Empathy - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I like to do these little animatics from time to time — they’re quite relaxing

Empathy is truly challenging because in order to be empathetic you have to let yourself back in on your fears and insecurities. It isn’t about a fallen and their saviour - it’s about two people, on the same level, who understand each others’ pain because of their shared experiences. It’s extremely hard to have that inner balance that lets you re-live your pain while being aware of it enough to help the other person know they’re not alone.

Because in the end, it truly is about just... not being alone.

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2 years ago

Shit I Think About On A Daily Basis





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6 months ago
What Happens When Young People Actually Read “Disturbing” Books
Teachers College Press | Blog
Something is missing from the debate over educationally suitable literature

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What Is An Empath?

Empath is a person who can feel the emotions of other people. They’re endowed with an almost extra-sensory sensitivity level that most other people don’t have. Empaths filter the world through this faculty and always look a level beyond what most other people see. They can sense the motivations and energies behind what people are saying and doing.

They tend to have a hard time with people who are fake or lie because they can sense it.

What Is An Empath?

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I Allow People To Use My Soft Heart, To The Point Of Rudeness. I Know, They Think I'm A Naive Fool, But

I allow people to use my soft heart, to the point of rudeness. I know, they think I'm a naive fool, but they are unaware that they are letting an empath into their mind and consciousness.

Everything has a price.😏

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"But I've always preferred to be deceived rather than corrupted, I preferred to appear naive rather than cruel."

-Meša Selimović

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Answer to How can empaths control their empathy if it becomes too much for them to handle mentally? by Free-Thinker-of-a-Broken-Heart https://www.quora.com/How-can-empaths-control-their-empathy-if-it-becomes-too-much-for-them-to-handle-mentally/answer/Free-Thinker-of-a-Broken-Heart?ch=18&oid=1477743683599651&share=47ae3bf5&srid=hZ0uUt&target_type=answer

How can empaths control their empathy if it becomes too much for them to handle mentally?
Free-Thinker-of-a-Broken-Heart's answer: Empathy is not a vacuum cleaner for emotions.😅🤣 Empathy is easy to control. You just shift your fo

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I'm Learning To Love The Sound Of My Feet Walking Away From Things Not Meant For Me.

I'm learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things not meant for me.


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3 years ago
New Study Reveals Brain Basis Of Psychopathy

New Study Reveals Brain Basis of Psychopathy

According to a Finnish study, the structure and function of the brain areas involved in emotions and their regulation are altered in both psychopathic criminal offenders and otherwise well-functioning individuals who have personality traits associated with psychopathy.

Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterised by persistent antisocial behaviour, impaired empathy, and bold, disinhibited and egotistical traits. However, similar antisocial traits are also common, yet less pronounced, with people who are well-off psychologically and socially. It is possible that the characteristics related to psychopathy form a continuum where only the extreme characteristics lead to violent and criminal behaviour. The collaborative study of Turku PET Centre, Karolinska Institutet, and Psychiatric Hospital for Prisoners in Finland examined the brain structure and function in psychopathic prisoners and healthy volunteers. Brain structure was measured with magnetic resonance imaging. The participants also viewed violent and non-violent films while their brain activity was monitored with functional magnetic resonance imaging.

New Study Reveals Brain Basis Of Psychopathy

(Image caption: Brain areas with decreased density in psychopaths)

–In psychopathic criminal offenders, the density of the brain areas involved in cognitive control and emotion regulation was compromised. When viewing violent films, these areas showed stronger reactions in psychopaths. In a large sample of healthy control participants, psychopathy-related traits were associated in similar changes in brain structure and function: The more psychopathic characteristics a person had, the more their brain resembled the brains of psychopathic criminals, explains Professor Lauri Nummenmaa from Turku PET Centre at the University of Turku, Finland.

– Structural and functional changes in the brain were focused in the areas involved in emotions and their regulation. The changes in the activity and structure of these areas can explain the callousness and impulsiveness associated with psychopathy, says Professor Jari Tiihonen from the Karolinska Institutet.

– The results show that the degree of psychopathic characteristics varies also in the general population. Having a little bit of psychopathy-related traits does not cause problems, but for about one percent of the population, psychopathy is so strong that it may lead to criminal and violent behaviour, notes Chief Psychiatrist and Docent Hannu Lauerma from the Psychiatric Hospital for Prisoners in Finland.

– Studying prisoners is difficult, but provides critical information about the neurobiology of violence and aggression. Conducting this type of a study would not have been possible without the help from the staff at Turku Prison, emphasises Nummenmaa.

The findings help to understand the biological mechanisms behind violence, and enable to plan new and more effective treatments to aggression and antisocial behaviour.

