Arataki Itto X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Genshin Impact general headcanons
Characters included : Cyno, Kaeya, and itto
Pronouns : None, no gendered language
Romantic + Platonic separate
You're a human in this and not the traveler

He's such a home slice home bread
Like you'll be chilling when all of a sudden he spits the worst pun you've ever heard, it'll leave you in tears and on the floor sobbing when he tries to explain it on a quantum level.
You'll probably be a forest watcher, traveler or part of the Akademiya to see him in work mode, in which he's less funny but will probably turn to you after absolutely wholloping some guys and make a dumbass pun. Cue Tighnari's pun senses tingling and he cringes in pain and sympathy to whoever has heard it.
Cyno's extremely caring though, and although he may not show it outwardly at work it's the little things when he's in work mode that show it.
He gives you tips and explanations of things you may not understand constantly, so the next time you'll be prepared, mainly in the desert.
Brings extra water and makes sure you're hydrated, even if you're from the desert and know it well, he also makes sure to give breaks if you're beginning to slow down. Especially if you're the type of person to pretend your fine when you're not.
Will 100% bring you to meet Tighnari and Collei if you haven't already, he has high respect for them and wants a wider audience for his jokes.
He greatly respects your decisions and opinions, however, Cyno tends to state this matter of factly and won't sugar coat. If he has any issues he won't be afraid to say it outright.
Imagine as friends but more outwardly affectionate. He's not gonna snuggle up to you and do intense pda or anything, it's more lovingly staring and smiling when it's just you two or when it's with close friends.
Makes puns about and with you, no matter how you crumble in pain when he does, you will probably burst out laughing because it's him.
He's very sweet in a relationship, and although he works a lot, he does try taking more breaks so he can make sure you're okay. However, work is important to him and he won't take long time off, you shouldn't expect him to drop everything for you as much as he'd like to.
Tends to check for injuries whenever you come home if you're an adventurer or anything like that, may accidently treat you like a colleague during this, but it shows he cares a lot.
Makes little snacks and lunches when you go away if you work, or just if you tend to forget to eat when he's away. They can be tasteless and somewhat disgusting depending on what you like, but he's so used to them on missions he tends to not realise and so relies on your opinion from previous lunches he's made.
Would love you to make lunches and snacks for him, especially since he typically has the not so nice lunches and snacks mentioned before. Even if you can't cook, a piece of goddamn lettuce would have him gently smiling on missions while munching away.

Regardless on whether you do or don't drink or are too young, he likes bringing you to the tavern since he spends a lot of time off work there, and you'll probably become friends with Venti and Rosaria as a result since they're his drinking buddies.
If you have a sibling, I imagine Kaeya would judge them on if he likes them or not, and especially if the relationship is strained like him and Diluc. Speaking of, I think it'd be funny if he gets you in on pranks or little jokes with him.
If you're older and comfterable with it, he'll playfully and jokingly flrit with you, stopping if he reconsises that it may be going too far.
He teases you non romantically regardless, making fun of you while you roll your eyes and sigh in annoyance. Kaeya thinks it's funny to poke your face when you're busy or to gently yank on your hair if you won't pay him attention.
Nahh he 100% does that dumb thing where he's like 'we need to talk' with a serious face and somber actions then starts ranting about how Diluc removed his favourite wine.
Teasing? Teasing.
Honestly, I imagine him to be someone that gets all flirty but the second someone returns that energy he's pausing his sentence and blushing. Kaeya will recover easily, but don't think his blush still isn't visible.
He likes playing with your hair if you have any, it's something sweet and small, a gentle activity at the end of the day for you both to destress. Will lay in bed while telling you of work and how he annoyed Diluc with paying some of Venti's tab. And he does it to get attention sometimes, whenever you're working or talking to somebody else he'll annoy you because he loves you.
I imagine he'd like you to not work, he's perfectly fine with you working though, Kaeya just really likes someone to come home to and to spend his free time with. That or you being a part of the knights. He will be a bit sad if you're too busy with work and they overlap with his free time, but he respects you and he doesn't want to push you to quit.
Disagree all you want, Kaeya likes biting, not always in the thats what she said way, just a lil nibble on the cheek or shoulder and he's happy for a minute before he wants to do it again. Never too hard and if you don't like it, he's chill. Overjoyed if you really like it and will do it back, he 100% will do it in the that's what she said way if you like that however.

This fool, this blundering baffoon. If you become part of his gang, you'll either be in prison with him awkwardly waiting for Shinobu, or bailing him from prison with Shinobu like five times a every week.
Will pat you on the back with the force of a thousand sun's, you literally nearly die one time because he's unaware of his strength.
Since Itto doesn't seem like he'd warn you beforehand, imagine if you bring beans somewhere and he just starts being over dramatic. Playing up how you totally tried to kill him, after all the jokes over though he will probably beg you to get rid of them.
Forgets his strength and sometimes picks you up like a cat, may accidently trample over you if you're smaller.
BEETLE BATTLES it'd be so fucking cool, if you beat him, dude acts like his pride is SHATTERED. Although I think he might not actually care too much, especially if you're younger because he wants to hype you up.
He's a gentlemen even if he has the brain of a spoon, will help you with whatever chores you need to do or any heavy lifting tasks you can't complete.
Now I don't mean this in the ykyk way, but he's so fucking large, like he could probably pick you up over his shoulder regardless of you weight, height or how muscley you are. Since he's a fuckin oni.
I think oni live longer than humans, in which case, SAD FUCKING TIMES. He realises this after joking you'll stay with him for hundreds of years, and you sort of blink awkwardly. Not wanting to say it before he figures it out.
He then goes on a quest to find a way for you to live longer, he even begs the shogun at some point, one of his lowest of lows in his opinion.
This guy hates leaving your side, and if he has to I imagine he'd be your personal bodyguard, regardless on how strong you are or what battles you've faced. To him you're a fragile human and he doesn't want to lose you.
This man cannot cook for his life, you have to do the food and probably work if you want stable money given he usually pranks people all day with his gang. however, he will clean and get his members to help out if it becomes too taxing.
Spring Is In The Air~
Something happens to them when the seasons change.
Itto, Tighnari, Yae Miko, Zhongli x Reader
A/N: I wrote this like two months ago and never posted it… I’ve always wanted to try writing something like this so here is my pathetic attempt! It’s corny BUT, smutty!!! :-)
WC - 2,224
Keep reading
“hold still!” —

SYP — self care night w ur sweet bf!
GEN. — fluff, crack
WARN. — gn!reader, male characters
REQ. — “Hi! Can I mayb request a skincare or spa day for any blue lock characters? If you don’t except this req, that’s totally fine! Thanks anyway!!!”
NOTES. — omg xyae!!! you finally posted!! no need for the applause guys 🙄🙄 also, i know some characters like reo, childe, kaeya etc would already know about skincare but we’re gna ignore that kay 😛

“stop moving!”
“i can’t help it, you’re smothering my face with this — this cleanser stuff!”
you sigh in mock annoyance, reaching your clean fingers to adjust the frog headband sitting on his hairline.
“do you do this everyday?” he tilts his head, squinting his eyes when you continue rubbing the product on his cheeks.
you hum in agreement, “its a way of taking care of your skin. you know, getting it to clear up.”
“my skin’s just fine. i just wash it with soap and not this — ‘hydrating cleanser’ stuff,” he rolls his eyes, using his fingers to air quote.
“how the hell do you have such nice skin when you wash it with hand soap?” you deadpan.
“genetics? i don’t really know,” he shrugs, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning into your gentle touch.
you hum. “ok, go wash this off,” you trail off, turning your back and grabbing the masks and serums. “so we can start with these!” you beam.
his eyebrow twitches.

“what’s that for?” he cocks a brow, pointing at the small package on your lap. “you’ll see in a sec,” you smile, tearing it open.
walking over, you adjust his cute sanrio headband again before gently placing the face mask on his face. he shivers but before he could open his mouth to complain or make some sassy quip, you slap a lip mask on his face.
that was 30 minutes ago.
now you’re stuck on the floor with a sleepy man twice your size, quite literally squeezing the life out of you.
“babe, we were supposed to take the masks off like 10 minutes ago,” you sighed, patting his head. you hear him grumble, mumbling incoherently.
“i’ll do it then, stay still,” you smiled softly, reaching for your mask and then his masks. “tilt your head back a bit.” he complies and you reach for the serum bottles.
applying a small drop of serum on his forehead and cheeks, you take notice of how his eyebrows furrow slightly at the cold liquid.
“it’s a lil cold,” you chuckle, kissing his forehead before spreading the serum all over his face.
he hums sleepily, voice breaking softly as his eyes flutter close.
it’s quiet for a while, before..
“oww!” he yelps, eyes flying open as he sits up hastily. “why are you slapping me?” he manages to get out in between slaps. you hum, “it helps your skin to absorb the product better.”
he side eyes you.

you hear him groan. ignoring it, you continue with your skincare routine. “ugh!” he groans, way louder and more exaggerated. you feel your eyebrow twitch.
by the time you chose to stop ignoring his whining, he’d already kicked the blankets off the bed.
“what do you want? i already finished your skincare so just go to bed,” you sigh, reaching for your eye cream.
“yea but when are you gonna finish?” he asks softly. ‘i can’t sleep without you.’
you smile at him through the vanity mirror.
“baby, just one more thing alright?” the sleeping mask you reach for clatters on the table softly. “five more minutes. can you wait for me, hon?”
he hums tiredly, standing up and making his way behind you.
he kneels down, wrapping his arms gently but securely around your waist and rests his head on your back. “hurry up, w’na hold you so bad.”
your heart flutters and your movements stutter. you gulp, patting the product into your pink cheeks.
you both slept horribly that night since he fell asleep holding you and you couldn’t drag his heavy ass to bed.

