"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats." -Albert Schweitzer
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More Posts from Cerise-lockwood
Is It Just Me Or Does Everyone Feel Like They've Used Up All Their Luck For The Next 20 Years When They Guess Right On A Math Question?

What Pet Names They Use
Little one
Little flame
Baby girl/boy
Doll face
Baby face
My (any of the above)
My Queen/King/Royalty
Little shit
Little girl/boy
Sweet thing
If This Gets 15 rebloggs I'll Write A Fanfic of The Most Voted Character From This List. Vote In The Notes.

Fandom: My Hero Academia, Warnings: Royal AU, Prince Bakugo, Princess Reader, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Outdoor Sex, Virginity Loss (for both Bakugo and Reader), brief talk of heirs/breeding, background character death mentioned as plot device. Word Count: 6.8k.
Summary: Lucky enough to be promised to a man you fell in love with, everything changes one night by the lake.

The lake looks pretty like this.
Hidden in a large copse and bathed in the light of the rising moon, the water shines. It glows in the glade, reflecting the surrounding mossy rock and thick vegetation until green and grey bleed into one on it's surface.
You perch at the edge, bare feet dipped just under the water. The underskirt of your dress is hiked up around your knees, the collar loose and falling about your shoulders, exposing your skin to the moon. If your mother were to see you, she'd be mortified. Sneaking out of the city would be reason enough to incur her wrath, never mind the nakedness or lack of a proper chaperone. Gods only know what she would do if she were to find out that you were waiting for a boy.
The water ripples, the reflection distorting as new colours flood together on it's surface. At first it's only a peach haze, one that gains focus as it closes in. Its approach brings with it new shocks of colour, browns and creams, reds and oranges all gain clarity until at last, you can make out the stark visage of a figure striding towards the lake.
'Katsuki?' You're already on your feet before you can fully drink him in. There's blood staining his shirt, but when you reach him, you see that it is far from the extent of the damage. Deep gashes litter his chest, while thin nicks and burns run the length of his arms and peak out from the tears in his shirt.
'It's nothing.' He's quick to reassure you and there's a grin painted on his face when he leans down to press his lips to your forehead. 'I'm fine.'
Your head comes to rest at his collarbone, letting you breathe him in. He smells like blood and sweat, but underneath it all, it's still undeniably him. 'You've been fighting again.'
'It's part of my preparation to be king.' He grunts into your hair before strong arms wrap you up, calloused hands skating from your tail bone to your waist where they come to rest.
You push back from his chest and take his cheek in hand. 'At least let me clean you up.'
He sinks into your touch, turning his head just enough to press his lips to your palm and lets you lead him back to the lake. It only takes a gentle hand on his shoulder to reduce him to his knees and before long your nimble fingers are working at the buttons of his shirt and slipping it over his head.
It takes a second to locate the stitching of the garment and when you do, you tear it ripping the shirt into long thin strips.
'Oi.' Katsuki barks.
You slap his hand away when he attempts to snatch back his shirt and shuffle off to the waters edge, throwing a small smirk over your shoulder. 'Are you suggesting that I rip my skirts in order to tend to your wounds?' You shrug and turn away, busying yourself soaking the strips of linen in the water while you speak. 'Of course, then I'd have to return to the city with my dress at my thigh and mother would undoubtedly have questions. God knows what would happen when I told her a boy was the reason for my dishevelment.'
The amusement in your tone is played back to you on his words. 'Just a boy?'
'A boy.' You turn back to him from the lake, sopping linen in your hands and smile.
'This boy...' Katsuki leans back on his hands, chest puffing up into the air. '...Doesn't happen to be your fiance by any chance, ha?'
You giggle and look at your feet. 'Why'd you ask?'
A growl rumbles in the back of his throat, teeth clenched even as you approach and drop back to your knees at his side. He reaches up and cups your cheek. 'Because, I think your fiance would like to know, if you're sneaking out to see another boy who isn't him.' Smoothing a thumb across your skin, he licks the back of his own teeth and grins.
You bat your eyelashes, tongue peaking out to wet your lower lip as a buzz starts up at the base of your skull. Slipping away from his touch, you lay the wet linen over his raised arm before plucking one from the stack and ringing it out. The first touch of the cloth against his skin makes him hiss, but you ignore him in favour of cleaning a shallow wound on his shoulder. 'Would he now? That's a shame, you won't be my fiance much longer if you carry on like this. I'll be widowed before we've even wed.'
