hades-999 - Hades 999
Hades 999

174 posts

I'm Gona Call Her.....

I'm gona call her.....

Rose Pearl 🌹

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More Posts from Hades-999

5 years ago

Pink Quartz 🌹

Ok guys, hear me out:

Yes, Pink was a Diamond and just like them, made some serious mistakes.......

Pink Quartz
Pink Quartz
Pink Quartz
Pink Quartz





Pink Quartz

.....she changed 💠




She made possible her

Pink Quartz

She set Pearl free

Pink Quartz

She formed a team, saved people and fought for the planet

Pink Quartz

And she gave up herself for Steven

Pink Quartz


I can't ask anybody to love Pink Diamond. ♦️

But please, don't hate Rose Quartz... 🌹

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5 years ago

Theory Time 🕘

Pararel realityes

I have the feeling Cat Blanc and Felix happened in the same day, just not in the same universe (or in the same one if Adrien just put away that hat......)

Main Villain

Theory Time

Opening / ending scenes

Theory Time

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5 years ago

Theory Time 🕘

Senti Adrien 🐦

Despite of my personal oppinion, I gona post it, cause it's still an interesting theory. 😸

It's a cannon that Adrien is a Senti Monster. But the great question is;

Where is his Amok?

Theory Time

After "Felix", I have a feeling that his Amok in Emilie's / Gabriel's ring

After "Cat Blanc", it must be Emilie's, because Gabriel's destroyed with Hawk Moth

Or, actually, now Gabriel's, because he weares Emilie's ring now on.

Not forget: "Felix" takes place after "Cat Blanc" , so Hawk Moth wore his own ring than

Theory Time
Theory Time







Two other questions:

How can act Adrien in an independent way if he is a Senti Monster?

Because Senti Monsters obey to the one who owns their Amok, Adrien could makes action of his own if it was Emilie's wish

As you could see in "Ladybug" or "Feast", Senti Monsters have their own personality and will (of course, it will be based on the emotion what brought them to life)


If Adrien is a Senti Monster, why Nathali/Mayura can't sense it in him/Cat Noir?

On one hand, Nathali knew Hawk Moth identity, maybe he knew about the Amok as well

On the other hand: don't forget, Feast's Amok was in him. If this theory is correct, Adrien's Amok is constantly in on place, Mayura can't senses it, because it isn't with Adrien/Cat Noir.

Of course, she can sense it in the house, but if she know about it, why would she wants to harm Adrien?

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5 years ago

Theory Time 🕘

New Felix promo

Guys, we get a new trailer for Felix, but first the necescary allert 😌:









So, the new trailer:

Awesome, right?



1. Mother complex

Theory Time

This look of Adrien's got me...... Maybe Adrien sees Nathali as a mother, more than Gabriel as a love interest? Could be.......

That is a beautiful statue and Adrien is nice to visite

It seems he is missing his mother, but also let her go.

2. Felix

Theory Time

Not so happy to see Adrien

More info in my Copy Cat 2 post

3. Akumas fight

Theory Time
Theory Time
Theory Time
Theory Time

Wow, Nathali ! 😁

Wow, Adrien! 😁

May you noticed the other Reflekta in the background. She could be Nathali... (She also "stoped" by Lady Wifi)

So..... There's 3 akumas..... But all of them colourful and have different weapons..... So, they are not Scarlett Akumas.....

Theory: Hawk Moth akumatize himself to be able create multiple Akumas......?

Hawk Moth akumatize Felix to do the same.....?

Maybe they do it, because Adrien thinks Nathali is Mayura 🐦

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5 years ago

Happy B. day, Marinette !

And B. for Big releval.....




Do you guys remember when Bunnix 🐇 asked Marinette/ Minibug if she wants to see her next birthday gift? It could be just a term for not spoil something good, but also could be a reference for the future:

In some spoiler (sorry, I don't remember witch one) was an informatio; the hamster's name will takes a part in The releval....

If you remember, in episode "Weredad", Tom (Marinette's father) misunderstood the situation and belived Marinette wants to call her hammster to "Nightmare"

And Cat Noir was there as well.......

So, what if Adrien gona give a hammster for Marinette's birthday and sayes she could call it "Nightmare".........

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