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Funky Fun Fact

Funky fun fact

A lot is happening, and I am okay, just a lot of moving parts and some stuff that's out of my control but I'm still gonna do my best. I promise y'all will see these drafts be posted over the weekend!

Love yall!

-Jackal :]

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More Posts from Crypticjackal13

2 years ago

Capsule I request a angst/comfort RedSon x reader? It’s mostly a thing where the reader sort of helps RedSon show his feelings to his parents.

The reader is RedSon’s happy go lucky girlfriend who recently told him that she wanted him to meet her parents! RedSon being the overachieving (and praise seeking) man he is, agreed, only to be confused when she leads him to a graveyard. There the reader introduced two gravestones as her parents, looking at RedSon expecting him to talk to them. (Ex: “Hello Mom and Dad I want you to meet my new partner! Say hi RedSon!”)

the reader’s parents died not to long ago and as a coping mechanism/comfort she would visit them and talk to their grave stones as if they could hear her. RedSon as the reader is talking to the gravestones starts to wonder what she is feeling, as in how he would feel if his parents would have died. RedSon after the meeting goes to his parents and hugs them and tells them that he does in fact love them very much.

ack my heart 😭 may or may not have cried while writing. /Pos

"Here With You" (1010 w.c)

Redson x Fem!Reader

Pronouns: she her

CW: this is very sad especially at the end bc ya know family stuff

“Are we there yet?”

Redson was, for once, not behind the wheel of his car. He agreed to meet his girlfriend’s parents. But apparently their location was a surprise of sorts.

“Not yet, just a little more to go!” She reassured him. He had to admit, though, that the route they were taking was aesthetically very nice. Lots of greenery, not a whole lot of traffic. Y/n parked the vehicle and hopped out, and Redson got out too. He assumed the building across the street, a small tea shop, was the place they were meeting at. But she took his hand and took the lead.

“This way!”

They entered the cemetery gates. She didn’t hesitate once as she took a mossy brick path towards one side of the space before coming to a halt in front of two humble tombstones bearing her last name.


“Mom, dad, I told you he’d be excited to meet you! This is Redson!” She spoke, still holding his hand. Redson was less nervous, now, and more…aware? Conscious of that matter of mortality? He wasn’t quite sure himself. But he still bowed his head in respect.

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. l/n. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m a fan of your work.” He said.

The visit, although quiet, was much more pleasant than the awkward dinner that they sat through when y/n met his parents. He went along with every part of the conversation that he could as y/n told the story of how they met, how cool he was, how he had helped to save the world. And he listened to every word she said about her parents, how kind they were, how much they cared for her.

When they bid the stones adieu, y/n was less cheery than before. Her shoulders drooped and her eyes were just slightly glazed over. He stayed close to her, hooking his elbow with hers.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, Red.” She mumbled. Their shoes made rhythmic tapping on the stone ground.

“It’s no problem, y/n. I’m glad I got to meet them. Even if it threw me off at the beginning,” he nudged her, trying to get her to smile, even a little bit. “They seem like lovely people.”

She finally met Redson’s eyes with a smile that held quiet sadness behind it. They stopped walking as tears started to fall. He wiped away every one. He didn’t push her to continue walking, or even to talk about what happened. At this point all that he cared about was letting her get it all out. She buried her face in his chest and he wrapped his arms tightly around her.

“Alright. I’m ready to go.” She sniffled, pulling away from him. He still had an arm around her shoulders, but they made their way back to the car and went home. He dropped her off at her house before going back to his own.

The drive to get to his place was silent. The radio was turned off on purpose—he wanted to think. No one was there to greet him when he got home, and looking at the time, he realized he’d missed dinner with his parents. Normally, he’d be fine with this, opting to sit by himself with whatever food there was left, but this was different. The energy was different. He walked around his home in search of life, even stopping a few of the bull clones to see if they had seen his parents. Finally someone gave him an actual answer—they were in the lounge, probably watching that cooking show. From there, Redson made a beeline to the room. Instead of bursting in like he usually did, he gently pushed open the door, and just sort of stood there, waiting to be noticed. His mother looked at him out of the corner of her eye.

