Welcome to our main tumblr blog! We are the Blue Strawberry System!Our most active alters on this blog are shown above. From left to right: 🔦, 🍞, 📖, 🍓, 🧡🐍, 💀, 💻, 📺, and 🍄
477 posts
Warning: Fake Blood
Warning: fake blood

Starting with the reposting of artwork is the stuff Blue drew for the TMNTPIE AU!
Yes I’m keeping these delegated by project so people can find specific projects and art
Oldest to most recent.
Character redesigns will eventually be posted too, but… yeah.
- Ghost🩶👻
bstroobery liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Bstroobery
experienced a trauma recently? you may be entitled to: a new fucking guy in your head
forgive yourself. forgive yourself for all the versions you couldn't become. forgive yourself for the wrong things you said. forgive yourself for not knowing any better at certain point of your life. for fucking things up so much that the grief still haunts you. forgive yourself for the darker and shadowed parts of you. you have to learn to integrate all parts of you, even the ones you desperately want to disown. it'll be alright.
Ok… like… sorry to followers but I’m debating about reposting Blue’s art. They gave me permission… beware everyone. Beware.
- Ghost🩶👻
Sometimes things slip through

I swear this keeps happening every time I do homework. Happens to Blue too. Trauma holders have a rough time always holding everything.
Traumatic memories resurface suddenly
Back to working, memories completely forgotten again