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Woodland Princess Ch.1: A Journey Begins

My feet ferociously ate up the ground as I silently sprinted from my home under the cover of night, the letter of invitation on a dangerous journey was too good to ignore. I turn my head back slightly as I leave my home of 500 years, my father would never let me go on journey of this danger, especially when most of the company will be dwarves, and my brother would never let me either, his hatred for dwarves running as deep as his will to keep me safe.
The tattered letter gave explicit instructions that I was to be in the shire in 10 days, and knock on the marked door when nightfall occurred. As soon as I got the letter I waited until nightfall, then I silently left my family and my home.
It has been 5 days since I left my home behind me, my father would've for-surely sent guards by the morning after I left, and they must have been searching everywhere in and around our realm, so I must move quickly.
I was nearly to the shire now, my daggers out due to a recent attack by 6 orcs, 2 having wargs; but they were dead within seconds since I was one of the most skilled fighters in all of the woodland realm. The one better fighter was my father, mainly because he has been alive for a little more than 2,000 years.
I arrive at the shire around 7:50pm and look around in an attempt to find the symbol my friend explained he drew on the door. After a while of searching, I finally found the home, and walked up. There is loud, obnoxious laughter being emitted from within, I assume they are from the dwarves. I quickly knock on the door before taking a step back, I hear the lock turn and the door abruptly opens. The hobbit didn't even look up before he practically yelled,
"There are enough dwarves in here as it is!"
I was slightly taken-aback, stepping back, rethinking if he really was not dangerous like the dwarves; but when he looked up, a wave of surprise washed across his features when his view was met by a young blonde silver haired ellith instead of a tough looking dwarf. He quickly stuttered out,
"I'm so sorry, I was expecting another dwarf to barge into my home uninvited." Bilbo states quickly in a slightly humorous tone to try and make me a little less startled by the rude greeting. I smiled slightly, greeting him,
"My name is Aelsar. A pleasure to meet you, I was sent here by Mithrandir or as you know him, Gandalf." I responded.
"I knew it was Gandalf." Bilbo muttered before opening the door allowing me to step in, having to bend down slightly to avail hitting the ceiling. I was led to the kitchen, Bilbo explaining how the dwarves have eaten practically all of his food.
In my head I'm simply thinking, 'Did I get myself in over my head again? I hope this quest goes well, and I hope my father will forgive me for disobeying him.'
Woodland Princess Ch.2: The Company

Ch.1 Ch.3
When I arrived within the dining room, one of the dwarves looked like he wanted to attack me. He'd abruptly stood up, nearly charging at me, being held back by two other dwarves.
"Everyone this is Aelsar, she was sent an invite by Gandalf in case you were thinking she was uninvited." Bilbo shakily stated, waiting for a response. He, however, had to rush out of the room when he heard a sharp knock on the door again.
I hope it's Gandalf because he will get me out of a fight with these dwarves, but if he doesn't come someone will end up hurt, and it sure isn't going to be me.
"Well, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Voiced the two dwarves who'd stopped the other from attacking me. I was about to answer before the dwarf who nearly attacked me pushed the two away, who I quickly noticed were the heirs to the throne of Erebor.
"While it's nice that you want to befriend her, remember she's an elf from that pixie woodland realm led by that traitor who refused to help our kingdom when we needed it most!" Grunted the dwarf at them.
I opened my mouth to say something but the dwarf I would soon know as Dwalin held up his hand as if to silence me.
"Do you really think that your almighty hand could silence me?" I say in a slightly humorous yet deadly tone that seemed to have made him angry.
He threw a fist forward but I quickly dodged it by ducking and threw a punch of my own which tagged him straight in the spot between his eyes. He stumbled back, and nearly fell in surprise to see an elf using her fists, it's an unusual fighting style for elves.
He was, however, caught by an older dwarf who looked at Dwalin as if silently saying "You had it coming."
"Aelsar!" Exclaimed a familiar voice from behind her. I turn and see Gandalf. I ran over to him, grasping him in a tight embrace. He was slightly surprised when he found all the dwarves staring at me as if I was dangerous.
"Might I ask what master Dwalin did that made you punch him?" Questioned Gandalf after noticing that Dwalin had left the dining room and returned with an ice pack in between his eyes. Before I could reply Dwalin spoke.
"She lost her pitiful little temper at a little taunting." Responded Dwalin in a venomous tone.
"That's a lie!" Kili quickly stated after hearing Dwalin's false explanation. All the while I'm just wondering why he feels the need to defend me, after all he is a dwarf like the rest of them who had heard the stories of my people's ill will towards dwarves. I was snapped out of thought as a loud pounding came upon the door.
"He is here." Gandalf spoke in a serious tone. Bilbo left the room to allow the person in while the dwarves cleared the table and cleaned the dishes. Gandalf left to talk with Thorin in another room, I hid in the shadows of their room, listening to their secret conversation.
Ch.1 Ch.3
Woodland Princess Ch.8: The Great Chase