“Ah, you’re back. How did it go?” She asked. She was the one who, that very morning, helped him get ready and gave him advice. Don’t assert yourself heavily. Wait for them to ask about your history before you tell them, otherwise it’ll be rude. In a way, he didn’t go against that.

“I…” he swallowed, not even sure what he wanted to really say. His father paused the show, turning to him.

“You didn’t embarrass yourself, did you?” He half-joked.

“No,” his hands shook despite being buried in his pockets. He didn’t really want to, but he could feel steam coming off his face as he started to cry. His mother got up from her seat in an instant, approaching him to try and figure out what was wrong.

“What happened, dear? You’re not even yelling, that can’t be a good sign.” She cupped his face.

“I just…” he shook even more as he fought to hold himself still. “I love you guys. I don’t always appreciate what you do or even show that I care, but I really do.”

His mother was taken aback, looking at his father worriedly. The Demon Bull King knelt down to his wife and child, still confused, but now aware that this wasn’t a time to try and shame his son. He was getting better at recognizing those moments.

“Did they insult you? Do we need to go attack them?”

“They’re…not with us. It just made me think, and I don’t—“ Redson started breaking down, allowing his shoulders to move as he looked at the ground and let his tears fall. His mother pulled him into her arms, combing her hands through his fiery hair. His father sat on the ground, still much taller than both of them, but now in a position where he could easily embrace them. “I don’t want to lose you.”

“Don’t worry and overthink it, Redson. We’re not going anywhere anytime soon, alright?” His mother shushed him.

“At least, not without a good fight.” His father contributed.

They helped Redson to clean himself up, before going back into the lounge and sitting down all together to enjoy the show.

Capsule I Request A Angst/comfort RedSon X Reader? Its Mostly A Thing Where The Reader Sort Of Helps

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2 years ago

Hi can I request a mayor x reader oneshot?

Can it be very fluffy..?

Absolutely! I've slowly but surely started actually liking this man lmao it's a bit of a problem.. ^^"

"Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy"

(Mayor x GN!Reader)(romantic, fluffy)(930 w.c)

Pronouns: you/yours

CW: pet names, eating at the end

Hi Can I Request A Mayor X Reader Oneshot?

Working as an intern for your boyfriend made your job a lot easier considering how laid back he was. The mayor himself was hardworking, always lending a hand to anyone who needed it at a moment’s notice. He just also happened to be smart enough that no one went without a break or a paid vacation for too long. Lately, you’d been biting off more than you could chew, which wasn’t bad in theory, but it was when the stress was starting to pile up.

You were halfway through a new pile of paperwork in your own office when he called you to get you to come over to his. You worried that the reports you submitted the night prior were, in fact, backwards like you thought. But when you entered the room, his expression was one of concern.

“What’s up? I’m not in trouble, am I?” You joked, hoping that he wasn’t just hiding his anger behind that unwavering smile of his.

“No, no. Not in the slightest. I just wanted to check up on you and give you a break from your workload,” he gestured to the chair across from his desk, and you accepted the offer and took a seat. “Dear y/n, you’ve been really pushing yourself lately.”

“I mean, I guess. But I’m fine, it’s nothing to worry about!” You waved your hands in an attempt to come off as carefree. However you could tell by the way his eyebrows furrowed that he didn’t really believe you.

“I hope you realize that you fell asleep at your desk last night and I was the one who carried you back home?”

So that’s how you wound up in your shared bed. You had no memory of actually walking to it, but now it made sense.

“That was one time.” You protested.

Your lover sighed and shook his head, getting up from his desk and walking around to stand across from you. He folded his arms and leaned against it.

“You know how much I care about you and your well-being. Which is why I’ve prepared a solution for you.”


“You and I are taking the weekend off and resting at home. No buts,” he held up his hand as you opened your mouth to speak. “You’re practically dead on your feet. I demand that you accept this offer.”

“Aren’t you technically dead on your feet too?”

He laughed at this, walking behind the chair you were sitting in and placing his hands on your shoulders. He gave them a comforting squeeze.

“Only on the inside, dearest. Now, what do you say?”

“I guess taking a bit of rest wouldn’t be so terrible…” you hummed as he found a knot below your neck and gently worked it out. His hands were nice and cold. You could get used to this.

