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IKEA Vs. Lucifer
it's past midnight and I cannot stop thinking about Lucifer trying to overcome ikea furniture before giving in and asking Solomon and Mc for help as there's no version of Ikea in the Devildom, only in actual hell as a form of punishment for sinners.
Incorrect Quotes #3
Lucifer: "Mc, must you hold my hand while I work?"
Mc: *plops themself in Lucifer's lap* "Must you be so sexy??
Lucifer: *verbal keyboard smash*
Satan: *standing in Lucifer's office because Mc taught him a new trick* "Dad, dad, dad, I want a book, can I go pet the cats, Daaaaaaaad"
Lucifer: *doesn't know if he should be annoyed or grateful that Mc's plan to get Satan to call him "dad" actually worked*
Mc: "I hate you"
Mephistopheles: "The fuck did I even do??"
Mc: "you were born."
*Levi and Mc were playing An off brand version of Overwatch because fuck Blizzard*
Mc: *to some fuck in the chat* "Listen here you piece of shit, the only reason you're dad left is because I gave him a child he actually loves"
Levi: "Should I be scared or impressed??"
Solomon: *exists*
The bros: "Shady Mfkr."
Incorrect Quotes # 5?
Mc: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Lucifer ?
Lucifer : … No.
Satan : I do!
Mc: I know, Satan.
Satan: I Hate Lucifer
Mc: I know, Satan.
Levi : Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million grimm?
Mammon: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house.
Mc: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million.
Mammon: Good thinking.
Lucifer : Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night.
Mammon : You were flirting with Mc.
Lucifer : So what? They're my partner.
Mammon : You asked them if they were single.
Lucifer : "..."
Mammon : "And then you cried when they said they weren't."
Solomon : Hey, Mc? Can I get some dating advice?
Mc: Just because I’m with Lucifer doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
Satan : Why are you on the floor?
Belphie : I'm depressed.
Belphie : Also I was stabbed, can you get Beel, please
Mc: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time?
Mammon : The car takes a screenshot.
Lucifer : For the last time, get the fuck out.
Mc: *subtly breaking the fourth wall* "I have now fed the fandom like throwing meat to the sharks."
Lucifer: "Dafuck?"
Barbatos: *who canonically breaks the fourth wall in the manga* "Good job Mc, should keep them distracted for a little longer"
Solomon: "?????"
Leviathans Tub Headcannons

If Lucifer's licked a sorcerer's staff them I am fairly certain he's passed out in Levi's tub before
the brothers would throw snacks in Levi's tub as sacrifices to make sure he's taking care of himself
Mc is the reason the tub sacrifices are now called "Snack-rifices"
Asmodeus once put red nail polish in the tub and Levi didn't notice until he filled it up and thought it was blood
Satan will throw some manga in there
it's really just a tub of sacrifices to Levi
Leviathan cleans out his tub on the sabbath to spite God and the brothers started cleaning on the sabbath as well following Levi's example
there's a space under the tub where Levi hides his anime porn and a tablet with the accounts he uses for smutty fanfics
almost everyone has taken a nap in Levi's tub to see if it was actually comfortable
Satan was once caught sleeping in the tub curled up like a cat
Belphegor and Beelzebub throw blankets in there, just in case Levi gets cold
When Lucifer and Mammon add stuff It’s more nest shaped since they're two silly birdbrains
Leviathan is very happy that his brothers give him stuff to make sure he's ok
Prideful Sheeps for prideful peeps
I'll make more soon!

I was wondering any Obey me fans that has MCs wanna talk about them cause I been wanting to talk about mine but since I’m no artist I feel like I can’t do anything about them. I been loosing motivation to write anymore as I mostly do OC x Canon stuff and not any Canon x Reader.
I feel like that when I talk with artist or in a GC/Server with artist I feel left out like last time it was a Obey me and Twst server and they ignored my writings of them and only focus on the artist (they all draw good and supported them).

Love how belphie is holding beels bowl for him.
How soft do you think our fur is?