He snickers. 'You really think I'd let a few scratches keep me from you?'
Biting the inside of your cheek, you ignore him and press more heavily at his shoulder.
'Do you?' His hand is back at your cheek in an instant. He encourages your eyes to his and raises his eyebrows.
Each touch makes the buzzing in your head spread and fills your stomach with warmth. Swallowing a smile, you pout. 'No.'
'Good.' Leaning forward, his fingers gain purchase on the back of your neck encouraging you into his space until you're almost laying at his side. From this distance, he can feel your breath against his cheeks and drink in the faint smell of flora and cut grass that rises from your collarbones. It's an artificial smell, one of the many perfumes he's gifted you, but it makes his stomach clench non-the-less.
When his lips finally touch yours, a fire ignites in your stomach. It is far from the first time you've kissed, but each time brings with it a hoard of butterflies that attempt to crack your ribs. His hand finds your hip and rubs two gentle circles there before continuing on in a valiant push downward. The heat bubbling in your stomach reaches a boil and simmers, almost making you act upon urges that make you wonder just what he has hiding under those breeches of his. You let his fingers skim the soft flesh of your inner thigh, then you pull away. 'I need to finish cleaning your wounds.'
'Tease.' He whispers against your lips, trying to control the sudden rush of blood that threatens to deny him rational function.
'And you'd have it no other way.' Sitting back on your haunches, you slip another strip of cloth from his arm and begin to blot at the deepest gash marking his chest. The rag becomes bloodied in seconds and drips diluted red down his stomach. You toss it aside and reach for another, and another, until at last his chest and arms shine clean.
'Thank you.' He kisses you again when you finish, tongue delving into your mouth where it pins down your own.
With a hand on his chest, you push him back and rest your forehead to his. There's a giggle in your voice when you reply. 'I'm simply performing my wifely duties...'
'Ah...' His hand dances across your shoulder and slips gently under the thin, silver chain hung loosely from your neck. He pulls, hauling the metal from the hem of your dresses bust until it lifts high enough to reveal the delicate ring attached to it. It shines even in the moonlight, the small, red diamond secured at it's apex glittering as it twirls helplessly with its suspension. He smiles, cheeks burning as he imagines the day that he will finally slip it onto your finger. 'But, we're not married yet.'
You bite the inside of your cheek and pluck the ring from the air, holding it tightly in a fist. 'I can't wait to wear it.'
Swallowing, Katsuki drops your gaze to look towards the lake. There's a beat of silence that drops into the air as he loses himself in the mid-distance and when he speaks, there's a lilt of sorrow in his tone. 'Do you believe in fate?'
Katsuki hums, eyes drawn back to you. 'Fate, do you believe in it?' He turns, flourishing his cape until it lays flat like a blanket and settles back against it, beckoning you down with him.
It's too easy to sink down into the thickness of the cape, to rest your head against his muscled chest and lay your hand over his heart. There aren't many strategically motivated marriages that result in love and you count yourself lucky to be among the very few who manage to find it. You do love him, after all. You'd known it since your first meeting. Shy, barely ten years old and thrust into the presence of a young boy who was louder than life itself, you'd found yourself awed. He'd grabbed at your hand and dragged you off, babbling about dragons and wars and how, as his wife, he was going to treat you to expensive furs and the noblest steed he could tame. Your parents had been overjoyed. While the union had been a matter of necessity, both Queen Inko and your father had agreed that one forged with fondness was better than one built upon duty alone.
When you think about it, it sure does sound a lot like fate. 'Maybe...' You mumble. 'I'm not sure...'
'I do.' He sighs. 'Because it brought me to you... Despite everything.'
Curling into him, you lick your lips hiding the smirk that takes hold of your mouth. 'Pretty poor fate then?'
He snaps his teeth inches from your face, a low growl shaking his throat. 'Ha?'
You silence his outburst with a kiss as static explodes across your skin. 'I'm doing it again...' You whisper against his lips, fingers curling under his jaw to sooth the tension there. 'I'm teasing.'
Tossing his head back to the cape, he groans. 'I can't believe I'm going to be stuck with you forever.'