“Exactly. Now, go take your lunch break, get done what you can, and then when we get home tonight we can just enjoy the weekend. Alright?”

You nodded and stood up. Before you left, he gave you a quick hug. He smelled like coffee. You didn’t realize how much you actually missed spending time with him outside of work. Maybe you two could go see a movie, or visit a nice restaurant.

“Are you alright?” He asked when you didn’t pull away from him.

“Yeah, just thinking.” Your voice was muffled by his chest, but he still understood. He ran a hand through your hair and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.

“Okay, now seriously, go take a break.” He chuckled. You didn’t let go of his waist.

“Nope, you’re trapped here.”

“My greatest weakness!”

You both laughed as you detached yourself from him, making your way back to your office to grab your lunch.

At the end of the day, the Mayor came into your office, jingling his keys in one hand and holding his coat on his shoulder with the other. He leaned on the doorframe as you saved your work on the computer.

“All good?” He asked. You nodded and got up, taking one of his hands as you two walked to his car. You had your own vehicle, of course, however when you two were on the same schedule you tended to just travel together. Since it was pleasantly warm outside, he rolled down the windows to allow for some fresh air. You closed your eyes and relaxed as you two went home.

“What would you like to do for dinner?” He said as he pulled into the driveway.

“Is takeout okay?”

“Anything you’d like.”

You two could go have fun this weekend tomorrow. For tonight, it was much nicer to just get into comfortable pajamas, turn on some cheesy movie, and enjoy the takeout that you two had delivered to the house.

On the couch, he had finished his food, and was clearing away his trash. When he sat back down, you got close to him, laying your legs across his lap and balancing the food you were finishing on your thighs. He had one of his arms around your back to support you and was lightly tracing circles with his fingers.

“It does feel nice to not have to worry about anything.” You yawned as you put your box on the table and leaned your head on his shoulder. His chuckle reverberated through his chest as he held you closer.

“It does, doesn’t it?” Mayor smiled, but not in the over exaggerated way he usually did, in a soft way. “Get some rest, darling. You deserve it.”

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2 years ago

Hello! Before I do the request I have to say..

I love your writing alot! And the way you express the characters are absolutely stunning!

But anyways since this is my first request so you gotta bare with me here..

Is it ok if its a MK X Filipino!reader?

If not its ok really!

Also I dont know how to explain things but if you need some points on the idea here is how it goes:

Filipino!reader is coming back to china to meet mk ( also their relationship started before the events of mk being swk's succesor ) and mk wanted to let the others know about Filipino!reader so basically mk invites everyone to pigsy's noodles and they finally meet filipino!reader for the first time! ( also you can add characters if you like but can you add swk and macaque there too? )

( sorry if this is very confusing its my first time really! And I am filipino so if I misspelled anything I am sorry ^^ )

Have a good day/afternoon/night!! <3

Not confusing at all! And thank you, I really do my best! Enjoy!! ^^

"City Sweet City" (MK x Filipino!GN!Reader)

(romantic oneshot)(827 w.c)

Pronouns: They/Them

CW: none? Food at the end

Weaving your way through Airport traffic to get to where your boyfriend said he was parked was arguably the worst part of your trip from the Philippines to get to China. Thank goodness MK’s vehicle of choice was the delivery buggy that he used at work. The large pig on top eliminated a lot of time you would have spent searching for him. As soon as MK saw you approaching, he leapt out of the car and ran to you. He enveloped you in a bear hug, lifting you up with ease and spinning the two of you around.

“Y/N! You’re here! In front of me! Wow!” He was beaming at you, practically jumping for joy, and you would be too if you weren’t holding all your luggage.

“I am! But before anybody goes crazy can we please put all this in your trunk?” You gestured to your bags, and he seemed to just realize they existed as he started helping you to put them in the back.

“Oh, right! I thought that maybe after we dropped your stuff off at my place you’d come to Pigsy’s with me? I want you to meet my friends!”

“Yeah, that sounds good!”

