interwebois - Interweb bois
Interweb bois

Not meddically recognized but talking to a therapist that knows about DID/OSDD and doing that type of work

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Of Course TW

Of Course TW

Jon Uhler videos are always on point and eye opening.

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11 months ago

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11 months ago
I Cling To You; Your Right Hand Upholds Me. Psalm 63:8

“I cling to you; your right hand upholds me.” — Psalm 63:8

11 months ago

Question for Fictional Introjects Out There

We do edit therapy. Let me explain. We edit our sources which we did before even realizing about each other but still do them, for us it’s very Cathartic and mostly because for us the source stuff usually has some connections to this body’s life thus far and really sit and help understand what we feel or what another Part feels. Wondered if other Fictional Introjects do the same.

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11 months ago

we never got help until we were an active suicide risk and even after that nobody believed us about our mothers abuse

so many people fall through the cracks like me

i was a problem child when in reality i was just being abused

nobody did anything

nobody tried to help us

nobody noticed

abusers can often hide their abuse well only showing their abusive side behind closed doors but there has to be a way for kids not to fall through the cracks

we as humans need to approve so kids end up hurt

nobody deserves to feel like i did