Hate Speech - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago


The problem with fundamentalists, is that they always complain that they are being excluded from the conversation.  Hate speech should be allowed, since all speech should be allowed.  Except, hate speech only has 1 purpose, and I’ll get back to this in a minute.

Fundamentalists aren’t being excluded from the conversation. No, instead, they are being ignored.  Which is more infuriating.  They want to be heard.  But not in a fashion that supports actually resolving an issue. Instead, they want to be heard in such a way that it distracts from solving a problem.  As if kaos were the only solution.

The Supreme Court created a test that stated that speech is not protected when it fails one or both of these tests:

Does it harm yourself

Does it harm others

Think about that for a moment. Does your freedom of expression cause physical harm to yourself.  If you cut yourself in such a way that it puts your life in danger, should this activity be protected?  And, what if a group uses ritual sacrifice, which ends the life of another human, is that protected speech?  In this case NO!.  It is not protected speech.

The second test is whether your speech calls for hurting another person or group.  This came about when Sarah Palin asked her base to shoot a Senator.  Had anyone else said it, they would have been incarcerated immediately.  However, this speech is not protected either.  Calling for someone’s death is akin to demanding genocide.

Which brings us back to what fundamentalists want.  If they believe that kaos is the answer to everything, then their only means of feeling as though they are winning is when kaos rules. Thus, to achieve kaos, they must engage everyone else in fights.  It is the only time that a fundamentalist is being heard.

Fights don’t solve problems.

And, thus, why fundamentalists are ignored. Not silenced. Just not given the space needed to be engaged.  This requires time or energy and will only be lost in a fruitless exchange that leads no where.  

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8 years ago

The SPLC has released a wonderful guide to speaking up about bigotry.

The responses are direct, gentle, and very good.  It has sections for family, friends, coworkers, and self.

Please read it, please spread the link, please keep this link around as reference.  Everyone needs to see this.  It is very important that we arm ourselves that we may be better able to address the casual hateful speech many of us are likely to encounter.

One of the most effective tools at our disposal is protecting the area around us, and making sure that things like this said within earshot of us will not go unchallenged.

Do what you can, but also stay safe.

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1 year ago

Hey everyone! I have a big favor to ask.

I need you to report someone.

One of my posts about the toxicity of fatphobia stereotypes was recently reblogged by a user called @/lagoonadelrey. In the post I was expressing the difficulty of others not taking disordered eating habits seriously unless you're skinny. Her response was "cuz u eat plenty and it shows w ur fat."

Upon a closer inspection, her ENTIRE PAGE is DEDICATED to the demeaning of fat people. Even admitted that in one of her reblogs. Her response to my post was tame in comparison to others. People sharing their insecurities online and her replying things like "yes because you're a fat bitch and no one will love you."

As both punks and Christians in this community (sometimes both😉)... I'm sure I don't have to tell any of you that it's our responsibility to put an end to hate speech.

If we can get enough people to report her, we can stop the possibility of an already insecure person's mental health being further crushed by the hateful, unintelligent, cruel babble of an uneducated and indoctrinated individual. Here's a link to her page:

Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. It's where your interests connect you with your

Reblog the hell out of this!

Let's end fatphobia!

@fatphobiabusters @thisisthinprivilige @oncealoseralwaysaloser @safety-pin-punk @when-you-cant-think-of-anything @purplebehittindifferent @prunpplee @funnyartthingz

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11 months ago

I'm tired of rebellion only being acceptable if you rebel in a politically correct fashion.

I'm tired of hate speech being acceptable as long as it's directed at the "correct group."

I'm tired of watching the church bow down to deranged elitists and corrupt government.

I'm tired of truth being manipulated.

I'm tired of cancel culture being normalized.

I'm tired of intolerance being tolerated.

I'm tired of skin color being a factor in judging and loving others.

I'm tired of equality turning into revenge.

I'm tired of gender defining identity, expectations and capability.

I'm tired of the "kill all men" twisted doctrine.

