 2
Following this theory
🦇 The first 1,500 years the brothers were agitated because there were dangers everywhere, they had to quickly adapt to the new instincts, laws and culture of their new home.
🦇 Lucife more than the others had to face a "battle" from several sides to keep his brothers safe.
🦇 His predecessor did not accept his position as the prince's right-hand man, because of his background in the celestial kingdom, even though he was recognized as the successor of the avatar of pride.
🦇 He (the predecessor) did everything to disturb Lucifer, in a discreet way, he was always the biggest threat against the brothers even in his "retirement", he still knew how to use the brothers' behavior against them.
"After all, how can a child of the celestial kingdom know more about demons than the demons themselves?"
🦇 That's where luci's paranoia about tarnishing the diavolo's reputation came from.
🦇 Lucifer had his first contact with the Belmort in the 3rd generation in which the family was founded, as they already had a very good reputation in the 3 kingdoms.
🦇 Let's just say that his predecessor disappeared through mysterious means.
🦇 It was a win/win for both sides, luci gains his position and maintains an alliance with the belmot clan and the belmot doesn't have to worry about excessive demonic kills/attacks besides having a new weapon.
🦇 That's when they got the morning star.

Previous: Part 1 Next: Part 3
I like the angle you're taking in your story, these holes in the game's plot are basically asking us to fill them.
(I have a theory that the team writing the narrative spends some time looking at these fan theories to get an idea of ​​how to develop the game)
I don't remember if it's annon or not, but it's said that a part of the kingdom that didn't accept the ideologies developed by diavolo, it's also because demons age very slowly, which for us could be an adaptation/evolution of behavior/ideology of thousands of years could actually be a radical change from one day to the next.
So, thinking about the ideological/political differential of that time, I believe that not all avatars could/could have accepted the brothers as their successors, since they may have an ideology focused on purist supremacy (pure blood issues).
Furthermore, these elders have experienced war for thousands of years, have seen and watched their own die at the hands of the heavenly ordes, possibly at the hands of the brothers themselves before they fell.
so there is a high probability that not all the elders (the original 7) would accept this lying down, there is a high probability that the brothers had to kill? forcefully retire his predecessor to have to take over the post!
I also believe that among the original 7 the only one who was possibly not so hostile towards his successor was none other than the avatar of greed.
Why? Because greed is the only subtle and diversified sin, you can have greed for everything and a little more, it's an evil that when you least realize it is already in your clutches.
That's where my second theory comes from!
The demons of greed are frowned upon by demonic society and their avatar was considered the weakest of them!
Why? because in a society with the mentality where the strong eat the weak and gold is nothing less than a simple paperweight, so what would be the use of the demons of greed?
because of this reasoning the previous greed avatar had another focus for his sin...... to protect his own.
we can see in this behavior in mammon, even if he was kicked and mistreated by his brothers he is always protecting them, this behavior also extends to mc throughout the game.
With all that in mind comes my 3 theory:
Mammon was the only one of his brothers who had no difficulty in assuming his position, the avatar of the previous greed was old and old and was greedy for the well being (loved) of his precious people so he not only passed the title to the brothers' wrath (lol), as it taught him how to exercise his position (+-)
Something that pissed off his brothers and made them pick on him as he of all the brothers got the kissed hand position!
(Little did the idiots know that the old avatar of greed is why mammon has so much debt, in fact mammon had to pay for classes! AND HE HAS NOT EVEN FINISHED THE COURSE! HE AND THAT OLD MAN'S REASON IS SITTING ON A PILE OF GOLD DAMN )
in addition I believe that greed could be a demoness since by archaic reasoning only women protected their family.
ok , as far as I know in cannon (obey-me) it was never said about the previous avatars of the brothers, nor how was their adaptation period.
following this theory, we can think that in the time when the demon king was awake there were 7 avatars of the capital sins before the brothers, most likely they (the brothers) had to kill their predecessors / take down their predecessors since in the cannon itself said that the current order of devildom was created by the ideology of Diavolo.
in this case, one can think that devildom at that time was much more bloody and barbaric than we thought, possibly following the ideology of clans and hierarchical separation aimed at the strength of demons.