'You say it like you haven't just told me that you think we're some kind of star crossed lovers.' A purr leaves your lips and snakes into his ears, drawing his eyes back to yours.
Suddenly, he's not scowling any more. Cocking his head to one side, something softens in his eyes when he moves to pinch your chin between his thumb and forefinger. 'Are you doubting how I feel about you?'
You shake your head instantly. 'Just nice to hear you say it out loud.'
He leans in, until nose is brushing nose. 'I would bring whole kingdoms to their knees for you, my love. I would make the Gods weep to earn your favour, fight death himself just to get to look upon your face once more at my end... My heart is yours, now and forever.' After a peck he reels back, sharp canines shining from inside a smirking mouth. 'But, if you ever tell anyone I said that sappy shit, I will drown you in that lake.'
'I love you too, Katsuki.'
He growls.
'Oh, pipe down.' Chuckling, you press at his shoulder and urge him back down to the cape before quickly covering his body with yours. You throw a leg over his hips, seating yourself on the lowest set of his abs and lean over him, enjoying how his stomach tenses under your weight.
He bites his tongue, eyes falling to half mast as he fixates on the plush bump of your lower lip. When he speaks, his voice sticks in his throat causing the words to rumble as they're pressed through his teeth. 'You're going about things the wrong way, if you want me to pipe down, Princess.'
'Am I?' You cock your head and roll your hips gently, gasping when you clothed clit brushes against a hard ridge of muscle.
In his breeches, his cock stirs. His hands are on your waist again, kneading at your flesh as he wills them to travel no further. 'What's got you feeling so bold?'
'Haven't I a right to find my future husband attractive?' A smirk curls your mouth as you bow to press a gentle kiss to the turn of his jaw. Your lips pepper his neck, eliciting a rumbling groan that is slipped into your ear and sinks straight to your cunt. The noises that shake his chest spur you on and soon, your lips are flush against his neck.
He shivers, grip tightening around your waist as a low warning growl sounds from his throat.
You ignore it in favour of laving your tongue down his jaw, encouraged by the buzz in your head that blocks out any hesitancy that would have steadied your advancements.
'You keep going like that and you'll be walking down the isle carrying my child.' Willing his grip on your waist to loosen, he runs his hands up your back before letting them smooth back down, taking time to grip and knead at your curves as he goes. His hold pauses at your hip as a question lingers on his lips, but all is answered when you cant forward and urge him to take hold of your ass.
His breath is hot against your shoulder, almost as hot as the blinding heat of his cock as it presses into you. 'Katsuki.'
'For the love of the Gods, don't say my name like that.' He tips his head back, his eyes squeezing shut as if blocking out the sight of you will stop the violent twitching in his pants.
You suck at his neck. Using your teeth to nip at him, you earn yourself another groan that almost sends his eyes skyward. 'Why not?.. Katsuki.'
'Princess... I -.' The remainder of his sentence is cut off when your lips crash against his. He returns the kiss eagerly, drinking in the soft moans that you feed him when his hands grope harder at your ass. Your tongues mingle and he almost cums straight into his breeches when you suck at the soft muscle, purring gently as you do.
You pull back for breath alone and pant, chest heaving above him. The heat in your core is unbearable, your body taught and needy, desperate for his touch. 'Katsuki...'
'Fuck.' Wrapping one hand around the back of your neck, he secures his other arm around your waist before flipping you and tossing you back to the cape in his place. The bounce of your tits as you relax under him has him almost feral and he's reduced to all fours to kiss you. The kiss makes him groan, but the second has him bucking shamelessly against you.
A thick thigh is shoved between your legs. The rough material covering his knee presses to your cunt as you writhe, creating a friction that could make you see stars, but before you can set up a rhythm his hands are on your waist and pinning you to the ground.
'You know we can't, Princess.' His chest is flushed. The deep blush spreads, coating much of his neck and shoulders as he stares down at you like a man starved. 'It wouldn't be right.'
Your hands loop around his neck, clasp over soft ashen spikes and tug, forcing him to almost collapse onto you. His arms bow and he falls enough that you feel the delicious press of his swelling cock against your stomach. 'Why not?'
'You know why not.'
Arching up, you force him to feel the heat of your cunt where it matters and let out a pleased whine when his whole body shudders with the connection. 'It's not as if we're not going to -.' You try, fingers tangling into his hair as you try and piece together a winning argument for the reward your body craves.