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10 months ago

hey. Can we love and support all of each other even though our lived experiences differ vastly? promise me. promise there will be love even if we don’t understand, our love of others will matter more in the end than our judgment of them

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11 months ago

One must imagine Sisyphus happy, the voice says as I walk down to the well. It echoes against the walls, empty and wet in that peculiar way in which voices only echo in a cave, this deep, dark loneliness that chills you to the bone. One must imagine Sisyphus happy, it whimpers from very far away; my knuckles are rubbed red as they tie the bucket to the rope, and send it down below, and fill it with water. But I know Sisyphus. Who cares if he's happy? He was a bad man, but first he was a child, but first he was a man. What does it matter know, when the boulder rolls up and when it all falls down? I pull the bucket up, and fill my amphora ; watch the blood where I ripped my finger nails drip through and taint the water red. Something about eternity, I suppose. One must imagine Sisyphus happy, is the rule, but I hear him scream out every day, and he deserves it so much I am glad, and I pity him so much I could cry. And no one really cares if you are able to convince yourself that he could learn to love this endless, aimless task, and I could scream all my despair to the well and the well will never answer me; nothing changes around here, only the mind of those that are trapped, and that empty, violent freedom to imagine your neighbour is happy. Maybe one day it will be too much; perhaps, one day, it will be enough. For now I carry my amphora and feel it emptying and look for my sister. One must remember I'm a murderer. Plic, ploc. The water drips through.

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9 years ago

ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards the Refugee Crisis

ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis
ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis

(Comic above by OneMillionMouths)

Below is a timeline of how the image of Alan Kurdi transformed the British response to the refugee crisis overnight. (With Lots of Pictures) 

I realise tumblr has probably been flooded with posts like this, but I wanted to make my own, when I saw the above comic by OneMillionMouths, which really resonated with me in regards to this issue. People are naturally empathetic, you just need to change their perspective and get their attention. 

1) ‘Perceptions & Reality: Public Attitudes to Immigration’ - Bobby Duffy & Tom Frere-Smith (January 2014), Recent report on British attitudes to Immigration. 

ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis

2) Katie Hopkins, prominent British tabloid columnist and ‘deluded lunatic’ (her words), publishes a piece of hate speech in a national newspaper describing refugees as ‘cockroaches’. In a following LBC interview, she states ‘I would use gunships’ to deter fleeing refugees. (Monday 20th April 2015)

ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis

3) Photos of drowned 3-year-old refugee Alan Kurdi are taken by Nilüfer Demir, (Wednesday 2nd September 2015)

4) Within 24 hours, the image has spread across the world and internet, prompting passionate and fierce debate over the refugee crisis. The Independent UK, The Telegraph. There is a global outpouring of grief and empathy. The Independent (UK) starts a #RefugeesWelcome campaign. (Thursday 3rd September 2015)

5) The Sun Newspaper (which previously published the ‘cockroaches’ article) does dramatic U-turn and starts ‘For Aylan’ campaign, still manages to propose bombing Syria as a solution two days later. (Friday 4th September 2015)

ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis
ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis

6) British PM David Cameron announces UK to accept 20,000 more refugees. (Monday 7th September 2015)

7) The UK Marches in Solidarity with Refugees. (Saturday 12th September 2015)

ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis

8) Government Petition for UK to accept more refugees has amassed 438,312 signatures. Thus meeting criteria  of 100,000 signatures to be debated in Parliament. Official Gov response has been posted from the Home Office (Last accessed: Wednesday 16th September 2015)  

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9 years ago

Embodiment and Empathy and my sprawling ideas...

So somehow my thesis on explaining how comics is an inherently empathetic medium has descended into an interdisciplinary dissertation that encompasses the fields of neuroscience and cognitive processing, medical humanities, disability studies, art therapy and the theory of art. The application of these theories seeks to analyse the embodied aspect of comics, but I feel like my tutors will be surprised when they read it given that it is the final piece of coursework towards my Masters in Literature.

Also, you can tell I've got a high word count, because I'm talking like this. ^

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10 months ago

I was put on this Earth to help people. I am so kindhearted. I was put on this Earth to make people feel seen, feel comfortable, and like they always have a friend to talk to about anything. Trust me, I am insane, but I am so sweet. I am insane, and I can help you with anything, because whatever you're going through I've been to the moon and back with. If I haven't, I will think of the best way to get you the comfort or help you need. Why must people be so ugly hearted? I am the sweetest girl out there, why do they say such cruel things to my face? I choose peace, I hope those people who say awful things get the day they deserve. I hope they mature. Not how I've matured, but in their own, special way. In a soft way. A way that won't damage them, or take something from them. I wish them the best, despite everything. They must be going through something of their own. Poor babies, get well soon. || ♡🎀

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I get that people want everything to go back to normal and forget about COVID-19 and the phases of reopening the country like most of the rest of the world, but... this is likely never going to end. We have a new normal, and we are also divided on many fronts. We have too many options, differing opinions, and different ideals for the perfect world.