Headcanon :Castlevania/obey-me 3
🦇Lilith's children were orphans.
🦇The second daughter had been raised by her older sister.
🦇When she was transformed into a human Lilith was adopted by a couple of healers, healer/shama, who were of advanced age and could not have children.
🦇She took up the profession of a healer when they both passed away, she met her lover when she took care of him.
🦇Lilith's eldest daughter took up the profession when her mother passed away.
🦇The youngest showed signs of having magic when she accidentally grew medicinal herbs at 4x their standard size.
🦇By being touched by death the second daughter, and her lineage, are not detected by Barbatos, but precisely they camouflage themselves with the shadows ("background" of reality), preventing the lord of time, my nickname for him, to see them easily.
🦇From time to time Lilith would interfere in the fate of one of the descendants of the second daughter causing her to meet one of the brothers, she stopped trying with Belphegor after the 17th child he tore to pieces, it hurt a lot to see her brother act so in addition the descendants were already beginning to develop an instinctive hatred against the demons of the sloth class.
Previous: Part 1 ; Part 2 Next: Part 4
Headcanon :Castlevania/obey-me 4
🦇 S/o is distantly related to Trevor Belmont, although he claims to be the last of the Belmont, hear of some survivors who abandoned Wallachia returning to the Belmont homeland.
🦇 S/o is descended from the main Belmont clan, and 1 out of 5 children have their powers fully awakened (basically one of his ancestors mated with Luci and now one of the children gains his and his sister's abilities).
🦇That's why they have the morning star and the "magic door of death" (lol-readers will understand).
As they fled the church's attack, this bloodline created a poem/song to tell the location of the Belmont mansion and treasure, S/o is one of the few who know the secrets/location of the Belmont mansion, even without knowing it.
(Note: the idea is that the canonical events of Castlevania took place in the past and that the peace treaty between the demonic realm and the heavenly realm was made about 500 years before such events and as such the demons have no idea what happened. what was happening in the human world and only discovered after the events of cannon)
🦇In addition, following the hierarchical concept put in the game, the 7 avatars of the deadly sins are recognized as the seven princes, and each one governs a specific layer/territory/class, while Diavolo is recognized as the crown prince who rules everything, and that's why there are extra classifications like earl, duke and grand duke, and Dracula was recognized as Grand Duke of lust/desire demons (vampires).
🦇Lucifer was furious with Asmodeus when he discovered Dracula's actions, Asmo should have kept an eye on the vampire and/or realized something was wrong when he died and left an empty space behind.
🦇After fixing everything Asmo (by Luci/Diavolo's order) puts Alucard as new grand duke and places a restraining order on the vampiric species, to which Alu agrees, now vampires could not leave the demonic realm (lust/desire layer) ) without proper authorization.
🦇With the knowledge he possesses, Alucard enchants the Belmont lands so that no one who lacks Belmont blood and morality can find them.
Previous: Part 1 ; Part 2; Part 3
Next: Part 5
Headcanon :Castlevania/obey-me 5
(Double post yay)
🦇Because of S/o's anti-social tendencies and with the knowledge that humans need to socialize, mc creates a rule that he must have 8 hugs a day.
🦇Diavolo finds out about this one day when he overhears mc asking S/o if she's had the 8 hugs for the day, her scolding saying that humans need it, when they're both on their way to class.
🦇Worried he asks Solomon about it (the agent of chaos agrees) and talks to Luci about it, the brothers find out and agree to hug their humans.
🦇Mc accepts the hugs with joy, S/o however....
🦇She has to be ambushed everyday by Diavolo & co in the hallways because she wouldn't accept being hugged by strangers..... no I didn't even think about it, she was a paranoid little shit (rightly so) it hardened on contact with people who she didn't know.
(minus Luke for him, she would kill everyone and herself if something happened to her chibi)
🦇S/o is conflicted about whether to strangle mc or kiss them for it because now she is constantly being smothered by the boobs of 2 tall, red haired, ripped demons.