'Princess.' There's an aching in his stomach that threatens his resolution and with each passing second his cock strains and pulses against the cotton for his breeches. Summoning the last of his retreating resolve, he cups your face in his palms and coo's. 'Baby...'
'I'm sick of waiting...' You pout, rocking back into him. 'Don't you want me?'
Katsuki groans, letting his forehead rest against yours. 'You can feel just how much I want you, don't be a brat.'
Your fingers itch at his nape, allowing you to encourage him low enough to press your lips back to his neck. 'Please. We've waited long enough, haven't we?'
Hauling in a breath, Katsuki squeezes his eyes shut, trying to ignore the dizziness that makes his head swim whenever he feels your breath fan across his skin. It feels as if his lungs have seized. His senses are tingling, his skin on fire as he tries to wriggle from your grasp. A growl bubbles up his throat. 'You know your entire line would have me skinned for this...'
'And when have you ever given a fuck about other people?'
His fingers twitch, the burning in his stomach almost molten as the next roll of your hips has his cock filling to full hardness. A smirk tugs at his lip as he chuffs. 'You have a point.'
You gasp, a moan shaking your chest as you pull him back down, bringing his lips to yours.
He indulges you, lets you slip your tongue into his mouth and swipe at his teeth before pulling back breathless. The buzzing in his head tempers with each passing second, your touch soothing the squirming in his chest.
'Give me your heir, Katuski...'
A deep rumbling groan rolls around his throat as he lowers himself onto his elbows. His resolve shatters, crumbling under the weight of his own need as he prays that no-one ever finds out that he's about to ruin decades of tradition. 'I'll give you everything... Anything you want, Princess.'
You gasp when he punctuates his sentence with a slow grind of his hips.
'Feel that?' He growls, lips almost touching your ear.
Hands tangling into his hair, you use the ashen spikes to pull his mouth back down to yours. What begins as a sweet kiss quickly turns hungry. You let him lick into your mouth and suck hard on his tongue when he curls it against your soft palate, desperate to taste him.
Pulling back, he bumps his nose against yours.
'Katsuki, please...' Shaky hands slink down his back and tug at the waistband of his breeches.
'Fuck, yeah. Okay. Fuck.' Shimmying off you, Katsuki slips back onto his haunches. He makes quick work of his leather belt before popping open the buttons of his breeches and working the material down his legs. He stumbles, struggling to free his feet.
'Katsuki...' You whine, arching up off the cape to be met with nothing. Rolling yourself over, you kneel to untie the lace at the back of your bodice, anxious to rid yourself of the fabric β to have him close again, closer than he's ever been. The struggle unbalances you, sending you to all fours. 'Katsuki, help β I -.'
'Fuck.' Kicking off his breeches at last, the air is kicked from his lungs when he finally fixes his eyes back on you. Your skirts have bunches around your waist, cascading down over your body exposing the rounded plush of your ass and covered cunt. Sinking his naked knee back into the cape, he crawls over to you.
You sigh when his palm comes to rest on your lower back, pushing your skirts further.
Swallowing hard, he lifts his hand again before reaching for the lacing of your bodice. 'Want me to take this off, that what you wanted?'
His fingers make quick work of the ribbon securing your bodice, unlacing it to allow you to wriggle free with minimal effort.
As soon as you're free of your dress, you're pressing yourself back to the cape. Left in only your underwear, you should feel exposed, but as soon as his fingers skim down the length of your spine the only thing you feel is desire.
Twisting his fingers in your bra, he unhooks it easily and leans down to press a kiss against your shoulder. The sight of you like this, ass held so high as you whine for him goes straight to his cock. It pulses against his boxers, weeping pre-cum into the material. 'So pretty... Beautiful.' He breathes.
You wiggle, swaying your hips slightly and you force your spine into a more defined arc.
Repositioning himself behind you, he slots your hips together before draping himself over you, covering your body with his. His chest presses to your back, his chin hooking over your shoulder as he rests his neck against yours to litter kisses over your jaw.
'You okay?' Katsuki mumbles, pecking at your cheek. One of his hands lifts from where it's dug into the ground beside your shoulder and comes to rest against your waist.
The warmth of his palm radiates through your side. Already you can feel arousal pooling in your underwear. It soaks through the cotton, tacking to your thighs as you press them together, rubbing as you try and gain a little release.