He locked the trunk and you both got into the car to drive to his apartment where you’d be staying. You’d been badgering him about cleaning it for ages, and from what you could see now that you were standing in it, he had. He also showed you the pull out bed that was on his couch just in case you wanted to sleep by yourself. This was incredibly sweet, you told him, however if he had space in his bed you wanted to fill it. MK blushed at this and started getting all flustered, since this would be the first time you’d ever slept over and since he was your boyfriend he didn’t have to really be alone at night.

“Anyways, c’mon! Pigsy’s is right downstairs.” He took your hand, leading you down and around the corner of the building, and sure enough, there was the famous noodle place you’d heard of a million times. Aptly decorated for its name with a cozy interior that smelled delicious.

“Hey guys! I want you to meet my partner, Y/N! They’re from the Philippines!” MK called as you two entered. You waved to the people in front of you. From pictures alone, you could figure out who Mei was, with her signature green jacket and cutesy hairstyle. There were two monkeys as well, one of them sitting on a cloud in the corner while the other one was leaning on a wall enjoying some noodles. And of course the pig-man behind the counter must be Pigsy himself.

“Ooh, so you’re the one MK won’t stop talking about! I’m Mei!” Mei came up to you and hugged you. You returned the hug, giving MK a mischievous smile.

“You talk about me a lot?” You asked him. He stammered.

“Not in a negative way or anything! I just think you’re really cool so I talk about it!—“

“Relax, kid, you’re gonna blow a fuse,” The monkey on the cloud spoke finally. He gave you a polite wave. “I’m Monkey King. Nice to meet you after all this time!”

“Yeah, this is the mentor I was telling you about!” MK chimed in. You waved back at him. The shadow in the corner cleared his throat, and MK gestured over to him. “And that’s Macaque!”

“It’s so nice to meet you all! Good to see there are people around MK that can keep him out of trouble!” You smiled, and Macaque huffed with a smirk.

“Our success rate isn’t that high.” He said.

“Hey! We do our best!” Monkey King argued.

MK seemed to feel like there would be a fight, so he walked in between the two under the guise of grabbing water from the cooler that was sitting near a table. Then he led you over to the counter to sit down.

“How about we split some noodles? I’ll pay for them.” MK offered.

“Just this once, since it’s a special occasion, you can just have ‘em.” Pigsy slid two bowls over to you and your boyfriend.

“Ah, thank you!” You grabbed a pair of chopsticks and gave the food a taste. It practically melted in your mouth and it brought tears to your eyes.

“What’s wrong? Do you not like them?” MK worriedly looked at you.

“No…it’s delicious. Better than I could have imagined…” you practically inhaled the rest of the bowl, happier that you didn’t have to suffer through airplane food anymore.

“Thanks, Y/N.” Pigsy gave you an over the shoulder smile as he continued to cook. MK was smiling too and enjoying his own bowl of noodles. Surrounded by the people he cared about. With you, in person, able to actually hold you and show you his favorite places…you two would have so much fun!

Hello! Before I Do The Request I Have To Say..

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2 years ago

Hihi!! May i request some general dating hcs for Sun Wukong and Macaque??

I hope you are having an excellent day / night! <3

- 🌸

Aw thank you! And yes absolutely I think about these monkeys....a little too often! :D


(gender neutral. I hc Mac as demisexual/panromantic and hc SWK as asexual/demiromantic)


He’s surprisingly mellow in a relationship. Opting to go with the flow of things!Loves physical affection and is very open about it. He likes wrapping his tail around you, carrying you around, and definitely gives you kisses on the cheek a lot(if you prefer the lips he doesn't mind~)

He takes mental notes of what you like. Flowers, snacks, movies, whatever. So that way if he notices you’re down he can get you something


He will let you ride on his cloud with him as long as you promise not to try and yeet yourself off of it.

If you spend the night sleeping at his place expect to wake up with multiple monkeys snuggled in with you

He’s decent at cooking so if you want something easy to make he’s happy to do it, if you wanna cook he wants to help however he can

He fidgets a lot, he’s almost always moving, don’t get freaked out he’s just very aware of Everything™

Let him do a grooming session on you. Please. It’s how he really shows his love. Talk to him while he does it, let him tell you about whatever’s been going on lately, it’s so nice and calm and intimate he loves it.

