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Suppose You Committed A Serious Crime, And Were Brought Into Court. The Evidence Against You Is Overwhelming,

Suppose You Committed A Serious Crime, And Were Brought Into Court. The Evidence Against You Is Overwhelming,

Suppose you committed a serious crime, and were brought into court. The evidence against you is overwhelming, and the judge asks how do you plead and you say GUILTY, and then asks if you have anything to say and you sincerely plead:

“I am SO SORRY!! I promise I will NEVER do this again! Please have MERCY on me!”

Regardless of how earnest you are an EARTHLY JUDGE has no choice but to execute JUSTICE according to the law — but before the HEAVENLY JUDGE it’s a different story!

While we all deserve judgement as due justice for our sins, in God’s courtroom 1 John 2:1 says that “If any man sin, we have an ADVOCATE with the Father, JESUS CHRIST the righteous” where 'advocate' here not only means attorney or counselor, but additionally that the fine and punishment for your sin WAS fully paid for by this adovocate on your behalf through the blood of Christ:

“In him (Christ) we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.” Ephesians 1:7

All of us one day will stand before the heavenly judge, and if in that courtroom you do not have Jesus as your Advocate, your sentence will be the Hammer of JUSTICE instead of the Cross of MERCY.

Friend, sincerely confess your sins today BEFORE before you stand in that court, and you WILL receive God’s MERCY which you do not deserve instead of the JUSTICE that you do deserve.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
A Car At A Stoplight Had A Bumper Sticker That Simply Said 'Non-Judgment Day Is Coming.' As This Fellow

A car at a stoplight had a bumper sticker that simply said 'Non-Judgment Day Is Coming.' As this fellow pulled away, it raised an interesting question and that was 'How exactly can an event be coming that is NOT coming?' But then pondering more about it, depending on your point of view this statement could be entirely correct!

From the perspective of many, a day of judgment is definitely NOT coming. If there is no god, then it makes perfect sense to be free to live life with impunity without any repercussions for your actions. You are free to 'eat, drink, and be merry' because there are no limits or restrictions on life except the ones you set.

On the other hand, the Bible says something diametrically opposed to that - but with a hopeful twist! While Romans 16:20 says that such a day is indeed coming, here’s the thing – Judgment Day is coming for some but not everyone. Here’s why…

While God is a God of Love, He is also a God of Justice. While we will all cross the threshold of mortality into eternity, when we reach that intersection those that have received a pardon for their sins by standing under the doorposts of the blood of Christ, just as the Hebrews did in Egypt, were “passed over” from that Judgment Day. That means that for those not under the redeeming blood of the Lamb of God (Christ), Judgment Day WILL Come.

So YES, there is a Non-Judgment Day coming for some, but not because you put a bumper sticker on your car, but those that have put their faith in Christ to redeem them from (i.e. pay for) their sins and remove the charges against them that would cause them to stand before that final heavenly court.

If you are “In The World” and not in Christ, then Judgment Day IS coming, but you don’t have to face it.

Agreeing with a bumper sticker will not prevent it from coming. The question you have to ask yourself is “Will You Be Ready When It Comes??”

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
There Are Certain Professions Where There Is Never A Break In Service.

There are certain professions where there is never a break in service.

At all times there are police on duty, soldiers manning a post, and fireman at the ready. All stations are manned because the dangers that are ever present are always at hand.

Ministry is exactly the same because like today’s verse, there is an evil adversary that seeks to destroy people, communities, and churches – and it is those in ministry that stand daily at the gates to recognize this threat and push back against this enemy to the people that they are responsible for.

While pastors and ministers of the gospel are often portrayed and conceived as “Wally Cox” kind of namby-pamby persons, the true ministers of God instead are Spiritual Special Forces that ‘fight the good fight’ every day and push back against the attacks of the devil on a battle field that is real but visible to the uninitiated:

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12

Ministers and ministry never go on holiday, and while they fight these spiritual battles each day, we need to hold them up daily prayer to carry on the fight. Remember those in ministry and lift them up in prayer today - and every day.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

Happy and Blessed THANKS-Giving!

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2 years ago
Imagine That You Went To The Doctor, And After Examining You, She Leaves The Room And Comes Back After

Imagine that you went to the doctor, and after examining you, she leaves the room and comes back after awhile with a grimace on her face and says, “I am sorry to tell you this but your test results came back and you have a life-threatening disease. If unchecked it always results in death, however we caught it in time and have a sure cure for it. Would you like to start treatment right away?”