But why is it so hard for Americans to follow the example set by other countries in the response to the pandemic? We may be living in a capitalist country, but the tax money is misused by our politicians who would rather fund projects in countries that would rather see this country fall. We have minimal control over our political climate, and that has ruled how the government is responding after they spend most of the money on irrelevant projects.

We do have control over our own actions though. When we were little, we should have all learned about manners and common decency in society, to respect each other’s beliefs, and to accept each other despite our differences. Where did these lessons go? Why are so many people unable to respect that others make certain choices? Why can people not quietly comply with the new store policies or follow simple directions for proper procedures?

If you don’t want to wear a mask but need to go shopping, almost every store will allow you to order online and pick it up without needing to step out of the car. If you don’t want to wear a mask to enter any establishment that requires you to wear a mask inside, you can conduct your business over the phone or with an online conference service and get your physical items with a curbside pickup.

Americans have to wake up to the reality of this world. We have a system that has always been doomed to fail sooner or later and are plagued by people who are being overly sensitive about the most ridiculous subjects, many times witnessed in people with no connection or reason for what they are offended by.

People are dying from COVID-19, at least three of my relatives work in hospitals, and one of my relatives works in a lab where these tests are conducted. The lab workers are exhausted. The medical staff are exhausted. They are not able to keep up with these cases, they haven’t been able to from the start. They are burning themselves out by working overtime every day of the week to make sure the rest of us are taken care of.

The worst is that one of my aunts lost ten ICU patients in two days back in March when we went into quarantine. She has been keeping herself as distant from her children as possible to try protecting them from the virus in case she carried it home. I have only been able to track the county where she works, and she must have seen over a hundred people die from COVID-19 by now. She has said that she couldn’t do anything to help them after a certain point, and told us how suddenly her patients would change from lively and fine to crashing in the time it takes to duck out of their room for only a few minutes.

Why can’t so many Americans accept that we have to put physical social interactions on hold? Why is it so hard for people to wear a mask properly or at all? We could have ended this months ago if people just listened to these frontline workers by staying home, staying apart, and wearing the mask. Is it so hard to listen to these people begging us to do something so easy? Is a little discomfort so hard to handle for a short amount of time to protect ourselves and each other? Is it so hard not to shame those who do their part if they feel they are at risk of spreading the virus because of their workplace conditions? What has happened to us that we can’t be decent and calm in any given situation?

Why don’t people care about each other anymore? Why do people let history repeat itself instead of trying to move past these mistakes? Why have people chosen to ignore these lessons? Why can’t people look at the bigger picture and find a logical and acceptable reason for their actions? Why do we make everything about politics these days? Why do we let the corrupt remain in office to ruin us further? Why do we let our differences get in the way of the potential for success? Why do we have people rioting just because their party representatives lost an election and destroy their own homes and cities?

How many of us are embarrassed to be an American right now?

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9 months ago

I've see people say "Hyper empathy is so difficult to cope" and "Selective empathy is very difficult to have" And similar things, but what about the two cases? I hope I'm not the only one who's both hyper and selective empathy

My selective empathy makes it hard to live because it's pretty difficult for me to empathize with real human people, I mostly empathize with fictional characters, objects and animals, sometimes with real human people when I get attached to them

But when I do empathize I feel so overwhelmed by that, it's painful and it makes me sorrow a lot...

It's kinda hard because people tend to tell me I don't feel empathy at all just because it's selective empathy, but when I do feel empathy in a way I can't even cope myself for how hard it hits me now I'm a horrible selfish person?... I don't get it

Tell I'm not the only selective hyper empathy person, I feel so alone and misunderstood by everyone at this point regarding my style and way of feeling and being empathic TT

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The neurodivergent urge to own a snake...

The neurodivergent repulsivity of feeding something a living being...

I wouldn't have to feed it living mice, right? I can't do that. The last time I killed a fly, I cried for 15 minutes. He just wanted to exist. He didn't mean to bother me. I'm sorry. You're okay now. Nothing will hurt ever again. How do I live with myself?

I don't think I'm ready for a snake...

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5 months ago

I read the article.

It's mainly about being accomadative/understanding of where people are/could be coming from.

With regards to my opinion on whether consensual cannibalism is a path to wellbeing.....probably?

untamellama - a blog

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