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The final week has concluded for the House of Dadneto 2024! ✨
After a month of absolutely wonderful Dadneto creations being shared across all different mediums, the House of Dadneto event has officially drawn to a close. It's been so much fun seeing the range of talent in this fandom, and we hope you've all enjoyed the event as much as we have! So as we compile the complete masterlist, join us for one last weekly recap while you wait!
In the final week, the House of Dadneto had 17 unique works posted for the event!! (It seems that everyone wanted to go out with bang! 🎉)
Like previous weeks, we have created a list below with links to all the fics, edits and animatics that were posted in this past week! Be sure to give these creators some love as they've all done an amazing job bringing these prompts to life, and we look forward to see what will come out next time!
✨ Don't forget to check out the House of Dadneto official AO3 Collection for more awesome fics created for the event! Information on posting to the collection can be found in this post! ✨
Also, important note for event winners (those who completed more than 15 prompts throughout the event): If you can, please create a masterlist of your works and the prompts they included and tag this blog so we can link readers to your creations with ease. We will also be in contact with you shortly regarding your prizes!!
Final Week of the House of Dadneto!
In the End by @sunsetuniverse
Dadneto Edit: MCU/WandaVision + Long Edit + Remake of an Old Edit
Read to Me by @dick-helmet-magneto
If there was one downside Erik had discovered, to having a speedster as a son it was the boy’s energy levels. It seemed like he never ran out of energy. It was 8 pm, a completely respectable time for any 4-year-old to be in bed. At least, Erik thought so. Pietro clearly had other ideas in mind.
More Than You Know by @nathanbellamy
From the Pentagon break-in to life at the Xavier Mansion after the battle with Apocalypse, Erik finds himself intrigued by the mystery that is Peter. At first glance, Peter and Erik appear to be polar opposites, but the more Erik learns about the young man, the more he begins to realize that their differences might not be so insurmountable after all. And then he learns who Peter's father is. Or: Five Times Erik Thinks Peter Is Childish, and One Time Erik Realizes Peter Is His Child
when you're around I see rainbows and stars by @sunsetuniverse
Post-X-Men Legends 2 — Pietro recovers from his ordeal. He felt Erik tense behind him, could feel his heartbeat speed up. “You…” Pietro couldn’t stop the tears welling up in his eyes. All these years of being so unsure of where he stood when it came to Magneto. Yet, here he was, holding his son close to his heart, fingers in Pietro’s hair, his chin resting on his head. Erik had changed, he realised, after facing yet another genocide in his life, and then almost losing his child. “You really love us, don’t you?” He managed to choke out.
Pros and Cons by @dick-helmet-magneto
There were pros and cons to staying at Charles’s school, Erik had discovered. For starters, there always seemed to be some kind of virus or cold going around, sick little kids running everywhere. It didn’t bother Erik too much but he did think they could do a little more to keep from getting sick and spreading their germs. On the plus side though, when his son inevitably caught whatever was going around that week, Erik got to be there for him and care for him the way a father should. Even when the thing going around is a stomach virus. - Peter catches the stomach virus going around the school and Erik takes care of his son.
Flowers by @superherotiger
Dadneto Animatic: Reunited
How to Parent and Lead a Mutant Rebellion by @dick-helmet-magneto
Okay so maybe Erik had made a mistake somewhere in his life. The problem was, that he had made many more than just one mistake that had led him here. He could’ve simply not left Charles on the beach, for starters, he could’ve not sent a bullet into his spine. If he had done that, then he wouldn’t be trying to lead a mutant rebellion as a single father of a three-year-old boy. - Moments of Erik parenting Peter and leading him into his first "battle"
running away (but never towards you) by @callie-caje
As he picked up his bags and prepared to run off, Peter heard the crash of the elaborate metal gates from the end of the driveway. It appeared Charles had brought his fugitive of a father with him. “I have nothing to say to either of you,” Peter said. “I’ve not yet spoken and when I do,” Erik said, “You will sure as hell listen.” OR Peter has just found out that Erik is his father and the only emotion he can feel is betrayal.
The Best Possible Life by @theaterpug-writes
Erik and Madelyne discuss giving up Nathan, and Erik visits his daughter while he still has the chance.
The stars shone bright that night by Whiplaaash123
Erik smiled warmly at Peter, before asking him softly, “What’s this little one doing still up? It’s very late.” Peter smiled, “Well, she was asleep at a reasonable time but then she decided to wake up again, so here we are.” “Really?” Erik said, tutting in mock disapproval, causing the little girl to hide her head against her father’s chest, although both men could see the smile tugging at her lips. Luna can't sleep and Peter and Erik try to get her to do just that. They also find that even though he may be a grown-up, Peter still needs his dad (just like Luna needs hers).
cut off by @creaturejaskier
Seeing his son in an inhibitor collar breaks something within Erik. He just hopes Pietro isn't broken too.
captivate me with your incredible self by @sunsetuniverse
Post-DOFP — Peter seeks out the Brotherhood to face Magneto. Magneto turned slowly, his piercing gaze assessing Peter with a critical intensity. Recognition flickered across his face, a faint furrow appearing between his brows. “...Peter?” Peter swallowed hard, his hands twisting nervously. He managed a hesitant nod, uncertain of what to say next in the presence of the man who had both terrified and fascinated him for so long. Magneto raised a single eyebrow, observing Peter with a mixture of curiosity and something akin to paternal concern. Not that Peter was delusional enough to actually think that's what it was. Nope. "You can relax," he said gently, his voice cutting through the tension in the room. "I do owe you a debt."
beneath the stars by @xxqueenofdragonsxx
Three years after traveling back to 1971, Erik wakes up from a nightmare. It leads to a nice night of stargazing with his daughter.
Half of it was true by @iroukem
Ten days into their acquaintance Magneto gave her a very special gift. He presented it to her in a dark blue, velvety box with a small nod of encouragement. The lid lifted by itself, revealing a thin band of gold that twinkled in the sunlight as if it were alive, its color a vibrant yellow like the sunrise through the fog. --- Another fanfic set during the early days of The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants; a look at the developing relationship between Wanda and Magneto and what they have in common.
Ten Years by @theaterpug-writes
Sequel to "Dear Dad", After the fiasco at the Whitehouse, Charles Xavier allows Erik to stay at the mansion, where the man attempts to reunite with his children and build their relationship after ten years of solitary confinement and a lifetime of pain.
If I Had Known by @theaterpug-writes
Pietro and Erik discuss their relationship at a café in New Orleans.
A Father's Pain by @theaterpug-writes
In which Peter breaks his ankle on a mission and Erik goes full dad-mode.
If there are any details missing or mistakes in this list please let us know and we will amend it as soon as possible!
Thanks again to everyone who participated in the event! Stay tuned for the final masterlist coming out within the week! ✨
Announcement// Prompts // Event Info