🦇She knows how demonic society works, thanks to outdated texts from her mother's family, demons smell weakness from miles away!
(even if she loves hugs and has someone hungry for her proud touch, wouldn't let her PUT HER GUARD DOWN, and it's driving her crazy because she wants nothing less than to melt into a purring puddle in your arms)
------------------ Previous: Part 1 ; Part 2; Part 3 ; Part 4
Next: Part 6
Crossover Obey me/SAO Asuna Mc.
🎮 Asuna Mc, signed up for the exchange program before the Project Alicization events.
🎮 The creator of the game was actually a witch/sorcerer who mixed magic and technology to awaken the magic of humans in response to Diavolo's plan.
🎮 Of course he still had a god complex, but he knew he wasn't one of the strongest, because of that he came up with a plan to "protect" humanity from the dangers to come
🎮 He was also proud of his actions, even in death he was proud of his work as he did much more for humanity than her own guardian (aka Solomon).
🎮 His soul never left the system, he didn't want his plan to be discovered by beings from the other realms.
🎮 Although humans interact with the realm the other realms never paid enough attention to it, years can pass on earth before they even notice the changes.
🎮 because of this, the exchange program ended up starting years later than planned (which was 2019).
🎮 Among those awakened, Lilith's descendants, and others with supernatural origins, developed certain abilities in the real world, abilities that they had in the game.
🎮 Lilith helped her descendants survive in the game, this version of lilith is more matrical and protective of her offspring.
🎮 Lilith gave the power of the 11 combos to Yuki because she was her descendant and indirectly made Asuna meet her.
🎮 Kirito is a descendant of some supernatural being, I just don't know which one....
🎮 Levi was the first pact she had since she knew the books of the seven lords and introduced herself as a Geek.
🎮 For being a commander in the games, and daughter of a CEO, Asuna Mc was firm in her point of view and ideals, during her stay at the house of lamentations she maintained her focus and determination, keeping the highest grades for those who knew nothing, attracting admiration from a certain blonde.
Headcanon :Castlevania/obey-me 6
🦇Just like in cannon mc dreams of Lilith's memories
🦇 however only the descendants of the first child have her memories.
🦇 because the second son had contact with death, he develops a parallel ability in which his descendants can pass their abilities on to the next generation
🦇 the difference is that these "memories" would only be unlocked when the said descendant comes into contact with death, whether it's his or someone who is close.
🦇 the individuals who unlocked these "memories" could refine them and adapt them to the periods in which they live
🦇 even if these don't awaken these "memories" the 2 son's descendants still had certain instincts that were passed from generation to generation that helped them in times of need.
🦇 S/o only woke up these memories after seeing MC's body shatter in Mammon's arms.
🦇 thanks to that she didn't get lost in the hatred against Belphie and got carried away by wrath.
🦇 She never told anyone about it and I let her brothers (and the rest) think that she also had Lilith's memories...
🦇 the only one who knows about it is Alucard because of his contact with his ancestor is although the same service the avatar of lust he would never betray his friend.
🦇Actually, it was the grand duke of lust who helped S/o to train and relearn the techniques developed by his ancestors in addition to teaching him various methods of survival in Devildom.
🦇 he mysteriously indicates that S/o finds the old Belmont lands, and it finds him after the end of the exchange.
🦇 Barbatos is initially suspicious of Alucard's actions but then remembers that he has already interacted with one of his lady's predecessors.
🦇 Although barb reluctantly accepts S/o's contact with the Grand Duke but that doesn't stop him from being slightly territorial with her.
