caidenthewitch - CaidenTheWitch

222 posts

Caidenthewitch - CaidenTheWitch

caidenthewitch - CaidenTheWitch

More Posts from Caidenthewitch

4 months ago

I crave a place where my soul can rest soundly.

Have you ever thought "I wanna go home" even though you were in your own room, or are you normal

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5 months ago

Baby girl ain't good at hiding herself apparently.

and WHO does she think she's hiding from?

And WHO Does She Think She's Hiding From?
And WHO Does She Think She's Hiding From?
And WHO Does She Think She's Hiding From?

Like girl... you've concealed your braids... but everything else is right there... that cloak ain't doing shiiit

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4 months ago

1. I feel disgusted about it.

2. I'm alright with them. It's a nuanced belief and I have no qualms with it.

3. I feel that it ranges from "Wow that's actually awesome" to "WTH I hate this shit."

4. I don't think people can get pregnant by spirits on Earth, but I do believe that sex with spirits can influence the inherent energy of your next child before birth.

5. A practice. Because, a religion, to me, is a set of beliefs with dogma. While witchcraft is a practice that only you define.

6. I hate him. But I can't deny he made an influence in modern day Wicca.

7. I'm fine with it. It's actually my gateway to alternative religions so I don't hate it. It has a soft spot in my heart.

8. I think nothing bad of it until it's regarded strictly to one sex and another, instead of being counterparts.

9. No, because I believe that although experience is very telling of skill, we can't deny that some beginners have powerful magic and can easily go toe-to-toe with some of the "experts".

10. I haven't done my research on him yet so no opinion.

11. I think it's a cool belief system.

12. Witchcraft has been around for so long I can say for certain yes it is political. We have bullshit terms like black and white magic that's just inherently racist, and I see that as political to bring down black and brown people for their versions of witchcraft, and then keeping the white people at the top. Also kings and queens have sorcerers in ancient times to keep the poor at bay. That's political in of itself.

13. Yes. Now is it wise? No.

14. I do believe the deities I talk to are different in terms of personality. I treat them as people.

15. Yes.

16. Oh I wish gods will strike them down.

17. I trust my intuition. Anything that sets of alarm bells in my head, I automatically don't fuck with.

18. Yes. I wish we had a clear division of different beliefs like the old days. Not to fight over them, but to become closer to the roots of our different beliefs.

19. Yes. Hindu does it, so why can't we?

20. I don't. More so because it doesn't tickle my curiosity.

21. I sent hate to a terf blog and a neonazi who were using paganism as a shield for their hate.

22. Yes.

23. Yes. I don't experience it because my traditional craft is nonexistent because of colinization, but I understand others are uncomfortable to have their beliefs basically fucked by another culture.

24. The supermarket.

25. Just claim to be and do your research.

26. Yes I am. I do the spells, research, and I teach.

27. Yes I am. Nothing can shake my beliefs unless my intuition tells me otherwise.

28. We go to an afterlife suitable to life we have lived.

29. It fulfills the calling I've had since young.

30. Expensive herbs and tools.

31. People with the Black Sun as their pinned post.

32. People don't respect each other's culture unless called out.

33. Both

witchcraft ask game

except it's actually real fucking specific and possibly shadow work in disguise idk

What are your opinions on AI in Witchcraft?

How do you feel about pop culture deities?

Opinions on fantasy depictions of witchcraft/paganism?

Thoughts on Astral pregnancy?

Do you think witchcraft is a religion or a practice? Why/why not?

What do you think of Aleister Crowley?

Opinions on Wicca?

What do you think of the divine feminine/masculine archetypes?

Do you think they're should be a set period before someone becomes a full-fledged witch?

What do you think of Gerald Gardner?

What are your thoughts on odinism?

Do you think witchcraft is inherently political?

Do you think you can hex/curse/jinx a deity? Do you think you should?

How different do you think your gods are from other religion's gods? What work have you done to deconstruct that?

Do you believe in spiritual psychosis?

How do you feel about TERF witches?

What is your moral code? How do you justify that?

Do you wish paganism were more organised?

Do you think it's okay to have a sexual relationship with a deity? What about romantic (i.e. godspousing)?

Do you research ex-pagans viewpoints with an open mind?

Have you ever been in argument/sent hate to another witchcraft blog? What was the story? Do you still think you were right?

Do you believe in closed practices?

Do you believe in cultural appropriation?

Outside of the online space, where do you get your resources from?

What makes someone a real witch?

Are you a real witch?

Are you confident in your beliefs?

What do you think happens when we die?

Why are you a witch? What need does it serve?

What do you think is a scam in witchcraft?

What post have you seen recently that makes you wanna scream?

What's your hottest take in the witchcraft space?

Do you move out of fear or love?


Please feel free to reblog, and send me an ask <3

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