Bnha Endeavor - Tumblr Posts

Their Favorite Thing You Do
He loves it when you put your hair up. He loves watching you do it. He may have a few pictures that he took of you putting it up. You likely only figured out that he liked it when he bought you more ponytails than necessary.
He loves it when you wear earring(s). He finds it really hot, sometimes he'll even watch you put them in or ask you to wear some on dates. You do sometimes. If he's gonna get you a gift it's either earring(s) or something you have been wanting.
He loves it when you put on lipstick or chapstick. He likes watching you. He will steal you some more and then hide them where you'll find them eventually because he doesn't want you to know it's him. You know. One time, you saw him place one slightly out of sight and had to really work on not laughing at his cuteness.

What Pet Names They Use
Little one
Little flame
Baby girl/boy
Doll face
Baby face
My (any of the above)
My Queen/King/Royalty
Little shit
Little girl/boy
Sweet thing
If This Gets 15 rebloggs I'll Write A Fanfic of The Most Voted Character From This List. Vote In The Notes.
Hawks: Y’know I never really liked All Might.
Shigaraki: You’re hired.
Hawks: I liked Endeavor better.
Dabi: You’re fired.
Hot take- taking a bath with Enji, it literally NEVER gets cold. He exudes the smallest amount of his quirk and the water is a pleasantly hot temperature for as long as you want to stay there

Something that feels very funny is when I get really into a character, like I love them so much I wanna talk about them and interact with other people who feel the same way, so I enter fandom spaces to do just that and THEN I get hit across the face with how fucking horny for them people are. I really need to learn to anticipate that.
Happened to me with Hawks, and also with Endeavor.
Not a complaint; I don't get it, but as I said, it's just really fucking funny. It feels so unexpected and I like bemusedly watching people lose their shit over stuff I will probably never understand. I encourage them even. Like yes cutie tell me more about the Flame Daddy or whatever and how you wanna peg Hawks. Fascinating.
I finally listened to "What could have been" and more than anything else, I associate it with Dabi and Endeavor. All of it. Every word, from "I am the monster you created/You ripped out all my parts" to "I want you to hurt like you hurt me today and/I want you to lose like I lose when I play/What could have been", without forgetting of course "I couldn't care what invention you made me"
And the part that hits the hardest, because he isn't there yet
"And worst of all, for me to live, I gotta kill the part of me that saw
That I needed you more"
Dabi: *walks into the villain hideout* Kurogiri, open a portal for me would ya?
Kurogiri: *opens portal*
Dabi: *shoves his head into the misty black void that is Kurogiri’s quirk*
Dabi: *screeching at the top of his lungs* FUCK ENDEAVOOORRRRRRRRRR!!!!
Dabi: they were right… therapy DOES help!
Fighting and Flirting (Bakugo x Reader)
Chapter 1: Butterflies
[Summary: You and Shoto grew up together, sparring throughout the years in order to convince his father to allow the two of you to remain friends.]
Relationships: Bakugo x Reader, Todoroki & Reader, Midoriya & Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Fighting (blood), Mineta, SLOWBURN
“You should teach me how to do that,” You jump a little at the voice behind you, though you quickly recognize it.
“I don’t think your dad would appreciate that all that much, Shoto,” You joke, waving your hand to dispel the illusions of butterflies you had created to swarm around you in the courtyard, before turning slightly to face your childhood friend.
Keep reading
What happens when Dekus dad returns?
This is gonna be straight word vomit. So buckle up and hold on to your hats Ladies,Gents,and the They’s cause here we GO!

What’s he gonna do when he comes home and realizes
Oh... My son has been practically adopted by All Might
He got into UA
Hes in the hero course
Befriended the number 2 hero’s son
He’s fought villains
Earned his provisional license
Did a work studies with both Night Eye AND Endeavor
Fought in a war
I swear to fucking gods this man will have a whole mental breakdown

And then he’ll become this fucking meme
Honestly this poor man is gonna come home to straight fucking chaos
With little to no understanding as to what the bloody hell is going on
I hope Horikoshi introduces him
I’m sorry but I’ve been laughing about this for I don’t know how long anymore and I had to put it somewhere because none of my friends watch anime
I might do another post talking about Touya and Endeavor later but I still need to figure out my thoughts on that
I do hope you enjoyed my chaos thoughts
Feel free to share your own thoughts or opinions
🍀 So have a wonderful evening/day and send out those good vibes 🍀