Katsuki snickers. His chest lifts from your back, his hand slipping further until his palm is skating over the swell of your ass. 'Fuck, Princess.'
The title makes you shiver. You push back against his hands, encouraging blunt fingers to dig into your skin. 'Please... I β I don't want to wait any more. I can't.'
'Can I β Can I turn you over, I want... Want to see you...' His mouth runs dry. Years of anticipation has led him here and now, he can feel his breath weighing down his tongue. 'I need to see you -.'
'Yes, yes β want to see you too -.' Your words die on your tongue as you feel Katsuki's weight leave you as he shuffles off of you, but before you can complain of his absence large hands are pulling at you and twisting, flipping you onto your back.
'Hi.' He breathes, cursing himself for his idiocy as his minds struggles to comprehend your beauty. The moon kisses your skin, bathing you in light that is only beaten back by his shadow as it looms over you. With his heart thrumming loud under his skin, he traces your curves before dragging his thumb down your cotton soaked folds. Swallowing a moan, he thumbs at you, exploring gently as you wriggle under him. Nervousness prickles down his arms, but his body moves on his own. It's strange he thinks, unlike what had been described by the knights and other men about the settlement. There's no violent desperation making him too dizzy to think, he's not lost in a mist of hormones intent on taking and chasing his own pleasure. Instead, he's calm, filled with something that begs him to take his time and savour the moment. He licks his lips. 'Gonna make you feel good, okay?'
A moan bubbles up your throat when you feel him peel your underwear down your legs, but his thumb never leaves your slit. Gentle circles are rubbed into your clit, drawing more desperate noises from you as your cunt pulses, begging for relief. 'I need β please...'
His answer comes in the form of two fingers pressing inside of you. Hissing, he takes his time opening you up. Your cunt is warm, soaking and clinging to his fingers as he rocks them in and out gently, causing more slick to drip down your thighs. Inside of his boxers, his cock twitches, fighting against it's confines.
The stretch of his fingers is a welcomed one. You rock yourself up against him, adding your own momentum to increase the subtle tension that is already building in your stomach. 'Need β need more...'
Swallowing the saliva that pools in his mouth, he blinks away the static that fills his head now that he can smell the sweet of your sex. How many times has he laid alone in bed and pictured this moment? 'Tell me..' He whispers. 'Tell me what you want?'
You don't even pause. 'Your cock β want β need your cock.'
He nods to himself as he slips his boxers down his thighs and takes himself in hand. Giving himself a few cursory pumps, he slips his fingers from your cunt to drag the tip of his cock through your folds. 'Fucking β Shit.' Gritting his teeth, he spits out profanities, hissing as he presses himself against your dripping slit.
Your whole body shakes, thighs trembling at the idea of being filled. You curve your spine, pushing your cunt upwards toward the cock that teases it. 'Please...' Your voice breaks, desperation blocking your throat as your words fade to a low moan.
'Ready?' His voice shakes. One of his hands is planted on your hip, blunt nails digging into the flesh as the other grips the base of his cock, squeezing viciously to stave off a premature end.
''m ready.'
And with that, he presses in.
You cry out, half with the pain of being stretched out on a cock for the first time in your life and half with the wave of pleasure that crashes into you, threatening to knock you out cold.
Bending to fit your body once again, he kisses the space between your eyes before feeding you another inch or so of his cock. He licks at his teeth. Logically, he knows that your body was made to take his cock, born to fit him perfectly, but he still finds himself stopping short-not-the less. Your cunt strains, stretches beautifully around everything you give him, but with only a few inches sunk in and a lot more to go, there's no doubt it'll be a tight fit. 'Gonna, gonna give you the rest now β okay. It's...' He bites his lip. 'It might, fuck, I don't want it to hurt, but β you're so fucking small β fuck β it's gonna -.'
You don't care. With your body thrumming, head hazy with pleasure, you want nothing, but the everything he promised you. 'Want it, please. I need you to...'
Pressing in, he bottoms out entirely and pauses, waiting for your body to readjust around the added girth. In the time in between, he reaches forward, collecting your hands in his and slots your fingers together.
All of your muscles scream. You can feel your cunt stretching, fluttering helplessly around his cock holding you open.
