Kayla Knowles - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

I feel like Apollo/lester would go outside and do this just to embarrass Will,Austin,and Kayla

This is what Rasputin would've wanted.

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4 years ago

✨apollo cabin headcanons✨

-will losing his voice somehow and having to just sit in the infirmary and not really do anything because of how raspy and quiet it is

-austin having a pretty intimidating resting face (like wth are you good sir?)

-kayla having to be the mom sometimes for example.

·BOTH OF YOU get off the top bunk now before it breaks and you hurt yourselves

·Austin it is 3am put you saxophone away and go to sleep

·hear*ties will's shoe* now lets go

·will stop tormenting your brother

·sorry Austin but i cant help you get away from the tickle monster(will) this time

-on rainy days at camp no one really goes outside so there's not really any reason to go to the infirmary so all three of them just play board games all day and eat snacks and just be silly in general

-austin comes back to camp with dreads instead of cornrows and will and kayla are shook

-austin sings them songs before bed

-kayla trying to teach them archery(long story short will needed an arrow removed from his foot and Austin needed stitches)

-will cant stand seeing his siblings upset so will often tickle them to see a smile

-austin with dimples and every time he smiles will just pokes his cheek and goes "ribbit"

-will and Austin doing random little dances behind kayla when shes talking to someone just to annoy/embarrass her

-will constantly poking both kayla and Austin because why not

Last one(finally)

-austin and Kayla being very fond of nico and including him in the silly things they do in there cabin(when there doing stupid stuff he usually just shakes his head and laughs)

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3 years ago

New Headcanon: Apollo kids call anytime they fail at anything a “Lester Moment”

Apollo sat down with the rest of his children at the “him” table. Kayla was struggling to open a water bottle. 

“Austin, can you get this for me? I’m having a Lester moment,” she said. 

“Sure thing, Kayla,” Austin replied, opening the water bottle. 

“Wait a minute. A Lester moment?” Apollo said incredulously. 

“Yea. You know. Like, struggling with a simple task. Failing at life,” Kayla explained. Apollo made a face at her. 

“You know, there was a time when I would have smited you for that. Smited? Smote? Smote,” Apollo said sternly. Austin snickered.

“Not while you were Lester,” Kayla retorted with a smirk. Nico snorted and covered his mouth. Will smacked him lightly on the arm. Apollo frowned and flicked Kayla in the head. 

“OW! Hey!" 

"Sorry, I had a Lester moment,” Apollo said, causing Will to spit out his water.

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6 months ago
It Was Said That The Sun Is Considered A Star In Our Solar System. As The God Of The Sun, Apollos Eyes

It was said that the sun is considered a star in our solar system. As the god of the sun, Apollo’s eyes resemble a shining star surrounded by the galaxy. Whenever he laughs or smile, the star would always shine brighter. It screams ‘Hey! I’m right here! Look at me!” and many heads would turn towards his direction. Maybe that was why he opted to wear sunglasses, an attempt to try not to draw too many attention. Because of this, his children would inherit half of his star like eyes. (Aka: an Oshi No Ko inspired AU because I just think Apollo with Ai's eyes and his kids having Ruby/Aqua's eyes looks interesting.)

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3 years ago

Headcanons about Apollo and his former lovers from TOA

Naomi Solace 🎤

-Her and Apollo met when she was singing at a dive bar, he bought her a drink and they had a whirlwind summer fling

-They loved hitting up karaoke bars together and wowing everyone with their singing talent

-She really liked Apollo’s car and they’d did a lot of things in there (including conceiving Will lmao)

-One time when they were making out Naomi climbed into Apollo’s seat and her butt accidentally hit the steering wheel and HOOONK

-They jolted in surprise, then delved into hysterics, anything they had going on dying down as they laid their heads against each other’s shoulders and laughed so hard their ribs hurt, until Apollo suggested they used the back seat and things got going again lol

-Once Naomi said Jesus Christ in like response to smth, Apollo replied actually I’m Phoebus Apollo and Naomi was like what? And Apollo was like whaaaaat and Naomi just moved on bc she had other things to deal with lol

-Apollo ended up saying goodbye and leaving at the end of summer and a few weeks after he left Naomi realized she was pregnant and was like well shit

-She’s from the south and people there can be p judgmental about pregnancies outside of marriage, but Naomi never let them get her down, she actually met this great support group of women who helped her out and are still good friends even now

