Immigration - Tumblr Posts
I was having a conversation with one of my friends and this happened.

Nothing much changes through the years. Artists still have to address the same topics over and over and over until one day the flickering light of the bright ideas they keep bringing up finally stay on.

After being flagged as an illegal immigrant and serving two weeks of imprisonment without a hearing, DJ Teace Won’t be Deported After All.
Background: The Quest to Deport DJ Teace from the Only Home He’s Ever Known

In which Yuqing gets an O-1 professional visa one month before her current status would have expired, the graphics team smuggles champagne into the newsroom and tears flow.
just wanted to let you guys know that as an immigrant i will do my best to steal as many jobs as possible and also live only off of benefits.
it’s my calling and my duty
y'know for a country whose economy and cultural history is quite literally built on immigrants america is pretty racist
Holy shit.... Never Again Action (the group who started #JewsAgainstICE) had an ICE detention truck drive through them while they were shutting down Wayne Detention Center in Rhode Island this evening (August 14th).


Five days apart
You cannot be a centrist on reproductive rights. You cannot be a centrist on trans and gay rights. You cannot be a centrist on intersex people and our rights and our bodies. You cannot be a centrist on social security, disability, retirement, etc. You cannot be a centrist on immigration. You cannot be a centrist on war. You're either pro human rights, anti war, pro immigration, or you're not.
The very act of 'centrism' is allowing fascism to exist because you 'understand both sides' or don't want to pick a side. You are just as bad as the nazis and those who hang with them, because you don't denounce them like a normal person. It's just a more pretty looking way of saying you're a right wing fascist freak. If you can listen to a fascist and go 'well I just don't agree with them :)' you are enabling that fascist. You might as well chant 'kill the jews! Trans people are child predators!' too if you can listen to that and not actively denounce it. I don't care if this is an extremist view, it's just a fact. You cannot be a centrist on human rights, I don't trust anyone who says they are because they enable the people against human rights, and may just be mask on anti rights themselves.
After all, doesn't Ben Shapiro call himself a liberal?
Having a great day learning about the horrors of US immigration. o_o RadioLab’s 3-part border trilogy was very good and very sad and rather gruesome. Now I’m reading two of the books sourced, The Land of Open Graves and The Devils Highway. I recommend at least checking out those RadioLab podcast eps, they’re more humanizing than anything else I’ve heard on the topic (though be aware that there are descriptions of human remains and decomposition).
Memo to Sarah Palin:
You are one of the most hilarious crazy bitches out there, so I like you. I especially like how you defend an animals right to be delicious because that's something we have in common. You're entertaining and informative. Thank God there's only one of you.
However, I just wanna give you a little heads up. When climbing atop your soapbox on Fox News to rant about immigration (in between all the other stuff you get up to get publicity for rant about) you need to make sure you use non-immigrant words. It just makes things more 'cleaner', y'know? Like, it enforces what you're saying about getting the damn immigrants out of the country - you don't need their burritos and you don't need their words!
Anyways, what I really want to say is this: the word you were looking for in your speech is balls. Big, hairy balls. Cojones is the immigrant word for balls. It might not be a nice word, but I think God will understand.
Remember - balls, not cojones!
End Memo.
Man, I'm really feeling the rage today.