— (bllk) NAGI, sae, REO, rin (genshin) KAEYA, CHILDE, xiao, venti, ITTO (star rail) sampo, JING YUAN (haikyuu) SUNA, tsuki, KENMA, KUROO (KNY) TANJIRO, giyu, sanemi (assclass) KARMA, ISOGAI () YOUR FAVES

@xyaehir 2024. This is my content, inspired or not. Do not translate, copy or plagiarise my works in any way. Reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated. <3

Genshin Impact_Inazuma_Masterlist

Rules and other masterlists
Arataki Itto
Kaedehara Kazuha
Kamisato Ayato
Shikanoin Heizou
I love this ty smmmmm<333
Ngl, forgot I sent an ask like this, SO THE NOTIFICATION WAS A V PLEASANT SURPRISE
Whazzup, Katzu✨Saw you were doin grabby hands for requests, so here I am
Howww bouuuut some headcanons bout Itto having a sibling. I'm thinking bout someone close to his own age maybe even his twin. But if your imagination goes more into the little kid section, that's completely fine too
Just me wanting to be that Oni's bro</3 I accept every wholesome or chaotic thing ya come up with
Thank you if you accept this one!

If you are anything like Itto you guys are a very chaotic pair
you two will feed into each others crazy ideas/plans, and always being there to back the other up
poor Kuki, she can’t catch a break with you two
if you’re the opposite of Itto then you’re probably trying to stop what crazy plan itto is trying to drag you and the gang into
you will probably end up going along with it after not being able to talk some sense into him
what’s the worst that could happen?
Itto (and maybe you) being arrested by the commission is
poor kuki would have to bail you two out
she thought better of you
Itto would never leave you behind after he dragged you into joining one of his adventures
no bro left behind
he would try to impress you with the beetle brawls and get you to join in
would help you find the perfect onikabuto to fight with and teach you all the skills and tricks he knows
and if you end up beating him?
he’d probably tell you he was just letting you win and would keep asking for rematches trying to beat you
Itto would help you take care of your horns and your makeup (i’m pretty sure his body markings are makeup?)
And would be over the moon if you helped him with his

Hey…. it’s been awhile. i am not dead as you can see. i don’t plan on abandoning this account i’ve just have been having a hard time getting back into writing but it’s something i still really enjoy. there are like multiple months in between some of the stuff written here but i don’t think it is that noticeable, also sorry it’s so short. I was having a hard time trying to come up with things to write. i might make a part two if i can think of anything else and because im not really happy with how this turned out :). Anyway if you sent me an ask like a year ago i am trying to get to those and you can always send me request even now it may just take a bit. anyway sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes. :)
Itto with cowgirl reader is just so sweet and I love it~ he could take care of my needs any day~ 🥺

•····🍑········• ֪٘ ︶ ͝ ٘⏝𝓓𝓪𝔂 𝓕𝓲𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷⏝ ͝ ٘︶٘ ֪•········🍑····•
𝚂𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚒𝙰𝚟𝚒'𝚜 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛
𝙰𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚒 𝙸𝚝𝚝𝚘 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 ʷᵒʳᵈ ᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗ ².⁸ᵏ