-Apollo eased her labor pains when she was giving birth to Will (and that’s why the kid has such good medical powers), but Apollo disguised himself as a nurse, not wanting to stress her out because the ex who she thought had no idea abt the baby was here, with her, holding her hand while she was gave birth

-Naomi brings Will up with love and kindness and she just wants the best for her sweet boy, but she gets concerned when Will talks about some weird things he saw at school and he gets pegged as the “weird kid” and is picked on by his classmates as a result

-Naomi would’ve fought those kids but Will told her it was fine, mama! His stuffed animals were his friends

-Will loved those stuffed animals and got really attached to them, so Naomi taught him how to sow them up when they started fraying and that’s the first thing that made Will want to be a doctor (when Will told his siblings this story they started calling him Doc McStuffins lol)

-Apollo didn’t tell Naomi he was a god and she didn’t find out until Apollo sent a satyr to bring Will to camp once he was old enough

-Realizing she had a fling with a greek god was a bit of a shock but Naomi dealt with it gracefully and gave Will the biggest hug before he left, making him promise to be safe and write to her as soon as he got to camp

-Naomi’s career as a country alt singer got a lot more successful after her whole thing with Apollo because he put a blessing on her, her voice was beautiful she just needed help getting noticed so Apollo nudged some influential people in the music industry towards her on his way out (he kinda felt bad about leaving so abruptly, even if it was just a fling, he tries to make it up to his ex-lovers with things like this)

-Naomi actually ends up writing a sad country love song about Apollo after he left, she titled it Suburn, not knowing how fitting the title is until years later, it becomes one of her most popular songs

-Naomi travels a lot for her career, touring around Texas and some nearby states, and that’s why Will stays at camp year round, but they write to each other frequently and love each other sm

-Naomi doesn’t date much since she’s always busy with her career and traveling, she’s just not ready to settle down yet, she’s happy living as a free spirit and a single mom with a wonderful son

-Naomi is 100% supportive of Will’s sexuality and loves Nico to bits (Nico is a little awkward around her at first bc he’s not used to affection lol)

-She tells Nico stories abt Will when he was a kid, whipping out photo albums and everything and Will is like mom s t a h p ur embarrassing me in front of my bf and Nico is reveling in how red his face gets

Latricia Lake 🎶

-she met Apollo when he was posing as a street performer for fun on the streets of the college town she worked in

-she put a tip in his guitar case and complimented his playing and his voice, Apollo was pleased by this and complimented her in turn, saying she must know her music which made Latricia laugh because she is a professor

-the two of them hit it off and start dating, spending hours talking about music

-being the god of music, Apollo could tell when people really loved music, feeling loved in return, and Latricia was one of those people

-being a college professor, Latricia was a bit older than Apollo’s usual lovers (she’s like in her mid to late 20s) and Apollo looks like 21, so he jokingly starts calling her a cougar just to tease her (when he’s so full of shit bc he’s over 3 thousand years older than her)

-Apollo attended some of her lectures, watching from the back of the room and her students were like ooh who’s that hot guy and she was like my bf and their jaws dropped bc daaamn ms lake way to go (Apollo found those reactions very amusing lol)

-There are many times when Latricia considers smacking that smug smirk off Apollo’s face, but she refrains and smacks his ass instead

-Apollo claims Latricia only loves him for his pancakes bc he made them for her the morning after their first time as a way to get her to keep him around lol (and it worked a little too well)

-When Latricia got pregnant Apollo told her who/what he really was and that was a bit too much for Latricia so they stopped dating but Apollo gave her the briefing about demigod children, powers, monsters, camp half blood, etc before he left

-One day when her sitter had to cancel on her she brought Austin to her class and all the college kids thought he was so cute that Latricia started bringing him around more often, Austin was just a baby but she could tell he loved the attention by the way he was gurgling lol (like father like son)

-Latricia is p busy since she’s a professor but she always makes time for her son and she has been teaching Austin about music since he was a kid, he grew up surrounded by it and that’s why he loves it sm (that and being a son of Apollo)

-On his 10th birthday there was a really nice new saxophone with a ribbon at the foot of his bed (a gift from Apollo) Austin always thought his mom bought it for him and Latricia just didn’t correct him

-Latricia sent Austin to camp half blood when he told her he saw a monster at school, he was only 11 but Latricia would rather be safe then sorry