I cackled wth💀
Having Sleep Paralysis
Satan: Oh shit! Back the fuck off! Or I'll fucking kill you! Oh yeah? Just wait till I can move and I'm not the only one getting paralyzed.
Belphegor: Wait I can't move. Oh what is that? Is that one of my murder victims coming to kill me..?
Asmodues: Why are you looking at me like a fucking pedophile?
Lucifer: Don't touch me. I don't like people touching me and do you clean your feet before coming In?
Mammon: I can't even sleep in peace without you breathing heavily you have asthma in the corner. Shut up!
Beelzebub: Go on. You want to die twice?
Leviathan: Oh it's you again?! If you don't stay the duck away I'm filling a restraining order against your 50 feet!
I was so angry and laughed so hard when I found out that the celestial realm exchange student was called Raphael, because my mc is called Raphael too! And in the middle of the class I made this sketch because I know my mc is too proud to accept someone else with the same name as him.
They already say here in my country Brazil "those who don't know how to do it, really copy" 😒

MC : Oh.. m-my ...God!
Diavolo: Don't say God's name when there's a demon f***ing you, sinful little sheep.
Satan: Who was the last person who made you cry?
MC: Why? Are you going beat him up for me or something??
MC: I'm a tough sheep, a person making me cry is pretty hard ….. There are many other things that make me cry, for example, the last one was a book
Satan: Which one?
MC: The general mathematics book in the 9th edition
Satan: Is that in the RAD library?
MC: Yes?
MC: Satan? Where are you going?
Satan: RAD library
MC: So i noticed i'm kinda famous here on devildom since i created a deviltok and gained 1 million followers in 6 hours
MC: People keep saying I'm popular and powerful enough to make it to the presidency of RAD representatives
MC: But i don't think that popularity is the key to being a good ruler, humility, responsibility and respect from the people is the most important thing to be a good leader
Diavolo: That's a good thought mc i'm glad you can see that
MC, later on deviltok: So, i'm kinda running for election to be the representative of the RAD so vote for me or i'll have my demons beat you until your souls come out of your fucking bodies, guys 🥰
*In the library, with the Anti-Lucifer League..*
Satan: Alright time to make plans to absolutely ruin, and destroy Lucifer. Got any plans?
Belphie: We could put a curse on his pillow so he'll end up having nightmares every time he sleeps.
Satan: Ok, not bad, not bad. Mc? How about you?
Mc: Glitter.
Satan: Wha? Glitter? How is glitter supposed to ruin Lucifer?
Mc: We explode him with glitter in his room. Not only will it be a big hassle to clean off, BUT he will find glitter everywhere, everytime. Because once glitter gets on something, it never leaves. It will also keep finding random places to appear, he'll see glitter for centuries, hehehehe.
Belphie: ..You devilishly little sheep~
Satan: Alright lets do it!
So I can do this thing where I can high pitch my voice, and make it sound like a little ghost girl from horror movies. It's not something that special, but I do like to use it once in a while to scare my sister. But then I thought "What if MC also did it randomly to scare the demon brothers, especially Mammon since he scares easily?".
Mammon: *Casually strolling through the hallways of the house of lamentation whistling.*
MC: *Hiding around the corner and uses the little ghost girl voice* Hello, Mammon.. wanna pla-
Mammon: AAHHHH
I have a feeling that MC, and Solomon would mess with the demons, and probably the angels too by saying "It's a human thing, you wouldn't understand" like a teenager that feels misunderstood lol.
Lucifer: So, you have something called "cute aggression" which is what makes you passive aggressive when cuddling with something you find cute?
MC: Yes. It's a human thing, you demons could never understand.
Lucifer: ..I'm gonna kill Solomon for making you like this.
I couldn't have said it any better 😂
I have a feeling that MC, and Solomon would mess with the demons, and probably the angels too by saying "It's a human thing, you wouldn't understand" like a teenager that feels misunderstood lol.
Lucifer: So, you have something called "cute aggression" which is what makes you passive aggressive when cuddling with something you find cute?
MC: Yes. It's a human thing, you demons could never understand.
Lucifer: ..I'm gonna kill Solomon for making you like this.
Is it just me? Or does anyone else see Lucifer as a "wine mom"? When I first found out that Lucifer enjoys drinking demonus, it instantly reminded me of those moms that drink wine when their children become too much to handle lol.
Lucifer: This is my collection of demonus. It's precious to me, so you better not touch anything.
MC: ...I know a new nickname for you other than Luci.
Lucifer: What's that?
MC: *Whispers* Wine mom.
Lucifer: What?
MC: Why is Beel so tense for?
Levi: Mammon decided to prank him by putting a frog on the table.
MC: ...I don't get it.
Mammon: You know that frogs eat flies, right?
MC: Oooh~ Belphie is gonna kill you.
Mammon: You'll protect me, right? (;ŏ﹏ŏ)
Levi: Oh yeah, then you should totally come by my room!
Mammon: Hey, I wanna be included!
Levi: Oh, well we are going to watch a horror movie..
Mammon: Actually I forgot I got this thing going..
Levi: Lmao byeee.