'Shit.' Katsuki's jaw is clamped shut so tight he can feel the ache in his neck. Your cunt squeezes him, massaging his cock as he shakes, trying to collect himself. 'Feels, Gods, you feel so good Princess. So, fucking -.'
A giggle manages to wriggle from your throat as your eyes meet his. They've blown, turned almost black with lust, but there's something more lingering in the fire there something deep and magnetic that refuses to let you look away. 'You too... Feels -.'
He cuts you off with a snap of his hips. His cock barely slips free of your cunt before he begins to rut back in, forcing himself deeper and deeper. Already he can feel his balls growing tight. The feel of you wrapped around him, begging, your thighs trembling fro him is almost too much to bare as he looses himself finally. 'Shit.' He spits, drawing his bottom lip between his teeth in a poor attempt to bite down the groans in his chest. 'Gonna cum β fuck β I'm gonna.'
It's hard to describe the euphoria that floods your system when you feel his cock pulse inside you. It's painful. It presses against your walls and forces you open, but Gods if it isn't the most perfect burn you've ever felt. He bottoms out when he cums, forcing you to feel every pulse, every jerk and kick of his cock as he hits a shuddering release. There's a soft crinkling at either side of his eyes, but you watch as he fights it, forcing them to stay open so you can watch him come undone completely. It's as if galaxies burst in his iris'. They shake, burning everything in their wake as he eats greedily away at the pleasure reflecting back at him.
Panting, he lets your body bare the brunt of his weight as one of his hands slip from yours and snakes around your hip. His fingertips tap at your clit before gaining purchase, allowing him to rub quick circles into the sensitive nub.
You scream. A jolt of pleasure like lightning is forced up through your body causing you to writhe and shiver. Your cunt tenses, milking at his cock as your eyes roll back in your head.
His mouth falls open as he watches you crest. Your eyes are glued to his, locked into the moment as he watches as your whole body, your mind, your heart is filled with nothing, but him. It takes his breath, lodges it in his throat as he comprehends his luck. Moments pass before he relearns how to speak: 'Good girl... Cum for me, that's it... Take me so well...' He swears he cums again from your orgasms pressure alone, but all he has left is a few shallow rocks of his hips as you ride out your high. 'You okay?' He kisses the skin between your shoulder blades.
Chuffing out something vaguely positive, you let your body slowly begin to sink back to cape. With his seed warm and pooling in your stomach, you grow tired, your limbs aching as the stress of the last few hours finally begins to catch up with you.
His hands smooth down your sides, pinching at your waist before he gently shifts back to pull out. The second his cock is clear of your cunt, his spend begins to trickle out of you. It drips down your folds, staining your skin white and his cock twitches pathetically at the sight. He licks his lips, shaking himself before sinking back to the comfort of the cape. 'C'mere...'
A hand rests against your shoulder, gently urging you onto him. There's a warmth enveloping you, wrapping you up as he presses his lips to your shoulder and fashions your dress into a half-hearted cover for the both of you. You sigh, content, even with ache between your legs and the stickiness covering your thighs.
'Was...' He presses a kiss to your shoulder. There's a fuzziness to his voice when he speaks. 'Was that okay?'
You wriggle, turning to face him and nuzzle into his neck. 'It was more than okay.'
There's something heavy shifting in his chest when he pulls you in and rests his chin atop your head. Your hands are warm as they press to his chest, your lips soft as they brush against the edges of his collarbone, but all that does is make the weight sink to his stomach. He'd imagined silken sheets and a warm bed would be involved when you had finally taken each other's virginities, thought at least the ring around your neck would finally be on your finger. None of his plans had involved this: A random summers night, the cold breeze and the dampness of the lake only a few feet away. He sighs. 'I wanted our first time to be perfect...'
You pull back, eyes searching his. 'It was perfect...' Reaching up, you brush his hair from his face and smile, before pressing a kiss softly to his mouth. 'It was always going to be perfect with you.'

Hoof beats. That is what you awake too, still naked and now cold in clearing by the lake. At once, Katsuki is on his feet and scrambling for his pants. He yanks them on, slipping his dagger into the waistband and turns, quickly bundling you up in his arms.
'Who is it?' Your heart is beating out of your chest as he helps you back into your dress, retying your bodice with efficient grace despite the horses drawing nearer. The dullness of sleep still clings to your limps as he wraps his cape around your shoulders and hurries you towards the tree line out of sight.
