blood-of-fandoms - Fandom Imagines
Fandom Imagines

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67 posts

Out Of The Dark - Isaac Lahey

Out of the dark - Isaac Lahey

Your name: submit What is this?

Everyone has good days where everything goes in your favour and anything that could go wrong doesn’t. Then there’s the bad days, where everything that could go wrong does go wrong. The McCall pack from Beacon Hills were definitely having a bad day, in fact they were having a bad week. With the new threats from the Alpha pack and the mysterious Darach, there was no break for the group of teenagers.

This bad week got progressively worse, so by the end of the week there was little hope left. The worst few days were when the pack were lured into a trap by the Alpha pack and they were being held captive in some sort of vault. Every so often one of the alphas would come in to check they were still there and make occasional threats.

On the last day of them being held captive, the pack knew something was going to happen when the entire alpha pack, minus Deucalion, came in with claws out and smirks on their faces. The lack of food and water and the constant supply of wolfsbane had caused the McCall pack to become tired and unable to put up a strong fight, as well as lacking the motivation to do so. The alphas knew this and came to take advantage of the fact that they were easy targets. As the alphas drew nearer, all the McCall pack could do was wait for the attack and hope that it would be over quickly, trying to shield themselves as best they could and finding a last comfort in each other.

The attack never came, causing the pack to look up. There was a bright light surrounding Y/N, spiralling up into the sky, her eyes closed and her feet lifted off the ground. Her hands were raised and she was muttering words in a strange language. Her eyes snapped open and a bright light came out of each of them, consuming the alphas, her chant ending as she thrust her hands towards them. The pack shielded their eyes from the light and waited for it to die down.

When the light faded away they looked up and saw Y/N hovering over the unconscious bodies of the alphas. There was still a dull glow around Y/N’s body which somehow reenergised the McCall pack.

“Y/N?” Scott called out cautiously. She looked over in their direction before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she started falling to the ground. Isaac was the first to react and he dashed forwards to catch her, reaching her just before her body hit the ground. The others quickly joined him, surrounding Y/N as she lay unconscious in Isaac’s arms.


Her eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the light. She pushed herself up so she was leaning on her elbows and rubbed her eyes. There was no one in the room with her, but she could hear voices downstairs. Slowly, she stood up and shuffled over to the door, pushing it open. She made her way down the stairs, holding on to the rail to support herself.

When she got downstairs she saw the others sitting around a table with drinks in their hands. She leaned against the door frame and smiled. Allison was sitting opposite the door so she was the first one to see Y/N. She quickly put her cup down and scrambled out of her chair, getting the attention of the others.

“Y/N!” She ran over to her and pulled her into a tight hug. Y/N laughed and hugged her as the others quickly made their way over. Scott and Stiles hugged her as well, with Lydia having a similar reaction to Allison. Isaac was last and he made eye contact with Y/N, a blank expression on his face. She raised one eyebrow and Isaac quickly pulled her into a tight embrace, his chin resting on the top of her head, her face buried in his chest. The rest of the pack quietly left the room as the two of them stood there in silence.

“How did you do that thing back with the alphas?” Isaac asked softly, without releasing Y/N from his embrace. She lifted her face to look him in the eyes.

“I don’t know. I don’t remember much. I just remember the alphas coming in, then it all went fuzzy.” She replied honestly, still feeling tired from whatever occurred back in the vault.

“Well, whatever it was, I’m glad it happened when it did. Just don’t ever scare me like that again.” His words caused Y/N to pull back, confusion written across her face.

“What did I do to scare you?”

“After the thing where you were floating with the light, you fell out of the sky and almost hit the ground. I almost didn’t reach you in time, and the thought of that terrifies me.” Isaac replied, the memory replaying in his head. “Then you weren’t responding and none of us knew what to do. I felt so helpless.”

Y/N looked at him with with gentle eyes, her hand moving up to his face.

“Isaac, I know that whatever happens to me, you’ll always be there to save me. And I’ll always be there to save you, so you don’t need to be scared. Besides, I’m a tough girl, I’m not gonna let a group of big-headed werewolves get rid of me.” She smiled and Isaac pulled her in to another hug, tears gathering in the corner of his eyes. As they stood there in their loving embrace, they marked the journey. The journey out of the dark.

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More Posts from Blood-of-fandoms

8 years ago

Sibling fights - Mark Fischbach (platonic)

Requested by anonymous: Hi! I was wondering if you could write where the reader is Markiplier's twin sister and they fight over something to where the reader just kinda leaves without a word and Mark spends the next couple of days trying to find her?Sorry if this is weird😅


You had a strong relationship with your twin brother Mark, especially since the two of you did everything together for so many years, but even twins fight sometimes. Neither of you like fighting with each other but really it’s unavoidable, one of you will say something that sets the other off and everything spirals out of control from there. Today was one of the days where you had one of said fights, but this one was by far the worst fight you’ve ever had with each other.

