Fan tvorba, zamyslenia, humor, súvisiaca história a mýty, aj hocičo ďalšie, čo sa zamanie...
208 posts
Adam - "e Si Si Listovala V Mojom Dennku?"Zuzka - "A Na To Si Ako Priiel?"Adam - "Niekto Mi V Om Toti
Adam - "Že si si listovala v mojom denníku?" Zuzka - "A na to si ako prišiel?" Adam - "Niekto mi v ňom totiž opravoval pravopisné chyby."
biksarddedrak liked this · 9 months ago
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[Po tom, čo Barbarič odhalí pred grófkou Pálffyovou, že Ferrari nadbiehal Verone]
Katarína Pálffyová: Možno ťa to šokuje, ale ľudia väčšinou nemajú radosť, keď im niekto klame.
Giuseppe Ferrari: Nesprávne. Ľudia nemajú radosť, keď zistia, že im niekto klamal. Pretože lož je skvelý príbeh, ktorý niekto pokazil pravdou.
Koščej: Slušný plán. No mohli by sme tam zapracovať aj niektoré z nápadov, ktoré som pred chvíľou navrhoval.
Iľja: To neboli nápady, ale samoúčelné násilné činy.
Someone felt dire need to have captain take care of that pale scrawny stray and came up with some situation.

Poviedka vo vydaní Fantázie z 2002, alebo doby, keď Hrdlorez s mečom na chrbte ešte nebol Jaroš na voľnej nohe, ale vznikajúci Kornel s priezviskom Bóry a bez Stepana Voronina po boku. Z poviedky neskôr vznikla poviedka Pekelníci v zbierke Kámen a krev.

Antiwar song folk-rock style
Englih translation
The day dawns and Mars rules the hour Devastated land is like an open wound Man for man joins in a rag-hat We are damned and forever away from home. For this world is governed by use only And those who do not dare, can not hope, only lose.
Wallenstein Far from home, Wallenstein Never return home, Wallenstein We are lost, to your heart of stone. Wallenstein of fate's voice, Wallenstein Shows us around the country, Wallenstein You black devil, have a heart of stone.
It is the mind that builds the body Everyone knows how to loot, murder, rob We are corrupted by sin and cruelty Our call resonates far across the land So far.
Wallenstein Far from home, Wallenstein Never return home, Wallenstein We are lost, to your heart of stone. Wallenstein of fate's voice, Wallenstein Shows us around the country, Wallenstein You black devil, have a heart of stone.
For this world is governed by use only And those who do not dare, can not hope only lose And who like me greed for gold and wealth That will lead to the ambition over corpses. Far from home Never return home We are lost To your heart of stone.
Wallenstein of fate's voice, Wallenstein Shows us around the country, Wallenstein You black devil, have a heart of stone, A heart of stone. Wallenstein Far from home, Wallenstein Never return home, Wallenstein You black devil, have a heart of stone.