So if this was you, what would your answer be? Would you take the cure?

Of course you would.

Well the truth is every single person ever born has a terminal disease, and that disease is called SIN. If left untreated, it always results in certain death.

Fortunately like the doctor offered to the stricken patient, there is a sure cure! It but it does not come from a hospital or a lab, but it came from a hill called Golgatha 2,000 years ago from the Blood of Jesus Christ that was poured out as He was crucified on a cross. The Bible says the cure was given when -

“(Christ’s blood (was) poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” Matthew 26:28

There IS a sure cure for the disease of sin, and if left unchecked ETERNAL death is certain, but if you haven’t received it yet, you can! All you have to do is to ask the Great Physician for this cure to forgive you of your sins, and when you do The cure is FREE and SURE.

Will you take this cure today?

What will YOUR answer be?

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

Please Like and Share….Thank You!

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2 years ago
What Does It Mean To DIE ToSELF?

What does it mean to DIE to SELF?

Throughout the New Testament we learn the true essence of the Christian life means to take up our cross and follow Christ. Dying to self is part of being born again, because when the Old Self Dies the New Self comes to life (John 3:3–7). Not only are Christians born again when we come to salvation, but we also continue dying to self as part of the process of sanctification. This means that dying to self is not only a one-time event, but a lifelong process.

Jesus spoke repeatedly to His disciples about taking up their cross (meaning an instrument of death) and following Him, and that this means denying themselves, spiritually, symbolically, and even physically, if necessary. This was a prerequisite for being a follower of Christ, who proclaimed that trying to 'save' their earthly lives would result in losing their lives. He then went so far as to say that those who are unwilling to sacrifice their lives for Him cannot be His disciples.

When we are baptized, he action of being immersed in water symbolizes dying to all our sins and being buried with Christ, and coming out of the water is a picture of Christ’s resurrection. Water purifies and is a symbol of cleansing and renewal which identifies us with Christ in His death and resurrection, portraying symbolically the whole life of the Christian as a dying to self and living for and I Him.

My friend, dying to self is not an option for Christians — It ’s A Choice That Leads To Eternal Life.

Have you crucified yourself to Christ, or are you still living in this world for yourself?

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves YouWhat does it mean to DIE to SELF?

Throughout the New Testament we learn the true essence of the Christian life means to take up our cross and follow Christ. Dying to self is part of being born again, because when the Old Self Dies the New Self comes to life (John 3:3–7). Not only are Christians born again when we come to salvation, but we also continue dying to self as part of the process of sanctification. This means that dying to self is not only a one-time event, but a lifelong process.

Jesus spoke repeatedly to His disciples about taking up their cross (meaning an instrument of death) and following Him, and that this means denying themselves, spiritually, symbolically, and even physically, if necessary. This was a prerequisite for being a follower of Christ, who proclaimed that trying to 'save' their earthly lives would result in losing their lives. He then went so far as to say that those who are unwilling to sacrifice their lives for Him cannot be His disciples.

When we are baptized, he action of being immersed in water symbolizes dying to all our sins and being buried with Christ, and coming out of the water is a picture of Christ’s resurrection. Water purifies and is a symbol of cleansing and renewal which identifies us with Christ in His death and resurrection, portraying symbolically the whole life of the Christian as a dying to self and living for and I Him.

My friend, dying to self is not an option for Christians — It ’s A Choice That Leads To Eternal Life.

Have you crucified yourself to Christ, or are you still living in this world for yourself?

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

* Read over 700 other messages like this at

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2 years ago
By Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada

By Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your faithfulness to God?

Unfortunately, some think that they can live life with one foot in the world and the other foot half way committed to God, but doing so is a slippery slope which always takes us BACKWARDS to trouble instead of FORWARD to Blessing.

Imagine your child treating you the way you treat God — giving lip service by pretending to be good, but sneaking around doing things you were taught not to do. Doing so dishonors God but grieves him!

You see, when we obey God, we demonstrate our love and faithfulness to Him. Jesus said, “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” (John 15:10–11).

Friend, playing games with God is never good because not only is He watching us, but because others are watching how we live. As the NEW TESTAMENT is a testament of the gospel to the world, our lives need to be a LIVING TESTAMENT that reflect God to others in how we talk, act, and live.

My dear friend, if you have been “playing games with God,” now is the time to live a much more obedient life — and with it will come peace and a deep satisfaction of being in your wealthy place. That is the game that God wants YOU to “WIN!”

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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