freepalestinebastard - Irish Person Who Wanted To Help
Irish Person Who Wanted To Help

Antisemitics dni

538 posts


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5 months ago
Another Report Ask Pls Report This Post

another report ask 🙋 pls report this post

This is antisemitic And bigoted towards trauma survivors wow a 2 in 1

- I don’t think I hav to say how fucked up it is to call actual Holocaust survivors ‘hordes of untreated psychopaths’ that ‘projected their hatred onto Palestinians’ in relation to the Nakba of 1948 . (note how it conflates Jewish ppl with Zionism in Exactly the way the Israeli government wants 😶)

- the implication is that their (imagined) psychosis made them murderous + that it’s ok to claim this b/c Israel is currently attempting genocide . no actually ! gross .

- Holocaust survivors were/are famously treated like shit in Israel . They were not given this much power .

5 months ago

Hello! 🍉🇵🇸 I'm Nadine from Gaza Asking for help is not easy, I'm asking for a small donation of 20 or 25 euros from each person. I need your help, you can donate to save my life and the life of my family, my donation link is in my bio, every donation, even the small one, is a good thing and makes a big difference in my life Help me and my family Thank you for your support I hope you can help me even a little to save us from death

5 months ago
freepalestinebastard - Irish Person Who Wanted To Help
Heritage Foundation Exec Threatens 'Gay Furry Hackers' in Unhinged Texts
Rolling Stone
Mike Howell of Heritage Foundation went at gay furry hacking collective SiegedSec after data breach motivated by Project 2025.
5 months ago

Please don't skip me 🙏🏻🇵🇸

I'm Yasmin. I am 21 years old. I study Health Administration, Second Level, at university. I was unable to complete my studies. Because of the complete demolition of my university, my goals and all my dreams were shattered. Our bright lives have been erased and our lives have become dark and filled with fear and anxiety. I hope you can help me go out and complete my studies, which are still in the middle of it.💔

Please Don't Skip Me
Please Don't Skip Me
Donate to Help our children and save our lives, organized by Heba Yasmeen
This is a message from three brothers suffering from a lack of means of life in the … Heba Yasmeen needs your support for Help our children