-Latricia actually met someone while Austin was at his first year of camp, Austin was a little unsure around the guy at first but more out of awkwardness than anything the guy was lacking

-Austin and him bonded over “being boys” as Latricia put it (they blew up hot dogs in the microwave together) and the man soon had her son’s stamp of approval

-They ended up getting married the next year and Austin played the saxophone at their wedding

-Latricia was the first subscriber to his YouTube channel and showed all her coworkers and students her son’s videos, she’s a proud mama

Darren Knowles 🏹

-gay (obviously)

-he loves the outdoors and the crisp cold weather of Canada

-met Apollo when he saw him checking out the flier he had pinned up advertising his archery classes, Darren asked if he was gonna join and Apollo not so subtly checked Darren out over his sunglasses and was like well now I’m def joining

-Darren lowkey thought Apollo was a dumb American tourist at first and Apollo keeps telling him he’s not American and Darren is like uh huh

-Apollo is such a flirt during class and actually misses a few shots bc he too busy staring at Darren lol, but that does give the opportunity for Darren to come and “correct” his stance

-Darren is determined to be a professional with his students but he ends up caving because Apollo is just,, so cute

-Then when they start going on actual dates he finds out Apollo isn’t some dumb blond and is actually really intelligent and educated and Darren is like oh no my weakness, guys who are goofs but not dumb and also hot (Apollo be checking all of his boxes lol)

-Apollo told Darren he was a god while drunk off his ass one night and Darren didn’t believe a fucking word, Apollo just rolled with the drunken nonsense thing the next morning and didn’t tell Darren again (until Kayla)

-Darren lives alone but he’s always wanted a family, he was kicked out by his parents for being gay and he knows if he was a parent he would never treat his child like that, he’d love them unconditionally like his parents should’ve loved him

-Apollo magically created a child for Darren after the man confessed to him how much he wanted a kid of his own

-Darren was happy but like really confused because h... how? And Apollo is just like magic~ which explains fuck all

-Apollo tells him he has to leave now, he was having to leave soon anyway because of some trouble brewing back in America, but that he wanted to do this one last thing for Darren before he left

-he tells him to have take care raising the baby and to send her to cbh’s address when she starts attracting monsters, then poofs away, leaving Darren with a baby in his arms and wondering what the hell just happened

-Darren does raise Kayla with love and care just as he said he would, she grows up hiking through the woods with her dad and learning archery along with other wilderness skills (Artemis would really like her)

-Kayla has her aspirations for the Olympics pretty early on and Darren admires his daughter’s ambition, at first he thinks it’s just her being a kid but then later on as she keeps getting better and better he’s like damn she might actually be able to do it

-But then ofc monsters come and Darren drives her down to New York, lying through his teeth to the border guy who surprisingly lets him through without a problem (Apollo may have insured that but shhh)

-Darren sees her off at the barrier of Thalia’s pine tree and they say goodbye with a hug that lifts Kayla off her feet, there’s promises to write and reminders to practice her archery and take care of her bow and such before Kayla is escorted into camp by some other campers

-Darren managed to keep a hold of himself while saying goodbye but as soon as he’s back in the car he’s fucking bawling, all the way back to Canada because he’s gonna miss his little girl sm

-Darren has had some boyfriends but a lot of them end up jetting as soon as he tells them he has a kid ripp

-He does eventually land a good man and they’re going strong, even when Kayla, who was like 10 at the time, threatened to shoot him in the nads if he hurt her dad

-Darren and shows up to every archery match Kayla has in the future and promises to be there cheering for her with a big ass sign that says THATS MY DAUGHTER when she eventually reaches the Olympics


Georgina’s Mom 🎨

-She was an art student in community college

-She was on her own because her parents refused to support her “unrealistic” career choice

-She met Apollo at a party at some college dorm and they both got super smashed bc college parties be like that

-They had a one night stand that both of them mostly forgot about in favor of their hangovers the next morning

-until Hello!! You have a kid!

-She is most likely dead given that Georgina was led to the waystation by a ghost

-But Georgina has two new mommies now who love her very much (and an awkward dad)

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8 months ago
Apollo Gifting Each Of His Kids Sun-themed Jewerly

Apollo gifting each of his kids sun-themed jewerly

Thanks to @boldofyoutoassumeicanspell for the headcanon!!