Ch.7 Ch.9
A loud howling sound traveled through the forest and I heard Bilbo say in surprise,
"Is that a wolf? Are there wolves out here?" Then a low growling came from behind me and I saw a warg prowling behind me, eyeing my Raerthar.
I quickly grabbed my daggers and allowed the emotion of madness and pure rage to flood through my body but not show. This emotion causes the blades to grow longer and slightly curve like when a tear streams down your face and you wipe it away.
The wild skull launched at Raerthar but I quickly jumped up and stabbed the blade easily into its skull with so much power it came out the bottom of its jaw. Suddenly Gandalf turned and yelled at Thorin,
"NO ONE!I SWEAR!" Answered Thorin.
"Why? What is happening?" Thorin questioned angrily.
"You are being hunted." Exclaimed Gandalf.
Then Gandalf's friend Radagast rides through and says some things but I don't pay attention, I'm busy making sure that Raerthar is okay and safe from the wild skulls. Radagast then bursts out of the forest and I question,
"What is he doing, he will most certainly be seen?"Gandalf responds,
"He's drawing their attention so we can escape." He explains, mounting his horse and follows the company as they quickly leave the forest.
I mount Raerthar and we ride out in time to see Radagast having the time of his life being caused by wargs with orcs on their backs. All of the sudden Raerthar bursts into her uncatchable gallop and I barely manage to hold on before asking her through our telepathic link,
'What are you doing they will see us?!'
'Why let Radagast have all the fun?' is all she replies, drawing some of their attention away from Radagast.
As we continue galloping, I see an orcs and a warg on top of a rock that Thorin and his group are hiding beside.
I shoot the wargs tail and gain his attention. He chases us until Raerthar begins to get tired so I start to shoot all the orcs and wargs that follow us. Soon we are forced to follow the company because Raerthar and I were outnumbered.
When I circled back to the group Gandalf was gone but I recognized this area, but he did too because as soon as we stopped he dragged all of us into the secret passage leading to rivendell.
I refused to leave Raerthar's side, seeing as she couldn't go with us so I said we would go the long way. Suddenly Thorin yelled after he saw I was the only one still outside,
"Get off the blasted creature!" I refused and heard a horn suddenly go off causing the orcs to turn and face the noise.
'Go through without me, I know the guards will not hurt me.' I explained to Mithrandir telepathically, he nodded in understanding and ushered everyone through the secret passage. Some stopped however when they saw I wasn't coming.
"Where's Aelsar, surely she's coming?" Questioned Bilbo as he turned and looked back out to the hill to see I was no longer there. Gandalf and the rest continued while I stayed with Raerthar.
I dismounted and used my magic to make me look like a mortal woman who just brutally killed the orcs. Afterwards I noticed that an arrow had hit Raerthar's left shoulder.
'Raerthar, this is going to hurt a bit', I said and then quickly before she responded ripped the arrow out of her shoulder. She let out an ear splitting whinny that caught all of the guards attention seeing as they hadn't noticed me before. My cloak was still up so they quickly surrounded me in their offensive circle formation.
The leader it would seem dismounted and grabbed Raerthar's reins and tried to lead her away. She bit his hand and trotted back to me. I chanted a healing spell and her wound healed within a few seconds. Finally one of them said something.
"What is a horse like that doing with you, whoever you are?" I couldn't take off my hood, they would instantly tell my father and brother where I was headed so I had to keep a low profile.
I searched their minds to see if I knew any of them. Bingo. I thought to myself as I found that lord Elrond was among them. I telepathically said to him,
'Sir we have met before, it's me Aelstar of the woodland realm. Please don't tell my father I'm here, he would have you send me straight home and I'm a little busy for that.' I pleaded to him.
He stepped forward and took off his helmet, the guards pointed their spears at me once again and Raerthar stomped her right foreleg on the ground and harnessed her magical ability to make all their spears turn to dust in their hands.
They stepped back in awe as they watched this rare type of elven horse protect this stranger who looks much less than elven in a tattered gray cloak with blood stains, with their face and body covered in a shadow.
Lord Elrond smiled at me, causing the guards to become even more confused.
"Raerthar isn't it, if you don't mind I would like to see my starlight." The guards glanced at each other, in all their years he only called one person his little Starlight, and that was Aelsar, daughter of King Thranduil of the Woodland Realm.
"Aelsar, do you mind taking off your spell? No one in my kingdom will be telling your father where you are if that is what you wish." Lord Elrond stated.
I slowly lowered my spell which allowed for my beautiful silver cloak and my silver blonde hair to be shown. All the guards quickly bowed down and then stood back up mounting their horses after they saw who I was.
"Well that was not the best welcome if I do say so myself." I said quickly after lord Elrond's guards had gone to do a last check for orcs that might've been missed.
Ch.7 Ch.9
hardest of hearts - prologue
hardest of hearts masterlist
a/n: i suck at writing but i hope whomever is reading this that you enjoy it just as much as i do and feel free for critiques i need all i can get (in a nice way please).
chapter warning(s): death and explicit details of death as well