A lil Endeavor rant.
Endeavor is an asshole. He's abused his kids and wife and didn't care who got in his way, he hurt more that just family. He was dead set on being the number one hero for years.
What happened when he achieved that? He became self aware. Everything suddenly came into view. He did abuse his family, he did hurt people, and he did so wrong. That determination to become the number one hero? It's changed. He's determined to atone as best as he can for what he did.
I am not stanning him. I'm a fan of how complex he is as a character as I RP him on Twitter. As someone who has suffered through abuse, I'd love it if my abuser had that single minded determination to fix what he did. However, things like that don't just heal. This can't just be forgiven and forgotten. I certainly wouldn't forgive my abuser, and that's the thing; it doesn't matter what we think or what we want. It matters what the Todoroki family wants.
Endeavor deserves to be redeemed, but only if his family believe so as well. If his wife, the woman he abused, can accept he is trying to change for the better, why can't everyone?
Whew that was a long post
Ok but where's a gif of parody of the "you want some fuck" video but replace it with hawks then either dabi of endeavour
Hawks: It’s probably not healthy to project and converse with a figment of my imagination
Endeavor doll: Nah
Hawks: You’re absolutely right
Me trying to convince myself on my third relapse into bnha binge and ignoring Real Life Things
Or better yet, Dabi about Endeavor as he throws another dart at the many, many vandalised and singed Endeavor posters in his room
I’m so normal about BNHA
Touya: wanna stir some shit up?
Keigo: No????
Touya: ok
Touya: wanna talk about tfw even your forms of escapism and side hustles and not-exactly-hobbies have been fully expended so you’re left with the bleak emptiness of life instead?
Keigo: You know, I heard Endeavor is particularly flammable this time of year
I think there’s something to be said about the way Dabi continuously refuses any kind of emotional connection to the people in his life during fights, especially throughout the war arc.
The first instance I can remember of this is when he’s fighting Hawks, clearly distressed about Twice’s death, and claiming that he has no attachment to the league and is simply using them because it benefits his goal.

Now, other people have already written about Dabi’s tendency to smile during painful moments and during his manic episodes, so the conclusion that this was clearly a lie has already been made. People have also noted that his eyes are steaming, which references his recurring theme of leaking blood in place of crying, so overall it is pretty clear that he was very distraught during this scene.
The second instance is during his confrontation with Shouto, where he claims not to care about Natsuo and that he’s “not so big on feelings” in general. Once again accompanied by the massive smile, and once again immediately followed by the topic change of “but now I get to kill you.”

The part that got me thinking about this though was this one.