'Stay here.' He presses a short blade into your hands and a kiss to your lips before letting his thumb caress your cheek and then, he's gone.
From your hiding spot in the trees, all you can make out is the gleam from Katsuki's shoulders as he strides back out into the clearing, his palm resting on the pommel of the knife in his pants. You hear the two horsemen before they break back into view and one of them is shouting.
'Oh, thank the fucking Gods.'
Pausing, you bite your lip to steady your breathing and squint as if to hear better.
'We've been looking for you everywhere. I thought the worst, but β you're here... Is β Is the princess?' A pause. 'Where is your shirt? And why are you so flushed?'
'None of your fucking business...' Katsuki's voice is laden with anger, but it softens again when he draws back a few paces and catches you eye. He beckons you over with a wave and a curled finger, a small smile playing at his lip. 'It's safe. It's only your fool of a handmaid.'
There's an undignified yelp, quickly followed by a strained: 'I'm a man. Men can't be handmaids -.'
'That's not important, right now...'
Slipping from the tree line, you scurry toward Katsuki and fall quickly into his embrace. You nuzzle against his chest and nestle under his chin before turning on the two horsemen.
Sat atop a lithe palomino is Kaminari, your manservant from the manor. He flashes a smile, but the light doesn't quite meet his eyes. Clearing his throat, he gestures the knight beside him. 'This is Ashido Mina, a knight from -.'
'I know who the fuck she is. What are you doing here?' Katsuki barks, wrapping an arm a little more tightly around your shoulders.
'My Lord...' Mina bows as best she can with her steel chest plate and tugs softly on the extra rein in her hand. Despite already being mounted atop a black geldings, the knight has another horse trailing behind her in hand. The beast is dressed in full tack, although there is no third rider in the saddle. The woman grimaces, swallowing around her words.
Katsuki snaps. 'Spit it out for Gods sake.'
Mina does as she's told, wincing. 'Prince Izuku has returned.'
The blood in Katsuki's veins runs cold. He can feel his heart slamming against his chest, his fingers curling into your flesh and crushing you to him as the air is forced from his lungs.
'The guard are looking for you. I left as soon as I was able and headed straight for the manor, but when I couldn't find you I -.'
'She found me.' Kaminari cuts in. 'And I brought her here.'
Katsuki nods, but the movement feels disjointed. 'What of my birth-rite?'
'You've...' Mina sighs. 'You've been stripped of it, my lord. The council are calling you a traitor to the crown, they know you're not a true Midoriya. Prince Izuku is trying to calm the flames, but -.'
'Are they calling for my head?'
Mina's eyes hit the floor.
'Has news reached the manor? Her parents?'
'No.' Kaminari shakes his head. 'It takes a day for any messages to reach us from the city... They won't know until morning.'
Bile bubbles in your stomach as you try and keep track of the conversation happening around you. You can feel Katsuki's heart thumping against his ribs where you're pressed to him and reach up to lay a hand over it on his chest. 'What β what's going on?'
'Okay.' Nodding, he lets his hand slide down your arm until he can lace his fingers with yours. 'Okay...'
'Katsuki.' You squeeze his hand. 'Tell me what's going on.'
Forcing a breath out of his nose, he turns to face you, lacing your other hand with his. 'Have you ever wondered why my hair isn't green?'
Your brow furrows. 'What, what's that got to do with -.'
'My lord... We don't have time -.' Mina's steed paws at the floor under her, impatient.
Katuski scowls, but complies to her hurry. 'I'm a fraud. My mother was one of Queen Inko's handmaidens. I was orphaned when she died during childbirth. The queen took me in, raised me as one of her own. I was only ever supposed to be a prince with no true claim, but when that stupid Deku went missing there was no-one left to inherit the throne...'
Your brain whirs, trying and failing to slot the pieces into place, but even in your confusion you don't let go of his hand. 'It was a lie.'
'Not all of it.' He reaches up, releasing you only to smooth his knuckles across your cheek. 'My love for you is nothing, but true.'
Anxiety itches at your fingers as tears slip from your eyes, reality slipping into place as you catch up with the pace of the world spinning around you. 'They're... They're going to kill you, aren't they? Because β because they've found out.'
He shakes his head, letting his forehead touch yours. 'I'm not going to give them the chance.'
