Period Pain - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Game changer

Stretches to rapidly relieve bad period cramps

I don't know if this is a thing that's known and out there and no one told me or if this only works for me, but I have debilitatingly painful cramps and after 20 years of that, finally found something that works super fast, like, under a minute, to make them completely go away and not come back. Do other people know about this? I certainly did not, but if this can help someone else, I feel like everyone should know.

Get in a position that feels the most comfortable (I've done this lying on my side, sitting in a chair, or squatting on the floor leaning forward), and then slowly contract and then release the muscles on one side of your stomach and then the other (I think those are the oblique muscles) while keeping the rest of yourself still. You're basically slowly moving your stomach from side to side for about a minute. That's it.

For me, it can take a bit of a push to keep doing it if I start to feel nauseous, but it works like some kind of instant miracle pain relief and I'm so mad I didn't know sooner. I can't believe all that awfulness could have such an easy solution.

Please let me know if this helps you or if this is an exercise that other people do but somehow I missed.

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1 year ago

Womb-healing potion for painful periods

I’ve always had a bad relationship with my uterus and my period cramps are a fine depiction of it. As I try to love my womb, understand it and heal it, I still experience horrible periods, and I know a lot of us do. So I have perfected my own potion to not simply cast a spell but try and perpetually heal my uterus and our connection, one period at a time.

It should heal symptoms such as:



Foul mood (sadness, melancholy, anger, despair)

Lack of energy

Womb-healing Potion For Painful Periods


Cinnamon: happiness and healing.

Thyme: healing herb, health, courage, strength; banishes melancholy, negative vibrations, feelings of despair and hopelesness.

Ginger: natural anti-inflammatory, gets rid of cramps by relieving pressure

Lavender (in any form you may find): relaxation, peaceful dreams, purification, love; banishes, stress and headaches.

Cardamom: femenine energy, Venus, water signs (emotions), relaxes body, clears the mind and relieves indigestion.

Add to:

Boiling milk for nightime (sweet, calming and sleep-inducing. I add some vanilla extract for extra sweetness)

Boiling black tea for daytime (femenine energy, vitalizing, improves mood and activity, banishes negativity)

In order to prepare it with intent, feel your pain and visualize it fading away as you stirr clockwise, then communicate with the potion (you don’t need to be vocal) asking for healing, as you stirr counter-clockwise. I personally find myself begging very openly to ease my pain and grant my womb some peace.

Let it sit and then strain.

I recommend preparing it the moment before you drink it, instead of stocking it away for later, but it depends on how you feel your own intent. I also added dry white roses to the one in the pictures.

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10 months ago

My heating pad ain't cutting it anymore. I need to pour boiling water on my stomach to not feel these cramps.

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1 year ago

It's that time of the month when I wanna rip my stomach open with bare hands and throw away my uterus

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7 months ago

Currently fighting demons and flirting with the idea of giving up (period pain)

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3 months ago

i am transmasc. I have two sisters. Our period symptoms are severe. My sisters throw up, I get really fucking dizzy and my legs and back start hurting so fucking much. Like so much. We went to our mom's gyno BC without strong pain meds none of us can function during our period. Guess what she tried to give us... Fucking placebos. We went back there so fast once we realized BC fuck that. No. I will not sacrifice my ability to move for several days for some fucking experiment

So many people who get periods are like “Ugh it sucks that having a menstrual cycle makes you almost die every month” like no that’s not normal you need to go to the doctor

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3 months ago

I sometimes say fuck it and put bio freeze (non-name brand icy hot) roller on my belt line.

why hasn’t someone invented medicine to stop period cramps from happening

like, yes I can take Advil. In fact I took it first thing when I woke up from the pain 45 minutes ago and it’s taking its sweet ass time to kick in

heat is not working, 10lb of a weighted blanket helping only a minuscule amount

can my uterus just like. stop trying to destroy me? pls and thx

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2 years ago


Tw blood, gore, uterus

Devilish creation

Tw Blood, Gore, Uterus

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6 months ago

Does anyone want my uterus? I don't want it, i reject it, i hate having it

(my period is right around the corner and it's been hurting for over a week)

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6 months ago

I swear to god I'm going to get an hysterectomy

I don't want children, I'm suffering period pains for nothing

Can you tell I'm suffering absolute monster of cramps rn?

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1 year ago

I'm crumbling into tiny little pieces. My toes are not working, I can't feel my fingers, I'm bloated because of periods, and mentally I'm in Dante's purgatory.

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1 year ago

last night I cried like anything (almost breathless) thought I'm having side line depression symptoms, my pillow cover was almost drenched but then I woke up this morning and guess what? ❤️‍🩹Periods❤️‍🩹

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4 months ago

chat guess who just got their period ugh

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4 months ago

guys i previously mentioned im on my period right

well the pad leaked and now there's a blood stain on my bed sheet

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Normalising certain things can be dangerous - especially around mental illness and physical illness. A good example of this is how period pain has been normalised.

People with periods often dismiss their pain on the basis of "everyone gets a little pain", doctors dismiss painful periods, specialists dismiss them too as it's so normalised to have painful periods where it can be a symptom of severe chronic illness; endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, adenomyosis, even kinds of gynecological cancers can present as "a painful period"

Destigmatising painful periods (and honestly, pelvic health for all people) helps to push societal acceptance and awareness of the fact that those issues exist, and allows for conversation when problems arise.

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