It started with you both joking about each other, until it got to the point where you were joking about your jobs and Mark took it one step to far. You had just said that he just played games by himself all the time, which made him respond with what you considered too low a blow.

“Well you’re an actress, you just lie for a living.” He laughed, not noticing your change of mood, his comment actually hurting your feelings a bit. The end of your mouth twitched slightly as you covered your hurt with a smile. Mark then continued to make jokes of a similar sort until you suddenly snapped, yelling at him to stop halfway through a sentence. He looked at you in shock, having not expected your sudden outburst at all.

“Woah… What’s got you so touchy?” He asked, not realising he was just digging himself into a deeper hole. “Can’t you take a joke?”

“Yes, I can, but what you’re saying isn't a joke anymore Mark.” You replied, crossing your arms.

“Jeez, okay. No need to bite my head off sis.” Mark raised his eyebrows and muttered quietly to himself.

“Just go back to yelling at a camera for another hour.” You said, still annoyed. Your comment led to Mark turning to face you, this time he was the one looking offended.

“Sorry, what?” He questioned. From there on your previously light-hearted conversation turned into a full-blown yelling match between the two of you, getting beyond the point of reason. After a good half an hour you decided to end it and give you both time to cool off by turning around a walking out of Mark’s apartment, ignoring his mocking calls. As you walked down the pavement your anger slowly turned into tears and you soon found yourself with very damp cheeks in an empty park a few streets away. You texted your friend, asking if you could stay with her for a bit before making your way to her house, ignoring all of Mark’s texts and calls, knowing that the two of you needed some space after your fight.

You spent the next few days at your friend’s house, still ignoring Mark, until you decided to test the waters between you and your twin, walking back round to his house and tentatively knocking on the door. You heard footsteps approaching and saw a messy-haired Mark standing in the doorway. The two of you made eye contact before he pulled you into a tight embrace, whispering “I’m sorry” to you. You sighed and replied “Me too”, knowing that neither of you could spend too long apart or angry at each other after being so close for all your lives.

When you pulled away you stepped inside and sat down on his sofa. A mischievous glint entered your eyes as you grinned at your brother.

“You ready to get recked at Mario Kart?” You challenged, an expression matching yours appearing on his face and he quickly set up the game and sat next to you.

“Oh you're so on.”

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8 years ago


Hey guys!

So I was thinking about starting doing ‘dating ___ would include…’ because I think it would help me ease myself back into writing and I can do them quickly, so hopefully they can be done on the same day or by the next day if people request them. So please send in requests with the name of the character and if you want a more specific one, go ahead and request it! All the fandoms I do requests for are in my bio so check there if you’re not sure or drop me a message to ask.


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9 years ago


The gladers crowded around the doors, waiting for them to open in complete silence, all consumed in thought. What if Y/N didn’t make it and wasn’t coming back? Everything would change and they would lose all hope of ever leaving this hell.

After what seemed like hours, the doors finally started to open, emitting a loud groaning sound as they did. Hands flew to ears to try to block it out, but everyone’s attention was still fixed on the widening gap. The doors stopped opening with a crash and there was silence throughout the glade.

All eyes were searching the opening, looking for any signs of life inside. Nothing happened and one of the boys whispered a quiet “no”. This set off a series of reactions, sobs emerging from some of the boys, none of them caring what they looked like or how ‘unmanly’ crying made them seen. For most of them Y/N was like a sister or even a mother, especially to the younger ones.

A few of the boys were angry, angry at themselves, the creators and anyone else they could try to blame. Gally hit the wall in frustration, Minho was staring at the ground, barely moving and Newt was standing there, frozen in shock and horror, ignoring the tears streaming down his face. Not even Alby made a move, refusing to give his normal speech, refusing to accept the fact that Y/N, the last bit of hope and happiness left in the glade was gone forever.

Just as Alby was about to tell everyone to go back to their jobs and the runners would go to find the body, a loud ‘thunk’ came from the entrance to the maze, bringing all attention back to the opening. The item that had landed there was round with a number and a red light on it and the initials WCKD. The boys looked up to see where it came from and were greeted by a very welcome sight.

Standing there, covered in scratches, bruises and dirt was the girl they had all been crying over moments before. Y/N looked at the group and one of her bright smiles appeared on her face. At this, the gladers rushed forwards to hug her, only Newt staying back. When they all finally let go Alby sent them back to start working and the crowd dispersed, all signs of the previous sadness gone, replaced by an overwhelming sense of relief and happiness as the boys joked around with each other, leaving Y/N and Newt alone.