Apollo Gifting Each Of His Kids Sun-themed Jewerly
Apollo Gifting Each Of His Kids Sun-themed Jewerly
Apollo Gifting Each Of His Kids Sun-themed Jewerly

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8 months ago

Kayla, showing a new Apollo camper around the cabin while Will is on duty in the infirmary:

...so this is your bed over here-

*pats bed*

-make yourself at home, and this-

*pats Nico's head, who is dozing on a beanbag*

-this is our pet Spawn of Satan, but don't worry! Will has had him de-clawed-

Nico, without moving: I'll kill you Kayla, I swear to god.

Kayla: -but he's still working on socialising him.

Nico: They'll never find the body Kayla, I'm dead serious. I know places.

Camper: ....man you guys are weird

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7 months ago

I’d say wills good at music to mortal standards, not Apollo canon standard and Nico just plays favourites and loves adding fuel to the fire XD

"will Is Bad At Music" This "will Is Good At Music" That
"will Is Bad At Music" This "will Is Good At Music" That

"will is bad at music" this "will is good at music" that

secret third option: whatever this is

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1 year ago

UPDATED 1/29/24

this was inspired by @lubble-underscore's post and I decided to expand on the iceberg and see how much I could throw on it

thanks to the Discord server for filling in on things that didn't cross my mind! :D

UPDATED 1/29/24

feel free to save and highlight what you know :3 Links to many of these things are below - some are not tho!

Tier 1 - do we even need to SAY anything?

pathetic little meow meow


unreliable narrator

Tier 2 - surface level/easy to see

superiority/inferiority complex

bitchsexual (i mean... points to commodus)

raised chiron (see CHB Confidential)

Tier 3 - complete read-through/reread; taking first steps into fandom

breaks cycle of abuse


great with kids, actually (see Harley, Georgie, ect.)

ordered pizza to chb (see The Hidden Oracle)

domains contradict

best godly parent

still heavily affected by past lovers (see The Whole Series)

Tier 4 - digging a little deeper

love life isn't actually terrible

definitely tried to bang frey at least once (see that One throwaway line in The Hidden Oracle)

malewife malewhore manslaughter

broke up the beatles because paul jilted him (Discord)

sees the faces of primordial gods (see The Hidden Oracle)

copollo could have worked

catboy but cats are competition (See The Tyrant's Tomb; submitted by @trials-of-apollo-my-beloved)

freakishly high pain tolerance (See THE ENTIRE SERIES)

Tier 5 - holy shit we're on to something

that apollo & jesus fic (Discord)

knew hades had kids in TTC

pressured to be the perfect son

fatal flaw is love

not as close to hermes as he used to be

seahorsed kayla

patron of CHB

roman apollo au (Discord: Creator chronictheorizing)

Tier 6 - wait what. OH!

was forced to punish halcyon green

deathsong (Discord: Creator @txny-dragon) (addition)

kids are greek & roman

michael yew is most like him

brings change by being his true self and not the fake one (Submitted by @/txny-dragon)

laomedon is why he hates slavery (Discord: Creator @ukelele-boy)

intentionally made the orientation video to communicate info on the gods

Tier 7 - what the fuck did we get ourselves into

directed travis & conner to tartarus tongs

Apollo x Orion is peek hateship (Discord: Origin in Tsari's server during Eclipse)

unlocked heavenly prophecy powers during trials

dated oscar wilde and inspired the picture of dorian gray (Discord)

half-titan theory

tartarus regenerated him

imperial kids were meant to usurp the olympians

Tier 8 - we're in too deep but will never come out

knows estelle is omen of end of the world

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6 months ago

No because you don't understand how badly I need Nico and Kayla to be best friends



Ok so in my silly little head the Apollo kids, Chiron, and some of the seven are the only ones that know that Nico is trans because of his internalized homophobia

Nico is disgusted with himself and doesn't want Will to have to deal with him

And Will, ever the sweetie, doesn't really get it but lets his sister, who is ALSO TRANS help him instead

And Nico slowly realizes that they both share a lot of struggles, like he's still struggling with self harm, Kayla used to before she got help

She also somewhat understands his whole eating thing because when she's in her depressive episodes her appetite is shit

So Kayla becomes like, his main medic. Because while Will loves him and is the head doctor of the infirmary, Nico is still new to the whole being loved and accepted thing, and *gasp* Kayla can't judge him for that! And of course, Will still doesn't really get it, but it makes Nico feel better, so he lets her take care of Nico instead.