The Arataki Gang was made up of many interesting characters. An intelligent ex-shrine maiden, a hulking descendant of the Red Oni, a young Akaushi bull calf, even the renowned Traveler was an honorary member. The Gang was a group of rowdy misfits, tossed aside from their previous lives, doing their best to make every day count. They welcome people with open arms, including you! A sweet young girl from the outskirts of Inazuma.
You fit in well with the group, adorning your own unique features; You were a hybrid, not too common of a sight within the Nation of Inazuma, a Taurean hybrid to be exact - or a Cow Girl! As Itto says. You sported large, floppy ears and adorned the cutest little horns on your head. You were sweet, soft and loving, ever so compassionate towards all of the members of the group.
Whether you meant to or not, you took on a maternal role for the Gang. You ensured everyone's tummies were full and satisfied. Took up mending clothes and garments whenever they were torn. Regularly, halfheartedly scolding the silly boys when they stayed up far too late considering their plans for the morrow.
Your presence created a new balance, something Itto cherished dearly, he adored having you around. His heart swells when he watches you snuggle into Ushi after a long day, napping with the young calf before supper. He smiles when you return after an outing, bringing sweet treats and chocolates for everyone to enjoy. His chest hurts when he sees you unwell, waving everyone off while you attempt to upkeep your routine.
He notices your permanent downturned frown, the sleepy little blinks you make while trying to concentrate on the meeting. Itto couldn't help but ignore Shinobu's voice, something was wrong and even he could tell. You hug your arms around your body, squeezing tightly, in an attempt to provide some sort of comfort to yourself. Itto watches you rock back and forth with little wobbly movements, he swears he feels his heart crack into two.
If it were him, he thinks, he'd like a hug, that'd make him better so.. Surely it'd help you.. Right? There's something tugging at his chest, an urge, to hold you close.
He wraps his large arm around your frame, squeezing you tight into his side. It seemed to soothe you a little, Itto thinks. You smelt really pretty. He feels your soft body relax into him with a little sigh. He was going to get to the bottom of his, even if it took all day! He would make you feel better. The meeting drags on (no offense to Shinobu) and all Itto could think about was the sweet girl in his arms. He was surprised you eased into him so easily - Not that you had an aversion to his touch! He didn't think - just that most people weren't so easily pliant. Man, you really must not be feeling well.
If anyone noticed Itto's arm around you they didn't mention it. When the meeting lets up, everyone makes their way out, babbling on about who's shouting yakisoba and sake, leaving you and Itto alone in the room. You sit in a comfy silence, Itto was nearly sure you'd fallen asleep until he hears a soft whine. He feels your little horns press into his ribs, it nearly tickles him. He squeezes you again and you startle with a gasp. You suddenly pull away from his form with a small '..'m sorry'. Why were you sorry if he was the one to pull you in?
"You okay? You seem sick" Itto pouts, creasing his eyebrows in concern. You looked flushed, your lips still stuck in that unrelenting frown. Itto waits, let's you take your time in answering.
"Just.. Something with my… biology?" You sounded uncertain, you look anywhere but him. Biology? Science stuff? Man he really should have gone to school.. He scratches the back of his head, he wasn't the smartest tool in the shed but he was willing to learn! - He nearly fist pumps the air in determination.
"Biology..?" He probes, relaxing his body, bringing himself down to your level. You give a nervous laugh, shit, he hoped he wasn't making you uncomfortable.
"This thing.. Happens to my body around this time of the year…" Your voice is impossibly smaller, if it weren't for his keen ears he's sure he wouldn't have heard you.
"Ah, like a rut?" It made sense, Spring was approaching, the air was warming and there was the distinct tickle of pollen in the air. Itto was all too familiar with ruts, the hot achey flashes, the unbearable pains, curling into a pitiful ball until it passed. The only thing that helped him through it was a hot bowl on tonkotsu ramen and a heavy set of weights to push. Maybe you needed something to eat? Itto misses the Owl eyed look you give him.
"Ah.. yes… Something like that.. It's more of a h-heat.. Ah! I- I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable, Mister Arataki.. It was inappropriate of me to say that.." Your voice wavers. Inappropriate? What was inappropriate about a heat? Sounded like a rut and they made his bones chill, made his tummy ache and burn, made his legs restless. He wouldn't wish that upon anyone!
"Nahh it's alright, I get it! I get the feeling - and stop calling me that, just call me Itto" His smile is wide and cheeky, doing his best to ease the mood and bring in a little light.
"You.. You feel it too?" You shift in your spot.
"Yeah! If there's anything I can do to help I'll do it, promise!" He even holds out his pinky in a truce. He hopes that your shared experience will help, make you feel comfortable and safe. No judgement here! It's an Official rule of the Arataki Gang.
"I… I may have a request.." You finally lock eyes, you look unsure and Itto feels something in his belly. Second hand anxiety? He could tell you were nervous and for some reason, his body screamed at him to just.. Hold you close.
Itto nods his head, showing you he's listening.
"It's… really embarrassing.." You squeeze yourself tight again. It's Itto's turn to frown, surely nothing could top his most embarrassing moments you've bared witness to.
"Hey, I won't judge.. Trust me! I gotta look out for my Gang, how can I do that without helping you out?" He thinks he makes sense. He hopes he does, he didn't really have a way with words.
"I…" Your lips purse again, in an attempt to gain some courage.
"I'm a hybrid.. With Taurean features.." He knew that, you were a little cow. Not like Ushi, but you had pretty horns, you were soft like a cow too and sometimes you let out little 'moos' when you got excited. Itto nods in understanding, beckoning you to continue.
"We have.. I inherited a certain... thing.. please keep an open mind?" You nearly beg, little tears well up in your eyes. It must be serious then, Itto straightens up, running his finger over his heart in an 'X' shape. He crosses his heart and hopes to suffer the traumatic consequences of the beans. He was really proud of you for telling him this much.
"I can handle anything!" Itto puffs out his chest with a satisfied grin.
"I… I.. I need to be Milked"
Something inside of Itto's brain starts ticking, a new feeling, something he'd never, ever felt before in his life. He can't help but notice just how pretty you looked, how sweet you smelt, how clamy his hands were. He swallows thickly.
"Milked..? Like.. a cow?" Did she have utters? Did all girls have utters? No that's stupid. Unless?
"U-uh I- I'm sorry it's weird.. I… it just.. hurts" Your sweet voice cracks and so does Itto's soul.
"Ah- bah- no! Not weird at all! I think it's normal.. cows and milk it- it all goes together yeah.. it makes sense- was that offensive? n-not that you're a cow-" Itto babbles, he does his best to reassure you, flailing his arms around madly. You manage a half smile, he was trying and you appreciated it.
"Usually.." You start. "I sort this out alone but.. I haven't had the time." You look away again, letting out a strained breath. You were still hurting and it was Itto's fault, he should have done something sooner.
"How can I help?" He's serious, he'd never felt so sure of something in his whole life. His eagerness catches you off guard, you're giving him the same, owlish look from before. He sees you bite your lip, pretty.. stop it.. focus.
"You just.." You make a gesture, squeezing your fingers together and pulling your hand down. Seems simple enough.. You stand and beckon Itto to follow you. He's lead to a little corner, covered in plush pillows and blankets, a comfy little quiet spot for Shinobu to read and Ushi to nap. He sits first as you request, propping himself up on the mountain of cushions. You follow after, tentatively sitting in his lap, your back to his broad chest. Your frame is soft on his, smaller than him of course, but soft. He nearly wraps his arms around you to give you a squeeze, but he withholds.
"I'm.. going to take my top off… is that okay?" You turn back to talk to him, your face inches from him, breath on his chin. Itto nods with a 'mhm!' - he didn't trust his voice right now. Your soft skin is revealed, illuminated by a warm hanging lantern in the room. You whine softly, poking at your achey breasts, wincing when you touch your sensitive nipple. Ittos heart pulses in his ears, your warm back leans into his naked chest. His hands hover over your hips, unsure on where he was allowed to put them.
You palm at his fingers, carefully bringing them up to your sore chest. He cups your swollen breasts, his warm palms welcomed on your cold, achey skin. Itto resists the reflex to squish and squeeze the soft flesh in his hands, never had he felt so out of breath. He couldn't describe the feeling, the warm, heat in his lower stomach, the sensation near cramping. His brain felt hyperaware, as if he were in danger, despite him clearly not. His thoughts are cut short when he hears your sweet voice.
"S-So.. you just.. pinch like thi- ah~" Your soft tone is cut with a keen as Itto squeezes at your puffy nipples. A sharp spurt of hot milk sputters from your breast, dribbling down Itto's knuckles. His eyes widened in fascination. Neuron Activated.
He continues to pinch at your nipples, tenderly squeezing the swollen, puffy buds with his fingers, relieving the ouchy pressure in your chest. You keen your head back, nearly knocking him in the chin with your little horns. Itto sighs out, breath laced in a new-found emotion. Something soft, something.. hot. His fingers become sticky, coated in your sweet milk. He's almost tempted to shove his fingers in his mouth, lick up the sweet, sweet cream that leaked from your breast. He finds his nose in your neck, drinking in your pretty scent, something about you was making his body agitated, his brain fogged, his tongue drooling.
He feels as though the sweet milks spilling from your breast was wasting. It dribbles down your tummy and soaks into whatever fabric was pooling at your hip. Your wet fingers come up to caress his face, drenched in your cream. The smell drives him mad, just a taste.. it would be a waste otherwise. Itto kisses at your fingers wetly, savouring your sweet cream. Gods he wanted more. Needed more. He doesn't know what comes over him.
"Can I.. please- can I use my mouth?? It'll be faster.. waste less.." He babbles into your neck, nuzzling his nose hard into your pulse. To his surprise you nod. Nod and nod and nod.
Itto is quick to manhandle your form, effortlessly scooping you up and placing you softly into the plush cushions. He wraps his large arms around you, taking a quick moment to snuggle into your front. You pet his hair, kiss his head, squeeze him back. Itto's chest surges and his tummy aches - in a good way. His breath is hot on your breasts, lips kiss carefully on your puffy nipples. His brain sparks, pupils dilate, he needs a real taste.
He licks a soft stripe up your plushy tits, lapping his tongue over your achey, swollen nipple. He urges your hands to wrap around his horns, lest he poked your eye out with them. Your sweet milk leaks on to his tongue and he nearly groans out loud. He breathes deep, his nose pleasantly assaulted with your pretty scent, soft and floral like sakura, sweet like dango milk. Carefully, he wraps his lips around your nipple, engulfing the achey bud in his mouth, soothing it with his tongue.
Itto sighs and nuzzles into the skin of your breast, lips latched on your puffy nipple, carefully nursing on your creamy milk. You cradle his head, petting at his fluffy hair, tucking it behind his ear as he suckles on your tits. He hears you sigh and relax into the plush pillows behind you. His other hand slowly massages at your other breast, in an attempt to soothe any ache while he's occupied. Your bud dribbles milk down your tummy, pooling prettily in your lap. Your sweet buttery milk coats his tongue, warm and creamy as he swallows it down. Your plush thighs wrap around Itto's middle, hugging him close to your body as he nurses on your tits.
Itto feels an ache in his groin, a pulsing pressure at the head of his untouched cock. Your pretty thighs squeeze at him, your achey, swollen nipples spurt the yummiest, creamiest milk on his tongue.
Itto couldn't remember just how he ended up like this, but he wouldn't have you any other way. Itto's thick cock nestles sweetly into your gushy cunt, wet and creamy from your arousal and the sweet milk dribbling from your tits. Your hands grip at his red horns, thumbs rubbing soothing circles into the sensitive surface. Itto's lips never leave your tits, body bent over you, milking the sweet, creamy nectre from your nipples. All for him, just for him.
His hips hump carefully into your pussy, warm and sticky and wet. The soft squeeze of your core feels like Heaven on Tyvet. If this was Itto's last day alive he'd die a happy man. Your sweet little moans tumble from your pretty lips, just as soft as you were. Itto peers his eyes up, lips kissing and suckling at your achey nipples as he looks at you. You smile prettily, carding your fingers through his messy bangs, absolutely blissed out on him. Your breaths are slow, soft in his ears, your voice light and relaxed as you speak.
"..'s good Itto.. thank you~… doing a good job.. such a good job.." You praise him with your heart. Itto all but whimpers into your breast, rutting his hips deliciously into your cunny while he milks you. Anything to help out his sweet girl.
You press your forehead to his hair, knocking your pretty little horns against his own. Itto feels a hot twist in his groin, he swallows hard, nearly choking on the thick, sweet buttery cream on his tongue. He feels something, an aching in his cock, a delicious pressure building up in his lap.
"Itto.. m' gonna… getting close.. doing a good job, such a sweetie… my sweet.. my Itto~" You babble, voice breathy as can be, muffled in his hair. He barely hears you, too caught up in the tight hug of your cunt, the sweet milk thay dribbles down your tummy and on to his cock. He looks down, hyperfocused on the pretty, creamy ring around his cock as he humps his hips against yours. He groans out loud, dribbling spit and milk down his chin, something was happening, he could feel it.
Itto latches hard on your achey nipple as he creams in your pussy, slowly fucking hot ropes of cum up into your tummy. He nurses on your tits as he grinds his pelvis on yours, bumping his groin into your sticky clit. You follow soon after with a keen, squeezing his hips with your plush thighs, pulsing over his thick, aching cock. Neither of you made an effort to stop, still grinding against eachother softly. Itto continues to suckle and lap at your achey tits, massaging your nipple with his thick tongue, swallowing up your sweet milk in little gulps.
Itto could stay like this for hours, and maybe he will. Fucking into your soft, gushy pussy while he worships your tits, nursing out every last drop of your sweet, buttery milk until all of the ouchy feelings go away.