I was checking my mail this morning, and I opened what I expected to be a letter about Congressman Bob Goodlatte's upcoming run for re-election. It actually turned out to be a reply to my postcard from noodlesandbeef's Selfies4reform app. I was pretty pleasantly surprised to get a reply, and plan on writing him again.
The Truth About Immigrants and the Economy
Immigrants are good for the economy and our society! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
For centuries, immigration has been America’s secret sauce for economic growth and prosperity.
But for just as long, immigrants have been an easy scapegoat.
One of the oldest, ugliest lies is to falsely smear immigrants as criminals.
It’s just not true. Crime is way down in America. Anyone who says otherwise is fearmongering.
And whatever crime there is is not being driven by immigration. Immigrants, regardless of citizenship status, are 60% less likely to be incarcerated for committing crimes than U.S.-born citizens.
Maybe that’s why border cities are among America’s safest.
Immigration opponents also claim immigrants are a drag on the economy and a drain on government resources.
Quite the opposite, the major reason immigrants are coming to America is to build a better life for themselves and their families, contributing to the American economy.
The long-term economic benefits of immigration outweigh any short-term costs. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that adding more immigrants as workers and consumers — including undocumented immigrants — will grow America’s economy by about $7 trillion over the next decade. And those immigrants would increase tax revenue by about $1 trillion, shrinking the deficit and helping pay for programs we all benefit from.
Immigrants of all statuses pay more in taxes than they get in government benefits. Research by the libertarian Cato Institute found first-generation immigrants pay $1.38 in taxes for every $1 they receive in benefits,
This is especially true for undocumented immigrants, who pay billions in taxes each year, but are excluded from almost all federal benefits. After all, you need documentation to receive federal benefits. Guess what undocumented immigrants don’t have. Hello?
And of course, one of the most common anti-immigrant claims also isn’t true.
No. Immigrants are not taking away jobs that Americans want. Undocumented immigrants in particular are doing some of the most dangerous, difficult, low-paying, and essential jobs in the country.
Despite what certain pundits might tell you, immigration has not stopped the U.S. from enjoying record-low unemployment.
And as the Baby Boom generation moves into retirement, young immigrants will help support Social Security by providing a thriving base of younger workers who are paying into the system. The fact that so many immigrants want to come here gives America an advantage over other countries with aging populations, like Germany and Japan. Â
What’s more, immigrants are particularly ambitious and hardworking. They are 80% more likely to start a new business than U.S. born citizens. Immigrant-founded businesses also impressively comprise 103 companies in last year’s Fortune 500.
And immigrants continue to add immeasurably to the richness of American culture. We should be celebrating them, not denigrating them.
It’s time to speak the facts and the truth. We need immigrants to keep our economy — and our country — vibrant and growing. They are not “poisoning the blood” of our nation. They’re renewing and restoring it.
My Mum's friend comes in visit. She is kind, BUT (!!!!) too racist. Because in her Life she dealt in majority of cases with disrespectful and not kind people of other races. And when I am saying that every race has less or more educated people and that every small tribe or population has own laws of existing and habits, she and my Mum laughing badly and saying that I had never deal with THAT kind of "blackish"... Well, I suppose I am not... But I definitely dealt with people of colour that called everyone "stupid monkeys" and with other kind that were with most educated and gentle ways of habits. Sometimes they were very loud, sometimes very silent. But definitely we cannot hate people for their race.
I am immigrant too. Actually living for half of my Life in completely different country and culture that I was raised first. It's not only about the race and education. It's about the Life Way. Sometimes people becoming more aggressive, something more loud. I am white and part of LGBTQI2APX+ Community. But I was not really "blessed" by white privilege. I know what means when also in smallest innocent Ways people unconsciously presume where must be my place because thinking with bias is less hard. As if everyone is fitting in same boxes...
So many was told first. So many shall be said after...
Reflecting on Netroots Network 2015
Black Lives Matter activists, I appreciate the work that you do. Although I come from a different community, as a person of color, I have witnessed and experienced the racism that runs rampant in our country.
However, I am concerned with your actions today. Today, hailing the anniversary of the Black Lives Matter movement, you took the opportunity to protest presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley at a conference dedicated to immigration reform. As people of color, you should understand that immigration is an issue that many undocumented immigrants, who also face great discrimination in society and so often are people of color, care deeply about.
Today, you used a forum dedicated to addressing these issues as a means to promote your own message. Today, you silenced the host and undocumented migrant Jose Antonio Vargas on his questions for presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley. Today, you silenced the voices of an entire community who are sensitive to your struggles.
Today, I sit in silence to reflect on the nature of activism.
Activism is understanding. It asks us to listen as much as it calls us to act and speak.
Activism is uplifting. It embraces diversity and seeks to connect our hearts into a greater whole.
Activism is not oppressive. It does not silence the voice of a community who is already unheard.
Never mind the fact that Bernie Sanders marched with Martin Luther King 50 years ago during the Civil Rights Movement. Never mind the fact that you heckled him even as he acknowledged the institutional problems that grapple at our society and our communities today.
Today, I did not see activism. Today, I saw oppression as you snatched the spotlight away from Jose Antonio Vargas as he tried to voice his community’s concerns.
Reflecting on the happenings at his event, this was his message:
“To folks who ask me why I didn't stop protestors: We cannot silence people of color and women of color #BlackLivesMatter. #nn15”
Please, for tomorrow, let it remain yours.