So Kayla and Nico become best friends

And Kayla is loud and proud about her gender because she was still Kyle when she came to camp, so most seniors at the camp already know she's trans.

She's also pretty open about her sexuality, seeing as she's had crushes on boys and girls and not really hidden it.

Meanwhile Nico over here is terrified of anyone finding out he's gay, let alone trans??? He'd be shamed! Because of course he's still in the fascist Italy mindset, he doesn't understand that the world is more accepting

And she's slowly helping him accept himself


PLS JUST LET ME HAVE THIS 🙏🙏🙏 (and write fanfics maybe??? 🥺🥺🥺)

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1 year ago
A Camp Half-blood Bead Necklace For A Cosplay! Im Doing Kayla Since I Already Have The Hair For Her Haha

a camp half-blood bead necklace for a cosplay! I’m doing Kayla since I already have the hair for her haha

it was actually pretty difficult to figure out what beads she’d have, but eventually I decided that she probably came to camp during the mass recruitment of campers Grover mentioned in the titan’s curse, since she was in the battle of Manhattan and probably not a newbie at the time, but since TTC was in the winter her first camp bead would be the battle of the labyrinth…

the designs for the HoO and ToA beads are made by me but are inspired by others I’ve seen - CHB and SPQR for the unity of the two camps and the sun for Apollo - and there’s only one bead for each series since they only span one year.

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5 months ago

Kayla Knowles is a literal badass

Kayla Knowles Is A Literal Badass

Pls be my mommy

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7 months ago

Headcannons for Bianca if she were ever brought back:

- Step down from the huntresses, I agree with thinking that she joined because she thought it were a way to experince what she couldn’t have but I think if she were revived, it’d be different

- Birthday is in late May (she gives off those vibes)

- Shadow travel, seeing and talking to ghosts, is able to see the Norse side and help (like, imagine her mom was part Norse and she inherited a lot of it and is able to help those people adjust to everything and knows which Greek/roman people are in there)

- I feel like she’d take a while to adjust to history because she didn’t get it like Nico did or even like Hazel— she’s basically on her own and I’d imagine she’d just go into a library one afternoon and stay until closing just reading about history and all that’s happened in the past 80 years.

- Wouldn’t know how to approach Nico— I mean how would you talk to someone like that? He’d probably be angry too, so I’m imagining she’d start with Thalia who told her to contact Hazel first in order to ease into conversations with Nico calmly since he’d have a lot of emotions

- I feel like she’d have a sarcastic sense of humor, like I feel like she’d get along with Kayla but not really step into always hanging out to give Nico space with his friends

- She’d probably hangout with Thalia a lot since they have stuff in common, both having to be mothers when they didn’t want to be and losing everyone for a while— leaving and then coming back. All that.

- Angry at Percy for being violent with her brother but mostly gives him dirty looks when she’s angry (that’s sorta in the book too)

- Claustrophobic

- Overwhelmed by everything that’s going on— Apollo’s a good guy, three massive wars/battles, having another sibling, actually being allowed to contact the Norse side (I feel like that wouldn’t have been okay until the Roman and Greek sides got along, and then it’s okay to contact and do stuff like that.)

- Be friends with Annabeth, I feel like they’d share a bit of appreciation for architecture especially since Bianca has been all over the country. I also think Bianca is very logical and that’s something they’d bond over— Annabeth would want to be friends with her granted everything that went down and Bianca is able to give her much safer updates about her cousin until safe phones are created

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6 months ago

I’d like to think that after TOA Apollo starts to listen to his kids— ESPECIALLY with Will, Kayla and Austin.

Like I know Will thinks in TSATS that it’d be a while before his dad showed up again, but what if he just did even thought it’s assumed he wouldn’t.

Anytime one needs someone to talk to or is upset, Apollo shows up.

Birthdays, Apollo shows up.

Graduations, Apollo shows up.

Like I know he’s a god, but I feel like all that went down would change his mind for a while. Like,

Artemis: Dude you were supposed to be here an hour ago, what happened?

Apollo: Sorry, Austin had a band concert.

He’d visit them over the summers at camp more often/that’s when they’d see him most of the time but he’d show up.

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