These recent fics have been rotting in my drafts for far to long 😔
they're so tedious to write but I think I really like how this one came out - itto is a sweety dumb dumb <3
Also I have never written in Itto's pov? Lmk if it works or not baha he's kinda an unreliable narrator but only because he's confused </3
•··········🍑···········• ֪٘ ︶ ͝ ٘⏝𖹭⏝ ͝ ٘︶٘ ֪•···········🍑··········•
Thank You For Reading! Comments Are Always Aplreciated! I'll Kiss You muah ♡
♡KinkTober Taglist♡
@heath-sama @yejiswifex @hunnibunnix @bleh09 @madsw9 @py-schi @wizzardcatwithastick @shiningpaint-marbleheart @cherrytomato2 @i-am-silver @your-tears-taste-sweeter @kqzutcra @themusingsofmany @kaijubxnny @tericula @omletteattack @maryeehawe @pomeiu @the-massive-simp
♡Silly Goofy Itto Taglist♡ @lighteez
•· ֪٘ ︶ ͝ ٘⏝𖹭⏝ ͝ ٘︶٘ ֪·····.•🍑•.····· ֪٘ ︶ ͝ ٘⏝𖹭⏝ ͝ ٘︶٘ ֪·•

KABEDON — D!CKZ ft. 5wirl
Pairing(s) : Diluc x Reader - Itto x Reader - Childe x Reader - Kaeya x Reader - Zhongli x Reader - Aether x Reader - Kazuha x Reader - Heizou x Reader - Venti x Reader - Xiao x Reader
Gen. : Fluff — Getting Kabedoned by yours truly
Warni. : Genshin men being demanding, same concept for most, jealousy
W.C. : 6.2k
[ Mast. List. ]

Tired of your antics and the horrible day he’d had, DILUC presses a hand on your mouth, preventing any coherent words and sentences from spewing out of your mouth. You let out a surprised muffled noise which he paid no attention to. His eyebrows were knitted together in irritation as he places a hand next to your head. Eyes piercing into yours before you look at everywhere but the red-head in front of you. If you had focused on his forced-smile form, you would have noticed the vein popping out of the side of his head.
‘ Damn, do you ever stop talking? ’
Happily chatting away to ITTO, you don’t realise a bee buzzing around that eventually flew next to you. He was listening to your stories however the bee had distracted him. Instead of making eye contact with you whenever you both would converse, his gaze was fixed on the bee that stuck to you like you were a flower it was tempted to pollinate. For a few moments, he wasn’t too bothered but as the time passed and the buzzing grew unbearable, he was annoyed. He slammed his hand to the wall where the bee was, crushing the poor creature between the palm of his hand and the brick wall. Your mouth snapped shut at his sudden action. Noticing your surprised face, he retracted his arm from the side of your cheek.
‘ Sorry, there was something.. You were saying? What did the traveler do again? ’
CHILDE was telling you a detailed story about his recent fights, one of them being with the ‘almighty’ traveler. You let a hum out occasionally, letting him know you were listening as you admired the glaze lilies blooming in the night, underneath the glowing moon. He saw fatui patrolling from his peripheral vision. Knowing you both kept your relationship a secret in case anyone found out and decided to question his loyalty and effort he swore would all go to the Tsarista, he pretended to interrogate you. As he expected, the fatui turned his head and watched the scene play out for a few moments before going back to his assigned task and travelling somewhere else. He sighed, removing his arms away from your head.
‘ Heh, sorry about that! Anyway, as I was saying.. ’
It was late at the tavern and you admired Diluc’s patience as he watches his own brother, KAEYA, slur his words and flirt with you. By the time he had you pressed on the wall, you wonder why Diluc had yet to throw him out. Sweet nothings were whispered in your ear as he rests his head on your shoulder, arms that were beside your head slightly dropping. Soon, exhaustion got to him as he continues to mindlessly babble incoherent noises, head resting on your chest. Your back was flat against the wall and he had pressed his own body to yours, arms fully dropping from the wall and snaking themselves around your waist.
‘ Hm, has anyone told you how pretty you are? ’
ZHONGLI has heard the term before but has yet to actually try it. Ever since you agreed to be his partner, he’s been rather curious. How you would react is his main question here. And so, naturally, he decided to experiment. Now here you were, cheeks flushed as the man in front of you leaned his face closer, his breath fanning yours. One arm wrapped around your waist, the other placed next to your head. His deep chuckle was the only thing you heard in that moment as you averted your gaze from his.
‘ Interesting.. ’
Letting his defensive side take over when you suddenly surprised him, AETHER glares at you as he places his hands firmly on the structure of what the hilichurls must’ve built near the sides of your head. A solid five seconds of silence passed before your eyes widened in surprised and you squealed, scrambling to get out of his hold. He, although surprised as well, manages to stutter an apology before hugging you, with your permission after what had just happened of course.
‘ Ah! I’m sorry, I thought you were a hilichurl.. ’
Updating KAZUHA on Kabedons was boring to be vague. The boy didn’t act all too intrigued about the topic of the conversation which led you to think he was disinterested, but you were proven wrong later in the day. You were out with him at the market, looking for some fruits to be eaten as a snack before dinner. He was talking, something about his new haiku and you were too busy inspecting the fruits. His lips were pursed in a thin line and he became quiet, quieter than usual. Yet even you didn’t notice when his talking ceased. And so to earn your attention, there he was, in front of you, pushing you to an alleyway between two inazuman houses.
‘ Put down the damn fruit and pay attention, will you? ’
Rubbing his temples, HEIZOU was stressed. He had a lot on his agenda that night and boy, saying he was exhausted was an understatement. It didn’t help his situation that you wouldn’t stop running that mouth of yours. Usually his icy glare would’ve shut you up but you’d just brushed it off and continued yapping. You were so focused on trying to annoy him for your own entertainment that you didn’t notice the chair screeching and his presence right in front of you. He squeezed your cheeks and pushed you against his desk, a hand slammed on his desk.
‘ You better shut up right now. ’
VENTI had been looking forward to your attention all day. Yet, here he is, arms wide open and you still walked past him. He pouted, a genuine pout. He’d try getting your attention but you merely just waved at him briefly before going back to your work. Did you even try looking at him, smile and then wave? He was beyond annoyed now. As you strolled around Mondstadt finding the next venue for a delivery, you were pushed on a thick pole. There you finally met him, in all his pissed off glory, narrowing his eyes as a frown was etched on his face.
‘ These packages can wait, can’t they? ’
He knew he wouldn’t admit it, but XIAO was aware that he was jealous of the traveler. How could he not? He saw you spending majority of your time with them instead of him. Have you acknowledged him at all for that whole week? He clicks his tongue, narrowing his eyes as he finally decides to confront you about it. As soon as you were alone, he pops out of nowhere and corners you under the bridge near wangshu inn. Faces so close to each other that his breath was fanning your lips.
‘ Is the traveler your partner now? ’

@mykuro’s original content. Reposting and/or copying is strictly forbidden.

Help this is so shitty bye + Happy 100th post!

“hold still!” —

SYP — self care night w ur sweet bf!
GEN. — fluff, crack
WARN. — gn!reader, male characters
REQ. — “Hi! Can I mayb request a skincare or spa day for any blue lock characters? If you don’t except this req, that’s totally fine! Thanks anyway!!!”
NOTES. — omg xyae!!! you finally posted!! no need for the applause guys 🙄🙄 also, i know some characters like reo, childe, kaeya etc would already know about skincare but we’re gna ignore that kay 😛

“stop moving!”
“i can’t help it, you’re smothering my face with this — this cleanser stuff!”
you sigh in mock annoyance, reaching your clean fingers to adjust the frog headband sitting on his hairline.
“do you do this everyday?” he tilts his head, squinting his eyes when you continue rubbing the product on his cheeks.
you hum in agreement, “its a way of taking care of your skin. you know, getting it to clear up.”
“my skin’s just fine. i just wash it with soap and not this — ‘hydrating cleanser’ stuff,” he rolls his eyes, using his fingers to air quote.
“how the hell do you have such nice skin when you wash it with hand soap?” you deadpan.
“genetics? i don’t really know,” he shrugs, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning into your gentle touch.
you hum. “ok, go wash this off,” you trail off, turning your back and grabbing the masks and serums. “so we can start with these!” you beam.
his eyebrow twitches.