Previous: Part 1 ; Part 2; Part 3 ; Part 4 ; Part 5
Next: Part 7
Character sheet : Raquel Dismount (Belmont)

It's incomplete at the moment, just need to paint and post if you want to know more about mine Just look Headcannon Obey-me/Castlevania If you want to know more, just pass on my Obey me masterlist
Obey Me / Castlevania 7
🦇 S/o is fluent in JSL and ASL 🦇 learned when he was young because he had a classmate who was mute, he was Japanese American. 🦇 Among all the brothers S/o was closest to satan and lucifer 🦇 At first Lucife was confused by S/o's presence he was softer and more protective of her, although he doesn't know why, his demonic instincts acted differently in her presence. 🦇 His demonic instincts recognized her as his, because she was his descendant, demons protected hers. 🦇S/o secretly views lucifer as her father, although she denies it to mc 🦇 S/o is extremely artistic and loves all kinds of art 🦇 In the human world she secretly worked as a streamer, but precisely as a DJ where she shared songs made by herself without exposing her face 🦇 S/o and known as Twilight, it uses a symbol of a half light half dark star, which pulsed in the beat of the songs on the home screen.🦇 S/o didn't join the student council together with mc, in fact she got one of the brothers (but precisely beel) to sign an authorization to create a club 🦇 Apparently the demon realm didn't have a music club, she not only created one but got some members in a few days 🦇 S/o has fans on the RAD, so she doesn't know 🦇 one day an election of the most popular females was made, S/o won first place without knowing why. 🦇 She has a dominating aura when she gets upset, the apple doesn't fall too soon from the tree after all.
Headcanon: Castlevania/obey-me 7.
🦇 In the pre-fall period Lucifer had a holy weapon given by the great D himself, I'm 100% that it was a sword, which was broken into 7 pieces during the rebellion. 🦇 The metal of the celestial kingdom that produces these weapons and called Celestina is extremely conductive of white magic, capable of purifying evils on contact, has a mixed color between pearly silver, says that this metal sings in sync with the "grace" of its bearer when used. 🦇In opposition, Devildom possesses Devilener an opaque and shadowy metal, with absorbent and dissociating enablers, capable of turning those who are not its users into mindless berserkers, it's coloring in a dark scarlet hue so dark that those who look at it believe that The blade itself is made of putrid blood, the metal pulses in distorted but equal sync with its wielder. 🦇 The final battle took place on the surface of the earth and parts of these pieces fell to the surface. 🦇 the only thing left was the fist with a broken 20cm blade, from which he melted and gave to the Belmonts. 🦇 Luci hated looking at that blade, it reminded him of times before the fall and it reminded him of how, as much as he denies it, broken her family was. 🦇 It was with her that he got rid of the 3 pairs on his back, and consequently had satan. 🦇 With the morning star in hand, the Belmont looked for / found the other pieces, because they were easily attracted. 🦇Each piece has been melted down and turned into a weapon or an object. 🦇 The magic door of death was created from a small melted piece of the fragment mixed with earth metals. 🦇 The magical properties of Lucifer's weapon Celestina were extremely potent to the point where a drop of the metal from one of the shards could turn anything mixed into them into something incredibly deadly to dark beings. 🦇 and the Belmonts took advantage of it a lot…
----------------------------------------------------------- Previous: Part 1 ; Part 2; Part 3 ; Part 4 ; Part 5; Part 6 Next: Part 8
Headcanon Obey-me/Castlevania 8.
🦇 S / o knew she wasn't perfect, it was a secret that her talents were more geared towards the arts, S / o was a person naturally oriented towards humanities not exact or biological sciences.
🦇 But they are perfectionists, she instinctively sought and worked to the bone, or beyond, to be better at everything.
🦇 they knew that people had expectations and because of that S/o always tried to exceed them.
🦇 Mc was the only one who knew this, because she didn't know how to hide the consequences of her work, when they were overloaded and as both grew up "together" it was hard to hide it…
🦇 S/o's mother died when she was young, and because of that her father became a totally different person, he was very controlling and abusive, although he never touched her, he still abused her emotionally/verbally.
🦇 He always raised expectations about S/o, imprisoning them in a golden cage.
🦇 Because of that she became someone closed off, they created a mask to distance people, they were always seen as someone cold and distant, to protect their gentle and sweet inside.
🦇 Even with all this Y/O was never hard on those around her, although being a perfectionist they gently helped those who cared.
🦇 She emancipated herself at the age of 15, after a lot of planning and anticipation, plus her father had already remarried so all she had to do was ask her stepmother for help, who enthusiastically agreed.