prologue: all good things must come to an end
song: and the sky turned red
Once upon a time in Middle Earth before the Battle of Dagorlad there was a group of elves known in later years to be that of just a myth, who had resided in the Grey Mountains. They were delicate creatures compared to that of their other elven kin, their eyes slightly larger than normal and it was said that they had the most beautiful voices in all of Middle Earth. Upon their group there were the warlike and peaceful, the warlike were known to be warriors who showed no mercy in combat and believed that others should have known better than to create an enemy of a superior foe such as themselves.
They lived by a complex code of honor and spent their lives defending their race as well as other races of elves. The peaceful were known to consist of scholars, philosophers, and artists who relied on their brains and diplomatic abilities including their magic power. They spent their lives studying the world, its history and creating works of art simply for the joy of creation. Despite their contrasting personalities, the two subcultures interacted surprisingly well.
Though as the saying goes all good things must come to an end, and soon it did just that. As Sauron got stronger, chaos within Middle Earth grew feral causing all to be on edge and constantly looking over their shoulder especially the elves in the Grey Mountains. Not much would attack them without them knowing, but one particularly cold night in the middle of the winter tragedy would strike..
It had been a daunting day as the temperature kept dropping causing the elves' bodies to work even harder during training, pushing themselves to the point of severe exhaustion. Many elves were sent back to their bed chambers earlier that day from either broken bones or hyperthermia. Soon the sun set and the stars came out of hiding winking in warning as if they knew what troubles lay ahead. As the hours passed mostly all were asleep in the comforts of their beds except for the few elves who were stationed guard outside the royal families living quarters and around the kingdom itself.
Unknowing to those in the mountain something wicked moved their way, sailing through the sky with ease, jealousy and bloodlust coating their tongues. And before they knew it the elves were ripped out of their dreams by the sound of a mighty roar and unnatural heat surrounding them. It was mayhem as smoke and flames surrounded the mountain, warriors jumping out of bed going to the source of destruction while some of the peaceful gathered the children and the others were fighting alongside the warriors with whatever magic they could conjure.
Nobody knows what truly transpired that frightful bloodshed night, only of the aftermath that was caused as the next day a select number of elves from Rivendell and Mirkwood traveled to the Grey Mountains to see if the rumors were true. Upon arrival the elves couldn’t believe what they were looking at, it was dead silent as bodies of their distant kin were scattered around.
Navigating through the heavy smoke that still lingered in the air, more and more bodies appeared. Some of children others of warriors with their eyes wide open in terror and the peaceful who had nothing of themselves left but their bones. And in the center of it all was a dragon the color of charcoal who seemed to be in the form of a statue, its mouth and eyes open wide as if to give one more lethal breath of fire to the kingdom that was submerged in ruins. All around lay death and it was just like that that the group of elves who were once known to be the superior of the elven races seemed now to be of nothing.
Thousands of years of history had become extinct overnight, turning one of the most ancient elven races into myth. To those in Middle Earth the Avariel elves, who carried angelic feathered wings on their back, were of nothing but falsehood the stories of their kin now told to younglings before bed. Though, it is said that if one looks to the north toward the Grey Mountains on the coldest night of the year they can still see the smoke, still hear the dragons roar along with the war cries of the Avariel, and still smell that of burnt feathers lingering in the air.
chapter one
hardest of hearts - prologue
hardest of hearts masterlist
a/n: i suck at writing but i hope whomever is reading this that you enjoy it just as much as i do and feel free for critiques i need all i can get (in a nice way please).
chapter warning(s): death and explicit details of death as well