“what’s that for?” he cocks a brow, pointing at the small package on your lap. “you’ll see in a sec,” you smile, tearing it open.
walking over, you adjust his cute sanrio headband again before gently placing the face mask on his face. he shivers but before he could open his mouth to complain or make some sassy quip, you slap a lip mask on his face.
that was 30 minutes ago.
now you’re stuck on the floor with a sleepy man twice your size, quite literally squeezing the life out of you.
“babe, we were supposed to take the masks off like 10 minutes ago,” you sighed, patting his head. you hear him grumble, mumbling incoherently.
“i’ll do it then, stay still,” you smiled softly, reaching for your mask and then his masks. “tilt your head back a bit.” he complies and you reach for the serum bottles.
applying a small drop of serum on his forehead and cheeks, you take notice of how his eyebrows furrow slightly at the cold liquid.
“it’s a lil cold,” you chuckle, kissing his forehead before spreading the serum all over his face.
he hums sleepily, voice breaking softly as his eyes flutter close.
it’s quiet for a while, before..
“oww!” he yelps, eyes flying open as he sits up hastily. “why are you slapping me?” he manages to get out in between slaps. you hum, “it helps your skin to absorb the product better.”
he side eyes you.

you hear him groan. ignoring it, you continue with your skincare routine. “ugh!” he groans, way louder and more exaggerated. you feel your eyebrow twitch.
by the time you chose to stop ignoring his whining, he’d already kicked the blankets off the bed.
“what do you want? i already finished your skincare so just go to bed,” you sigh, reaching for your eye cream.
“yea but when are you gonna finish?” he asks softly. ‘i can’t sleep without you.’
you smile at him through the vanity mirror.
“baby, just one more thing alright?” the sleeping mask you reach for clatters on the table softly. “five more minutes. can you wait for me, hon?”
he hums tiredly, standing up and making his way behind you.
he kneels down, wrapping his arms gently but securely around your waist and rests his head on your back. “hurry up, w’na hold you so bad.”
your heart flutters and your movements stutter. you gulp, patting the product into your pink cheeks.
you both slept horribly that night since he fell asleep holding you and you couldn’t drag his heavy ass to bed.

— (bllk) NAGI, sae, REO, rin (genshin) KAEYA, CHILDE, xiao, venti, ITTO (star rail) sampo, JING YUAN (haikyuu) SUNA, tsuki, OIKAWA, KUROO (KNY) TANJIRO, giyu, sanemi (assclass) KARMA, ISOGAI () YOUR FAVES

@xyaehir 2024. This is my content, inspired or not. Do not translate, copy or plagiarise my works in any way. Reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated. <3

“hold still!” —

SYP — self care night w ur sweet bf!
GEN. — fluff, crack
WARN. — gn!reader, male characters
REQ. — “Hi! Can I mayb request a skincare or spa day for any blue lock characters? If you don’t except this req, that’s totally fine! Thanks anyway!!!”
NOTES. — omg xyae!!! you finally posted!! no need for the applause guys 🙄🙄 also, i know some characters like reo, childe, kaeya etc would already know about skincare but we’re gna ignore that kay 😛

“stop moving!”
“i can’t help it, you’re smothering my face with this — this cleanser stuff!”
you sigh in mock annoyance, reaching your clean fingers to adjust the frog headband sitting on his hairline.
“do you do this everyday?” he tilts his head, squinting his eyes when you continue rubbing the product on his cheeks.
you hum in agreement, “its a way of taking care of your skin. you know, getting it to clear up.”
“my skin’s just fine. i just wash it with soap and not this.. ‘hydrating cleanser’ stuff,” he rolls his eyes, using his fingers to air quote.
“how the hell do you have such nice skin when you wash it with hand soap,” you deadpan.
“genetics? i don’t really know,” he shrugs, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning into your gentle touch.
you hum. “ok, go wash this off,” you trail off, turning your back and grabbing the masks and serums. “so we can start with these!” you beam.
his eyebrow twitches.

“what’s that for?” he cocks a brow, pointing at the small package on your lap. “you’ll see in a sec,” you smile, tearing it open.
walking over, you adjust his cute sanrio headband again before gently placing the face mask on his face. he shivers but before he could open his mouth to complain or make some sassy quip, you slap a lip mask on his face.
that was 30 minutes ago.
now, you’re stuck on the floor with a sleepy man twice your size, quite literally squeezing the life out of you.
“babe, we were supposed to take the masks off like 10 minutes ago,” you sighed, patting his head. you hear him grumble, mumbling incoherently.
“i’ll do it then, stay still,” you smiled softly, reaching for your mask and then his masks. “tilt your head back a bit.” he complies and you reach for the serum bottles.
applying a small drop of serum on his forehead and cheeks, you take notice of how his eyebrows furrow slightly at the cold liquid.
“it’s a lil cold,” you chuckle, kissing his forehead before spreading the serum all over his face.
he hums sleepily, voice breaking softly as his eyes flutter close.
it’s quiet for a while before..
“oww!” he yelps, eyes flying open as he sits up hastily. why are you slapping me?” he manages to get out in between slaps. you hum, “it helps your skin to absorb the product better.”
he side eyes you.

you hear him groan. ignoring it, you continue with your skincare routine. “ugh!” he groans, way louder and more exaggerated. you feel your eyebrow twitch.
by the time you chose to stop ignoring his whining, he’d already kicked the blankets off the bed.
“what do you want? i already finished your skincare so just go to bed,” you sigh, reaching for your eye cream.
“yea but when are you gonna finish?” he asks softly. ‘i can’t sleep without you.’
you smile at him through the vanity mirror.
“baby, just one more thing alright?” the sleeping mask you reach for clatters on the table softly. “five more minutes. can you wait for me, hon?”
he hums tiredly, standing up and making his way behind you.
he kneels down, wrapping his arms gently but securely around your waist and rests his head on your back. “hurry up, w’na hold you so bad.”
your heart flutters and your movements stutter. you gulp, patting the product into your pink cheeks.
you both slept horrible that night since he fell asleep holding you and you couldn’t drag his heavy ass to bed.

— (bllk) NAGI, sae, REO, rin (genshin) KAEYA, CHILDE, xiao, venti, ITTO (star rail) sampo, JING YUAN (haikyuu) SUNA, tsuki, KENMA, KUROO (KNY) TANJIRO, giyu, sanemi (assclass) KARMA, ISOGAI () YOUR FAVES

@xyaehir 2024. This is my content, inspired or not. Do not translate, copy or plagiarise my works in any way. Reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated. <3

how sweet ! —

SYP — silly shenanigans 😸
GEN. — fluff, crack
WARN. — f!reader, not proofread or edited.
REQ. — “hi pretty!! can i request a drabble with nagi, camilo and other characters playing roblox together? it can be any game just roblox in general! love you <33”
NOTES. — omg!! xyae being active???!!! also cha eunwoo the man that u are😕 i literally dont write for encanto anymore but 🤡

you freeze for a moment and gulp before slowly moving your arm to peel back the duvet from your body. you hear shuffles before a hand grips your arm firmly but gently.
“just where do you think you’re going, hm?” he huffs, voice raspy and deep before his arms wrap around your waist and pull you back to his side.
you curse under your breath and give in, deciding that this is the only logical decision compared to the ones you’ve made in the past. you’ve learnt from past mistakes.
you see, your boyfriend would rather let the world burn under his touch than have you slip from his arms before he awakens from his slumber, especially in the morning. (he’s more prone to grouchiness and a bad mood throughout the day without his morning cuddles but he argues that it’s just too early to wake up.)
“i was just getting up to get some water. i was g’na come right back, honest!” you nod your head and muster your best convincing smile as he watches you lie straight through your teeth.
he looks at you, unamused eyes drooping after every second.
“could you lie a little bit better? theres a full glass of water near your nightstand,” he yawns, lying down on your chest and using you as a pillow. you curse softly again and he chuckles quietly, his shoulders shaking.
he nuzzles into you and tightens his grip on you. “you’re not going anywhere, stop trying.”
you sigh. you’re definitely aware with the amount of times you’ve attempted to escape the warm confines of his bed and arms. it’s always resulted in you getting dragged back and plopped on the bed.
still, it’s charming and flattering how willing he is to spend time with you by his side in the mornings, despite it ruining your motivation to be more productive in the early hours of the day.
“15 minutes and we have to get up,” you hum, playing with his hair.
“noo,” he whines. “at least an hour..”
you sputter a little, “an hour? we have to eat something soon.”
he huffs, leaning into your fingers as they gently card through his hair. “just order off of doordash or somethin’,” he trails off, dropping all his weight on you before falling back asleep.
you can feel your eye twitch.

“OH MY GOD, NO!” you scream, leaning back on your chair and almost falling over. you toss your phone on the loveseat nearby and scramble to hug your legs together.
he lets out a few chuckles before full on laughing. “it’s not even scary, why are you screaming?” he puts his phone down, looking at you with a boyish grin.
“no! im not touching that game,” you sulk, still trembling from the (not-so) terrifying jumpscare you were a victim to.
“baby,” he purses his lips together to suppress his laughter. “its a block game! you can’t be seriously scared of it, right?”
you look at him in disbelief and scoff, “beat the game yourself then!”
he shrugs, flashing you a smug smirk. “let’s make a deal. if i don’t flinch throughout every level of this game, you have to pay for the takeout.” (you both know its a lie, this man will die before he lets you use your money to pay.)
you huff, “sure. but if you do, i get to pick the movie.”
“deal, i’m not ‘bouta watch ‘Tinkerbell and the pirate fairy’ again,” he shudders, picking his phone back up and progressing through the level.
“its a good movie!” you argue.
“mhm, sure. but when i win, we’re rewatching gossip g-AH!” he lets out a girlish scream, scrambling off of the couch and dropping his phone without hesitation.
your shoulders shake from the cackle you let out before the uncontrollable giggles follow after.
you wipe tears gathering on your lashline, “wow, real brave, babe.”
he crosses his arms, face turning red as he juts his bottom lip out a little. “whatever, it just caught me offguard!” he tries to justify, looking away from your smiling face.
“it’s okay, baby. its totally normal to scream even louder than your girlfriend when you play a horror game on a block g-”
“SO TINKERBELL RIGHT?” he suggests loudly, trying to change the subject.
you giggle and he groans. (yea, you’re definitely not letting this go.)

