comicstudent - Comic Student
Comic Student

22 y/o Billy here, a blog of my learning

37 posts

Dinah Washington & Max Richter - This Bitter Earth / On The Nature Of Daylight

Dinah Washington & Max Richter - This bitter earth / On the nature of daylight

I’ll be honest, I had a bad day today. Sing it to me, Dinah.

More Posts from Comicstudent

9 years ago

Olafur Arnalds . For Now I Am Winter (2013)

focus. study. write.

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9 years ago

ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards the Refugee Crisis

ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis
ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis

(Comic above by OneMillionMouths)

Below is a timeline of how the image of Alan Kurdi transformed the British response to the refugee crisis overnight. (With Lots of Pictures) 

I realise tumblr has probably been flooded with posts like this, but I wanted to make my own, when I saw the above comic by OneMillionMouths, which really resonated with me in regards to this issue. People are naturally empathetic, you just need to change their perspective and get their attention. 

1) ‘Perceptions & Reality: Public Attitudes to Immigration’ - Bobby Duffy & Tom Frere-Smith (January 2014), Recent report on British attitudes to Immigration. 

ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis

2) Katie Hopkins, prominent British tabloid columnist and ‘deluded lunatic’ (her words), publishes a piece of hate speech in a national newspaper describing refugees as ‘cockroaches’. In a following LBC interview, she states ‘I would use gunships’ to deter fleeing refugees. (Monday 20th April 2015)

ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis

3) Photos of drowned 3-year-old refugee Alan Kurdi are taken by Nilüfer Demir, (Wednesday 2nd September 2015)

4) Within 24 hours, the image has spread across the world and internet, prompting passionate and fierce debate over the refugee crisis. The Independent UK, The Telegraph. There is a global outpouring of grief and empathy. The Independent (UK) starts a #RefugeesWelcome campaign. (Thursday 3rd September 2015)

5) The Sun Newspaper (which previously published the ‘cockroaches’ article) does dramatic U-turn and starts ‘For Aylan’ campaign, still manages to propose bombing Syria as a solution two days later. (Friday 4th September 2015)

ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis
ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis

6) British PM David Cameron announces UK to accept 20,000 more refugees. (Monday 7th September 2015)

7) The UK Marches in Solidarity with Refugees. (Saturday 12th September 2015)

ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis

8) Government Petition for UK to accept more refugees has amassed 438,312 signatures. Thus meeting criteria  of 100,000 signatures to be debated in Parliament. Official Gov response has been posted from the Home Office (Last accessed: Wednesday 16th September 2015)  

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9 years ago

Chris Ware, redefining comics.



9 years ago

Depth Over Distance - Ben Howard // Choreography

Link submitted by 

Thanks for your submission, buddy! Beautiful dance, very soulful. :) All the best, Will :D

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9 years ago

Day 1: Sort out your life Will

Dear Tumblr, I’m a 22 year old mess, trying to get my shit life together and write my Masters dissertation. I love comics, so I’m writing on that, and if you have any tips / recommendation / advice, then I would love love LOVE to hear from you. 

I’ve kept a diary for a long time, and will continue to do so, but I want to chronicle my learning and my life in a new way, to share it and make conversations happen and organise it all and go paper-free. 

BOOM, that’s what I’m here for.

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