prologue: all good things must come to an end
song: and the sky turned red
Once upon a time in Middle Earth before the Battle of Dagorlad there was a group of elves known in later years to be that of just a myth, who had resided in the Grey Mountains. They were delicate creatures compared to that of their other elven kin, their eyes slightly larger than normal and it was said that they had the most beautiful voices in all of Middle Earth. Upon their group there were the warlike and peaceful, the warlike were known to be warriors who showed no mercy in combat and believed that others should have known better than to create an enemy of a superior foe such as themselves.
They lived by a complex code of honor and spent their lives defending their race as well as other races of elves. The peaceful were known to consist of scholars, philosophers, and artists who relied on their brains and diplomatic abilities including their magic power. They spent their lives studying the world, its history and creating works of art simply for the joy of creation. Despite their contrasting personalities, the two subcultures interacted surprisingly well.
Though as the saying goes all good things must come to an end, and soon it did just that. As Sauron got stronger, chaos within Middle Earth grew feral causing all to be on edge and constantly looking over their shoulder especially the elves in the Grey Mountains. Not much would attack them without them knowing, but one particularly cold night in the middle of the winter tragedy would strike..
It had been a daunting day as the temperature kept dropping causing the elves' bodies to work even harder during training, pushing themselves to the point of severe exhaustion. Many elves were sent back to their bed chambers earlier that day from either broken bones or hyperthermia. Soon the sun set and the stars came out of hiding winking in warning as if they knew what troubles lay ahead. As the hours passed mostly all were asleep in the comforts of their beds except for the few elves who were stationed guard outside the royal families living quarters and around the kingdom itself.
Unknowing to those in the mountain something wicked moved their way, sailing through the sky with ease, jealousy and bloodlust coating their tongues. And before they knew it the elves were ripped out of their dreams by the sound of a mighty roar and unnatural heat surrounding them. It was mayhem as smoke and flames surrounded the mountain, warriors jumping out of bed going to the source of destruction while some of the peaceful gathered the children and the others were fighting alongside the warriors with whatever magic they could conjure.
Nobody knows what truly transpired that frightful bloodshed night, only of the aftermath that was caused as the next day a select number of elves from Rivendell and Mirkwood traveled to the Grey Mountains to see if the rumors were true. Upon arrival the elves couldn’t believe what they were looking at, it was dead silent as bodies of their distant kin were scattered around.
Navigating through the heavy smoke that still lingered in the air, more and more bodies appeared. Some of children others of warriors with their eyes wide open in terror and the peaceful who had nothing of themselves left but their bones. And in the center of it all was a dragon the color of charcoal who seemed to be in the form of a statue, its mouth and eyes open wide as if to give one more lethal breath of fire to the kingdom that was submerged in ruins. All around lay death and it was just like that that the group of elves who were once known to be the superior of the elven races seemed now to be of nothing.
Thousands of years of history had become extinct overnight, turning one of the most ancient elven races into myth. To those in Middle Earth the Avariel elves, who carried angelic feathered wings on their back, were of nothing but falsehood the stories of their kin now told to younglings before bed. Though, it is said that if one looks to the north toward the Grey Mountains on the coldest night of the year they can still see the smoke, still hear the dragons roar along with the war cries of the Avariel, and still smell that of burnt feathers lingering in the air.
chapter one

Aragorn sped on up the hill. Every now and again he bent to the ground. Hobbits go light, and their footprints are not easy even for a Ranger to read, but not far from the top a spring crossed the path, and in the wet earth he saw what he was seeking.