🦇 Although she is observant, S/o was wary of Lucifer as he reminded her so much of her biological father, much to his dismay as after finding out S/O was her descendant her instincts got into her skin.
🦇 S/o is Demisexual and only started to be attracted to redheads after 2 months of them being nice to them.
🦇 S/o doesn't know what to do with these feelings, although they know what they are, they have 0 experience in this matter.
Previous: Part 1 ; Part 2; Part 3 ; Part 4 ; Part 5; Part 6, Part 7 Next: Part 9
Jedi Padawan Mc
☄ Jedi Padawan Mc, summoned by Barbatos from the future in a very distant galaxy. ☄ MC is a descendant of Lilith as in cannon, but for some reason Barbatos was unable, for a few millennia, to locate MC's lineage so he could later discover its location ☄ MC is Master Mace's padawan, his second padawan, because the force had said he was supposed to be her master after Depa. ☄ Yes, the force exists in this reality, in fact god and the angels would be a version of the Ones, based on the darthomir myth of the father, daughter and son, with god being the "father" and the daughter being the angels and the son the "demon" king who created the others. ☄ Barbatos is the only one who knows that MC is from the future and from a distant galaxy, he asks her not to reveal her origins due to ancient laws ☄ Barb couldn't change time, but without MC, Diavolo's project would go down the drain ☄ Mc is seen as a Gray Jedi by the order ☄ Mc kept her crystal in a hidden bag that stays stuck to her body 24/7, she hid the body of her saber so that mammon doesn't steal it. ☄ Mc is still seen as a human without magic, however later she presents herself to each of her brothers, after the pact ordering secrecy, that she has "psychic" powers ☄ The brothers believe that she was raised within an Order of traditionalist Monks, monks who had no contact with the outside world and that's why Mc didn't know pop culture things from the human world, Levi took it personally when he discovered that mc didn't know what a telephone was.. ☄ Mc is super intelligent and hardworking due to the teachings of the order, she is also very diplomatic ☄ Form VI, Niman is the formation that mc chose to specialize in, sometimes she sparring with Bel, after making the pact with Bel, in the forest near the house of lamentations, using bleeding bamboo swords (a demonic version of a banbu) ☄ Mc has 2 lightsabers and a shoto, gifts from her own strength that she received on a mission after losing the previous one.
The Mysterious Human

Diavolo and Lucifer strolled through the halls of RAD, their voices echoing amidst the solemn silence of the environment. The topic of conversation was the human exchange program and how mortal students were adapting to life in the demon realm. Barbatos, the silent observer, trailed behind them at a discreet distance.
"Human show surprising resilience," reflected Diavolo, adjusting his crimson cape with a carefree gesture. "Even without our natural abilities, they manage to establish themselves here."
Lucifer nodded, his expression impassive as ever. "No doubt." His piercing red eyes swept over the bustling students, each carrying the weight of a distinct demon lineage. "But there is one human who stands out."
Diavolo raised an eyebrow, curious. "Ah, yes? And who might that be?"
As they turned the corner, they witnessed the scene that was the talk of the school: Raquel Desmonte, standing in her impeccable uniform. Her gray eyes overflowed with determination as she gazed down at the figure at her feet with a mix of disdain and authority, as if she were determined not to accept challenges. But it was the demon entangled in her whip that truly caught their attention—a bound and pitiful figure, with tattered clothes and a disheveled appearance, revealing an unexpected fragility beneath the facade of power.
"What's going on here?" asked Diavolo, genuinely surprised. "Why is she—"
Barbatos' voice sounded low, analytical. "She's protecting herself, my lord."
Raquel's figure emanated an aura of power and determination, an intriguing mixture of strength and vulnerability that drew the eyes of the demons present. Even without a formal pact, she kept the demon under control with a firmness that impressed.
"She's a force to be reckoned with," continued Diavolo with a mischievous smile. "Her pride can rival yours, Luci."