The moment they made eye contact, they both rushed forwards, tightly wrapping their arms around each other, each seeking comfort in the other. Newt still had tears rolling down his face and he buried his face is her shoulder. None of the others tried to interrupt them with a sarcastic comment about love as the couple stood there, rocking gently as Y/N ran her fingers through his hair and Newt clung on to her, afraid that if he let go she would disappear for real.

Newt eventually pulled his face away and leaned back slightly to examine her face, releasing Y/N from his tight embrace, still holding hands with the girl he loved.

“Let’s get you down to the medjack hut, okay?” He said his hands tracing circles on the back of hers. She nodded and they slowly walked towards the hut, their hands gently swinging between them as they walked.

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9 years ago

Hospital reunion - Stiles Stilinski

Your name: submit What is this?

The tension in the pack had been increasing ever since the dread doctors appeared, along with Theo and the chimeras started being created. The person it had the biggest toll on was definitely Stiles, who was slowly losing his friends and even his girlfriend, Y/N. The two of them had been a couple for two years and were almost inseparable, but after a recent argument that ended in Stiles storming out, he was sure that she would never want to see him again. Y/N on the other hand, thought Stiles was angry at her and tried to give him space.

Granted, their argument was hurtful to both of them, Y/N most definitely did not hate Stiles Stilinski, she absolutely adored him. There were many things that Y/N loved about Stiles, from his sense of humour to his nerdiness and his loyalty to his friends. When it came down to it, there was no one Y/N trusted more and trusted him with her life, even though he was just a human, like her.

So when Stiles got injured in a fight and was rushed to hospital, Y/N was right by his side the entire time, not even leaving him when he was stable but unconscious. After hours of sitting and watching his sleeping figure (which wasn’t nearly as creepy as it sounds), Y/N felt her eyes slowly closing as she too was pulled into the dark embrace of sleep.


When Stiles woke up, he slowly sat up, bringing his hands up to rub his head and he noticed a figure sitting in the chair beside him.

“Dad!” He gently shook his father’s shoulders and watched as he woke up and saw Stiles was awake, quickly pulling him into a hug. When he pulled back, the sheriff put his hands on his son’s shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

“What happened between you and Y/N?” This made Stiles flinch slightly before looking down at his hands that were lying by his side again.

“I don’t wanna talk about it.” Stiles mumbled, playing with his fingers

“C’mon Stiles, what happened?”

He looked at his dad and sighed before telling him.

“I messed up dad. Y/N and I, we had a fight and now I’m pretty sure she hates me.” A few tears gathered in the corners of his eyes as he rubbed his forehead with his fingers, looking down at his lap. His dad smiled softly at him.

“If she hated you, why has she been with you the entire time you were in the hospital?” A look of surprise appeared on Stiles’ face, his eyes lighting up.

“Y/N was here?” The sheriff chuckled and ruffled his son’s hair.

“She still is.” He pointed to the end of the bed where Y/N’s sleeping figure lay, one arm stretched towards where she had been holding Stiles’ hand. As if that was her cue, Y/N stirred, her eyes slowly opening as she rubbed her face with her hand. The sheriff stood up and patted his son on the arm.

“I’m gonna give the two of you some time alone. I’ll be back later.” He left the room and Stiles turned towards his girlfriend who was now standing up and watching him. She smiled at him and suddenly all of his pent up emotions came out, tears rolling down his cheeks as she quickly made her way over to him and pulled him in to a loving embrace. He buried his face in her shoulder, whispering “I’m sorry” over and over as she ran her fingers through his hair, resting her head on his.

Y/N pulled out of the hug to lie down on top of the bed next to Stiles, him wrapping his arms around her, facing each other before Y/N kissed him in the forehead and closed her eyes gently. Stiles smiled lovingly, pulling her slightly closer to him before closing his eyes too. Slowly they fell asleep, arms around each other, foreheads touching, a state of calm passing over them and their hearts beating slowly in time.

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8 years ago

DCWI - Dating Thor and being Tony’s sister

Requested by Anon: Dating Thor but being Tony's sister?xoxoxox

Him declaring you were beautiful as soon as he sees you

Not realising you’re Tony’s sister

“The Man of Iron is your brethren?”

Teaching him how be more ‘Midgardian’

Him having you on speed dial

Tony finding out from the rest of the team

Him confronting Thor about it

“I love her more than anyone else does”

“Fight me, Goldilocks”

“What are you two talking about?”


Forcing Thor and Tony to have a bonding evening

Tony needing reassurance that he’s still your favourite male

Braiding Thor’s hair

Him pulling you out of conversations to kiss you

Being completely enveloped when he hugs you

Spinning you around in a hug when he gets back from Asgard

Being able to lift Mjolnir

Him running around the tower shouting “SHE IS WORTHY”

Tony being SO SALTY when he finds out

Being his reason for staying on Earth

So many cuddles

Like seriously

At every opportunity

Cuddles 24/7

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