@xyaehir 2024. This is my content, inspired or not. Do not translate, copy or plagiarise my works in any way. Reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated. <3

— (bllk) NAGI, sae, REO, rin (genshin) KAEYA, CHILDE, ITTO, diluc, wriothesely, alhaitham (star rail) sampo, JING YUAN (haikyuu) SUNA, tsuki, KUROO (KNY) tengen, giyu, sanemi (assclass) KARMA, gakushu (jjk) GOJO, geto, megumi () YOUR FAVES
— (bllk) REO, isagi, bachira (genshin) CHILDE, ITTO, KAVEH (star rail) sampo (KNY) TENGEN (jjk) GOJO, yuji (ENCANTO) CAMILO () YOUR FAVES

normally when you tuck yourself into bed with your lover, you expect him to snuggle into you immediately as he’s done many times.
so why was he scooting away from you instead? and why is he looking at you like he wants to fight?
you blink once and twice before looking at him quizzically. your lover is a man that is undoubtedly and obviously whipped for you, so why now is he acting like it’s the opposite?
“what are you doing?” you finally ask after multiple beats of silence. you watch him turn his head to the side and scoff, his glare intensifying at your arms.
or rather, what was nestled in it.
he narrows his eyes, “there’s an impostor here.”
you quirk an eyebrow, confused, before following his gaze down to your lap.
“why do you have that thing?” he side eyes the big plushie you’re hugging close to your chest.
oh. so that’s what this was about?
you sigh a bit dramatically, amused. “this ‘thing’ is comfortable to sleep with,” you mock his tone, gesturing to the plushie. “plus, he’s literally custom made to look like you.”
he scoffs before crossing his arms. “it’s custom made to look like me? but all it looks like is a filthy homewrecker!”
you laugh, shoulders shaking while he gapes at you (even though you can see the upward quirks of his lips as his facade threatens to break).
“this is no laughing matter, my dear wife!”
he lifts up his hand to point accusingly at the plushie that looks like his clone. “and you! why are you trying to ruin our relationship, huh?” he pokes his face repeatedly, each time putting more and more force.
“you wont take my wife, you hear me?!”
you giggle, watching the amusing interaction play out. “i can’t believe you’re seriously upset over something like this.”
he stops after processing your words. his gaze darkens a little and he reaches both his arms out to shakily grasp your shoulders. “honey, this is a serious situation! this thing is trying to ruin our lives!” he frowns, shaking you slightly.
“you’re a clown.”
“wh- hey!”
“it’s just a plushie, it can’t do anything wrong.”
“oh, so i’m the bad guy now, is that it? sorry for protecting our marriage then!”
you purse your lips to prevent anymore laughter to spill out and provoke your husband to poke the innocent plushie more. “baby, let’s just go to sleep, alright?”
his eyes soften when you reach out to pull his arm closer to you but suddenly narrows at the plushie still on your lap, his favourite pillow.
“sure, on one condition,” he states before picking the plushie up and throwing it out of the bedroom, quickly locking the door.
(you never saw that plushie again and he claims he has nothing to do with it.)

— (bllk) nagi (with more emotion n energy😭), reo (genshin) wriothesely, kaeya, childe, kaveh, itto, ayato (i can see it a lil) (star rail) sampo, jing yuan, caelus (haikyuu) suna, atsumu, kuroo, oikawa (jjk) gojo, geto (maybe), yuji, inumaki (if he could talk properly) (kny) douma, zenitsu (om) mammon, asmo

i’ve seen A LOT of drabbles like this but im not sure if anyone did this exact thing 😭 btw sch is starting real soon so ill be on n off on this app 🫢 this isnt edited yet 🥹

@xyaehir 2024. this is my content. do not translate, copy or plagiarise my works in any way. reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated. <3

normally when you tuck yourself into bed with your lover, you expect him to snuggle into you immediately as he’s done many times.
so why was he scooting away from you instead? and why is he looking at you like he wants to fight?
you blink once and twice before looking at him quizzically. your lover is a man that is undoubtedly and obviously whipped for you, so why now is he acting like it’s the opposite?
“what are you doing?” you finally ask after multiple beats of silence. you watch him turn his head to the side and scoff, his glare intensifying at your arms.
or rather, what was nestled in it.
he narrows his eyes, “there’s an impostor here.”
you quirk an eyebrow, confused, before following his gaze down to your lap.
“why do you have that thing?” he side eyes the big plushie you’re hugging close to your chest.
oh. so that’s what this was about?
you sigh a bit dramatically, amused. “this ‘thing’ is comfortable to sleep with,” you mock his tone, gesturing to the plushie. “plus, he’s literally custom made to look like you.”
he scoffs before crossing his arms. “it’s custom made to look like me? but all it looks like is a filthy homewrecker!”
you laugh, shoulders shaking while he gapes at you (even though you can see the upward quirks of his lips as his facade threatens to break).
“this is no laughing matter, my dear wife!”
he lifts up his hand to point accusingly at the plushie that looks like his clone. “and you! why are you trying to ruin our relationship, huh?” he pokes his face repeatedly, each time putting more and more force.
“you wont take my wife, you hear me?!”
you giggle, watching the amusing interaction play out. “i can’t believe you’re seriously upset over something like this.”
he stops after processing your words. his gaze darkens a little and he reaches both his arms out to shakily grasp your shoulders. “honey, this is a serious situation! this thing is trying to ruin our lives!” he frowns, shaking you slightly.
“you’re a clown.”
“wh- hey!”
“it’s just a plushie, it can’t do anything wrong.”
“oh, so i’m the bad guy now, is that it? sorry for protecting our marriage then!”
you purse your lips to prevent anymore laughter to spill out and provoke your husband to poke the innocent plushie more. “baby, let’s just go to sleep, alright?”
his eyes soften when you reach out to pull his arm closer to you but suddenly narrows at the plushie still on your lap, his favourite pillow.
“sure, on one condition,” he states before picking the plushie up and throwing it out of the bedroom, quickly locking the door.
(you never saw that plushie again and he claims he has nothing to do with it.)

— (bllk) nagi, reo (genshin) wriothesely, kaeya, childe, kaveh, itto, ayato (i can see it a lil) (star rail) sampo, jing yuan, caelus (haikyuu) suna, atsumu, kuroo, oikawa (jjk) gojo, geto (maybe), yuji, inumaki (if he could talk properly) (kny) douma, zenitsu

i’ve seen A LOT of drabbles like this but im not sure if anyone did this exact thing 😭 btw sch is starting real soon so ill be on n off on this app 🫢 this isnt edited yet 🥹

@xyaehir 2024. this is my content. do not translate, copy or plagiarise my works in any way. reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated. <3


— 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. arataki itto x gn!reader
— 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭. drabble ; 0.4k
— 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞. e2l au ; fluff, suggestive
— 𝐜𝐰𝐬. making out, swearing
— 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨. itto’s character teaser and character demo

Keep reading
“hold still!” —

SYP — self care night w ur sweet bf!
GEN. — fluff, crack
WARN. — gn!reader, male characters
REQ. — “Hi! Can I mayb request a skincare or spa day for any blue lock characters? If you don’t except this req, that’s totally fine! Thanks anyway!!!”
NOTES. — omg xyae!!! you finally posted!! no need for the applause guys 🙄🙄 also, i know some characters like reo, childe, kaeya etc would already know about skincare but we’re gna ignore that kay 😛

“stop moving!”
“i can’t help it, you’re smothering my face with this — this cleanser stuff!”
you sigh in mock annoyance, reaching your clean fingers to adjust the frog headband sitting on his hairline.
“do you do this everyday?” he tilts his head, squinting his eyes when you continue rubbing the product on his cheeks.
you hum in agreement, “its a way of taking care of your skin. you know, getting it to clear up.”
“my skin’s just fine. i just wash it with soap and not this — ‘hydrating cleanser’ stuff,” he rolls his eyes, using his fingers to air quote.
“how the hell do you have such nice skin when you wash it with hand soap?” you deadpan.
“genetics? i don’t really know,” he shrugs, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning into your gentle touch.
you hum. “ok, go wash this off,” you trail off, turning your back and grabbing the masks and serums. “so we can start with these!” you beam.
his eyebrow twitches.

