bstroobery - Blue Strawberry System
Blue Strawberry System

Welcome to our main tumblr blog! We are the Blue Strawberry System!Our most active alters on this blog are shown above. From left to right: 🔦, 🍞, 📖, 🍓, 🧡🐍, 💀, 💻, 📺, and 🍄

477 posts

Yknow Whats Sad About Being A Fictive Sometimes?? When You Know That People Are Going To Treat You Like

Y’know what’s sad about being a fictive sometimes?? When you know that people are going to treat you like your source anyways, no matter how different you are.

And then if you’re too different from your source, then it feels like you’re not allowed to be who you are because you’re not enough like your source to count!

Or when people see your source as problematic or view your source in a very negative light and then they associate that with you even though you didn’t do anything.

🩸: Like me. People view my source as this crazed murderer who doesn’t care about consent or others.

📖: And then sometimes I feel like people will say I can’t continue to call myself Simon Henriksson because of how many differences there are between me and my source.

That’s some of the shitty things about being a fictive. Because it sometimes feels like we don’t count or that we can never be seen as real people despite actually being real people in this system.

It’s not the case in our system, but it feels like that outside of our system sometimes.


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More Posts from Bstroobery

1 year ago

Real conversation between me🐹 and Simon📖 for funsies because I’ve got permission to share how shit he is with romance like holy shit-

Me🐹: So you’re in love with Blue.

Simon📖: Yes

Me🐹: And they reciprocate those feelings

Simon📖: Yes

Me🐹: And yet… you’re refusing to ask them out??

Simon📖: Uh…. It’s… complicated….?

Me🐹: And yet-

Simon📖: Oh boy here we go…

Me🐹: When you had a crush on ME, despite me not reciprocating those feelings, -

Simon📖: … uh huh…

Me🐹: You continued to try and start a relationship with me to the point of basically begging on your knees

Simon📖: … that is correct…

Me🐹: When I, someone who sees you as more if a brother than a boyfriend, told you I wasn’t interested, you still tried and got a bit obsessive over me. To the point where, in your source memories, you had killed me due to those feelings festering.

Simon📖: I know where you’re going with this, but continue anyway


Simon📖: …

Me🐹: Holy fucking shit. Just ask them out already. Damn.

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1 year ago
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!

Most of this system’s FAVORITE holiday!

All art drawn by Blue!

Everyone’s costumes are:

Horror🪓: Vampire

Blue🍓: Witch

Error🧵 and Ink🖌️: Senpai and Yandere

Dream☀️ and Nightmare🌑: Each other

Killer🎯: Scream

Sophie🐹: Carrie

Simon📖: Book Simon/Demon🩸

Sans🛏️: Do I really need to say it? His shirt says “This is my Halloween Costume”

My husband Toast🍞 and Me🩶👻: Simon📖 and Blue🍓 because I like mocking my twin/fellow host and we got permission

David💊 and Simon⛈️: Their sources/themselves because both got lazy but wanted to participate.

Overall, we love Halloween here in this system! Enjoy Blue’s art of some of us who wanted to be drawn!


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1 year ago

singlets treat fictives like actual human beings challenge: impossible!!

(i swear to fucking god i'm going to lose it)

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1 year ago

Constantly forgetting what the hell you were just doing because you suddenly switched

The constant battle between “no one must know my secret” and “everyone must know about this!”

Sudden rapid switching due to something (always at the most inconvenient times)

Blurry blurry soup

“Is this my depression, someone else’s very strong depression, the body’s depression, tiredness, some combination of the aforementioned options, or a secret sixth thing we’re unaware of??”

“Why did you just use we to refer to yourself??” “Uh… I mean that in a Royal we sense… Hahah… yeah…”

Fading in and out of front

Out of body experience which is so weird the first time it happens like holy shit

“Are you guys real or imaginary?” “Do I look imaginary to you, you fu-?”

“I’m faking.” “You deny my existence one more time and I swear-”

And lastly… for us at least, interrupting someone irl because you were making a comment in headspace and accidentally started fronting mid-conversation


Life as a system in a nutshell:

Wanting to eat a certain food, only to suddenly dislike it/crave something else.

Tries to order something off the menu, ended up pondering for minutes straight with no definitive choice.

That constant song/phrase inside your head

Cringe on what other parts had typed previously.

Forgot you liked those fav post/content before.

“Idk who i am rn?? Just vibing out here yk, all cool.”

Actions are silently judged others now, somehow.

Forgetting to hydrate,, go drink right away guys.

Avoiding medias because of brain >:(

That sigh when registering a new member..

Memory not memorying

And etc.. [Reblog yours to make it longer!]

- j

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1 year ago

I look between the demon and old woman for a few minutes before clearing my throat. “Um… so… anything else?” I ask softly as I continue to put in her order.

The old woman had barked insults at me for the past 10 minutes. Her demon was trying to calm her down. She was a really sweet demon.

My demon stood behind me, arms crossed and shaking his head as he watched the old woman act in such a way. The fact that even he wouldn’t act like that spoke volumes. He was usually a dick to everyone on my behalf, as I often lacked the confidence to speak up for myself.

He’d finally had enough of the woman’s complaints and slammed his hands down in the counter. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose as he snapped insults at her.

“Listen here, you old hag,” he shouted, “quit your bitching and fucking pay up before I shove this cash register so far up your-”

I grab his tail and pull him back. “That’s enough out of you.”

“I am so sorry about her,” her demon said in a soft tone. “Susan is a bit… fussy, but she has a very good heart deep down!”

I roll my eyes. I’m used to demons like her. The people in the fast-food industry can be real jerks most of the time. I’ve met plenty of nice demons.

Hell, only one demon stood out to me as being particularly an ass besides my own demon: my girlfriend’s. Her demon was one of the worst I’d ever met. She’d often be dragged away by her tail as she shouted at random people who inconvenienced her. My demon was pretty neutral while her’s was terrifying to almost everyone they met.

Thankfully, Susan quit whining and paid. If only I could meet more terrifying demons. I’m getting so tired of the sweet and nice ones.

Humans are born with demon counterparts to protect them.The more innocent and pure a person is the more mean fierce and terrifying their demon becomes.Today you met an 82 year old woman with the kindest sweetest demon you’ve ever met.

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