Mommy voiced childless girlfriend who is too busy working and being emotionally drained.
956 posts
Doodlemeariver - Doodle Pie - Tumblr Blog
MORE CORRUPTION! WOOOO!! *throws torch*
how’s everyone doin tonight i just broke tumblr
They’re as hype worthy as pink box donuts, but with the benefit of knowing crumbl was in trouble for child labor.
About to try Crumbl Cookies for the first time… are they worth the hype? 👀
New type of goo word for my Vegas raised ass.
No, Google Docs, there is a distinct difference between "cussing" and "cursing."
by reblogging this post you affirm that your ask box is a trick or treating house this halloween. the porch light is on, there's pumpkins, there's candy. let's all go to each other's blogs and get treats🖤
I sometimes say fuck it and put bio freeze (non-name brand icy hot) roller on my belt line.
why hasn’t someone invented medicine to stop period cramps from happening
like, yes I can take Advil. In fact I took it first thing when I woke up from the pain 45 minutes ago and it’s taking its sweet ass time to kick in
heat is not working, 10lb of a weighted blanket helping only a minuscule amount
can my uterus just like. stop trying to destroy me? pls and thx
Sometimes I have to realize not everyone realizes a persons period involves dropping actual blood clots. I want to yell that to anyone who doesn’t understand that the innner lining is just a straight up tumor wall.
Why the hell was there only a one day and one week option. The fact 20+ people so far have already voted makes me too excited to see how hard people are memeing on me.
Trying to figure out cute couples ideas. Any suggestions? Poll for what I have so far:
Trying to figure out cute couples ideas. Any suggestions? Poll for what I have so far:
Trying to figure out cute couples ideas. Any suggestions? Poll for what I have so far:
Trying to figure out cute couples ideas. Any suggestions? Poll for what I have so far:

Do you really expect it any other way?

BILL ! BILL ! BILL ! BILL ! source
I consider making pancakes self care.
I don’t want to send people to a link of ads, so ask in messages and I’ll send you the pancake recipe with website

Why won’t they say which country’s military shot and killed this US citizen?
Goodest babies get the pretty buttons

15% ears by volume.

15% ears by volume.

'tis october!!!!
This post made me look up the third astronaut, the one who orbited the moon alone while they walked…