I'm tired of misogyny and chauvinism.

I'm tired of the boxes and the stereotypes...

With no space allowed to exist in between.

Let's start a proper revolution.

A revolution of love.

A revolution of proud existence, proud resistance and total disregard to what is considered "acceptable."

A revolution they can't dictate. They can't profit from. They can't control.

A revolution they can't stick in boxes of left or right or central or up or down or sideways.

Anarchy in its purest form.

Reblog if you see through the political mind manipulation games of the modern world.

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The case against free speech for fascists
When violent bigots use their platform to silence others, the result isn't necessarily more free speech for all.

NAZI’S SHOULDN’T BE  ENTITLED TO FREE SPEECH.And certainly not to free speech without consequences.Individual rights are not supposed to reach past the point where they are harmful to others, and we KNOW Nazism is a harmful ideology. They don’t even attempt deny they intend to harm others if they gain enough support, so why the hell should they be allowed to spread their poison?

Some people would argue that limiting free speech for such people could create a dangerous precedent.Problem is, the desire to protect free speech isn’t mutual in this case.Let neo-Nazi’s or Fascists  gain enough support, and  NO-ONE BUT THEM will have the right of free speech.We went through this before,people.Why repeat it?

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5 months ago

The things I have heard people say about Jews are the worst things I have heard anyone say, about anybody.

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10 years ago

Political Campaigning Regulation Concept: "Classifying Mud Slinging Political Attack Advertisments as Hate Speech"

Hello All, Right now a week from today at least here in my State of Florida we're having on August 26th our governor primary election. Aside from the State Attorney General and/or local municipal public elected offices up for grabs. Back in December 2nd 2009 here at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site. I posted a "Gem of Opportunity" concept called the "Governance Concept: Separation of Corporation and State" (Link). It was regarding how our elected officials in public office spend at least a 3rd of their time chasing after political donors. Especially the sky rocket prohibitive costs of running in television, radio, Internet, direct mail, robo phone calls, etc... media political spots. That former concept of mine in Dec. 2009 was to utilize Eminent Domain of such national and regional State airwaves. Removing the broadcasting costs to politicians running for elected office. Where those economic costs would be redistributed to the public relations and advertising agencies instead as creators of such adverts.  However today's concept now 5 years later piggy backs onto such a multimedia direct to voter audience practices. By politicians themselves and their political action committees (PACs) under their influence or from out of State actors beyond their control. If one didn't know it the much lauded First Amendment Constitutional Right of Free Speech from the American government Does Not Protect Certain Forms of Hate Speech. (ie Terroristic Threats, Fighting Words, Electronic Communication Harassment, etc..) Constitutioncenter.org Regarding Hate Speech (Link) This political campaigning governance regulation concept is to curtail hateful political attack advertisements wherever they are found. Be they such as innuendo's, misquoted statements, half truths, misinformation or disinformation, character assassination, and just plain dirty lies. This form of political election campaigning as a form of Propaganda. Has reached an ugly art form starting nearly 50 years ago with the famous Nixon era Presidential election national television ad spot with a detonation of a nuclear bomb as a little girl is picking flowers.