Will turn into animals to travel around with you if you let him!! Moth Wukong that sits on your arm, Hawk Wukong who flies above you, DOG WUKONG THAT YOU CAN RUB HIS BELLY—

The ONLY problem you might run into is the fact that he is terrible about asking for help or confronting his issues. He insists that because he is THE monkey king that he’s fine and can do anything on his own—this is the biggest lie on the face of the earth. Don’t let him stress himself out if you can catch it early on :/

He’s SO sweet, I promise, it just takes him a bit to get used to the fact that you actually want to be with him…he is flabbergasted

He’s quiet at first, but that’s only because he’s trying to read you. He wants to know if you’re really invested in him or if you’ll leave him behind. But once he knows for sure, he switches moods.

He’s got a lot of baggage that he’s doing his best to carry. He would never force it on you however he warns you in advance that he is NOT easy to deal with on a regular basis.

Very gentlemanly towards you. Carries your bags, definitely pays for the dates, etc.

Puts your needs before his most of the time; have you eaten, did you have a good day, if not what can he do to fix it for you. You might have to get on his case about it if you wanna try and put him first too

Not as affectionate as Wukong, however the affection he does give you is heavenly. Interpret that however you’d like~

He loves spending nights with you. He feels safer with you, he lets down his glamours, and he likes listening to your heartbeat. If you’re having trouble sleeping like he does he’ll tell you stories to get you to sleep, but he refuses to fall asleep before you do.


When he’s not training at his dojo or running his shadow plays, he follows you around in your shadow to make sure you stay out of trouble.

Overall, he’s a really good boyfriend at heart, it just makes his brain blue screen to think that someone might actually love him romantically. He adores you for it.

Hihi!! May I Request Some General Dating Hcs For Sun Wukong And Macaque??

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2 years ago

Hello Hello! Could i have a seperate headcanons for Sun wukong, Macaque, Nezha & Red son with their female s/o who is a secretly a assassin , when they're with their s/o she looked innocent and sweet (also shy) but she's secretly bad ass and dangerous (also scary) when she's on the mission from their organization or in bad situation, what would the boys reaction when they find out their s/o's secret who been hiding all along from them?

This request is inspired the anime I watched is "Spy x Family", for reader's personality is inspired of Yor Forger!

Ah!! I love Yor, she is,,, very nice ;-; /pos


SWK, Macaque, Nezha, and Redson x Assassin!Fem!reader Headcanons!

SWK - concerned more than anything else, in the beginning. He wants to ensure that she’s never in harm's way. What if she got hurt? What if he couldn’t protect her? But then she pops off and actually protects him, and not only is he amazed, he’s much more curious about her than before. Maybe encourages her to train with him to see her skills, and even give her new moves to work with! He is supportive of her, but he also has a healthy amount of fear for her!

Macaque - like Wukong, he wants her to stay out of trouble. However something was bound to happen eventually, and there she was pulling knives from her boots and throwing them with amazing aim at their target. His jaw is on the floor, he can’t believe how cool it is, he himself might not even join the fight just so he can see her finish it off. Afterwards he makes sure she’s okay before asking her “what the heck was that?!”. He vows to never underestimate her ever again.

Nezha - Nezha, being his dutiful prince self, will instinctively try to protect her sweet soul like it’s glass. He loves how sweet and genuinely nice she is, especially to him. However, he gets so worried when there’s that moment he can’t jump in front of her to take the brunt of an attack, but what’s this? She’s got her own weapon, and stopped the attack midair. He’s incredibly shocked, however he’s also SO PROUD OF U BB GO KICK THEIR BUTTS! She manages to finish off the fight on her own, and then when she’s done he goes up to her and is all like “omg you did so good are you hurt at all?? Let’s go get some food :)”

Redson - doesn’t mind having to take the lead for her! The least he can do for someone so sweet and special to him is to do the fighting and violence stuff. He was going to launch his flames at the demon that dared to try and mess with her, but when he looked, there she was beating them into next week. He could not be more proud!! Won’t make a big deal if she doesn’t want him to, but definitely celebrates her victory!! Power couple!!

Hello Hello! Could I Have A Seperate Headcanons For Sun Wukong, Macaque, Nezha & Red Son With Their Female

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