'My Lord.' Mina hisses through clenches teeth. She turns over her shoulder, squinting into the darkness around the lake.
'I have to go.' Katsuki whispers.
Bringing your hands up to cover his, you let tears slip from your eyes. It feels as if your world is crumbling beneath your fingertips and you're powerless, set adrift from what was once your perfect life. Your fingers dig into the back of his hands. 'No.'
'I have to...'
'Then take me with you.' You bring your eyes to his, forcing him to see the storms inside of them.
'And have them accuse me of kidnap too?' Katsuki chuffs, forcing the noise through clenched teeth.
'I -.' Tears fall freely from your eyes now, carving out rivers in your cheeks as you cling tighter to him.
A faint rumbling builds in the distance. It steals your moment, forcing everyone into high gear.
'No.' Katsuki growls.
Mina shifts in her saddle. 'We need to go if we have any hope of making it across the border before they reach us. Now, my lord.'
'Okay, fuck, okay.' Nodding, he pulls you in pressing his lips against yours. He pours himself into the kiss, hoping, praying that you can understand everything he doesn't have time to say. 'I'll see you again, Princess.'
'I love you.' You lick tears from your lips, clinging to him hopelessly as he moves to take the rein's of the gelding in Mina's hand. Breathing hard, you will yourself to release him as he yanks at the horses stirrups, bounces twice on the floor and throws his legs over it's hindquarters.
'I love you too.' Reaching back down, Katuski takes your cheek.
Mina wipes a tear from her eye, biting her lip as she watches you cling to each other, shaking and lost in the face of this sudden goodbye. 'I'll protect him with my life, Princess.'
Her words warm your heart, although it does little to give you hope. 'Wait...' You reel back from Katsuki's hand and snatch at the chain around your neck. Pulling the ring out of the line of your dress, you slip it's chain over your head and lift up onto your lip toes to loop it around his neck.
Katsuki bites his tongue, but the pain isn't enough to stop the tears from swelling past his eyelids. He nods, unable to find the words for the Hell unleashes in his chest.
'This fate of yours...' You swallow. 'It best bring you back to me.'
He snorts, wrapping a hand at the back of your neck to pull you into one final, lingering kiss. The noise is getting louder, the guard undoubtedly only a few miles out and gaining, quickly. Sitting up in the saddle, Katsuki reins about the gelding and offers you a smile. 'I love you.'
'I love you.'
'You best make sure she makes it back safely.' Turning on Kaminari, Katuski fixes him with a glare.
'I will...' Sniffling, Kaminari beckons you closer. He slips his foot from his stirrup and leans down, helping tug you onto the saddle behind him. No sooner have you got yourself situated, your skirts bunched up and draped over the palomino's hind than Katsuki and Mina and preparing to flee.
'Princess.' He calls over his shoulder, pulling his horse in a small circle.
'Don't say goodbye.' You shake your head, silencing him quickly. 'Fate, remember.'
He smiles, lets a new tear slink down his cheek and nods. 'Until it brings us back together...'
And, then... He's gone, swallowed by the night as he rides away from a life that was never his to begin with.

-> Masterlist

Hitoshi Shinso Headcannons
SO = Significant Other
1- He would compare his SO to cats constantly
2- When training with Aizawa he'll space out thinking of his SO and Aizawa will give him a harsh reality check
3- He'll bring his SO to coffee dates at every hour
4- He does get jealous but it isn't over silly things like his SO talking to someone, it's more of a protective jealousy like someone touching his SO inappropriately
5- He would step in but it would be subtle, but he's intimidating when he wants to be, otherwise he'll just use his quirk
6- He'll only use his quirk when he's helping someone, never for any villainous reason
7- He will use the scarf when messing with his SO, whether it's just wrestling around or β¨spicyβ¨
8- He is rather playful with his SO, quite a few times
9- Naps is a bonding thing with him and his SO
10- He will take his SO to see fireworks or a concert but he has social anxiety so he'll bring his SO to a high-up spot, a good spot, but away from people, like on top of a building or something
11- He loves sunbathing, like a cat
12- He and his SO will wake up randomly during the night and quietly talk about pleasant things
13- He will have at least two cats and they will be his furbabies
14- His SO might pick up an at-home job or a night job so they can be with him more since he probably works at night
15- He loves laying on his SO thighs or chest and loves it when his SO plays with his hands or hair