Why I'm I so aghast at such a political election form of campaigning because I see it as a corrosive public psychological acid. Where voter apathy and disgust with our publicly elected or appointed officials in government has reached all time highs. What this permits is political advertisement agencies to use proven psychological warfare often employed or developed by the military historically speaking. Hurray! Political attack ads have the desired effect of turning away from the voting booth someone of an opposing viewpoint or opinion. This becomes a vicious loop of a successful short term victory at the ballot box but a notorious dilemma to our democratic constitutional representative republic. Now besides allowing dodgy political candidates into public office with cutting edge minor victories at the ballot box. This can have a disastrous effect upon radicalizing unstable citizens in terms of mental health issues. What comes to mind is the 2011 Tucson, Arizona campaign shooting of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords. Wikipedia.org 2011 Tucson Shooting of Gabrielle Giffords (Link) She was campaigning at an open air parking lot of a strip mall where a lone deranged gunman opened fire on her and those attending. Lady Giffords survived but suffered with a brain injury that took months of rehabilitation impeding her speech functions. With six others dying including a federal district court chief judge, a staffer, and a nine year old girl. So now consider radicalized disaffected citizens with a militant disposition anger at our society. With disgusting political attack ads becoming the trigger for someone going postal in rage. Targeting another government official in full swing of campaigning in their local district. Now your starting to get the picture what I foresee occurring in the years to come if such political mud slinging degenerates further. Right now as of August 12th 2014 our national Congressional approval rating is at historical lows of 14% on average. Reported by Gallup.com (Link) With U.S. President Obama reaching new lows in approval as well at 41% as of June 24th 2014. Obama Gallup Polling (Link) What I propose during a functional Congressional session rather than this low hanging fruit legislators Federally speaking. Is that partial to full comprehensive regulations be imposed with mostly punitive fines under the auspices of hate speech. If criminal charges are included which I highly doubt then add Treason to the mixture. Causing a whole jeopardy to our American electoral processes in swaying or otherwise brainwashing voters with those aforementioned political hate speech. This includes all current forms of advertising or any future technological ones. (ie Television, Radio, Internet, Social Media, Mobile Phones, Robo (Automated) Phone Calls, Direct Mail pieces, Bill Boards, Posters / Flyers, etc...) If the United States government can call to the mat internationally countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan for hate filled Madaras (Islamic Religious Schools). Then look at its own hypocrisy with these 50 years plus of vicious political media spot attack advertising. I suggest the entire pipeline from Political candidates, public relation consultants, advertising agencies, political action committees (PACs), lobbyists, activists, broadcasters, etc... All have their feet held to the fire of public decency standards. Allowing political advertising be something other than assassinating political candidates in public in terms of their character or record. Let it all go back to the basics much like non partisan elections in your local municipalities. Such as political campaigns about the issues at hand and the personal resume of the candidates themselves. None of this Orwellian operatic drama only to rally the fundamentalist extremes of either political party and drive all the rest completely disgusted.

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3 years ago
So I Have An Anon Whose Response To Me Venting About A Hateful And Racist Convoy Was To Call Me A Racist

So I have an anon whose response to me venting about a hateful and racist convoy was to call me a racist and hateful slur??? Sounds about right

You prove my point

Fuck the Freedom Convoy, and fuck everyone who is involved with/supports it

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4 months ago

Everything is like “QUEER history” and “List of QUEER young adult books” or “Top 10 QUEER movies” and queer this and queer that and for the love of god please just say LGBT.

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5 years ago
When Hearing God's Word, Why Do So Many People Hate What They Hear And Call It "hate Speech?" Why Is

When hearing God's word, why do so many people hate what they hear and call it "hate speech?" Why is there also so much hate for Christians? Tune in for tomorrow's video to find out more, 'God's Word Is Not Hate Speech It Is The Truth.' #God #JesusChrist #scripture #thebible #hatespeech Please leave any questions, comments, or suggestions below.

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5 years ago
God's Word Is Not Hate Speech It Is The Truth
Why is the world the way it is today? Why is the world against me? Why is the world getting worse? Why is the so much Christian persecution around the world ...

Today's video upload: God's Word Is Not Hate Speech It Is The Truth  Please check out today's upload. Leave any questions, comments, or suggestions you have. Subscribe, like, and share.  #God #Jesus #TheBible #Bible #Scripture

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7 years ago

Pass it on!

Inspired By This Post, Heres A Graphic And A Link Roundup:

Inspired by this post, here’s a graphic and a link roundup:

No new content Sept 1 2017, in protest of Tumblr @staff‘s complete lack of effort to take any action to control rampant white-supremacist hate speech on this platform.

If GoDaddy and Google, Discord, and even OKCupid  (and even Facebook and GoFundMe) can take steps to curb hate, why can’t Tumblr? (Users have been complaining for years, it’s not like this is a new problem.) Tumblr consistently refuses to enforce its own no-hate-speech policy in this matter.