It’s almost... introspective, his smile drops, and he speaks quietly, directly to Shouto. He reassures him, almost, “I’m glad you were raised with love, I’m fine.” It’s not your fault, you don’t deserve this. And then once again turns the topic to the real subject of his hatred, Endeavor, and all his energy and drive comes back. He doesn’t want to kill Shouto out of his own hatred the way he did as a kid, he wants to kill Shouto because he knows it will hurt Endeavor. It seems almost like he feels bad for Shouto, but is ignoring that feeling in favour of doing what he believes will accomplish his goal.
These three scenes, I think, paint a very particular picture of Dabi’s character.
Now, he probably doesn’t care about Shouto as a sibling would. That much is made clear during his childhood, and I doubt it would change much through his life after that. But he’s still an adult, and he still recognises now with time and maturity that Shouto wasn’t at fault for their upbringing, that Shouto doesn’t really deserve to die. Dabi is one of the only people that routinely questions the presence of children at battlefields and war zones, he seems to care more about the rights of kids than most heroes. But Dabi needs to kill him in order to complete his goal, so he has this moment of connection with him and reassures that he’s glad Shouto’s life was better than his, even if Shouto only got to have that life because Touya didn’t. It establishes a pattern of him having feelings and making connections with others, and then ripping them away to focus on his goal.
I think Dabi does care about the League, and to an extent about Natsuo too. But I also think that he refuses to let himself dwell on these connections, because he knows it will stop him from achieving his goal. If he has something to live for in the League, he won’t let himself die to kill Endeavor like he thinks he needs to, if he wants to stay with them he won’t cut them off when it is most advantageous for him to do so. If he cares about Natsuo’s life and feelings, he wouldn’t be willing to hurt him or his family to destroy Endeavor because he wants to protect Natsuo’s wellbeing.
After all, caring about what Endeavor thought of him instead of just cutting him off and moving on is what lead to his death the first time around. Hell, caring about other people got Twice killed right in front of him, it makes sense that Dabi would want to forgo making connections with others because he knows firsthand that it can ruin everything, that it will stop him from thinking clearly and focusing on his goal.
Dabi has never necessarily been a sympathetic person, and that’s okay. He doesn’t have to be. But he does care about the people close to him, he does feel some degree of connection to Shouto and guilt over hurting him, he does to some extent recognise the failures of the hero system when they affect others and, even if he doesn’t necessarily feel bad for them, he recognises that they’re being mistreated. He recognises all of this, and he chooses to ignore it in favour of putting everything he has into destroying Endeavor. He isn’t “not so big on feelings” because he doesn’t feel them, but because he chooses to suppress them and focus on his goal.
Here’s the thing though, I think they’re all good mentors to Midoriya, but none of them are better one way or the other.
(Mini breakdown coming up)
1) All Might
Look, I have personal beef with All Might’s style of teaching (considering he borderline offers nothing helpful in terms of skills and the nuances of ofa), but Midoriya needs him as a source of motivation, and I think that’s an overlooked part in some of All Might haters. Some of the tags mentioned All Might teaching ideals and that not being what Midoriya needs the most, but it should be said that he does need it in a way that only All Might can offer. Midoriya needs to see who he’s wanted to be his whole, discover what he wants to be, and then figure out what he doesn’t want to be. All Might is the mentor that exposes him to the tragedy but also the brightness of heroism that isn’t touched by the other mentors through existence alone.
(On a side note, he’s also the mentor that gives Midoriya the most connections probably, which is more a byproduct of All Might being who he is than anything, but also something to consider in evaluating the benefits of a mentor)
Possibly due to his own origin, All Might’s approach mostly comes down to ‘just do the thing and see what happens’, which isn’t a good method in the context of bnha (just look at Midoriya’s poor bones), but it’s not bad either. Arguably, he’s the one that gives Midoriya the most emotional/ motivational support out of all the other mentors. And of course, All Might’s frankly incompetent way of teaching Midoriya about his quirk is juxtaposed by Endeavor’s mastery over technical skills.
2) Endeavor
There’s a lot of hate regarding his abuse ‘training’ of Shoto and Touya, and I’m not here to change that. What I will say is that the question asks about him as a mentor to Midoriya. I hope we can agree that despite Endeavor’s shit parenting, he was the most beneficial when it came to teaching Midoriya how to develop his quirk. By this point in the manga, Endeavor is sorta mellowing out. It doesn’t excuse him (of course it doesn’t), and whether or not you can separate ‘the man’ from ‘the hero’ is a purely personal thing. But Endeavor is all about results, and he undoubtably gets that for Midoriya as a mentor.
[Edit: I feel it necessary to point out explicitly that Endeavor neglects teaching the ‘helping’ part of being a hero and all the other things that All Might upholds as a hero. It probably should be noted he wasn’t even going to mentor Midoriya and Bakugo seriously until they fought for it.]
Contrarily, I think the thing that he should be hated for in this specific scenario is his willingness to prep and send these kids to war. And this dangerous sentiment that is shared by (a bit too many imo) other heroes fuelling Midoriya’s self-sacrificial tendencies is where Eraserhead comes in.
3) Eraserhead
Eraserhead is able to provide the safety and controlled development that none of the other mentors really managed (or even tried to give, in some cases). He’s what you would look and pray for in a teacher of future heroes in general, and he does a fantastic job of that by fanon standards. I probably don’t need to go on about the positives of Eraserhead as a mentor. But, does he actually manage to provide those positives for Midoriya specifically? I think that’s a bit more for debate.
Eraserhead definitely tries his best, but he’s a teacher to way more kids than the other mentors in this poll, and the effectiveness of targeted teaching, of mentoring, is somewhat dulled. (Compare this to how he presumably mentors Hitoshi) That’s not to say he doesn’t target his teaching materials/ care a lot for Midoriya, it’s just that he’s got at least 20 other kids to worry about. And with the way that Midoriya clearly has issues with following Eraserhead’s guidance (Ik for plot and personality reasons too, but hear me out), I would say Eraserhead actually didn’t do too great of a job with Midoriya in this aspect. What I think he did do a good job of, was rebuild Midoriya’s respect in teachers, and also attempt to reshape Midoriya’s internalised prejudice about quirks.
Eraserhead’s the teacher that tries his hardest to be nurturing, and as a mentor to Midoriya, is slowly breaking down some of that Hero society preaches, and very, very slowly teaching him the importance of self preservation. He exposes Midoriya to the different sides of heroics in a brusque yet almost coddling manner (relative to the other mentors), which is contrasted directly by Gran Torino.
4) Gran Torino
There’s a surprising lack of Gran Torino fans supporting their argument, but I think he’s an interesting candidate for best mentor to Midoriya. Upon his introduction, Gran Torino was the most effective technical mentor, but that’s now been overshadowed by Endeavor. He’s blunt while also prioritising Midoriya’s safety like Eraserhead, with the added quality of being eccentric and dramatic.
So what does he bring to the table?
Well, I think that’s his perspective on heroics. He’s a hero too, but he’s not as involved with the current politics while still being somewhat aware of the corruption and tragedies of being a hero simply due to his age (yes I’m calling him old, it’s a compliment). He also gives credit where credit is due, and unlike Eraserhead, is able to give that mentorship in a very specific and personalised manner without it being biased against another student.
There’s probably more to him, but I can’t think of any rn so that’s all you’re getting loll.
They’re all important for different reasons, and there’s definitely a few mentor figures that aren’t mentioned in this post. But I think at the end of the day, it’s not the mentor that makes the difference — Midoriya is just a really, really good learner.
Feel free to explain in the tags
Hawks: Urgh I think I’m starting to feel the effect of the 30 chicken wings I inhaled just now
Endeavor: what, you starting to fly?
Hawks: …
Hawks: Ignoring the fact that I’m literally famous for flying fast, was that supposed to be a dad joke??
Endeavor: Shut up
Fuyumi: Normally you’re supposed to be careful with creepy guys. Not me though. I just give them my full name and address.
Fuyumi: Go ahead, show up. Make my dad’s day.
*at a fireworks event*
Hawks: Oh hey they’re spelling out words!
Hawks: O.. Or… Oreo?? That’s a funky looking “o”. Is this a promotion event??
Endeavor: ,, that’s inverted, it says Hero
Hawks: Ohhh
Hawks: ….
Hawks: oH ‘cause WE’RE being promoted