Aragorn sped on up the hill. Every now and again he bent to the ground. Hobbits go light, and their footprints are not easy even for a Ranger to read, but not far from the top a spring crossed the path, and in the wet earth he saw what he was seeking.

Arwen’s transparent dress

Liv Tyler as Arwen and Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS 2002 | dir. Peter Jackson
ROP finale spoilers
I knew it.....I freaking knew it.

Halbrand was Sauron. I have been thinking about it since their first meeting. And The Stranger was none other than our favorite Istar, after all the Harfoots were rooting for him. But what a misdirection they started in this episode.
Halbrand going to Eregion when Celebrimbor was going to make something was dead give away and the Adar conversation too. The Stranger revived that old tree, I knew without doubt who he was.
And the whole Queen conversation- classic manipulation. Galadriel had touched the dark, it was referenced few times. She always wished to seek Sauron, look she found him. Gil galad was right about darkness coming if Galadriel were to not go to valinor.
LotR Imladris Crew (+A few other people) Height Headcanons
I know Elrond is canonically 6'2, but it would be so much funnier if he was, like, 5'4.
(All headcanons) You have:
Gil-galad, 6'5
Maedhros, 7'6
Maglor, 6'6
Celebrian, 6'3 (Tall girlboss short malewife who is also a girlboss)
Elladan and Elrohir who are both 6'4
Legolas, 5'11
Thranduil, 6'3
Glorfindel, 5'6 (My height)
Erestor: 5'10 (Very bitter about being shorter than the twins, possibly very happy about being taller than Glorfindel)
Aragorn, 6'1
Lindir, 5'9 (My mom's height, shocked every time he realizes that he's taller than Glorfindel)
Elros, 5'8
I just wanna remind y'all real quick that it is only the post-War of Wrath half elves who got to choose mortality/immortality. The only (known) half elves at this time were Earendil, who became a star and possibly a Maia immediately after, Elwing, who would rather abandon her children to die than die herself, and Elrond and Elros.
There was no precedent for the choice. Of course they didn't have time to think it through and consult one another, Elwing and Earendil were completely separate from their children, who were separate from one another.
This also means that no other Half Elf would get the choice. Dior, Elured, Elurin and the potential children of Haleth and Caranthir (you can't tell me they weren't a thing) all did not choose. The grandchildren of Elros did not choose. No one but those four, and later Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir, Vardamir, Nolimon, Manwendil, Atanalcar and Tindomiel got the choice, and we don't even know if the last five actually did or were simply counted as mortal because of their father.
Good take on fandom in general, and what I see happening to fandoms, why, and why Rings of Power is an absolute travesty in particular.
@wuxiaphoenix think you might be interested.
Yeah, I got opinions. He’s just voiced them better.
i love how Gandalf invested in Hobbits in year one and has been pushing them ever since. Thorin, i hear you need help with a breaking and entering. Can I recommend one of these little cunts? Silent as fuck, trust me. Elrond my dude i know you're skeptical but these four chucklefucks just transported a weapon of mass destruction all the way here. Theoden, you've gotta get yourself a hobbit man, I've got a spare one here. Denathor you big prick, take a hobbit - literally this is the bottom of the range but listen to him sing. Beautiful little bastard.
Modern Girl in Middle Earth
just for fun, please don't be disappointed

The girl had originally come from the modern world, but by now had spent quite a few years in middle earth and was accustomed to it. She grew into a strong warrior, conquering many great evils throughout the three films with her willpower and prowess.
These days, she was recognized by many dwarves, elves, and men for being a skilled warrior. Many days were filled with conflict, but in times of peace it was different.
In times of peace (Y/n) enjoyed more mundane activities, such as touching up her manicure, keeping up her snapstreaks, and watching Dr. Pimple Popper.