(There’s even a lovely write-up of it from this very month: Nazis On Tumblr Are Attempting To Make White Supremacy Hip.) (There’s a change.org petition about it too, which has a nice write-up of exactly how much absolutely-nothing Tumblr @staff are willing to do about egregious hate speech.) (No, I’m not involved with either of those links, nor the original post I’m referecing above, I just thought I’d Google it before I made a graphic. I know very little about this but it all seems pretty gross, now doesn’t it.)

I’m posting this now, then I’ll put it in my queue on the 1st and have that be the only thing that posts on that day (for those of us who can’t shut our queues down easily, that’s a solution). And then, no posts, no replies, no chats, no inbox, no messages, no visits to the site for the duration of the 1st in my timezone.

[Image description: On a blue background, white bold text says: “9/1/17 Tumblr Strike: This blog is posting no new content to protest Tumblr’s unwillingness to take action against white nationalist hate speech”]

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2 years ago

After careful consideration, I am taking back my previous statement and will be immediately blocking your ass.

about to block rhada so he won't see me downspiral into the ace attorney hellhole

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5 years ago
Sign the Petition
Stop Matt Walsh, Conservative Blogger, from Delivering Anti-LGBTQ Speech at Baylor

Baylor University really needs your help right now! A well known extremist blogger Matt Walsh is about to give an extremely anti lgbt talk to the campus and our reputation is already suffering heavily. He has a long history of extremely sexist remarks against women and islamophobic comments. He also has encouraged violence against the community and agreed with the persecution of the community in the Middle East. The students are collectively horrified and wish to reverse this decision. Please make your voices heard! We already have close to 500 signers and could really use your help! Please help us fight LGBT persecution and negativity on our campus

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9 years ago

ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards the Refugee Crisis

ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis
ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis

(Comic above by OneMillionMouths)

Below is a timeline of how the image of Alan Kurdi transformed the British response to the refugee crisis overnight. (With Lots of Pictures) 

I realise tumblr has probably been flooded with posts like this, but I wanted to make my own, when I saw the above comic by OneMillionMouths, which really resonated with me in regards to this issue. People are naturally empathetic, you just need to change their perspective and get their attention. 

1) ‘Perceptions & Reality: Public Attitudes to Immigration’ - Bobby Duffy & Tom Frere-Smith (January 2014), Recent report on British attitudes to Immigration. 

ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis

2) Katie Hopkins, prominent British tabloid columnist and ‘deluded lunatic’ (her words), publishes a piece of hate speech in a national newspaper describing refugees as ‘cockroaches’. In a following LBC interview, she states ‘I would use gunships’ to deter fleeing refugees. (Monday 20th April 2015)

ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis

3) Photos of drowned 3-year-old refugee Alan Kurdi are taken by Nilüfer Demir, (Wednesday 2nd September 2015)

4) Within 24 hours, the image has spread across the world and internet, prompting passionate and fierce debate over the refugee crisis. The Independent UK, The Telegraph. There is a global outpouring of grief and empathy. The Independent (UK) starts a #RefugeesWelcome campaign. (Thursday 3rd September 2015)

5) The Sun Newspaper (which previously published the ‘cockroaches’ article) does dramatic U-turn and starts ‘For Aylan’ campaign, still manages to propose bombing Syria as a solution two days later. (Friday 4th September 2015)

ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis
ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis

6) British PM David Cameron announces UK to accept 20,000 more refugees. (Monday 7th September 2015)

7) The UK Marches in Solidarity with Refugees. (Saturday 12th September 2015)

ONE PICTURE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING: Changing British Attitudes Towards The Refugee Crisis

8) Government Petition for UK to accept more refugees has amassed 438,312 signatures. Thus meeting criteria  of 100,000 signatures to be debated in Parliament. Official Gov response has been posted from the Home Office (Last accessed: Wednesday 16th September 2015)  

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