Lucifer crossed his arms, his gaze fixed on Raquel with a penetrating intensity. "She may have pride," he said, "but she's no match for the experience and skills of a full-fledged demon, let alone the Avatar of Pride."
Diavolo laughed, enjoying the exchange of words between the two. "Luci, you're underestimating her."
Lucifer maintained his impassive expression. "I don't underestimate. I just observe."
Barbatos intervened, his sharp gaze analyzing the situation. "She doesn't have a formal pact. How does she control that demon?"
Raquel, still holding the whip and without averting her gaze, responded to the question with silent determination. "I don't need a pact to impose my will."
Diavolo applauded, still laughing. "Well said, little one!"
Lucifer narrowed his eyes, his calculating mind already plotting future possibilities. "Keep it up, Raquel Desmonte. Your pride can be your greatest strength or your greatest weakness."
As they walked away, leaving the bound demon behind, Diavolo whispered to Lucifer: "Maybe she's more like us than we imagine." His eyes sparkled with a mix of curiosity and admiration, reflecting recognition of Raquel's inner strength.
Lucifer, meanwhile, pondered Diavolo's words, his deep gaze revealing hidden thoughts. He didn't respond immediately, but the calculating expression on his face indicated that his mind was constantly at work, considering the implications of having such a determined among them.
As for Raquel, she remained where she was, her posture firm and her aura of determination intact. Despite the apparent fragility of her demonic companion and Lucifer's challenging words, she did not falter. Her pride, now more evident than ever, was both her armor and her sword, guiding her along the dangerous path she had chosen to tread.
As the three went their separate ways, the halls of RAD echoed with the echoes of their conversations and the murmurs of those who witnessed the encounter. Raquel's journey was just beginning, but her determination burned like a flame that could not be extinguished, illuminating the path ahead with an intensity that rivaled the stars of the demon realm.
Barbatos's Vision

Barbatos stood still, observing the doors that dotted the wall of the room. Each of them was a portal to a specific moment in time and space, and he knew them well. Through these doors, he had witnessed epic battles, cruel betrayals, and moments of triumph.
But today, a new door had appeared. One he had never seen before. It emanated a strange energy, a sensation that made him shudder. Barbatos approached, his hand hesitant on the knob. He knew this door was different. It wouldn't take him to a past or future event, but to something deeper, more personal.
The door swung open, revealing a scene he instantly recognized. It was Rachel, a mysterious figure he had not yet met. She stood before him, with a determined look in her eyes. A shiver ran down his spine. This was the moment she would make her first demonic pact.
But how could he know this? Recognize Rachel before even meeting her? A voice echoed in his mind, his own, but from a distant future. "Barbatos," the voice whispered. "This is the moment. Make the pact with Rachel. It's crucial to our destiny."
Barbatos frowned, perplexed. He had no memories of this vision, couldn't remember seeing Rachel before. But the voice insisted. "Rachel Desmonte," the voice continued. "She is the key to the future of the demon realm. Make the pact with her, guide her, and protect her. The fate of all of us depends on it."
Waking from the memories that enveloped him like a veil, Barbatos found himself back in reality, in the vast library of RAD. The solemn silence of the surroundings contrasted with the agitation of his past visions, but he knew something unusual had occurred. A sense of urgency drove him as his memories slowly dissipated, leaving behind only a subtle echo of his presence.
Closing the recipe book in his hands, he took a deep breath, seeking clarity amidst the confusion. Walking among the shelves, he tried to unravel the puzzles haunting his mind. Fragments of the vision assaulted him, mixing with the murmurs of the ancient books surrounding him, creating a whirlwind of thoughts.
Finally, a flash of understanding hit him as his eyes met Rachel's, standing before him with an inquisitive expression. She still didn't fully understand what was happening, but Barbatos knew it was time to act. With renewed determination, he reached out his hand to her, ready to embark on the journey that was about to change the course of their lives.
"Miss Desmont," he said, his voice firm and soft like a whisper, conflicting with the intensity of his gaze. "It's time for us to make a pact."
New history crossover OMSWD/ HP(Ao3)

based on this idea Ao3 fic