I Love All Things Pink, Studying and finding ways to improve myself π°π©°π
42 posts
Daily Reflection: 29 Nov. 2023
Daily Reflection: 29 Nov. 2023

What I did today:
β‘ Physical/Social Health
- Went with my mom to pick up my little brother.
- Went to the beach after and then also went to a restaurant to eat lunch.
β‘ Mental Health
- Read a few chapters of "how to make friends and influence people".
β‘ Emotional Health
- Checked-in on Moodee.
β‘ Intellectual Health
- Did two units on HeyJapan.
β‘ Self Love
- Did AM skincare and brushed my teeth.
- Did PM skincare (just wet my face and toner, because I was so tired) and brushed my teeth.
- Spent a lot of time outside and in the sun.
β‘ Personal Projects
- Worked on 2 of my writing projects.
- I finished one section of one of the writing projects. (didn't really work a lot on the other one).

I doesn't really feel like I did a lot, but I think that's because I spent majority of the day at the beach (4,5 hours).
But I am going to go to bed earlier than what I usually do because I'm so tired and I also have a massive headache, and also because I have to wake up earlier tomorrow as I am going to school and the power is going to be out.
So the only thing I will be posting tomorrow is my end year exam results, and also how I felt about it and blah blah blah.
So I hope you enjoy the rest of your day/night.
Til next time!

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13 Days Until Term 3 Ends -`β‘Β΄-
So I have 2 tests (EMS and my last math test) and 2 orals but the orals only count for Term 4.
And I have 2 days (16 and 17 september) to write my 2 orals, make posters for them and start studying for my tests.
Today I am going to try and write my orals and start studying for my EMS and tomorrow I am going to do the rest since our power is going to be of literally the WHOLE DAY.
So yeah today I am going to try and get as much done as possible and I will update you guys tomorrow. Bye!
Glow Up - Day 2

β‘ Skincare (x2).
β‘ Brush teeth (x2).
β‘ Drink water (x4)
β‘ Organized my Milanote.
β‘ Posted some posts for this blog.
β‘ Ate a little bit more because my appetite came back.
β‘ Prepared the song I want to sing tomorrow.
Today (yesterday) was pretty chill, I was very tired so that's why didn't do much. Hopefully, I'll be as good as new so I can do more.

Year End Exam Results:

So I got my exam results today, NOT my year end results. (the end of the year they count all your marks for that year and that will be on our report cards).
They didn't give us our year end results. Only my math teacher did and that is the result that I will give you.
And after that I will give my thoughts where in the moment I got the results.

Life Orientation: 53%
I was (kinda) happy about my results, considering how bad the rest of my class did. But I definitely felt like I could've been beter.
Afrikaans: 72%
I thought I did okay, but I also thought that I would've done beter. I am just really happy that I did good in my oral and transactional writing peace.
Math: 42 - 44%
I don't really remember what the exact result was but it was something lile that. And I almost cried. All I know is that I'll be taking math lit in grade 10.
Drama Practical: 72%
I was happy and kinda surprised.
Design Practical: 96%
Oh my word, I was soo happy. And also really about the feedback my teacher gave me and she was so nice.
Creative Arts - Drama: 92%
I was really surprised about this one, but it also made sense to me.
Creative Arts - Design: 86%
I was also happy but expected a little more.
Biology: 62%
I was really happy, because I knew I wrote my exam well and I also did beter in the previous term.
English: 78%
I was happy, mostly because I did a bit beter than last term. And also most of the things I said in my Afrikaans thoughts.
Physics: 68%
I was soo happy. I worked much harder than what I did last term and I shows.
Technology: 63%
I was really surprised and also happy. I was surprised with my mark because with this exam they asked the questions so, not very good.
Geography: 78%
I was surprised, because I thought I would do worse but I'm still happy nonetheless
EMS practical (?): 80%
I was really happy and I mostly had the same thoughts as what I had with physics
EMS Theory: 58%
I was ALSO really happy and yet surprised because I only read trough my notes, wich never works for me.

So, I guess I can say that I'm happy? (note the sarcasm)
I definitely thought that I could've done way beter, because you know there's always room for improvement. But considering that it is my first year back at like an official school, I am really proud of myself.
So, next year I want to do so much beter. And I know you can too!!!
Okay anyway, I am really tired and today was so hot. And hopefully I will be posting again tomorrow.
Til next time!

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To the person reading this ...
β₯ I hope this finds you well β β οΎ β½ * β β

Hello, my name is Dory! I am 14 years old- turning 15 next year(in 2024). I just started highschool this year. I moved back to my home country in May and started in Term 3 in my new school. I started this blog a little late (end of Term 3) because I wanted to be really honest with myself (my grades and progress) and share this new chapter with everybody else and yeah!

I plan to pass all my subjects but at the beginning I will try not to be that harsh on myself since I'm new. I also just want to have fun, but I also really, really, really want to do good(school wise).

this post was inspired by: @stdyblu and @harshstudymotiv

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6 Days Until Term 3 Ends -`β‘Β΄- (part 1)
Okay so, I know I haven't updated in a while (because I kind of forgot about this) BUT I have been really busy with school so now I am here to update you about my week.
So Tuesday I had a EMS test and it was my very first EMS test that I have written and I am pretty confident that I will get above 60% and I also did my English oral that day and my teacher showed me my mark (I think it was only because I'm new) and I got 17/20 and I was a bit dissatisfied because I knew I could have done better but I am still proud of myself.
On Thursday I wrote my second math test and I do think that I will do better on this one than on my other one (I got 28% because I genuinely did not know what was going on there... yikes) so with this one I prepared way more than my previous so all I am hoping for is 50% or possibly above. And I also got my math project results back. We had I part one (I got 40% on that one) and than a part 2(got a 77%) and in total I got 33/50 (66%) and I am so proud of myself (because I suck at math)