“what’s that for?” he cocks a brow, pointing at the small package on your lap. “you’ll see in a sec,” you smile, tearing it open.
walking over, you adjust his cute sanrio headband again before gently placing the face mask on his face. he shivers but before he could open his mouth to complain or make some sassy quip, you slap a lip mask on his face.
that was 30 minutes ago.
now you’re stuck on the floor with a sleepy man twice your size, quite literally squeezing the life out of you.
“babe, we were supposed to take the masks off like 10 minutes ago,” you sighed, patting his head. you hear him grumble, mumbling incoherently.
“i’ll do it then, stay still,” you smiled softly, reaching for your mask and then his masks. “tilt your head back a bit.” he complies and you reach for the serum bottles.
applying a small drop of serum on his forehead and cheeks, you take notice of how his eyebrows furrow slightly at the cold liquid.
“it’s a lil cold,” you chuckle, kissing his forehead before spreading the serum all over his face.
he hums sleepily, voice breaking softly as his eyes flutter close.
it’s quiet for a while, before..
“oww!” he yelps, eyes flying open as he sits up hastily. “why are you slapping me?” he manages to get out in between slaps. you hum, “it helps your skin to absorb the product better.”
he side eyes you.

you hear him groan. ignoring it, you continue with your skincare routine. “ugh!” he groans, way louder and more exaggerated. you feel your eyebrow twitch.
by the time you chose to stop ignoring his whining, he’d already kicked the blankets off the bed.
“what do you want? i already finished your skincare so just go to bed,” you sigh, reaching for your eye cream.
“yea but when are you gonna finish?” he asks softly. ‘i can’t sleep without you.’
you smile at him through the vanity mirror.
“baby, just one more thing alright?” the sleeping mask you reach for clatters on the table softly. “five more minutes. can you wait for me, hon?”
he hums tiredly, standing up and making his way behind you.
he kneels down, wrapping his arms gently but securely around your waist and rests his head on your back. “hurry up, w’na hold you so bad.”
your heart flutters and your movements stutter. you gulp, patting the product into your pink cheeks.
you both slept horribly that night since he fell asleep holding you and you couldn’t drag his heavy ass to bed.

— (bllk) NAGI, sae, REO, rin (genshin) KAEYA, CHILDE, xiao, venti, ITTO (star rail) sampo, JING YUAN (haikyuu) SUNA, tsuki, KENMA, KUROO (KNY) TANJIRO, giyu, sanemi (assclass) KARMA, ISOGAI () YOUR FAVES

@xyaehir 2024. This is my content, inspired or not. Do not translate, copy or plagiarise my works in any way. Reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated. <3


feat : diluc, childe, itto, kazuha + xiao
ღ warnings — f!reader, somnophilia (off screen consent given), thigh jobs, you wake up, pussy jobs, pussy eating, dry humping.
ღ note — this idea literally came to me while i was showering and i had to jump out to write it down sob but these read kinda rushed so m sorry i hope u guys enjoy anyway >~<

diluc couldn’t help that you were the only thing on his mind most of the time, even when he’s hazy and drowsy with the remnants of sleep he can’t deny the the way his cock twitches in his boxers. even in his dreams you look so pretty beneath him and when he feels your skin graze against his own when he rolls over, he can’t resist his sudden craving when he wakes with a groan.
“how am i supposed to resist.” diluc groans, his fingers gentle when they smooth underneath the fabric of your shirt to pull you closer to his chest — he could still move you so easily, even when your body was thick with sleep, you were always so pliant for him. so he pulls you close, close enough for him to be able to roll his hips into yours—just enough for his clothed cock to graze along the dips and curves of your skin until he’s biting back a growl and burying himself in the crook of your neck. the way diluc is moving against you is almost mindless, rocking you back and forth along the length of him and the front of his boxers are already damp, stained with precum and if he wasn’t so lost in pleasure he’d be embarrassed at how little composure he has when it comes to you. but then you swirl your hips lewdly, turning to him with drowsy eyes and he feels like he can barely think—the humiliation of being caught rutting into you like a dog only making the coil in his stomach twist tighter and he squeezes your hips, grunting when a mewl falls from your lips as you rock yourself back and forth along the intense, sensitive nerves of his cock. “you’re intoxicating, sweetheart. i’m s-sorry for disturbing you—g-god.”

maybe it’s the dreamy sounds you make when you’re lying next to him that had his mind drifting to you, even when sleep is thick in his bones he can hear your sweet whines—feel the way your fingertips would curl in his hair and pull when he drinks in everything you give him, so when he wakes up he can’t help but have an insatiable thirst.
your limbs are heavy when childe shifts your thigh over his shoulder, you’re still lost in sleep but he almost growls when he dips his tongue past your folds—still finding you wet when he cuts up past the clit to circle the bud before pulling away with a pop. “you’re no better than me, sweet girl.” he groans, lips curling with a soft delight before he’s dipping his head towards you once more, a dreamy laugh falling over your glistening pussy before he’s sliding his tongue around your lips feverishly, drinking in everything you give him as he curls it against your clit—sucking and flicking at the bud until you’re wet enough for him to push two fingers inside of you without much resistance. maybe that’s what wakes you, your fingers immediately finding their place to twist in childe’s hair and it only spurs on his movements, lewdly slurping and smacking at the slick his fingers push back out with every twist of his wrist and he feels dizzy—with how his hips are instinctively moving and rutting against the mattress, taking in any sort of friction he can get against his leaking, sensitive cock as he loses himself in you.

itto was insatiable at the best of times, even in his dreams he could still feel the way your walls would twitch around his cock—remembering the stretch of your pussy, squeezing tighter for every inch he sinks in and it makes him dizzy when he wakes up in a sweat, feeling the throb of his thick cock behind the fabric of his boxers, it’s only made him greedy for the real thing.
itto’s lips part to groan when he finally sinks into you, ragged and hungry and the ache that was throbbing through his fat cock finally eases when your walls squeeze around him. even in your sleep your thighs still twitch when he pushes into you, filling you up so well—he doesn’t even need to try to graze past your sweet spots because the thickness of his heavy cock made it so easy. his hands squeeze at your hips, panting and hungry as his huge body leans over you while he tries to bury his needy whines into your skin, but you’re walls are flexing around him the deeper he goes and he’s nibbling along your jawline until he’s bottoming out with a hiss. “damn, baby. what the hell are you doing to me.” his eyes are hazy, still dark with lust when itto pulls his hips back to begin a steady but heavy pace, the needy hug of your walls rewarding each crushing thrust with a twitch around his cock that has him moaning lowly, loud squelching noises growing louder as a faint moan leaves your lips—but he’s too lost in you to notice. “itto?” you gasp, the force of his hips picking up at the sound of your voice until it’s a little faster, rougher and you’re extra sensitive with sleep. “y-yeah, babe? did you sleep good—fuck!”

maybe it was the way you melted into him while he slept that had him mindless, drowsy and needy—his mind felt full with thoughts of your glistening folds, the feeling of your slick and the way it always made his cock glisten whenever he would draw his hips back, but now his brain won’t let him sleep until he sees it again, his eyes fluttering open when a low whine falls from his lips and he’s wrapped in you.
your pussy feels like honey when kazuha allows his cock to graze along your slick folds, he’s messily pulled your thin panties to the side—dipping over your body to bury his face into the crook of your neck while he ruts helplessly against you. you feel so warm and he earns a soft sigh from your pliant body when the head of his pretty cock catches under the hood of your clit, the feeling of your thighs twitching against his palm making him whine as he inhales the familiar, sweet scent of you. “i’ll n-never get enough of you.” kazuha whispers, rolling his hips back into yours and he gasps softly when his cock catches on your hole—teasing him with your warm walls, the way they flex and squeeze around the sensitive veins when he would first sink in and he feels dizzy, breathless almost at the memory. but he was fine with this right now, he’d much rather control himself for when you wake up—so he can see the pretty expressions your face makes as you grab at him, so when he feels you shuffle underneath him with a grumble, he grunts because that might just be sooner than he thought.

・✶ 。゚XIAO
xiao can almost feel it, almost. the needy push and pull of your pussy, the way your nails feel when they’re scratching lines along his skin and the dizzy spin in his mind when your walls twitch around him. so maybe it’s the way your thigh accidentally graze along his sensitive shaft while you sleep that pulls him back—makes him snap awake from his lewd dream of you, back to reality with a thin sheen of sweat along his skin and precum gathering at the head of his hard cock.
xiao squeezes his eyes closed when he rolls his hips forward, his skin feels sticky and he’s still hazy with sleep but when he feels your thighs instinctively squeeze around his cock—where it’s nestled between your skin, he still needs to bite back a pleasured hiss, burying it in your skin as he presses kiss along the dip of your shoulder. he just didn’t want to wake you, not for his own selfish reasons but the throb in his abdomen wasn’t something he could easily ignore, so now his fingers are gripping almost painfully at your hips and he’s rutting into the space between your thighs, needy whimpers falling from his lips everytime he pulls back—precum coating your skin with every thrust, the mess between your thighs only making the back and forth of his cock even smoother. “you make me s-so weak.” xiao hisses, pressing his chest closer against your back and he feels himself grow warmer when he suddenly feels your hand rest over his—a groggy, barely audible sigh of his name falling from your lips that makes his pace stutter, but you push back into him and he can’t find it in himself to stop, your thighs like silk around him. “i—i didn’t mean to wake you, ugh—i couldn’t s-stop.”

© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
# when you fall asleep on their chest

arataki itto
goes :0 then :D then :)
pets or strokes your hair
looks around to see if there’s anything that’ll wake you up; glares at anything that makes a noise
you kiss his nose sleepily
there are hearts in his eyes when they widen along with the biggest smile
falls asleep with a protective bear hug around your figure (your face is smushed into his chest)
probably drools on you
kamisato ayato
you fall asleep as he works at his messy table
smiles with a soft little exhale
puts down anything he’s attending to and adjusts your figure so that you’re facing towards him
tucks your stray hair behind your ear; his fingers grace your cheek
kisses your hand; it’s a habit of his now
drapes his ridiculous suit around you like a roll
falls asleep with your hand intwined with his
is probably crocheting/sewing during downtime when you decide to cuddle with him
sets it aside and smiles
thoma is really really comfortingly warm, especially when he puts your arms around you
fixes the position of your head so that your neck won’t get cramped when you wake up; runs his hands through your hair
the ideal nap place is by the big tree in hanamizaka, where all the little animals will come and surround you as you both nap :)
is sifting through report documents when you fall asleep on his lap, your head tucked in between his neck
gets really flustered, especially when your head slides down toward his chest
tries to reposition you because he worries your head will slide down to his lap and your legs will collapse to the floor 😭 ?!
you wake up because of this and apologizes a million times
you cup his face with one hand and scratch his ear with the other and tell him to relax
he succumbs to your actions, mumbles something about neglecting his duty and curls up with you in the chair
kaedehara kazuha
you both have the night watch on the alcor
you get bored and point out constellations in the night sky, connecting the stars with your fingers as his eyes sparkle over you in subtle wonder
he falls asleep first, a smile imprinting itself on your neck as he settles in between just after the juncture of your chin and neck
you fluster and try to bat him away in annoyance; he replies with further kisses down your neck, and by shooting you the most lovestruck, sly look
you give in, heart thumping madly as you both fall asleep under the starry sky <3
beidou scolds you the next morning

author’s note : some lazy brainrot while i write kintsugi (yes i’m actually writing it oh wow) inspired by this post by _yapsharlene ! p.s. the first chapter of kintsugi is now out! show some love for it here <3

© hamayumis 2022 all rights reserved. do not claim or repost.
𝓓𝓪𝔂 29 - Smaller Is Better || Arataki Itto x fem!reader

Summary: Itto simply loves your size.
Warnings: smut
Word count: 491
Author: Cass
A/N: The prompt for today is: Size Kink

As it always is with Oni, you're tiny in comparison to him; he's large and strong. Despite all this, he loves your size, it makes you cute in your own way, and this charm always makes him go crazy over you.
When he eats you out, teasing you with his sharp teeth, or touching you carefully to avoid hurting you with his claws, your quiet whimpers are like music to his ears.
"You're so tight," Itto chuckles, trying his best to push you onto his massive cock only to earn a whimper from you; he immediately places his hand on your lower belly, swallowing hardly at the bulge he causes. "Careful now, little one."
One of the things that makes the experience so special is the feeling of the soft warmth of your walls as you hold him so tightly. He needs to stop fucking you and flipping you however he wants.
In truth, you're more than grateful he doesn't intend to hurt you.
After exhaling a shaky breath, you begin moving your hips slowly, taking as much of his cock as your tight cunt allows; not even half of his cock is in, and you already feel full.
"C'mon, don't force yourself. I don't want my little girl to get hurt," Itto teases you, moving his finger to your clit to play with your bundle of nerves.
Indulging in the sweet feeling of his cock stretching your pussy, you start moving your hips a little faster. It still hurts a little bit, but soon that feeling is replaced by sweet pleasure. It causes you to moan.
As you move your hips, Itto keeps playing with your cute, tiny slit.
It takes a long time before you can fully slide down his shaft.
"A-ha! See, my brave, good, little girl? I knew you could do it," he exclaims, grasping your hips.
You moan as soon as he starts moving. "Fuck. Itto… I can't!"
"I'm sure you can! Who else would but my girl, right?" Itto smiles, speeding up his pace.
Nodding, you just take it, letting him use you as he pleases until you can no longer handle it. As your climax washes over you, you whimper his name as loudly as your throat allows you to.
When your walls embrace him so perfectly he can no longer hold himself back, Itto feels at peace. Ropes of warm cum fill you, creating a white ring where the two of you are connected. "S-so fucking good. Wanna go again?" He asks as his arms tighten around you.
As you laugh, you shake your head, still trying to catch your breath. "I love you Itto, but I need a break."
Laughing, he squeezes your arm, "Oh... Yes! Right, right. A short break for my little girlfriend. Just so you know, I love you. You know that, right?"
"I know, Itto. I love you too," you nod with a smile spreading across your lips.

imagine kissing itto for the first time ♥️👹

its fast, messy and unbalanced, both of you knocking your teeth together and unable to find the right position cause of your noses. giggles and nervous huffs of breath as you pull away. it’s awkward but neither of you mind. the second try goes smoother, slower and your hands go to his jaw. his face feels warm. you grin and in turn so does he. gentle hands shaking oh so lightly as he pulls you closer by the waist and kisses you deeper. he gets excited and bites your bottom lip making it sting, grinning more when you huff and softly tug at his hair. parting with red faces and gentle pants he smiles at you so beautifully, his bright eyes filled with such adoration for you it makes your heart hurt. he leans in placing his forehead against yours, nuzzling you but minding his horns. soft rumbling from his chest and more kisses, you know you won’t be leaving his arms anytime soon.
Sleepy Cuddles Part 3
Time for part three of this lovely headcanons series!
Part 1, Part 2
Characters: Cyno, Enjou, Itto, Gorou, Kazuha, Kaveh
He likes to cuddle a lot tbh.
I feel like he’d be one of the ones that just kinda… latches onto you and won’t let go whatsoever.
Since he’s usually busy, cuddles are a luxury in his eyes, and when he gets them, he doesn’t want to let go.
I also feel like he’d be one of the ones that hates getting up, but has to because he’s got work.
His favorite position to cuddle in is facing you with his arms wrapped around you.
Don’t tell anyone, but it’s because it makes him feel safe.
He also likes it when you scratch his scalp if you have long nails.
His body runs warmer than most when he’s in his abyss form, but he still absolutely adores cuddles.
Since he works for the abyss, he usually just takes you with him wherever he goes.
If he’s able to sit down for even five seconds, you best bet he’s already got you in his lap.
He’s the big spoon, I don’t make the rules.
Whenever he gets tired, he’ll just sit down beside you on the couch or wherever you are and just lay his head down on your lap, demanding your attention.
He also loves having you lay down on his chest, with him holding you.
He also likes holding your hands whenever the two of you cuddle, just as a sort of reminder that you’re there with him.
When you ask him for cuddles, be prepared for him to wrap you up in a bear hug and not let go for a while.
Another big spoon, he likes to hold you like that and it also prevents him from possibly hurting you with his horns.
It takes a bit of convincing on your part, but he eventually grows to love resting his head on your lap.
He sometimes drags you into his lap whenever he’s sitting down and you walk by.
He also loves head scratches, it’s one of his favorite things because you always scratch just the right spot and he swears he falls even more in love with you every time you scratch his scalp.
Occasionally, he’ll give you a massage if he sees that you had a really hard day, and honestly, he gives the best massages.
He likes having you close, and one of the best ways he shows it is when he cuddles with you.
His tail wags a lot whenever he cuddles with you.
One of his favorite things to do is rest his head against your chest, and have his arms wrapped around your waist.
He won’t admit it to anyone other than you, but he loves it when you scratch his ears.
He’s pretty warm, so he’s a really good cuddle partner.
You’re the only one who gets to touch his tail though, no one else.
He usually cuddles with you whenever the two of you are alone.
Although he’s all serious and stuff whenever the two of you are in public, he’s practically glued to your side whenever the two of you are alone.
He likes laying his head on your lap.
If he can’t do that, then he’ll wrap his arms around you and rest his head against your chest.
He usually just goes with what you prefer, but if it were his choice, he’d probably hold you like that.
He’ll read you poems that he’s written while the two of you cuddle together.
Also loves it whenever you run your fingers through his hair and take it out of its ponytail.
If you’re traveling with the Crux, then his favorite place to cuddle is up in the crow’s nest.
He’ll also tell you about his travels as he holds you.
He’s a little spoon, I’m not changing my stance on this.
There’s only one scenario where I can see him being the big spoon, and that’s if you had a really bad day.
Whenever Alhaitham bothers him, he’ll seek you out and cuddle with you until he feels better.
He likes it when you play with his hair, it relaxes him if he’s had a stressful day.
Another position he likes cuddling with you in is having you lay on top of his chest.
There are few times when he genuinely overworks himself to exhaustion, but when he does, and you take care of him, he’ll want to stay with you forever.
His body runs relatively cold, so his hands are cold, but that’s all the more reason to hold yours, isn’t it?